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      • "Soul or nothing": The formation of cultural identity on the British Northern Soul scene

        Browne, Kimasi Lionel John University of California, Los Angeles 2005 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        This dissertation documents obscure African American soul music (from Motown and other record labels) and its affective work in forming emotional, social, economic, and cultural identity in the predominantly male, white, and working class Northern Soul scene based in England from 1967 to present. The study is based on fieldwork in this "underground" community in England, Wales, and the Republic of Ireland. The community is a disparate, heterogeneous representation of the wide diversity of British culture, but following the model and outline of four components of a music culture set forth by Mark Slobin and Jeff Todd Titon, it can be viewed as an intact quasi-homogeneous music culture. A history of soul music and Northern Soul is presented. Music consumption (e.g., genres, dancing, collecting, venues) and music production (e.g., deejaying, "breaking" or popularizing records, new compilations of rare soul recordings, and live performances) within the community are examined, along with fans' collectively shared ideas about music, belief systems, contexts, aesthetics, and musical and social traditions. The Northern Soul subculture comprises working class people in the post-industrial north of England who have adopted African American cultural products as their own cultural expression. Northern Soul fans discuss the impact of their working-class status on their activities and their attraction and loyalty to the Northern scene. Formation of cultural identity is analyzed in terms of material culture, specifically the 45-RPM 7-inch vinyl record as a metaphor for personal power and legitimacy, since these working-class white males have established their place in society through the material culture of "others" (i.e., collections of African American soul music records). A descriptive and phenomenological analysis of selected Northern Soul songs is presented. Conversations with Dave Godin, the 'Godfather of R&B in the U.K.,' who coined the terms "Northern Soul" and "Deep Soul," composer/performer Frank Wilson, and Northern Soul DJ Steve Cato (an example of what it means to be young, black, and male in today's Northern Soul community) are included, as is a detailed discussion of the scene's geography.

      • Growth and Carrier Transport Studies of III-Nitride Alloys by Ammonia Molecular Beam Epitaxy

        Browne, David Alan University of California, Santa Barbara 2015 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        The III-Nitride alloys span the entire visible spectrum and offer applications to LEDs, lasers, solar cells and power electronics. A detailed understanding of heterojunction growth is required for achieving high performance devices especially due to the large lattice mismatch in this alloy system. The wurtzite crystal system also lacks an inversion center which provides a polarization-induced electric field along the c direction that can be exploited in device design or reduced by growth on other substrate orientations. We present results on the growth of InGaN films by Ammonia MBE on polar gallium nitride substrates as well as on nonpolar and semipolar orientations. We show results from coloaded growth conditions and investigate the effect of substrate temperature, growth rate, and ammonia flow on indium incorporation and impurity uptake. We then present solar cell results from a high indium uptake semipolar orientation with fields in a favorable direction for a p-i-n device. We also investigate and understand the effect of relaxation via basal plane slip and unintentional impurity incorporation on device performance. Results are then be presented on electron transport through c plane InGaN/GaN multiple quantum well (MQW) active regions grown by NH3 MBE which have direct relevance to transport in MQW solar cells and LEDs. The presence of indium fluctuations in InGaN has been suspected and debated in the literature for some time, but there is still much that is not well understood. We present Atom Probe Tomography (APT) analysis of the quantum wells to explicitly examine the magnitude and length scale of these observed local alloy fluctuations. The discrepancy in current-voltage behavior between experiment and modeling using traditional 1D simulation software will be discussed. A 2D/3D drift-diffusion Schrodinger-Poisson solver developed by collaborators was used to input alloy fluctuation parameters to elucidate their direct effect on barrier heights and on transport behavior in these devices.

