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      • The Spirit and Insights of the Axial Flowerings: A Paradigm for Conflict Resolution?

        Ahamed, Zaherali K George Mason University 2013 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        The purpose of this study is to consider the relevance and applicability of the spirit and insights of the Axial Flowerings to the modern practice of conflict resolution. Jaspers, a German philosopher, articulated the term Axial Age in his book that was translated into English in 1953. Jaspers identified, in the context of history, the Axial Age as a pivotal change in human condition that was marked by the emergence of reflexivity, historicity and agentiality of the individual in four distinct and distant areas - China, India, eastern Mediterranean, and Greece. Jaspers' focus on the Axial Age was Eurocentric, and rooted in the ethos of Christianity. In recent years, Jaspers' term has been expanded and elaborated to include Axial civilizations more broadly, and Axial Age civilizations to bring into consideration the undocumented civilizations, as also other contemporary ancient civilizations that did not feature in Jaspers' thesis. Ideas have been the well spring of intellectual development of mankind. Ideas agitated by seminal thinkers have been agents of change, for better or for worse, throughout history. There is, thus, a direct nexus between the history of ideas, and the Axial Flowerings. Modern scholars have debated religion, ethics, culture, power distribution, social justice, as also individuals and their relationship to associational living, that were the core concerns of society of the Axial epochs. Religion, and its contradictory proclivities of violence and non-violence; ethics and its binding force; culture and its varied manifestations; individuals and communities and their varying values; power and its asymmetries; are as germane to the present day discourse of conflict resolution, as they were in those far away times. Moreover, recently, additional subjects such as other civilizations, cultures, education, and the global ramifications of each, have entered the discourse of Axial Age, Axial Flowerings and other Axial breakthroughs. The current convention of the conflict resolution discipline is that it is a 20th century dispensation. My study argues that looking through the lenses of the history of ideas and the Axial Flowerings, points to ancient and noble ancestry for conflict resolution. It is, after all, a trite saying that from time immemorial conflict has been ever present in associational living, and that all conflicts are ultimately settled by each society through culturally legitimated processes. I, therefore, argue detailed study of the Axial Flowerings together with the history of ideas is a fit and proper paradigm for conflict resolution, and presents a great opportunity to learn and profit from multi-disciplinary, and multi-dimensional insights of the Axial Age and the Axial breakthroughs, and to relate these to the present conditions.

      • Tri-metallic Phosphides Derived from Bimetallic ZIF-67 MOFs for Supercapacitor Applications Major in Chemical Engineering

        Ahamed, Milton 영남대학교 대학원 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 2591

