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      • Essays in organizational economics

        Bernhardt-Walther, Karen F The University of Chicago 2011 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This dissertation consists of three essays in organizational economics. The three essays in turn focus on how the organization of a firm is driven by the probabilities of the tasks the firm is facing, the nature of the uncertainty the firm confronts, and how cheaper communication technology facilitates contingency decision making. In particular, all three essays use discrete modeling approaches, where expertise, inputs, and assets are assumed to be discrete units. In the first essay, this approach enables me to study the impact of "combinatorial power" of knowledge and inputs: If each production task requires two of four possible inputs, and every worker can provide two inputs, than one worker can only solve one out of four tasks. However, two workers together can solve all four tasks. This "combination of expertise" can result in convex returns to inputs and knowledge. I show how the probability distribution over such a collection of tasks and the complexity of the tasks drive the organizational structure of the firm. I find that hierarchies are optimal if a few simple tasks re-occur frequently. Teams are optimal when firms face high task uncertainty or high task complexity, but these teams differ along other organizational dimensions such as capital investments. In the second essay I use a related approach to consider the uncertainty a firm may face about a task at hand and thus about the required inputs. There is no ordering among the discrete inputs in the sense that "more" always results in a higher expected outcome. Instead production is successful if and only if the right inputs are provided. Thus, production becomes a matching problem with an uncertain target. This "input uncertainty" is distinct from the typically considered "value uncertainty," i.e., a perturbation of the outcome given a "best effort" input. I explore the different implications that input and value uncertainty have on the choices firms make. I show that firms organize differently given their different ex-ante knowledge about the inputs needed for successful production, and that they write different sets of incentive contracts reflecting the distinct sources of outcome uncertainty. I also show that output reveals different information about a worker's type in a firm facing input uncertainty than in a firm facing value uncertainty. Finally, in the third essay, I comment on the paper cite{HartMoore2006} which provides a model of authority-based hierarchies. In that paper, agents are assigned assets which they can use to implement ideas. Each asset is assigned a chain of command, and the asset is claimed by the highest-ranked agent that has an idea. Ideas can only be implemented if all necessary assets are available. Importantly, Hart and Moore assume that an agent exercises authority over the assets assigned to him whenever he has an idea---whether or not he is able to implement it. In particular, if one agent outranks another agent on one asset but is outranked by the same agent on another asset, then these two agents would block the implementation of both their ideas. I call such a "crossing of authority" an authority tie. The original assumptions imply that authority-ties are resolved by not letting either agent implement their idea. As a consequence, it is never optimal for an organization to allow potential authority ties. The advantage of this authority tie-break rule is that it is not contingent on who else in the organization may have had an idea. This case corresponds to an organization with a strictly local decision making mechanism. In my comment I suggest that other tie-break rules are possible, and potentially result in first-best---albeit at a higher communication cost.

      • The ethics of mourning: Elegiac response in the works of Elizabeth Bishop, Mark Doty, Paul Muldoon and Jorie Graham

        Bernhardt, Kimberly J Rutgers The State University of New Jersey - New B 2003 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This dissertation examines a series of poems that attempt to do the work of mourning while remaining responsive to ethical concerns. Each of the twentieth-century poets in this study approaches the task of elegizing loss in unique and interesting ways. While much critical attention has focused on the Freudian trajectory of elegiac poetry, I read these poems as attempts to explore an openness to otherness in the face of loss. These poets eschew the genre's conventional reach for consolation, turning instead toward an acceptance of the unknown. My readings are influenced by Levinas' and Derrida's texts on ethical relations and responsiveness, which provide a critical vocabulary for a discussion of self-other relations and ethical response. In Chapter One, I examine the connections Bishop forges between particular losses and the ineffable. In her poems, Bishop charges readers with the task of learning to accept the lack of tenable answers to questions about loss. I read her poetic responses to loss as moments of openness to the unknown. In Chapter Two, I consider the anticipatory elegies of Mark Doty's <italic> Atlantis</italic>. These poems address the ethics involved in taking aesthetic redress from loss. I argue that Doty's focus on description and aesthetic beauty can be seen as a form of ethical response to loss. In Chapter Three, I turn to Paul Muldoon's work, and particularly to his long poem, “Incantata,” an elegy for a former love. Muldoon's poems, while more traditionally elegiac than the poems of Bishop or Doty, suggest some of the difficulties involved in responding to loss. In “Incantata,” he explores the ethics of resisting the desire to make the other speak. I conclude, in Chapter Four, with Jorie Graham's considerations of the limits of knowledge as an elegiac endeavor. In her work, loss is presented as a consequence of the encounter with these limits. Thus my project examines the ways that these twentieth century poets turn from ideas of consolation and tropes of mourning to consider the relation between self and other.

