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      • 오늘 본 자료가 없습니다.
      • Fast Interpolation for Pruned Images

        Anh Vu Le 동국대학교 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 233023

        Material technology is an important technology in the innovation and improvement in construction industry, including recycled materials, reused materials and new materials. Among them, recycled materials have many benefits, especially on environmental and economic aspects. Through the survey implemented, a study find the current trend of using recycled materials in the construction project in Vietnam and the difficulties when applying them. From these points, some main solutions to improve the use of recycled materials are considered and suggested. One of the solutions is the developing of new rating systems about recycled materials, through the control of the Government. By studying the rating systems which are used popularly in the world, analyzing and comparison of these ratings system, this study suggests and establish the new rating systems for construction recycled material contents. The other solutions are used for the parties involved in construction projects such as the investor, the contractor, the Government, the designer, the manufacturer or supplier, etc. For the assessment of these solutions, the survey are conducted. The results collected from the survey are classified and analyzed carefully through the statistic tools such as Excel statistical functions, Analysis Toolpak tools or PHStat tools, etc. Based on these results, the suitable solutions are considered and suggested in order to improving the using of recycled materials in construction projects in Vietnam.

      • Interpolation for Frame-Compatible Steroscopic 3DTV via Fast Key-Points Matching

        Anh Vu Le 동국대학교 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 233023

        Frame-compatible packing is to reformat the stereo frames of 3D TV videos into a single frame of digital TV (DTV). This allows the stereo 3D (S3D) videos to be transmitted via the existing transmission infrastructure of the DTV. This thesis proposes a novel interpolation method to expand the decimated S3D video to the original size at the receiver. The basic approach for our interpolation is to exploit key-point correspondences between the stereoscopic left and right images. Since the rectified left and right frames of the S3D videos have no scale and geometric transformations between the two stereo images, a simple key-point detection method can be employed without considering the scale and transformation invariances. After detecting matched key-point pairs between the left and right images, we can interpolate the decimated pixels by exploiting the corresponding key-points in the opposite view as well as their neighboring pixels in the current view. The merit of our method is that no side information is to be sent to the receiver to assist the interpolation. Nevertheless, the proposed method yields similar or even better PSNR performance than the previous side information method. Moreover, it is better and faster than the conventional pixels-wised block based stereo matching algorithm (BMA). Especially, the proposed method with the top-bottom sub-sampling format outperforms more 2dB in term of PSNR and less 31 times in term of execution time than pixels-wised BMA.

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