        The most effective method for enhancing the electrochemical performance of supercapacitor electrode materials is increasing surface area, and conductivity, and combining the effect of different elements. On the other hand, a short circuit is eventually created in a Zn-ion battery by the side reaction of an anode with an aqueous electrolyte. In this thesis, pristine MOFs derived tri-metallic phosphide for supercapacitor applications and MOF-based gel polymer electrolyte was prepared for Zn-ion battery. In the first study, ZnCo-MOF-derived tri-metallic phosphide was prepared. Pristine metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) with very high surface areas generally have poor electrical conductivity and stability. These shortcomings could be overcome by transforming MOFs into oxides, sulfides, or phosphides, making them suitable for supercapacitor electrode materials. This work synthesized a hollow polyhedron ternary metal phosphide with a flake structure using ZnCo- MOF as a sacrificial template. The acquired ZnCoNi-P possessed extremely active sites and a high surface area. The combined effect of Zn, Co, and Ni delivered good conductivity and electrochemical performance, making it a potential candidate for supercapacitor electrodes. The ZnCoNi-P electrode delivered a high specific capacitance of 785 C g−1 (1962 F g−1) at 1 A g−1 and excellent rate capability (76.4% at 20 A g−1) and maintained capacity at 72% after 5,000 cycles, which are comparable with single metal MOF-derived phosphides. The ZnCoNi-P//rGO asymmetric hybrid device showed an energy density of 39.1 Wh kg−1 at a power density of 750 W kg−1 with a capacity retention of 86.2% after 10,000 continuous GCD cycles. In this second work, it is observed that the energy density and the cyclic stability of the fabricated ZnCoNi-P//rGO device showed poor performance. Due to the hollow structure of ZnCoNi-P, electrolytes can interact efficiently, therefore the materials aggregate and cannot sustain long periods during the continuous charging-discharging time. The energy density was low because of Zn, as the theoretical capacitance of Zn is very low compared to Co and Ni, and so the contribution from Zn in energy density is very low which leads to poor energy density in the ZnCoNi-P//rGO supercapacitor device. In the subsequent research, we made an effort to address these two problems by changing the morphology of the materials used to create the composite containing rGO and by substituting Mn for Zn. MCN-P was synthesized from MC-MOF, and these components were used to adorn the rGO sheet. All of the materials are connected, and the conductivity is raised for electrochemical performances since the rGO sheet was coated with MCN-P. MCN-P@rGO has a specific capacity of 978 C g1 (2245 F g1) at 1 A g– 1, and after 5000 cycles, it demonstrated an 84.3% capacity retention, which is -much better than earlier work. After 10,000 cycles, the integrated MCN P@rGO//rGO device retained 91.3% of its capacity and demonstrated an enhanced energy density of 59.2 Wh kg1 at 750 W kg1 power density. However, the rate performance was reduced because the diffusive contribution in charge storage is increased in this second study. At high current, the reaction proceeds very fast but t high current density the capacity becomes diffusion is a slow process as a result a low which causes poor rate capability. Overall this work investigated the strategy metallic phosphide for supercapacitor application with -derived tri-of MOF improved energy density and cyclic stability.

      • Towards Urban Delivery Innovations: Macro- and Micro-Level Models of Crowdshipping

        Ahamed, Tanvir ProQuest Dissertations & Theses University of Illi 2022 해외박사(DDOD)

        RANK : 2591

