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      • Prioritization of renewable energy technologies for power generation in Cameroon : using analytic hierarchy process (AHP)

        Alain Bakari Adamou Green School Graduate School of Energy and Environ 2019 국내석사

        RANK : 233023

        Energy in the world is an essential component for development. Even more for the countries, whose aspiration is the improvement of the living conditions of these populations. Due to the multitude of sources of energy in their global origin challenges the establishment of adequate policies for their use. Cameroon with its multiple energy potential in the renewable resource is the subject of this case study. Through the prioritization of the most appropriate technology for the generation of power as an alternative secondary to its current generation. As a follow-up, the Multiple Decision Tool (AHP) Analytic Hierarchy Process used for the first time in the energy sector for the prioritization of technologies such as solar photovoltaic, solar thermal (CSP), wind energy, and biomass. Which are the least renewable energy involves in the production of energy in Cameroon for this fact four essential criteria will be taken into account (economic, technical, environmental, and social). Criteria in which are associated with sub-criteria, all selected through the literature review of the essential components in a similar exercise of selection. In order to conduct this study, a survey of the expert presbyter established. For the pairwise comparison of the components of this model respecting the primary, object. From this prioritization, come out that solar photovoltaic an alternative is class one for the generation of energy, followed by Biomass, then wind energy and finally solar thermal. Through this analysis and analysis of the prioritization component, planning implications have made for sustainable planning.

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