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      • An analysis of a proposed scoring scheme for an entry-level public safety examination to minimize the occurrence of adverse impact

        Asano, Mildred Miyoko Boston College 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        The purpose of this study is to determine whether a proposed scoring scheme for an entry-level public safety civil service written examination in Massachusetts can better establish a 1:7 protected to non-protected diversity ratio so that adverse impact is minimized in the selection and hiring process. The current scoring method is based on raw scores with each test item carrying equal weight and merit appointments conducted in descending order of test scores. The proposed alternative scheme weighs nine sub-domains of an entry-level examination equally, then uses the standard error of measure (<underline> SEM</underline>) to group examinees into merit classification ranking for appointments. The proposed scoring scheme would be deemed a better approach if a higher cutoff score is attainable and the diversity ratio between protected (focal) and non-protected (reference) groups is race neutral (1:7), especially for the top 1,600 qualified examinees. Computer simulations were generated in the RESAMPLING STATS program and analyses undertaken in the SPSS software package. Simulations were conducted under four models: (a) theoretical distribution, (b) empirical distribution based on the 1993 cohort, (c) modification of the focal group's ability levels at and above the critical ability level, and (d) modification of the focal group's ability levels in a subject and skill area. The simulations show that attempting to improve the test scores of focal group examinees by computing a derived score, then classifying applicants by −1 <underline> SEM</underline> in the selection process for appointments, are not viable approaches to minimize adverse impact. A different approach may be to recruit a targeted number of high ability level focal group examinees for public safety appointments or to establish more stringent minimum entrance requirements in order to have a more homogenous pool of examinees. Further research could include an examination of the focal group membership's test results separately (i.e., Hispanics separately from African-Americans) and an examination of entry-level test results with job performance or job promotion.

      • Studies in Japanese prosody

        Asano, Makiko Harvard University 2002 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        This thesis aims to elucidate the complexities of the Japanese prosodic system by analyzing a number of classic and previously unstudied phonological problems. In attempting to shed light on the phonological problems in Japanese prosody, I have discovered that the prosodic structure employed in Japanese is more complex than the straight top-to-bottom hierarchy assumed in previous studies. I present my analysis of this hierarchy and demonstrate the role of each prosodic level through the rhythm of poetry recitation, the accent-tone systems of native nouns in different dialects, and the accent-tone system of loanwords and noun-noun compounds in Tokyo Japanese. In chapter 2, I discuss the role of silence in poetry. I demonstrate that poetic rhythm is determined not only by audible moras but also by phonologically-controlled silence which augments the audible components of each line in a poem to fulfill a template of eight moras. In order to account for the specific behavior of inserted silence, I argue that poetry is hierarchically organized, and claim that prosodic levels such as Colon and Foot are essential in the prosodic hierarchy. In chapter 3, I demonstrate the insufficiency of previous analyses of the accent-tone systems governing native nouns. I then offer a new analysis which accounts for the accent-tone systems of different dialects with three types of input specifications, a set of constraints, and dialect-specific rankings of these constraints. In so doing, I argue that another prosodic level Tonal Domain, within which all elements are linked to or affiliated with a specific tone, is indispensable in the prosodic hierarchy. In chapter 4, I extend my analysis in Chapter 3 to include loanwords and noun-noun compounds in Tokyo Japanese. Unlike previous analyses which focus on accounting for a single class of prosodic words or posit different sets or rankings of constraints for different word classes in a dialect, I demonstrate that reranking is allowed only across grammars, i.e., different dialects, but not within a grammar. I show that a single set of ranked constraints can account for the input-output relation between accent and tone in native nouns, loanwords, and noun-noun compounds.