        With rapid e-commerce growth, on-demand urban delivery is having a high time especially for food, grocery, and retail, often requiring delivery in a very short amount of time after an order is placed. This imposes significant financial and operational challenges for traditional vehicle-based delivery methods. Crowdshipping, which employs ordinary people with a low pay rate and limited time availability, has emerged as an attractive alternative. The first chapter proposes a multi-tier adaptive memory programming (M-TAMP) to tackle on-demand assignment of requests to crowdsourcees with spatially distributed request origins and destination and crowdsourcee starting points. M-TAMP starts with multiple initial solutions constructed based on different plausible contemplations in assigning requests to crowdsourcees, and organizes solution search through waves, phases, and steps, imitating both ocean waves and human memory functioning while seeking the best solution. The assignment is further enforced by proactively relocating idle crowdsourcees, for which a computationally efficient cluster- and job-based strategy is devised. Numerical experiments demonstrate the superiority of M-TAMP over a number of existing methods, and that relocation can greatly improve the efficiency of crowdsourcee-request assignment. The second chapter investigates the problem of assigning shipping requests to ad hoc couriers in the context of crowdsourced urban delivery. The shipping requests are spatially distributed each with a limited time window between the earliest time for pickup and latest time for delivery. The ad hoc couriers, termed crowdsourcees, also have limited time availability and carrying capacity. We propose a new deep reinforcement learning (DRL)-based approach to tackling this assignment problem. A deep Q network (DQN) algorithm is trained which entails two salient features of experience replay and target network that enhance the efficiency, convergence, and stability of DRL training. More importantly, this chapter makes three methodological contributions: 1) presenting a comprehensive and novel characterization of crowdshipping system states that encompasses spatial-temporal and capacity information of crowdsourcees and requests; 2) embedding heuristics that leverage information offered by the state representation and are based on intuitive reasonings to guide specific actions to take, to preserve tractability and enhance efficiency of training; and 3) integrating rule-interposing to prevent repeated visiting of the same routes and node sequences during routing improvement, thereby further enhancing the training efficiency by accelerating learning. The computational complexities of the heuristics and the overall DQN training are investigated. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is demonstrated through extensive numerical analysis. The results show the benefits brought by the heuristics-guided action choice, rule-interposing, and having time-related information in the state space in DRL training, the near-optimality of the solutions obtained, and the superiority of the proposed approach over existing methods in terms of solution quality, computation time, and scalability.The third chapter studies a two-echelon urban delivery system that substitutes traditional truck-based delivery by crowdsourcees for the first leg and autonomous delivery robots for the second leg. We consider that a delivery service provider (DSP) forms and assigns delivery jobs (a set of requests) at pickup stations, where a job is assigned to a crowdsourcee who carry the requests in the job to a micro-station, which is a temporary holding facility and located near end customers. From the micro-station, the job is resumed by a robot which completes the delivery. For the first time in the literature, this work proposes an analytical framework to characterize the aggregate performance of such a two-echelon system. The framework is useful in that it enables system-level analysis of delivery performance. By characterizing the first leg as a closed queueing network and the second leg using continuum approximation, we formulate a strategic system optimization model that seeks: 1) the optimal size of the crowdsourcee fleet while considering crowdsourcee rebalancing to balance the spatial distribution between crowdsourcees and jobs, and 2) the optimal size of the robot fleet at each micro-station. To solve the model, we develop a decomposition-based approach which leverages mean value analysis (MVA) to solve the queueing network steady state and a tailored iterative procedure to compute crowdsourcee routing probability matrix incorporating rebalancing. The model and solution algorithm are implemented through extensive numerical experiments, which validate their effectiveness and yield practical insights.

