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      • 《文心雕龍》文體論硏究

        李長徽 山東大學 2001 해외박사

        RANK : 1839

        Writers emerged in large numbers during the Xian Qin and Two Han dynasties, especially in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern dynasties, At the same time, lots of works and collected works were being produced, various styles the specifications were being formed. There were typical works of different styles. Thoughts on writing style became more popular into scholars and more important to scholars with the creation of diverse writing styles, Many writers, especially Liu Xie, devoted themselves consequently, to the study of style, Wen Xin Diao Long, the important collected work of Liu Xie, has 50 articles containing, severe structure, perfect system, style and profound thought, Wen Xin Diao Long is not only the top literary critic of Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern dynasties, but is also one of the most famous representatives of Chinese classical and theoretical literary work. In early years when Wen Xin Diao Long was produced, Shen Yue(沈約) thought it to be the best example of the creation of a literary style ( Liang Shu Biography of Liu Xie. The value of Wen Xin Diao Long is becoming more well known with time, influencing more profoundly and more extensively need an object here. Wen Xin Diao Long contains systematic and plentiful literary theory and thoughts, which was commonly known to Chinese and foreign scholars studying Wen Xin Diao Long. The research of Wen Xin Diao Long classified its 50 works into essential literary review(基本文學觀) (or literary original discussion or general discussion, style review, creative review, critical review and appreciation review, of which the style review is very important. Liu Xie's style review has 21 works, which form a part of early Chinese literary style history. Although this part is too complex, the author profoundly studied. the diverse changes in style origin. He analyzed and commented elaborately with regard to all literary thoughts, writers and works from Xian Qin to Jin and Song(宋) of southern dynasty. As a result, the study of the style review content of Wen Xin Diao Long is important to our study of literary history and literary theory from before the Qi and Liang(梁) dynasty. Many researchers pay most attention to the Liu Xie's life experiences and thoughts, especially to his creative review, but all have thus far neglected to study the style review. This may lead to the destruction of Wen Xin Diao Long's theory, implying that Wen Xin Diao Long's literary value is only embodied in its creative review. This doesn't accord with historic facts, and may result in negative consequences. Because scholars have neglected the study of the style review content of Wen Xin Diao Long for a long time, so far, the works analyzing completely the style review of Wen Xin Diao Long are non-existent, rendering us unable to comprehend the essence of Wen Xin Diao Long. Most of the articles studying the style review of Wen Xin Diao Long are pure literary works about Bian Sao(<<辨驗>>), Ming Shi, Yue Fu and Quan Fu or about Shi Zhuan and Lun Shuo. But studies on other parts of the style review content are fewer. The situation about all is especially severe in Korea. In Korea, articles about the style review content of Wen Xin Diao Long have been published since the 1970's. These three articles mainly discussed the origin of style review. About all, I chose the style review content of Wen Xin Diao Long as my study subject, as I hope to compersate for insufficiency of past studies of Wen Xin Diao Long. Liu Xie's Wen Xin Diao Long forms a perfect series of study methods. It pursues the similarity of style by classifying, discriminates the differentiating through comparison, inspecting changes by evoluting, ultimately creating a basis of style study method review. More importantly Wen Xin Diao Long established the complete system of style review. He advocated four methods of style review in his Xu Zhi(<<序志>>) , which established the basis of classical style review. Each of 21 works about style review in Wen Xin Diao Long consists of four methods. According to the four methods, I discussed the Bian Sao in general review when I wrote my thesis. If we discuss the various styles from Ming Shi to Shu Ji in partial review, many abstruse literary phenomena can be solved easily using the angle of style. In a word, Liu Xie's style review study method is a combination of four factors. It combines the development history of style review, with the discussion of writers, works and writing theory, creating a more complete and systematic style review. This article makes a systematic and meticulous study according to previous work completed by ancient and contemporary scholars. It consists of four parts: preface, general review, partial review (1) and partial review (2) In total it is over 160, 000 words long. First, the preface explains the reason of choosing this subject, and then interprets the style review study method of Wen Xin Diao Long briefly. Secondly the general review, I make a comprehensive study of the style review content of Wen Xin Diao Long from different angles, making the style review known as a whole, I discussed the importance, the table of contents and their arrangement of style review, the relation between style and Wu Jing(<<五經>>), style classification, essential content and the organization of each work, methods, value and the limitations of style review. In the partial review, I discussed each style of Wen Xin Diao Long from Ming Shi to Shu Ji respectively according Liu Xie's four methods in Xu Zhi. Most of the subjects in this article have been discussed by many scholars of the past. On the basis of results found by predecessors. I have completed a new study. As a foreign student from Korea, it took me a long time to manage to solve the difficulties of words, correcting and the divergence from experts, especially to resolve cannot difficult questions. Even though I have not fully mastered the Wen Xin Diao Long's contents, and comprehended them exactly and profoundly, I expect all experts and scholars to make valuable criticism and suggestions so that I may avoid careless ommissions and mistakes.

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