      • Growth control and design principles of self-assembled quantum dot multiple layer structures for photodetector applications

        Asano, Tetsuya University of Southern California 2010 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247343

        Self-assembled quantum dots (SAQDs) formed by lattice-mismatch strain-driven epitaxy are currently the most advanced nanostructure-based platform for high performance optoelectronic applications such as lasers and photodetectors. While the QD lasers have realized the best performance in terms of threshold current and temperature stability, the performance of QD photodetectors (QDIPs) has not surpassed that of quantum well (QW) photodetectors. This is because the requirement of maximal photon absorption for photodetectors poses the challenge of forming an appropriately-doped large number of uniform multiple SAQD (MQD) layers with acceptable structural defect (dislocation etc.) density. This dissertation addresses this challenge and, through a combination of innovative approach to control of defects in MQD growth and judicious placement of SAQDs in a resonant cavity, shows that SAQD based quantum dot infrared photodetectors (QDIPs) can be made competitive with their quantum well counterparts. Specifically, the following major elements were accomplished: (i) the molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) growth of dislocation-free and uniform InAs/InAlGaAs/GaAs MQD strained structures up to 20-period, (ii) temperature-dependent photo- and dark-current based analysis of the electron density distribution inside the MQD structures for various doping schemes, (iii) deep level transient spectroscopy based identification of growth procedure dependent deleterious deep traps in SAQD structures and their reduction, and (iv) the use of an appropriately designed resonant cavity (RC) and judicious placement of the SAQD layers for maximal enhancement of photon absorption to realize over an order of magnitude enhancement in QDIP detectivity. The lattermost demonstration indicates that implementation of the growth approach and resonant cavity strategy developed here while utilizing the currently demonstrated MIR and LWIR QDIPs with detectivities > 10 10 cmHz1/2/W at ∼ 77 K will enable RC-QDIP with detectivites > 1011 cmHz1/2/W that become competitive with other photodetector technologies in the mid IR (3 -- 5 mum) and long wavelength IR (8 -- 12 mum) ranges with the added advantage of materials stability and normal incidence sensitivity. Extended defect-free and size-uniform MQD structures of shallow InAs on GaAs (001) SAQDs capped with In0.15Ga0.85As strain relief layers and separated by GaAs spacer layer were grown up to 20 periods employing a judicious combination of MBE and migration enhanced epitaxy (MEE) techniques and examined by detailed transmission electron microscopy studies to reveal the absence of detectable extended defects (dislocation density < ∼ 107/cm2). Photoluminescence studies revealed high optical quality. As our focus was on mid-infrared detectors, the MQD structures were grown in n (GaAs) -- i (MQD) -- n (GaAs) structures providing electron occupancy in at least the quantum confined ground energy states of the SAQDs and thus photodetection based upon transitions to electron excited states. Bias and temperature-dependent dark and photocurrent measurements were carried out for a variety of doping profiles and the electron density spatial distribution was determined from the resulting band bending profiles. It is revealed that almost no free electrons are present in the middle SAQD layers in the 10-period and 20-period n--i--n QDIP structures, indicating the existence of a high density (∼1015/cm3) of negative charges which can be attributed to electrons trapped in deep levels. To examine the nature of these deep traps, samples suitable for deep level transient spectroscopy measurement were synthesized and examined. These studies, carried out for the first time for SAQDs, revealed that the deep traps are dominantly present in the GaAs overgrowth layers grown at 500°C by MBE. For structures involving GaAs overgrowths using MEE at temperatures as low as 350°C, the deep trap density in the GaAs overgrowth layer was found to be significantly reduced by factor of ∼ 20. Thus, employing MEE growth for GaAs spacer layers in n--i(20-period MQD)-- n QDIP structures, electrons could be provided to all the SAQDs owing to the significantly reduced deep trap density. Finally, for enhancement of the incident photon absorption, we designed and fabricated asymmetric Fabry-Perot resonant cavity-enhanced QDIPs. For effective enhancement, SAQDs with a narrow photoresponse in the 3 -- 5 mum infrared regime were realized utilizing [(AlAs)1(GaAs)4]4 short-period superlattices as the confining barrier layers. Incorporating such SAQDs in RC-QDIPs, we successfully demonstrated ∼ 10 times enhancement of the QDIP detectivity. As stated above, this makes RC-QDIPs containing QDIPs with the currently demonstrated detectivities of ∼ 1010 cmHz 1/2/W at ∼ 77 K competitive with other IR photodetector technologies.