      • Symbiotic relationship between a microalga, Pavlova viridis and associated bacteria

        Sarker Anowarul Kabir Ahamed 부경대학교 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 2588

        The symbiotic relationship between the flagellate microalga Pavlova viridis and its associated bacteria was investigated. The axenic culture of P. viridis was obtained by repeated treatment of the microalga with antibiotic cocktail. Axenic status was confirmed after sub culturing three times in sterile f/2 medium without antibiotic. The axenic alga was then co-inoculated with bacteria isolated from the alga to test the growth promotion of the algae. All bacterial isolates promoted the growth of P. viridis and bacterial isolate I3 was the most effective among the five tested bacteria. The cell numbers of microalga was significantly higher than that of control culture. The I3 isolate was further characterized and sequence analysis of the 16S rRNA of I3 isolate revealed 97% nucleotide sequence similarity with that of Arthrobacter sp. The optimum growth condition of Arthrobacter sp. was 37˚C, pH 7 and NaCl 1%. The growth of I3 isolate was also increased effectively by co-culturing with P. viridis, showing a symbiotic relationship between microalga and its associated bacterium. The association between microalga and bacterium was confirmed by scanning electron microscopy.

      • Bloom Potential of Toxic Dinoflagellate Alexandrium spp. in Jinhae Bay, Korea

        Ibrahim Musa ABDELWAHAB AHAMED 부경대학교 글로벌수산대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 2588