      • Measurement of 34ar(α,p)37k Using the Jensa Gas Jet Target

        Browne, Justin Edward Michigan State University ProQuest Dissertations & 2021 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        X-ray bursts are very luminous thermonuclear explosions that occur in binary star systems. In these systems, a neutron star accreting matter from a companion star undergoes a runaway thermonuclear explosion, caused by a breakout from the CNO-cycle into the αp-process. The αp-process consists of a series of (α,p) and (p,γ) reactions. In this process, there are “waiting point” nuclei at which the nuclear burning pauses until the stellar conditions change so that the (α,p) reaction rate increases and burning continues. 34Ar is one of these waiting point nuclei, and sensitivity studies have found that varying the 34Ar(α,p)37K reaction rate significantly impacts the light curve of x-ray bursts.Because the 34Ar(α,p)37K cross section had never been directly measured before, the reaction rates used in simulations are based on Hauser-Feshbach predictions. These predictions are hypothesized to be inaccurate because the Hauser-Feshbach statistical model requires a high level density in the compound nucleus and assumes there are no dominant resonances.This thesis describes an experiment at the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory (NSCL) designed to test Hauser-Feshbach predictions by directly measuring the 34Ar(α,p)37K cross section. A radioactive ion beam of 34Ar15+ with energies of 57.04 MeV and 54.19 MeV was delivered to a (5–8) x 1018 atoms/cm2 thick He target, created by the Jet Experiments in Nuclear Structure and Astrophysics (JENSA) gas jet target. The recoils and beam were detected by the ANASEN position-sensitive ionization chamber, and the ejectiles were detected by an array of silicon detectors combining SuperORRUBA and SIDAR. The beam included contamination from the decay products of 34Ar, namely 34Cl and 34S. While the contribution from 34S(α,p)37Cl could be subtracted because the cross section had be previously measured, the contributions from 34Cl(α,p)37Ar and 34Ar(α,p)37K could not be separated, so a combined cross section for the two was derived from the data.The combined 34Cl(α,p)37Ar and 34Ar(α,p)37K cross sections were determined to be (70 ± 21) mb at (5.91 ± 0.08) MeV and (52 ± 13) mb at (5.51 ± 0.08) MeV in the center of mass frame. Comparison with Hauser-Feshbach theory indicates that the experimental cross sections are lower by 37 % and 20 %, for the two energies, respectively. This suggests that the hypothesis that the Hauser-Feshbach model overestimates the 34Ar(α,p)37K cross section by 2 orders of magnitude is unlikely to be true at these energies.

      • Elastic Turbulence in Porous Media

        Browne, Christopher A Princeton University ProQuest Dissertations & Thes 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        Polymer additives have potential as a key engineering tool for modifying environmental, industrial, energy, and microfluidic flows. In many cases, polymer elasticity can drive unstable, chaotic flow fluctuations in many ways reminiscent of turbulence, despite the absence of inertia that is typically requisite. While this unstable flow is well-studied in unconfined settings, it remains poorly understood how---or even if---this instability arises in complex, tortuous porous media, which are characteristic of environmental, industrial, energy, and microfluidic applications. In this dissertation, we address this gap in knowledge by fabricating transparent porous media of controlled geometries and directly imaging the flow in situ. First, using 1D pore arrays, we demonstrate that polymers accumulate memory along the successive expansions and contractions of a porous medium, and produce a surprising bistability in the stationary pore-scale flow state. Next, using 3D bead packings, we demonstrate for the first time that elastic turbulence can arise in disordered 3D porous media at flow conditions relevant to industrial applications. Leveraging this new knowledge of the underlying flow, we develop a theoretical model for the macroscopic flow resistance at varying flow rate, providing the first quantitative link between microscopic fluctuations and macroscopic transport of polymer solutions in porous media, resolving an over-50-year-old puzzle. We then extend this model to stratified porous media characteristic of many environmental applications. We demonstrate that elastic turbulence arises at distinct macroscopic flow rates in individual strata, allowing design of flow conditions that leverage the concomitant increase in flow resistance to redirect flow to low permeability strata and homogenize the flow across strata. Our ongoing work indicates these findings can be generalized to other polymer solutions, and leveraged for new applications, like enhanced mixing under confinement. These results suggest that many modeling approaches from inertial turbulence can be adapted for elastic turbulence---thus providing new avenues to understand, control, and engineer chaotic flows in confined spaces.

      • Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) as a Means for School-Based Science Curriculum Change

        Browne, Christi L Columbia University ProQuest Dissertations & These 2014 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        The challenge of school-based science curriculum change and educational reform is often presented to science teachers and departments who are not necessarily prepared for the complexity of considerations that change movements require. The development of a Professional Learning Community (PLC) focused on a science department's curriculum change efforts, may provide the necessary tools to foster sustainable school-based curriculum science changes. This research presents a case study of an evolving science department PLC consisting of 10 middle school science teachers from the same middle school and their efforts of school-based science curriculum change. A transformative mixed model case study with qualitative data and deepened by quantitative analysis, was chosen to guide the investigation. Collected data worked to document the essential developmental steps, the occurrence and frequency of the five essential dimensions of successful PLCs, and the influences the science department PLC had on the middle school science department's progression through school-based science curriculum change, and the barriers, struggles and inhibiting actions of the science department PLC. Findings indicated that a science department PLC was unique in that it allowed for a focal science departmental lens of science curriculum change to be applied to the structure and function of the PLC and therefore the process, proceedings, and results were directly aligned to and driven by the science department. The science PLC, while logically difficult to set-up and maintain, became a professional science forum where the middle school science teachers were exposed to new science teaching and learning knowledge, explored new science standards, discussed effects on student science learning, designed and critically analyzed science curriculum change application. Conclusions resulted in the science department PLC as an identified tool providing the ability for science departmental actions to lead to outcomes of science curriculum change improvements with the consideration but not the dictation of the larger school community and state agendas. Thus, the study's results work to fuse previously separated research on general PLCs and curriculum change efforts into a cohesive understanding of the unexplored potential of a science PLC and school-based science curriculum change.