      • 선형계획법을 이용한 한국 성인의 건강한 한식 식사패턴 개발

        Asano, Kana 서울대학교 대학원 2017 국내박사

        RANK : 247343

        경영학의 계량적 분석방법으로 알려진 선형계획법은 대상 집단의 일상적 식품섭취 상태에서 크게 벗어나지 않으면서 영양섭취기준을 충족하는 식사를 계획할 때 이용할 수 있다. 이에 본 연구는 선형계획법을 이용하여 영양섭취기준을 충족하면서 식품품목별 실제 섭취량과의 차이가 최소화되는 최적 섭취량을 산출하고 이를 토대로 한국 성인의 건강한 한 끼 식사패턴을 개발하는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 본 연구는 크게 두 부분으로 구성되었다. 첫 번째 연구에서는 식사패턴과 연결시킬 수 있는 식품군·식품품목 분류체계를 설정하였다. 새로 설정한 식품군·식품품목 분류체계는 일곱 개 식품군(곡류군, 고기·생선·달걀·콩류군, 채소·해조·버섯·곡류·서류군, 김치류군, 과일류군, 우유·유제품류군, 기타군)과 이를 세분화한 24개 식품품목(밥류, 면류, 빵류, 떡류, 육류, 어패류, 난류, 콩류, 채소류, 해조류, 버섯류, 곡류·서류, 김치, 장아찌, 과일류, 우유·유제품류, 유지류, 당류, 떡·빵·과자류, 알코올음료, 기호음료, 조미료, 견과류, 기타 곡류)으로 구성되었다. 또한 국민건강영양조사(2010-2014)의 식품섭취조사 자료를 이용하여 한국 성인이 일상적으로 섭취하는 식품목록을 작성하고 설정한 식품군·식품품목 분류체계에 따라 이를 분류한 후 성별(남, 여), 연령별(만 19∼29세, 30∼49세, 50∼64세, 65세 이상)로 여덟 개 집단에 대해 식품군·식품품목별 1인 1일 평균 섭취량과 5th, 10th, 25th, 50th, 75th, 90th, 95th 백분위수를 산출하였다. 두 번째 연구에서는 선형계획법을 이용하여 식품품목별 최적 섭취량을 산출하고 이를 토대로 건강한 한 끼 식사패턴을 개발하였다. 식품품목별 최적 섭취량과 실제 섭취량 간의 편차 최소화를 목적함수로 하고 연구 1에서 산출한 식품군의 10th, 90th 백분위수와 식품품목의 90th 백분위수를 식품섭취량에 관한 제약조건으로 설정하였다. 열량은 열량필요추정량과 동일한 값을, 13개 영양소(단백질, 지방, 탄수화물, 비타민 A, 비타민 C, 비타민 B1, 비타민 B2, 나이아신, 칼슘, 인, 나트륨, 칼륨, 철)에 대해서는 권장섭취량이 설정된 영양소(단백질, 비타민 A, 비타민 C, 비타민 B1, 비타민 B2, 나이아신, 칼슘, 인, 철) 혹은 충분섭취량이 설정된 영양소(칼륨)에 대해서는 각각 그 기준량을 제약조건의 하한 기준으로 설정하였다. 목표섭취량이 설정된 영양소(나트륨) 혹은 상한섭취량이 설정된 영양소(비타민 A, 비타민 C, 나이아신, 칼슘, 인, 철)에 대해서는 각각 그 기준량을 제약조건의 상한 기준으로 설정하였다. 탄수화물, 단백질, 지방에 대해서는 에너지적정비율(탄수화물: 55∼65%, 단백질: 7∼20%, 지방: 15∼30%)을 제약조건으로 설정하였다. 또한 편차변수가 0 이상이 되도록 비음수 조건과 구조적 제약조건을 설정하고 선형계획법을 실시하여 여덟 개 집단에 대한 식품품목별 최적 섭취량을 산출하였다. 그 결과, 조미료의 최적 섭취량이 모든 집단에서 0 g으로 산출되었다. 그러나 조리 과정에서 조미료를 전혀 사용하지 않는 것은 현실에 맞지 않기에 제약조건의 하나인 나트륨의 목표섭취량(2,000 mg/일)을 조절할 필요가 있었다. 따라서 나트륨의 제약조건을 2,000 mg으로부터 100 mg 단위로 증가시키면서 이에 따른 식품품목별 최적 섭취량 변화를 살펴보고 조미료의 최적 섭취량이 실제 섭취량의 25th 백분위수에 가장 가까운 경우의 나트륨 양(19∼29세 남자: 3,600 mg, 30∼49세 남자: 4,500 mg, 50∼64세 남자: 4,200 mg, 65세 이상의 남자: 3,400 mg, 19∼29세 여자: 2,800 mg, 30∼49세 여자: 3,100 mg, 50∼64세 여자: 3,100 mg, 65세 이상의 여자: 2,500 mg)을 제약조건 기준으로 선형계획법을 실시하였다. 그 결과, 여덟 개 집단별로 24개 식품품목별 최적 섭취량이 산출되었다. 이 최적 섭취량에 1/3을 곱한 식품품목별 한 끼의 최적 섭취량을 합산하여 식품군별 한 끼의 최적 섭취량을 산출하고 주식류, 주찬, 부찬, 김치류, 후식류, 기타로 구성되는 건강한 한 끼 식사패턴을 개발하였다. 30∼49세 남자의 경우 주식류에 해당되는 곡류군의 탄수화물 60 g, 주찬에 해당되는 고기·생선·달걀·콩류군의 단백질 20 g, 부찬에 해당되는 채소·해조·버섯·곡류·서류군 160 g, 김치류에 해당되는 김치류군의 김치 50 g(장아찌 35 g), 후식류에 해당되는 과일류군 50 g, 우유·유제품류군 25 g, 기타군 중 유지류, 당류, 떡·빵·과자류, 알코올음료, 기호음료, 견과류, 기타 곡류의 일곱 개 식품품목의 열량의 합이 200 kcal 이하로 섭취하는 건강한 식사패턴을 제시하였고 동일한 방식으로 나머지 일곱 개 집단에 대해서도 제시하였다. 본 연구에서 개발한 건강한 식사패턴을 이용하면 실현이 가능하면서 열량과 13개 영양소의 영양섭취기준을 충족하는 식단을 만들 수 있다. 본 연구는 선형계획법을 한국에서 처음으로 영양학 분야에 이용하였다는 점에서 의의가 있다.