        Harmful algal blooms (HABs) are phenomenon which shows serious impacts on the marine ecosystem and aquaculture productivity in many areas of the world. In Korea, Jinhae Bay is a highly developed coastal area in aquaculture productivity, where mussels, oysters and fish farms are widely distributed. however, the occurrences of HABs and paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) caused by the genus Alexandrium which has frequently bloomed around Jinhae Bay are imposing serious damage to public health as well as shellfish farming. To examine bloom potential and development of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium spp., 182 sediment samples collected from 14 stations in Jinhae Bay from December 2011 to December 2012 by National Fisheries Research and Development Institute (NFRDI) were analysed, and the occurrence of vegetative cells and abundance of resting cysts of Alexandrium spp. at two periodic stations (CCSt. 1 and CCSt. 2) in Jinhae Bay were monthly surveyed from from February to May 2013. Water temperature (°C) averaged on the periodic sampling stations in Jinhae Bay from Dec 2011 to Dec 2012 shows a clear seasonal variation pattern with lower ranges in winter and higher in summer. Also on the physical factors such as pH and DO (mg/L) observed at the stations near Chilcheon Island in Jinhae Bay from Feb to May 2013 indicated for the highest mean in the summer season and the lowest in the winter, while the salinity ranges high in winter and low during spring season. Alexandrium spp. cysts were found in 182 sediment samples received from National Fisheries Research and Development Institute (NFRDI) at 14 stations in Jinhae Bay from Dec 2011 to Dec 2012, but the abundance was highly variable in a concentration range of 14-250 cysts/cm3 by showing spatio-temporal distribution patterns. Also the abundance of Alexandrium cysts varied horizontally among the sampling stations, where the highest concentration was found in St.11 (141.5±51.9 cysts/ cm3) and relatively higher distribution pattern showed around Jindong Bay stations. When a relationship between motile cells occurrence and cysts abundance was focused on the periodic stations near Chilcheon Island during vernal warming period, vegetative cells and cysts of Alexandrium spp. were also present at two stations of CCSt. 1 and CCSt. 2. moreover, there was a close relationship between the occurrence of vegetative cells and the abundance of cysts. vegetative cells of Alexandrium spp. appeared at all the stations in February, and reached maximum concentration (13.6±2.8 cells/L) in April. In contrast, Alexandrium cysts showed in maximum abundance in February, and the highest concentration of vegetative cells was followed by a sharp decrease in the cysts abundance, adversely both with temperature elevation and with the increase of motile cells. Motile cells recurrent in the cold season could result from the germination of their cysts which have been controlled largely by the environmental and biological regimes. Considering the extensive occurrence of toxic algal species with the same seasonality as a cysts germination, it is suggested that monitoring for the prediction of regional impacts should be undertaken based on the life cycle strategies of causative organisms.

      • Acoustic-based Multi-task Construction Equipment and Activities Recognition using Customized ResNet-18 : 맞춤형 ResNet-18을 이용한 음향기반 멀티태스킹 장비 및 활동인식

        Ahammed, Md Istiak 경북대학교 대학원 2024 국내석사

        RANK : 1551

        이 연구는 건설 장비 유형을 구별하기 위한 음향 기반 다중 작업 기법을 사용하여 상호운용장비 유형을 구별하기 위한 음향 기반 다중 작업 기법을 시연한다.건설장비 활동은 사이트에 실시간 운영 중에 효율적인 인식과 안전성을 보장하기 위해 실시간 운영 중에 효율적인 인식해야 한다.일반적인 방법은 시각적 또는 센서 기반 방법에 초점을 맞추고 있지만, 이 연구는 활동 탐지에 대한 실현 가능한 오디오 신호를 조사하고 있습니다.음향 신호 및 고급 DL 기술을 활용하여 설계 장비 및 처리 장비로부터 오디오 신호를 수집 및 처리하여 장비를 정확하게 인식하여 장비를 정확하게 인식할 수 있습니다.제안된 방법은 장비 및 활동을 식별하기 위해 상당한 정확성과 성능을 보여준다.우리의 연구 결과는 장비 유형 및 활동 유형 및 활동 유형을 정확하게 분류하여 분류 정확도를 97%로 분류 정확도를 달성한다.또한 다른 모델보다, 우리의 전략은 컴퓨터 효율적입니다.결과, 제안된 접근 방식은 무거운 장비 및 관련 활동에 대한 약속의 실시간 인식에 대한 약속을 유지할 수 있다는 것을 시사한다.이러한 기능은 건설 위험 감소, 생산성 향상, 생산성에 대한 결정을 높이고, 건설 사이트에 대한 결정을 향상시킨다. This study demonstrates an acoustic-based multi-task technique for distinguishing construction equipment types and their accompanying activities using a customized ResNet-18 Deep Learning (DL) model. The activities of the construction equipment require efficient recognition during real-time operations on the sites to ensure maximum productivity and safety. While the majority of the typical methods focus on visual or sensor-based methods, this study investigates the potential of equipment-generated audio signals as a feasible option for activity detection. Leveraging the acoustic signal and advanced DL techniques, we collect and preprocess audio signals from construction equipment and train on a customized pre-trained ResNet-18 model to accurately recognize equipment and its corresponding activities. The proposed method shows significant accuracy and performance to identify the equipment and activity. Our findings reveal the capability and efficiency of the developed approach in accurately classifying equipment types and activity types, achieving classification accuracies of up to 97%. Furthermore, when compared to other models, our strategy is more computationally efficient. The results suggest that the devised approach holds promise for real-time recognition of heavy equipment and related activities. Such capabilities have the potential to reduce construction risks, enhance productivity, and improve decision-making at construction sites.

