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      • Three Essays on U.S. Household Food and Diet Preferences

        Ates, Aaron Michael Oklahoma State University ProQuest Dissertations & 2019 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This dissertation focuses on U.S. household food and diet preferences. The first study seeks to determine the effect of rising interest in gluten-free food(s) on retail demand for U.S. foods and ultimately on producer and consumer welfare. Increased interest in gluten-free diets causes a significant decrease in cereals and bakery demand and increases meat, alcoholic beverages, and food away from home demand. Combining estimated demand effects with an equilibrium displacement model suggests the estimated reduction in cereal and bakery demand reduces wheat and barley producer profits by $7.2 million/year. However, after accounting for positive demand impacts on other products, results indicate wheat and barley supply is re-distributed away from food production into animal production, increasing wheat producer welfare. Rising interest in gluten-free is estimated to have increased meat producer welfare by $3.7 billion/year.The purpose of the second study is to provide insight as to what portion of the food resource gap is covered by food assistance programs like SNAP-monetarily and nutritionally. Holding household size constant, least squares means is used to compute and compare mean food expenditures and caloric/macronutrient requirements with Tukey-adjusted difference of means F-tests across household SNAP eligibility/participation statuses. The amount of calories required by each household type is not statistically different. Although SNAP households require fewer calories than non-participating households, they purchase significantly more calories from all foods each week-totaling 45,311 calories. This is 5,478 more calories than required for a healthy diet.The third study seeks to determine whether a new SNAP policy will successfully support endeavors to provide low-income people access to a healthful diet. Changes in weekly caloric consumption by SNAP households are estimated for various products when imposing a 30% reduction in prices for targeted foods. Results suggest discounting the price(s) of targeted foods will indeed increase the demand of these goods.

      • The perceptions of African-American community college presidents concerning their leadership styles and use of power

        Ates, Clarence Edward The University of Texas at Austin 2003 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This study examined the perceptions of African American community college presidents concerning their leadership styles and the use of power. The major objective of this study was to investigate how African American community college presidents characterized themselves regarding these two issues. Two instruments were used to collect data. First, the Leader Effectiveness Adaptability Description (LEAD)-Self was used to investigate participants' perceptions relating to leadership styles. Second, the Power Perception Profile (PPP) Perception of Self was used to explore participants' perceptions of their use of power. Both instruments were developed by the Center for Leadership Studies, Escondido, California. At the time of this study there were approximately 61 African American community college presidents. All were asked to become a participant in this research project; however, only 39 individuals (63.9%) chose to participate. Participants were identified from the Directory of African American Chief Executive Officers published by the President's Roundtable, an affiliate of the National Council on Black American Affairs. Data collected from the LEAD-Self instrument indicated that more than 50% of the African American presidents' primary leadership style was "Selling." That is, they tended to influence the actions of their followers by using behaviors that explain, persuade, and clarify. Their secondary leadership style was "Participating." Leaders utilizing this style tended to integrate behavior patterns that promoted collaboration, facilitation, and support. Data collected from the PPP-Self indicated that subjects perceived themselves to be using Expert Power (relevant education, experience, and expertise) and Information Power (perceived access to or possession of useful information) to influence followers. The data also indicated that subjects perceived that other individuals in similar positions used Expert and Informational Power to a lesser degree. Data collected from this study revealed little to no significant relationships between selected demographic characteristics and subjects' perceptions of leadership and power. Demographic data yielded no new information and mirrored data produced by other researchers (Vaughan & Wiesman, 1998; McFarlin, et al., 1999).

      • Case study on Syrian refugees in Turkey social rejection as the result of deviation from social contract

        Ates, Cansu 숙명여자대학교 TESOL·국제학대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 2591