      • Engineering of surfaces for energy-related applications

        Umeda, Grant Asano University of California, Los Angeles 2010 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 247341

        Finding solutions to today's energy challenges will be spearheaded by the development of novel materials systems. This dissertation examines the engineering of surfaces for both energy collection and energy storage. Energy collection research, such as the development of more efficient photovoltaic devices, has received much attention in recent literature, however, achieving inexpensive efficiency improvements in other parts of the photovoltaic system has not been well documented. The first part of this dissertation examines the possibility of utilizing a sol-gel approach to fabricate a single-layer abrasion-resistant antireflective coating for cover glass for solar cell arrays. By controlling the porosity of the film to reduce reflection from the substrate, and by controlling the chemistry of the sol-gel formation, we have achieved a film that is both durable and exhibits excellent antireflection properties. The second part of this dissertation examines a novel approach to the protection of lithium metal for use in secondary batteries. Current lithium-ion technologies utilize carbon anodes which have a low energy density compared to lithium metal. However, the interaction between lithium metal and commercially available non-aqueous electrolytes produces an inhomogeneous layer on the surface of the lithium which results in poor cycle life. A novel coating is presented which uses sol-gel precursors to stabilize the surface of lithium metal and results in a film that protects a lithium metal surface for over 100 cycles of stripping and plating.

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