      • Breaking free: Small phages inhibit murein synthesis to lyse their host

        Bernhardt, Thomas Geoffrey Texas A&M University 2001 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Bacteriophages must destroy the bacterial cell wall to lyse their host and release their progeny. There are at least two distinct mechanisms by which phages destroy the cell wall, the choice of which is determined by their genome size. Bacteriophages with large genomes encode a holin-endolysin system. In the prototypic λ model, the holin accumulates in the cell membrane and the endolysin accumulates in the cytoplasm. At a genetically programed time, the holin forms a membrane lesion to release the endolysin into the periplasm where it can degrade the cell wall and cause lysis. In contrast, bacteriophages with small genomes can only afford to encode a single lysis protein. Three unrelated single protein lysis systems are known: the E protein from &phis;X174, and the L and A<sub>2</sub> proteins from MS2 and Qβ, respectively. No cell wall degrading activity has been associated with any of these phages, indicating that their lytic mechanism is distinct from the holin-endolysin system of the larger phages. The purpose of the work described in this dissertation was to determine the lytic mechanism of &phis;X174. Working from the premise that E targets a host protein to promote lysis, we took a genetic approach to identify this target and isolated dominant mutations in <italic>Escherichia coli mraY</italic> that confer E-resistance. MraY catalyzes the formation of the first lipid intermediate in cell wall synthesis. The isolation of these mutants suggested a model in which E functions similarly to the antibiotic mureidomycin and induces lysis by inhibiting cell wall synthesis at the MraY-catalyzed step. Additional physiological and biochemical experiments demonstrated that cell wall synthesis is indeed inhibited upon <italic>E</italic> expression and that E inhibits MraY <italic>in vivo</italic> and <italic>in vitro</italic>. To determine if other small bacteriophages share the E-induced lysis mechanism, we performed a similar biochemical and genetic analysis of the mechanism of Qβ A<sub>2</sub>-induced lysis. This analysis demonstrated that A<sub> 2</sub> also functions as a cell wall synthesis inhibitor, but instead of targeting MraY, it targets the MurA reaction, the first and committed step of cell wall synthesis. Cell wall synthesis inhibition therefore appears to be a general lysis strategy employed by small bacteriophages.

      • Effects and perceptions of a narrative antiviolence public service announcement

        Bernhardt, Jay Michael The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 1999 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Mass media anti-violence messages are one important strategy for addressing the problem of youth violence in America. This study evaluated the cognitive effects of a narrative anti-violence public service announcement (PSA) among adolescents. Sixth, seventh, and eight grade students (n = 294) were randomly assigned to treatment and comparison groups. The treatment group viewed a PSA with a negative physical consequence (i.e., death) for the handgun user embedded within music videos and commercials. The comparison group viewed identical video content except that the embedded PSA showed no negative physical consequence for the handgun user. Participants were instructed that the study was about television and music videos. This study was informed by Social Cognitive Theory. Logistic regression analysis, which adjusted for race and gender, showed that participants who viewed the treatment PSA were more likely to have a negative expected outcome for aggressively using a handgun and lower behavioral intention to aggressively use a handgun, than those who viewed the comparison PSA. This study also assessed relationships among adolescents' experiences with violence and handguns, and beliefs about handgun violence, with their perceptions about the similarity of the main PSA character and the relevance of the PSA scene. These analyses were limited to those participants who saw the treatment PSA (n = 129). Participants were shown the treatment PSA again and were surveyed on their perceptions. Additional statistical analyses suggest that participants experienced in violent behavior similar to that depicted in the PSA were more likely to perceive higher similarity with the main PSA character and higher relevance of the PSA scene than those without such experiences. This study suggests that observing a negative physical consequence for committing handgun violence may lead to lower handgun-encouraging beliefs than observing modeled handgun violence with no negative physical consequence. This finding is important given that most violence on television does no show negative consequence or punishment for the perpetrator. Future research should explore the effects of other negative consequences and should apply this approach with other health behaviors. In addition, research should investigate whether manipulating PSA scenes or models' behaviors can increase viewer perceptions of similarity and relevance.

      • Evaluating Florida's coastal protected areas: A model for coastal management plan evaluation

        Bernhardt, Sarah Praeger Texas A&M University 2010 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This research presents the first coastal and marine protected areas specific quantitative management plan evaluation protocol. This critical research gap in the coastal and marine protected area (CMPA) research literature was addressed by creating a protocol for evaluating CMPA plan quality utilizing a combination of marine protected area (MPA) and land use planning techniques for the first time, then applying it to a sample of CMPAs providing both descriptive results of CMPA plan quality and analysis of factors that might influence plan quality. A sample of CMPAs (n=40) under the jurisdiction of Florida's Coastal and Aquatic Managed Areas (CAMA) was evaluated for plan quality using 96 indicators scored as 0, 1, or 2 and then divided into five plan components: factual basis, goals and objectives, policies, tools and strategies, inter-governmental coordination and cooperation, and implementation and monitoring. Total CMPA plan quality averaged 29.40 out of a possible 50.00. CMPA plan quality ranged from 20.00 to 47.00 with a standard deviation of 7.07. Regression analysis examined the effects of CMPA context, participation, environmental threats and socioeconomic factors on CMPA plan quality. The age of CMPA plans was found to be a significant indicator of CMPA plan quality. Other significant indicators of plan quality included threatened biodiversity, participation, and percent of adjacent developed or agricultural land.

