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      • Assessing the impact of diversity courses on student-faculty interactions, critical thinking and social engagement

        Bolen, Kevin John University of Southern California 2010 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This study examines the impact that diversity courses (DC's), created to increase social awareness on college campuses, have on 553 students' interactions with faculty, critical thinking and social engagement. Conducted at a large, private tier one research institution, this study reviews a pre-college survey, post-college survey and student transcripts using a quantitative approach through factor analyses, reliabilities and multiple regressions. The findings suggest that the number of DC's students take impacts critical thinking and social engagement (beta = .089, p < .05). Participation in racial awareness workshops and community service also significantly impact critical thinking, social engagement and student-faculty interactions. These results reinforce the notion that diverse interactions are essential to the development of the individual as well as the collective whole.



        RANK : 247343

        Extra-pair copulations have been found to occur in numerous socially monogamous avian species and several social and ecological factors have been hypothesized to affect this behavior. I used DNA fingerprinting and behavioral observations of mating behavior to investigate the effects of breeding density, breeding synchrony and female choice on the rate of extra-pair copulations and fertilizations in the semi-colonial yellow-billed magpie (<italic>Pica nuttalli</italic>). Results were compared to the closely related but solitary black-billed magpie (<italic>Pica pica</italic>) to determine the effect of sociality on extra-pair behavior. I also investigated the possibility that intraspecific brood parasitism in the absence of interspecific parasitism has resulted in egg recognition and rejection in this species. No evidence of successful extra-pair copulations was found despite the occurrence of extra-pair behavior during the breeding season. This suggests that female yellow-billed magpies may be actively selecting the sperm of their social mates. The rate of extra-pair fertilizations did not differ significantly from the rate in the less social black-billed magpie. These results support the assertion that there may be no simple relationship between breeding density, breeding synchrony and rate of extra-pair fertilizations. No evidence of intraspecific parasitism was found. However, yellow-billed magpies rejected 100% of nonmimetic eggs placed into their nests. I hypothesize that egg recognition in this species is a pleisiomorphic trait inherited from an ancestor, presumably the black-billed magpie, which suffers from brood parasitism throughout much of its range.

      • The Aramean oppression of Israel in the reign of Jehu

        Bolen, Todd Dallas Theological Seminary 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The purpose of this dissertation is to provide a historical reconstruction of the years of Aram's oppression of Israel on the basis of the biblical texts, epigraphic discoveries, and recent archaeological excavations. While other studies have analyzed the biblical narrative of Jehu's coup or the archaeological record of Jehu's dynasty, no comprehensive studies have focused on the northern kingdom of Israel during the reign of Jehu. After an introductory chapter, all biblical passages relevant to the Aramean oppression are analyzed in chapter 2, beginning with the Lord's commission of Elijah to anoint Hazael and Elisha's prophetic visit to the future Aramean king. A brief description of the territorial reduction in Jehu's reign is evaluated along with the results of the oppression reported in the years of Jehu's son. The writings of Hosea and Amos also shed light on the period. Chapter 3 focuses on all extrabiblical texts related to the Aramean oppression, including West Semitic inscriptions and Assyrian annals. The Mesha Stele provides the clearest inscriptional evidence of the Aramean oppression, and the fragmentary Tel Dan Inscription attests to Hazael's defeat of Israel. Assyrian inscriptions, including the depiction of Jehu on the Black Obelisk, provide a historical frame around the years of the Aram-Israel conflict. Chapter 4 reviews issues of archaeological methodology that influence the interpretation of excavation data including the recent Low Chronology proposal and its effects on the second half of the ninth century. This chapter addresses the value and limitations of radiocarbon dating, ceramics, destruction layers, and the determination of ethnicity of a site's population. Chapter 5 analyzes at length the results from three dozen archaeological excavations in Israel and Jordan, including sites in the northern Jordan valley, hill country of Galilee, Jezreel Valley, southern Jordan Valley, Gilead, and hill country of Samaria. Recent excavations of the Philistine city of Gath also have significant implications for Aram's relationship with the northern kingdom. The final chapter reconstructs the years of the Aramean oppression based on the textual and archaeological sources. The assessment provides additional details about the Hazael's successful advance into Israelite territory and Israel's political decline.

      • Reaction to budgetary stress in Michigan public schools

        Bolen, Maria A Michigan State University 2009 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This study focuses on how school districts in Michigan are reacting to budgetary stress brought on by the downturn in the economic climate. It addresses the key factors school districts can implement to increase revenues or decrease expenditures and identifies which of these factors districts choose and the reasons why. This study also analyzes the effectiveness of the various measures implemented in restoring or maintaining the financial health of the district. The research seeks to generate useful lessons about strategies for improving district financial conditions. The research also pays particularly close attention to districts that are either in deficit or are close to a deficit status. A number of these districts have been successful in making budgetary adjustments that have permitted them to strengthen their financial condition and avoid falling into a deficit. Accordingly, a comparison will be made of the finances of Deficit Districts, Near-Deficit Districts, and all other districts in the state. To determine more about the financial status of school districts in the State of Michigan, two main questions are posed. First, how have levels of fiscal stress---measured by district fund equity---changed over the past five years for all districts in the State of Michigan? Second, what factors have contributed to strong or weak fiscal positions of Michigan's school districts?. The empirical work will be based on an analysis of the finances of all the districts in the State of Michigan, plus a detailed study of the budgets and decision-making in a sample of six districts. The six districts are located in a highly populated suburban area located in a major metropolitan center (Detroit), with a great degree of racial, ethnic and socio-economic diversity. Findings show that in the research setting studied, there is not a "one-size-fits-all" pattern of revenue enhancement or expenditure reductions present in the behavior of school districts. School districts had to consider a variety of internal and external influences before decisions to implement certain measures were made. Thus, what measures can be implemented to improve the financial health in one district, may not be feasible to be implemented in another district. Furthermore, certain revenue enhancement and expenditure reduction measures appear to have a negative affect on fiscal health.

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