      • Forgiveness therapy: A qualitative study of the forgiveness experience of people who have undergone forgiveness as a counseling intervention

        Browne, Polly E Capella University 2009 해외공개박사

        RANK : 2591

        The problem under investigation was a gap in the research literature resulting in insufficient insight into and understanding of the lived experience of people who have undergone forgiveness therapy as a counseling intervention. This basic interpretive qualitative study begins to deepen the insight into the forgiveness experience by presenting and interpreting the data obtained by interviewing 11 individuals over the age of 40 who have undergone counseling to try to resolve a personal conflict. The findings revealed that for each individual the forgiveness process was a difficult, complicated, non-linear journey. Although the actual experience was unique to each individual, all participants were motivated in some way to let go of unforgiveness and find freedom from the stress caused by the transgression, and all participants experienced an energy exchange as they tried to navigate a path fraught with obstacles to forgiveness. Participants reported struggling, for example, with anger, rumination, and, in some cases, adverse health responses while employing a variety of means of coping as they meandered at their own pace toward forgiveness. Counselors may wish to note that forgiveness as a therapeutic intervention seemed to aid in the forgiveness process for some people who were eventually able to shed their distress and experience forgiveness, while others had not yet been able to move on from a state of unforgiveness. Several individuals reported that going through the forgiveness process relieved them of various physical ailments. A powerful connection among unforgiveness, forgiveness, stress, coping, and physical health emerged from the findings, suggesting continuing research.

      • Strain and interfaces, the susceptibility of fundamental biomolecular building blocks to their intramolecular and intermolecular environment

        Browne, William Kennedy University of California, Berkeley 2009 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        Peptides and amino acids are fundamental units comprising some of the most important structural and chemical units in biology. Modern analysis of biological matter has underscored the importance of fluctuations in their functions. Accordingly, a thorough understanding of the microscopic degrees of freedom that govern their intermolecular and intramolecular interactions are useful for making predictive assertions, and interpreting observations. The work described in this thesis uses theoretical methods to examine several general aspects of these fluctuations through corresponding susceptibilities to perturbations that have been applied in recent experiments. Peptide alpha-helicity is one such part of biological structural hierarchy where fluctuations are important. Specifically, side chain fluctuations can produce interesting effects on secondary structure. Our research examines and quantifies the effects of these fluctuations on a coarse-grained a-helix forming peptide. We find that progressively constrained side-chain fluctuations can act on helicity in unobvious ways and can culminate in a breaking of the helicity. Notably, this breaking of helicity by large side chains is distinct from a potential enthalpic breaking of helicity where the volume they exclude is simply too large for hydrogen bonding contacts on the backbone to join. At a lower level of the structural hierarchy we examine amino acids near flat polar and apolar interfaces. Sum frequency generation spectroscopy provides a suggestive though recondite response that fosters a vague physical depiction of molecule-substrate interactions. Potentials of mean force along the surface normal extracted from molecular dynamics simulations provide fundamental thermodynamic measures affording a quantitative description of amino acids near these interfaces. We further make a qualitative connection between average molecular dipole orientation and electric field environment and how surface-specific response functions might change under changes in temperature.

      • Mas movement: Toward a theory of Caribbean rhetoric

        Browne, Kevin Adonis The Pennsylvania State University 2009 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        This project situates, describes, and analyzes some of the characteristic discursive practices of Caribbean people in the context of a distinct rhetorical tradition. Rhetoric is viewed in this study as communicative activity precipitated by the constellation of social, psychological, spiritual, and material consequences that have shaped the history of the region and continue to impact contemporary expression. The dimensions of Caribbean rhetoric therefore reflect constructions of social reality and allow practitioners and scholars to approach and analyze the issues and challenges faced by Caribbean people. Objects of study include the novels of Earl Lovelace, the prophetic musical performances of David Rudder, and the transformative possibilities afforded by Caribbean discursive activity in digital environments. I use the "Caribbean Carnivalesque" as a major trope for referring to Caribbean behavior that is founded on the epideictic and is tuned specifically to social commentary, agitation, and change. The trope is deployed for two primary purposes: as a key rhetorical device operating among Caribbean people; and as an effective theoretical device for considering how Caribbean people participate in different forms of democratic deliberation and interaction with other groups. Overall, the project strives for an understanding of the Caribbean rhetorical tradition as one of the possible means of approaching, managing, and improving the social circumstances Caribbean people face. It is meant to provide not simply an understanding of the Caribbean presence in American society, but also a greater sense of the rhetorical possibilities that exist for Caribbeans in multiple contexts.

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