        The Syrian civil war is going around nine years already and causes massive displacements of Syrians internally and internationally. The official international number of displaced Syrians is currently 6.7 million and 3.6 million -estimated more with unregistered Syrians- of them seek asylum in Turkey (UNHCR, 2019). This influx of Syrian refugees created a polarization of public opinion almost in every host country. On the one hand, humanitarian principles require the world take care of these refugees, on the other hand the national security and the cost of hosting these people challenges public perception on the issue. This study addresses the increasing social tension and anti-Syrian sentiments arising from deviation from social contract. First, this thesis argues on the existing theoretical frameworks used to explain the issue and addresses the limitations of them. By conducting a historical analysis, we concluded that current theories are not applicable to the case of non-Western societies. In order to bring a new perspective to the issue, we used The Theory of Game and Social Contract theory to show the increasing social tension as the result of deviation from social cooperation. An extended social contract model is developed to show the relationship among government, people and immigrants. Case studies are analyzed to test the model. As the conclusion, the social tension and anti-sentiments increasing in Turkey explained as the consequences of defection from cooperation. And this also determined as the main obstacle of refugees’ integration to the host countries.

      • Essays on finance of innovation, firm dynamics and economic growth

        Ates, Sina T University of Pennsylvania 2015 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        Aggregate productivity, fundamental cause of long-run economic growth, plays a crucial role in determining economic development and living standards of nations. The main source of aggregate productivity growth is technological advances that are the outcomes of firms' and entrepreneurs' innovative activity. Complementary to the growing literature that studies how firm dynamics shape technological change, my dissertation focuses on how financial decisions of these agents affect this process. The three chapters of my dissertation provide theoretical, empirical, and quantitative investigation of the interplay between financial and innovative actions of heterogeneous firms along with its implications on aggregate productivity growth. Chapter one studies the impact of financial system on net firm entry, an important source of aggregate productivity growth. Selective funding of most promising ideas by financial intermediaries creates a trade-off between the mass of entrant firms and their average contribution to aggregate productivity. This chapter highlights the relevance of firm heterogeneity for the relationship between finance and growth, and discusses the theoretical and empirical implications of the resulting trade-off in firm entry. Chapter two also builds on the above mass-composition link, and uses it to study the permanent productivity losses due to sudden stops (SS). The model embeds the main mechanism into a real business cycle small open economy framework to measure the forgone productivity contribution of entrants deprived of funding. The theoretical prediction is that, during SS, smaller yet on average more productive cohorts enter the market. Chilean plant-level data that cover the 1998 SS verify this prediction, while the calibrated model demonstrates the quantitative significance of heterogeneity and selection in measuring the long-run productivity loss. Chapter three focuses on a specific financial intermediary that is especially relevant to innovation and growth, namely venture capital (VC) finance. It studies VC's quantitative impact on firm dynamics and economic growth using a new dynamic equilibrium model of technological change with heterogeneous firms and an explicit VC market. Distinctively, the model incorporates a unique feature of VC firms: their operational knowledge (OK) bundled with their investment. Experiments based on the estimated model highlight the quantitative relevance of OK and analyze policy implications.

      • Modeling location information for wavelet-based image coding

        Ates, Hasan F Princeton University 2004 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        This thesis looks at the problem of wavelet image coding with special emphasis given to edges. Nonlinear representations and models are constructed in wavelet domain so as to provide accurate and effective processing of edge information for natural images. Adaptive wavelet coders point towards the importance of locating significant information in wavelet domain. This location information is inherently linked with the properties of edge contours. Therefore, a better understanding of edge behavior is crucial for improving model adaptation in wavelet subbands. In the first part of this work, a simple analytical model is constructed to parameterize the relationships between edges and wavelet structures. The model leads to an adaptive coding strategy that highlights both the potential and difficulty of edge-based processing of image information. The main challenge in modeling edge information is to capture the variety of legitimate edge behavior in real-life images. A realistic location representation is needed in order to build accurate models. The rest of the thesis focuses on the development of a non linear framework that has the flexibility to deal with the interactions of value and location information. The spherical coding algorithm is introduced as a successful application of location-based descriptions to coding wavelet subbands. Finally, the generic location description of the spherical coder is modified to represent edge contours exclusively, leading to single quadrant complex signal representation. Magnitude and phase components are shown to draw an accurate picture for characterizing underlying edge contours. A nonredundant representation is made available through the design of perfect reconstruction complex filterbanks. The thesis is concluded with a detailed discussion of various issues related to modeling and coding this representation.

