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      • Beh Isho' Kamulaya's Syriac discourses on the monastic way of life: Edition, English translation, and introduction

        Blanchard, Monica Joan The Catholic University of America 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The Catholic University of America's Institute of Christian Oriental Research (ICOR) owns a small Syriac manuscript which has not previously been studied. Incomplete at beginning and end, it contains six discourses (mêmrê) on the monastic way of life, part of a collection of “Chapters of Knowledge” (rišê d'īdā'tâ), and the first lines of a poem (madrāšâ), all of which are attributed to an East Syrian monk, one Beh Isho` Kamulaya, who may have flourished in the late eighth century. Beh Isho` and his book on monastic life are mentioned in the late thirteenth century Syriac catalog of the library of `Abdisho` bar Berikâ (d. 1318), also a member of the Syriac-speaking Assyrian Church of the East. Catholic University ICOR Syriac MS 18 preserves the only copy of Beh Isho`s works known to exist in an ancient Syriac manuscript. In 1996, at the Uppsala Symposium Syriacum, Johannes Sanders announced the discovery of the works of Beh Isho` Kamulaya under the name of Mar Bishoi, in Trichur MS 16, a modern codex in the library of the Metropolitan see of the Church of the East, in Trichur, Kerala, India. The Trichur manuscript, as described by Sanders, shows close parallels with the contents of the CUA manuscript. The Trichur codex also contains a lengthy biography of Bishoi, which turns out to be a reworking of the Syriac Life of one of the legendary founders of the monasteries of the Egyptian Wadi Natrun, none other than Abba Bishoi as he is known in his Syriac guise, or in Coptic, Apa Pshoi or Pishoi. A date no later than the twelfth century and perhaps as early as the ninth or tenth century has been suggested for the CUA manuscript on paleographical grounds. The immediate contribution of this study is to make available to researchers an edition and English translation of the CUA Syriac manuscript. It provides access for the first time to the works of an eighth-century East Syrian monastic writer, previously known to modern scholars only as a name in a thirteenth-century Syriac library catalog. It will serve as the foundation for a critical edition of the works of Beh Isho` Kamulaya.

      • Fourier optics for wavefront engineering and wavelength control of lasers

        Blanchard, Romain Harvard University 2014 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Since their initial demonstration in 1994, quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) have become prominent sources of mid-infrared radiation. Over the years, a large scientific and engineering effort has led to a dramatic improvement in their efficiency and power output, with continuous wave operation at room temperature and Watt-level output power now standard. However, beyond this progress, new functionalities and capabilities need to be added to this compact source to enable its integration into consumer-ready systems. Two main areas of development are particularly relevant from an application standpoint and were pursued during the course of this thesis: wavelength control and wavefront engineering of QCLs. The first research direction, wavelength control, is mainly driven by spectroscopic applications of QCLs, such as trace gas sensing, process monitoring or explosive detection. We demonstrated three different capabilities, corresponding to different potential spectroscopic measurement techniques: widely tunable single longitudinal mode lasing, simultaneous lasing on multiple well-defined longitudinal modes, and simultaneous lasing over a broad and continuous range of the spectrum. The second research direction, wavefront engineering of QCLs, i.e. the improvement of their beam quality, is relevant for applications necessitating transmission of the QCL output over a large distance, for example for remote sensing or military countermeasures. To address this issue, we developed plasmonic lenses directly integrated on the facets of QCLs. The plasmonic structures designed are analogous to antenna arrays imparting directionality to the QCLs, as well as providing means for polarization control. Finally, a research interest in plasmonics led us to design passive flat optical elements using plasmonic antennas. All these projects are tied together by the involvement of Fourier analysis as an essential design tool to predict the interaction of light with various gratings and periodic arrays of grooves and scatterers.

      • Andre Malraux et Fernand Dumont: Modeles de l'intellectuel engage (France, Quebec, French text)

        Blanchard, Maxime Harvard University 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Ma thèse de doctorat brosse un portrait de l'intellectuel engagé. Je m'intéresse plus particulièrement à l'implication politique de deux écrivains: le Français André Malraux et le Québécois Fernand Dumont. André Malraux (1901–1976) fut tour à tour romancier, militant anti-colonialiste et anti-fasciste, chef de la Résistance en Alsace-Lorraine, historien de l'art et ministre des Affaires culturelles sous la présidence de Charles de Gaulle. Fernand Dumont (1927–1997), influent intellectuel de gauche, fut à la fois sociologue, anthropologue, théologien, poète, pédagogue, philosophe et conseiller politique de René Lévesque, le Premier ministre du Québec. Dumont et Malraux, répondent à la question: comment et pourquoi un intellectuel s'engage-t-il en politique?. Ma thèse se divise en trois parties. La première partie aborde les aspects historiques et sociologiques d'une définition de l'intellectuel. Depuis la nuit des temps, hommes et femmes de culture et de science font jouer dans la sphère politique leur légitimité savante. Inspiré par des précurseurs et des contemporains, je propose le modèle à imiter, à adapter d'un intellectuel nécessairement engagé, déterminé à la fois par son action solidaire et par sa création originale. Dans les deuxième et troisième parties de ma thèse, j'examine l'engagement dans les autobiographies radicalement non-conformistes d'André Malraux et de Fernand Dumont. Leur écriture autobiographique imite en effet la distance à soi d'un engagement anti-individualiste. Déjà dans ses romans <italic>L'Espoir</italic> (1936) et <italic>Les Noyers de l'Altenburg</italic> (1943), André Malraux présente de généreux intellectuels à la sensibilité artistique accentuée par une conscience lucide de l'action solidaire. Dans son autobiographie, <italic> Le Miroir des Limbes</italic> (1967–1976), Malraux refuse de parler de sa vie privée au profit de l'action et de la communauté combattante. André Malraux témoigne de rencontres avec l'Histoire et rapporte des conversations avec des héros, événements qu'il métamorphose en œuvre d'art par l'écriture. Ainsi engagé, l'intellectuel est à la fois artiste et conscience socio-historique. Dans son <italic> Récit d'une émigration</italic> (1997), Fernand Dumont ne s'adonne pas davantage à l'introspection et s'inscrit dans l'histoire québécoise: son apprentissage personnel recoupe un destin collectif. Dumont stylise son émigration du milieu populaire vers la culture savante. Bien que nécessaire, cet exil de l'intellectuel se double d'une mémoire. Si l'intellectuel prend ses distances, il se souvient aussi de ses appartenances qui lui servent à créer, à élaborer un modèle politique et culturel. L'intellectuel actualise ainsi la mémoire par une solidarité avec le présent, par un engagement caractérisé par l'action et la création.