      • Studies on comparative evaluation of layer housing systems and appropriate feeding regimen in welfare aviary

        Musabbir Ahammed 강원대학교 대학원 2013 국내박사

        RANK : 1550

        Egg production in welfare bestowing aviary housing system was evaluated in views of three different perspectives. The first study intended to compare aviary, barn and conventional cage raisings in view of laying performance and egg quality. The second study was executed to find the appropriate ME levels for hen in aviary system. The third study was executed to find the alternative method to replace forced molting practice to aged layers in aviary system. Study 1. Comparison of aviary, barn and conventional cage raisings of chicken on laying performance and egg quality This study intended to compare the productive performance of three different layer raising systems; conventional cage (CC), barn (BR) and aviary (AV). AV is welfare bestowed housing that allows free locomotion for bird within barn. BR allows bird’s free locomotion inside barn but no multilevel structures. Both pullet and cockerel were housed together in both AV and BR, but no cockerel, only pullet were housed in CC. Seventeen weeks old Lohmann Brown Lite (n = 800) pullets were housed to AV in this study. The same age layer pullets were simultaneously assigned to either at CC (n = 600) or BR (n = 200) to compare egg production performance with AV. The duration of experiment was 40 weeks (from 21st to 60th week). There were no remarkable differences in egg production (HDEP) and average egg weight among three rearing systems. First 20 weeks (phase-1) average HDEP (%) of AV, CC and BR were 85.9, 88.8, 87.1 and average egg weights (g) were 57.5, 59.9 and 56.9 respectively. Those of rest 20 weeks (phase-2) were 87.1, 87.9, 85.5 and 64.2, 63.0 62.1, respectively. Daily feed intakes (122g, 110g 125g); feed conversion ratio (2.4, 2.1, 2.5) and daily egg mass (53.9g, 54.4g 52.8g) data from AV, CC and BR were not influenced significantly by the respective raising systems. Salmonella spp. was not detected both on the surface of egg or in the litter of AV. Daily feed intake of layer in both AV (124g) and BR (127g) were tended to be higher than that in CC (113g) during phase-2. Overall, exterior egg quality (dirty and cracked eggs) in both phases was superior in BR compared with AV and CC, whereas CC generated intermediate results. But breaking strength (avg. 3.68 kg/cm2) and shell thickness (avg. 0.41mm) were better in AV and poor in CC (avg. 3.68 kg/cm2 and avg .0.37mm). Internal quality of egg, especially Haugh Unit and albumen height were always higher in CC compared to others. This study indicated that the HDEP per se in AV and BR were not significantly different from that in CC. The study implied that the facility depreciation cost for AV and cost for increased feed intake in AV compared to CC are believed to be critical to evaluate the cost effectiveness of egg production in AV. Study 2. Effects of different dietary ME levels on welfare aviary chicken at the late stage of production The experiment was performed to evaluate the effects of different dietary ME levels on aviary chicken performance. Sixty weeks old Lohmann Brown Lite layer chicken (n = 720) were randomly divided into 4 dietary treatments. Diets with four levels of metabolizable energy (ME) (2700, 2800, 2900, and 3000 kcal/kg) were supplied to welfare aviary layer chicken for 7 weeks. During the experimental period, egg production (HDEP), egg weight, body weight and feed intake were recorded. At the end of experiment, 4 birds from each treatment were assigned to measure abdominal fat and serum cholesterol level. Four birds from each treatment were also shifted to metabolic cages for digestibility trial immediately after 7 weeks feeding trial. Twenty eggs from each treatment were randomly collected to analyze different egg quality parameters and yolk cholesterol content. Dietary ME of 2800 kcal/kg significantly increased HDEP and egg mass compared to other groups but feed intake was higher in birds fed 2700 kcal/kg than others. Albumen height and Haugh unit value were higher in hens fed 2800 kcal compared to others but other quality parameters were not affected by dietary treatments. TTAD (total tract apparent digestibility) of crude protein, crude fat and energy were linearly decreased (P>0.05) with increasing energy levels showing lowest value in 3000 kcal/kg. Serum glucose and serum cholesterol values were linearly (P<0.05) increased with increasing levels of dietary ME showing highest value in 3000 kcal/kg. But cholesterol content of yolk and abdominal fat was not affected by dietary energy levels. This study showed that the recommended ME levels (2700 to 2800 kcal/kg) would be appropriate for welfare aviary raised layers in later stage of production and higher levels of dietary ME (over 2800 kcal/kg) could be detrimental for layer performance in welfare aviary. Study 3. Effect of dietary feed additives for extending egg production without forced molting in welfare aviary Forced molting is not allowed according to the guidelines of laying hens welfare. To develop alternative measure to extend the egg production in aged hens, feed additives that could enhance body metabolism were evaluated. Four dietary additives were employed as treatments (T1, no additive control; T2, Medium Chain Fatty Acid + onion extract; T3, Methionine and T4, Lysophospholipid). Seventy four weeks old Lohmann Brown Lite laying hen (n = 640) and cockerels (n = 60) were assigned to 2-tier aviary furnished with adjacent sand bath for 7 weeks. During the experimental period, hen day egg production (HDEP), egg weight, body weight and feed intake were recorded. At the end of experiment, four birds from each treatment were assigned to measure abdominal fat, serum cholesterol and serum glucose level. Egg cholesterol was also analyzed. Cecal content was also collected and analyzed bacterial counts. Treatment-2 showed better HDEP (avg. 68.86%) than other treatments whereas T1 exerted poorest (avg. 62.37%) HDEP. Eggs from T1 were heavier (avg. 65.77g) than other treatments. Both egg weight (avg. 64.76g) and daily feed intake (avg. 113.84g) were lower in T4 hens. Abdominal fat content, serum cholesterol and egg cholesterol concentration in T4 hens were significantly (P<0.05) higher than other groups. Serum cholesterol and egg cholesterol levels in T3 hens were comparatively lower than others. Serum glucose concentration was not different among treatments. Treatment-2 enhanced the colonization of Lactobacillus and slightly reduced the Coliforms in cecal content; however, no Salmonella was detected. The study showed that MCFA with onion extract was the most effective for extending the life of egg production in aged laying hens that were not forced molted. Overall, this study found that i) the welfare housing system can be successfully implimented as a welfare housing production system. ii) ME level for hens in welfare aviary system does not has to be increased as it was hypothesized by considering the increased free locomotory activity of the hens. iii) To extend egg production cycle for aged hens under non-molting welfare bestwed practice, dietary MCFA + onion extract additive supplementation was the best for extending egg production cycle.

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