      • Empires at the margin: Towards a history of the Ottoman-Iranian borderland and the borderland peoples, 1843--1881

        Ates, Sabri New York University 2006 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        소속기관이 구독 중이 아닌 경우 오후 4시부터 익일 오전 9시까지 원문보기가 가능합니다.

        In very broad terms my dissertation examines two things. Firstly it explores the creation of the Iranian-Ottoman border extending from the Persian Gulf to Armenia, in the period from 1843 to 1881. Secondly, it examines how peoples who lived in this border zone, adapted and resisted to this process and the new forms of domination and intervention by both the modernizing Middle Eastern states and encroaching European powers. To write the history the making of this border in relation the centralization of the Ottoman Empire and Iran, I conducted two years of research at the archives and libraries in England, Iran and Turkey. From these disparate archives, I gathered a variety of different sources ranging from governmental and non-governmental documents to pamphlets, newspaper articles to manuscripts. The first chapter outlines the border related history of the Ottoman Empire and Iran and provides a new outlook at the destruction of the Kurdish principalities in relation to the making of the frontiers. Then in the next three chapters I detail the working of various frontier conferences and commissions striving to demarcate the limits of the Ottoman Empire and Iran. While providing a chronological outline of this operation and the making of the frontiers, I specifically looked at the responses of the inhabitants of the borderland region to the process of boundary making. Hence in my last two chapters I concentrate on a cross-border rebellion which was diametrically opposed to the Ottoman and Iranian centralization projects and the border making. By focusing on a border region where global, regional and local histories intersect, my dissertation seeks to question common approaches that treat Ottoman and Iranian histories as independent and self-contained entities and reduce their relations to a struggle between Shi'i and Sunni Islam. That is why one of the major contributions of my dissertation will be to bring the fields of Ottoman and Iranian studies into closer dialogue. At the same time, my work will furnish a much more comprehensive and historically grounded approach to understanding the Kurdish question and will also contribute to the field of border studies.

      • Development of the sidewalk block with phase change material impregnated cork waste

        Ates, Fatmanur 한양대학교 대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 2591

        상변화 물질(PCM)은 잠열 용량을 활용하여 시멘트 복합체의 열 특성을 향상시키기 위해 사용되었습니다. PCM을 건물 구성 요소에 통합함으로써 상변화 기간 동안 발생하는 에너지 방출 및 흡수를 활용하여 난방 및 냉방 부하를 줄일 수 있습니다. 건물 구성 요소뿐만 아니라 보도블록 시스템에서도 주변 환경의 온도를 완화하기 위해 블록 내의 열 에너지 저장을 가능하게 하거나 열 에너지 순환을 지연시킬 수 있습니다. 이 원리를 활용하면 열섬 문제를 해결할 수 있는 방법이 될 수 있습니다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 상변화물질(PCMs) 함침 코르크 과립을 잔골재로 활용한 보도블록 개발에 관한 연구를 수행하였습니다. Thermal Energy Storage Aggregate(TESA) 제조에는 두 가지 유형의 PCM, Parafol 18-97 및 Parafol 20Z, 코르크 과립이 사용되었습니다. 잔골재는 25% 및 50% 부피로 TESA 및 코르크 과립으로 대체되었습니다. TESA의 물리적, 열적, 기계적 특성과 시멘트 기반 블록의 합성물에 미치는 영향을 평가하기 위해 다양한 분석과 테스트가 수행되었습니다. 이 연구의 결과는 TESA-A와 TESA-B가 유리한 상변화 온도 범위를 보여주었고 상당한 잠열 값을 나타냄을 나타냈습니다. 잔골재를 TESA로 부분적으로 대체하여 압축 및 휨 강도가 감소했지만 TESA 검체는 여전히 코르크 적용 시험체보다 높은 강도 값을 달성했습니다. TESA를 포함한 블록 시험체도 허용 가능한 수분 흡수 값과 열 안정성을 보였습니다. 열전도도 측면에서 모래를 사용한 OPC 시료가 가장 높은 값을 나타냈으며, TESA 시험체는 코르크 시험체에 비해 약간 낮은 열전도도를 나타냈습니다. TESA-A 및 TESA-B 검체는 모두 사용된 PCM의 열 특성이 개선된 덕분에 OPC 및 코르크 시험체에 비해 우수한 에너지 저장 성능과 장시간 지연을 보였습니다. TESA-50은 최고의 에너지 저장 성능과 가장 긴 시간 지연 결과를 보였습니다. 이러한 결과는 에너지 효율적인 보도블록 개발에서 PCMs 함침 코르크 과립을 미세골재로 활용할 수 있는 가능성을 강조합니다. Phase change materials (PCMs) have been employed to enhance the thermal characteristics of cementitious composites by leveraging their latent heat capacity. By incorporating PCMs into building components, the heating and cooling loads can be reduced by leveraging the energy release and absorption that occurs during the phase change period. Not only in building components but also in the sidewalk block system also may enable the storage of heat energy within the blocks or delay the heat energy circulation, aiming to mitigate the temperature of the surrounding environment. As such, it can serve as a potential alternative solution to address heat island concerns. Therefore, this study studied sidewalk block development using Phase Change Materials (PCMs) impregnated cork granules as fine aggregate. For the fabrication of thermal energy storage aggregates (TESAs), two types of PCM, Parafol 18-97 and Parafol 20Z, and cork granules were used. Natural sand was replaced by 25% and 50% volume with TESAs and cork granules. Various analyses and tests were conducted to evaluate the physical, thermal, and mechanical properties of the TESAs, and their impact on cement-based composites of blocks. The findings of this study indicated that TESA-A and TESA-B demonstrated favorable phase change temperature ranges and exhibited significant latent heat values. Although the partial replacement of sand with TESAs led to a decrease in compressive and flexural strength, the TESA specimens still achieved higher strength values than C-specimens. Block specimens containing TESAs also showed acceptable water absorption values and thermal stability. In terms of thermal conductivity, the OPC specimen with sand had the highest value, while TESA specimens exhibited slightly lower thermal conductivity compared to C-specimens. Both TESA-A and TESA-B specimens demonstrated superior energy-saving performance and long-time lags compared to OPC and C-specimens, attributed to the improved thermal properties of the PCMs used. TESA-50 exhibited the best energy-saving performance and the longest time lag result. These findings emphasize the potential of utilizing PCMs impregnated cork granules as fine aggregate in energy-efficient sidewalk block development.