      • Wetland response to natural and anthropogenic forcing in the Everglades, United States, and Nile Delta, Egypt

        Bernhardt, Christopher E University of Pennsylvania 2009 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This dissertation uses state-of-the-art palynological analysis, quantitative paleoenvironmental analysis (modern analog technique, detrended correspondence analysis, and cluster analysis) and geochronology ( 14C, 210Pb, and biostratigraphy) on wetland sediments from the ridge, slough and tree island landscape of the Florida Everglades, USA, and sedimentary sequences of the Nile Delta, Egypt. Extended periods of aridity during the Holocene affect the vegetational composition of both wetland plant communities. The changes in regional rainfall are driven by the mean position of the Intertropical Convergence Zone. Tree island initiation/expansion, sawgrass ridge initiation/expansion, and community variation in the delta is centered on global climate events at 5,000, 4,200, 2,800, and 1,000 (Medieval Warm Period), and 400 (Little Ice Age) years cal BP. The changes in vegetation are linked to the same climate events but the vegetation response within and between sites are not simultaneous. Tree islands responded to periods of aridity ∼2,800 years cal BP and sawgrass ridges did not respond until an aridity event ∼1,000 years cal BP. Delta vegetation responded to various aridity events around 6,000, 5,000, 4,200, 3,200 years cal BP. Both the Everglades and the Nile Delta experienced thousands of years of land use pressure, however the greatest changes in vegetation occurred during the 20th century. Pollen assemblages from ridge and tree island sites reflect the extended decrease in hydroperiod associated with water management. In the Nile Delta, after the closure of the Aswan High Dam there us a change in the dominant vegetation from brackish marsh to fresh water marsh. The response of vegetation in the Everglades and the Nile Delta to periods of global aridity also corresponds to well-documented cultural transitions. The expansion of tree islands coincides approximately with the change from the Archaic to the Glades Native American cultures (∼2,500 years cal BP). In the Nile Delta, the response of vegetation to the catastrophic failure in Nile flow, ∼4,200 years cal BP, occurs during a period of major shift in Middle Eastern cultures.

      • Plasma-based accelerating structures

        Schroeder, Carl Bernhardt University of California, Berkeley 1999 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247341

        Plasma-based accelerators have the ability to sustain extremely large accelerating gradients, with possible high-energy physics applications. This dissertation further develops the theory of plasma-based accelerators by addressing three topics: the performance of a hollow plasma channel as an accelerating structure, the generation of ultrashort electron bunches, and the propagation of laser pulses in underdense plasmas. The excitation of plasma waves in a hollow plasma channel by a laser pulse or relativistic charged particle beam is analyzed. The mode frequencies and loss factors of the excited channel modes are calculated. The effects of non-ideal hollow plasma channels are discussed. Particle beam stability in a hollow plasma channel is examined. The dipole wakefield couples to the transverse displacement of the particle beam, which results in beam breakup. Single-bunch beam breakup growth lengths are derived for particle beam propagation in the weak-focusing and strong-focusing regimes. The effects of longitudinal wakefields on the beam energy spread is examined. Multi-bunch beam breakup is discussed and methods for reducing beam breakup are proposed and evaluated. The production of ultrashort electron bunches by dephasing and trapping background plasma electrons undergoing fluid oscillations in a plasma wave is studied. The plasma electrons are dephased by colliding two counter-propagating laser pulses which generate a slow phase velocity beat wave. The threshold laser pulse amplitudes, the optimal injection phase for trapping, and the trapping volume are calculated. The dynamics and quality of the generated electron bunches are examined. The analysis indicates that this optical injection scheme has the capability to produce relativistic femtosecond electron bunches with fractional energy spread of a few percent and normalized transverse emittance less than 1 mm mrad using 1 terawatt injection laser pulses. The propagation of ultrashort high-power laser pulses in underdense plasmas is studied. Envelope equations are derived for optical beam parameters which include finite-radius and finite pulse length effects. Solutions of the envelope equations are presented for an adiabatic plasma response. For the general non-adiabatic plasma response, laser-plasma instabilities are examined and asymptotic instability growth rates are derived.

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