      • A methodology for identifying unobserved categories when consumers assign brands to multiple categories

        Blanchard, Simon The Pennsylvania State University 2011 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        According to previous research, consumers naturally think of brands or products as belonging to multiple categories, depending on which of various available categories come to mind. To help marketers identify the categories that consumers naturally perceive, this study proposes a new statistical procedure, in which the identification of unobserved categories varies across consumers, and brands or products may span multiple categories. As illustrated with data from 25 U.S. restaurant brands and a synthetic example, this procedure accounts for different categorization phenomena and structures, including multiple-category memberships, different levels of abstraction, and graded memberships of category representations. Finally, it is also shown that creating assortments that more closely approximate consumers' own category structures can facilitate their search, and ultimately, their satisfaction with their choice.

      • Legato trombone: A survey of pedagogical resources

        Blanchard, Eric John University of Cincinnati 2010 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The purpose of this document was to explore the pedagogical techniques of legato trombone. Professional trombone books, method books, articles and web-pages were surveyed in order to understand legato pedagogy and to see if there were changes over the past century or differences in pedagogy throughout world regions. The most common legato pedagogy was highlighted and used in comparison to pedagogy taught in three distinct areas of literature: trombone specific method books, brass method books for pre-service and in-service music educators, and beginning band methods. This comparison was used to reveal gaps between the pedagogical techniques shown in beginning band methods and those that are generally accepted by trombone pedagogues. Through this survey, those methods books which best apply the professional pedagogy are endorsed. Tables containing comprehensive lists of trombone specific method books, brass method books for pre-service and in-service music educators, and beginning band methods are found in the appendices. These tables supply data concerning the legato pedagogy in each method book, which allows trombonists and music educators to quickly compare the pedagogy in method books. It is hoped that through this project the understanding of legato performance on trombone will increase. This will enable pedagogues of beginning, intermediate, and advanced trombone students to use the best possible and most personally adequate techniques in teaching legato trombone.

      • On the Predictability of Sea Ice

        Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, Edward University of Washington 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        We investigate the persistence and predictability of sea ice in numerical models and observations. We first use the 3rd generation Community Climate System Model (CCSM3) General Circulation Model (GCM) to investigate the inherent persistence of sea-ice area and thickness. We find that sea-ice area anomalies have a seasonal decay timescale, exhibiting an initial decorrelation similar to a first order auto-regressive (AR1, or red noise) process. Beyond this initial loss of memory, there is a re-emergence of memory at certain times of the year. There are two distinct modes of re-emergence in the model, one driven by the seasonal coupling of area and thickness anomalies in the summer, the other by the persistence of upper ocean temperature anomalies that originate from ice anomalies in the melt season and then influence ice anomalies in the growth season. Comparison with satellite observations where available indicate these processes appear in nature. We then use the 4th generation CCSM (CCSM4) to investigate the partition of Arctic sea-ice predictability into its initial-value and boundary forced components under present day forcing conditions. We find that initial-value predictability lasts for 1-2 years for sea-ice area, and 3-4 years for sea-ice volume. Forced predictability arises after just 4-5 years for both area and volume. Initial-value predictability of sea-ice area during the summer hinges on the coupling between thickness and area anomalies during that season. We find that the loss of initial-value predictability with time is not uniform --- there is a rapid loss of predictability of sea-ice volume during the late spring early summer associated with snow melt and albedo feedbacks. At the same time, loss of predictability is not uniform across different regions. Given the usefulness of ice thickness as a predictor of summer sea-ice area, we obtain a hindcast of September sea-ice area initializing the GCM on May 1with an estimate of observed sea-ice thickness anomalies. We run the GCM in a slab-ocean model configuration and obtain predictability that is lower than expected from the perfect model fully coupled GCM. We next make use of models submitted to the CMIP5 archive to investigate the spatial and temporal characteristics of ice thickness anomalies, together with the CCSM3, CCSM4 and two forced ice-ocean models, PIOMAS and CCSM4 in ice-ocean mode. We find that there is a wide spread in the characteristics of ice thickness anomalies across models, partially explained by biases in mean thickness. Additionally, forced ice-ocean models show reduced ice-thickness variability. These results have significant implications for the initialization of fully-coupled GCMs from forced GCM output. Finally we investigate the initial-value predictability of Antarctic sea ice in the CCSM3. We find that Antarctic sea-ice anomaly persistence is comparable to that of Arctic sea-ice anomalies. High values of initial-value predictability of sea-ice area can last for up to two years, and tend to advect eastward in time. We also find memory re-emergence that is driven by upper ocean heat anomalies from the melt to the growth season. Unlike the Arctic, we do not find evidence for an ice-thickness driven mechanism of memory re-emergence.

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