      • Quantitative Detection Method Development for Phosphorylated P53 Peptides Using CE-LIF And LC-MS/MS

        EDA ATES Kist School, University of Science and Technology 2022 국내석사

        RANK : 2590

        Tumor suppressor p53 protein has an important role in the regulation of the genes that control cell cycle arrest, apoptosis and senescence. The p53 protein is kept at low levels in unstressed cells and activated by posttranslational modifications when the cells are encountered with stress factors. Therefore, finding quantitative analyses of post-translational modifications are useful for predicting PTMs, biomarker discovery and understanding the relationship between protein modification and cancer development. In this study, we have developed quantitative capillary electrophoresis-laser-induced fluorescence (CE-LIF) and liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) methods for the analysis of phosphorylated p53 peptides. The synthetic substrate of p53 and its 4 phosphorylated products were used to validate the capability of the methods. The LOD and LOQ obtained from CE-LIF were as follows; 2 and 6 ng/mL for Pep1, 16 and 48 ng/mL for Pep2, 4 and 12 ng/mL Pep3, 06 and 18 ng/mL for Pep4, 12 and 36 ng/mL for Pep5. Compared to CE-LIF method, LC-MS/MS method showed higher LOQ values; 27 ng/mL, 12 ng/mL, 18 ng/mL, 9 ng/mL, and 24 ng/mL, from Pep1 to Pep5 respectively. The reproducibility and accuracy values of QC samples used for the methods were within 9.5% and 94 ± 5.1% for CE-LIF and 12% and 99 ± 8.5% for LC-MS/MS. The developed methods were applied to quantitative analysis of colon cancer cell line, HCT116, treated with different concentrations of doxorubicin. The application detected the decrease in the Pep1 and increase in its different phosphorylated products successfully. Both methods hold low detection ranges, however CE-LIF method surpasses LC-MS/MS method with its lower detection value and less sample requirement. Therefore, CE-LIF has the potential for high throughput screening of phosphorylated p53 protein for discovery of therapeutic target and drug program for cancer.

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