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      • Solar energy project analysis in Lao PDR : case study of solar energy potential sites 3 MW, 15 MW and 20 MW

        Boualom Saysanavong Green School Graduate School of Energy and Environ 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 231999

        Electricity plays an important role in all sectors of national economic. The need to intensify to effort of development is in electrical power systems in terms of policy planning and budget allocation. The national energy and economic in developing countries are often ignored by energy planner in the constructing energy demand and economic. Lao PDR is one of developing countries which also requires energy supply to improve living standard of the people and to promote industrial development. As we know that the major power supply of Lao’s bases on hydraulic power plant. However, due to precipitation reduction of last rain season the whole country is faced with long-term power shortage at present. Furthermore as the dramatic change of global climate, there is no guarantee that there will be sufficient precipitation in the coming rain season. To meet this requirement, solar energy is one of the promising solutions for the energy supply. Laos has a large potential of renewable energy resource. Especially, hydropower, solar, wind and etc... As electricity demand is increasing rapidly. Besides of hydropower, Laos needs to add new capacity for power generation from other sources of renewable energy such as solar and wind. Solar being environment-friendly and a decentralized source of energy could be beneficial for the country for promoting sustainable development. However, solar suffers from the relatively higher cost of production, limit of operating time, low efficiency, lack of incentive policy, lack of research and study and limited solar feasibility study. This study is being conducted with the aim of developing tools for support renewable energy economic analysis, especially, solar project analysis, and design suitable incentive policy for grid-connected solar PV (Photovoltaic) systems. The main objective of this research is to study the using the RETScreen Software for analysis of solar power potential sites in Lao PDR to identify energy production, Cost Analysis, Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Analysis and Financial Summary. This research is focus only the on-gird system which solar power development project that is the first priority to development by reference to the renewable development plan. Development of solar is to improve the energy security and reduce environmental impact on energy development in Laos. A case study is performed by investigate of three potential sites. To demonstrate of the proposed method is focus on solar power plant 20 MW in Vientiane Province, 3 MW in Khammoun Province and 15 MW in Attapeu Province. The benefit of the research could be help on the part of renewable energy development plan, to meet the renewable energy policies of Lao Government to encourage intensive production and attract local and foreign investment to support the target of government for increase renewable energy sharing 30 % in 2025. After establishing the model capability, a feasibility on the three potential sites for solar energy project analysis in Lao PDR was carried out by applying two scenarios, first scenario is using the current electricity tariff (no Feed-In Tariffs: FiT) at the average value of 0.065 US$/kWh, second scenario with assuming FiT at value of 0.1US$/kWh. The results show that the average energy yield per megawatt of the Case2 was observed to be 6% higher than Case1 and 8% higher than Case3 during the study period. The existing tariff of 0.065 US$ per kWh is not attractive enough for an investor to the investment of solar energy in Laos. The project becomes economically viable when the tariff is higher than 0.10 US$ per kWh. This could be extended to overall middle and southern parts of Lao PDR, because of not much variation of weather across the country.

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