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      • 花崗土의 風化度에 따른 土質工學的 特性

        이광찬 全南大學校 大學院 1998 국내박사

        RANK : 1839

        화강토(화강암질계의 풍화잔적토)는 기본적으로 화강암질 암석이 풍화되어 세립화된 것으로 이들 암석은 풍화의 진행과정에서 입자간의 이완분리에 의해 암석으로서 고결력을 잃고 최종적으로는 점토광물로 변질되는데 풍화정도에 따라 암석에 가까운 실트질 모래에서 점토질까지 넓은 범위의 입경분포를 갖는다. 특히, 화강토는 물리적, 화학적 풍화작용에 의해 광물조성중 1차광물과 2차광물로 분리되기 때문에 퇴적토와는 다른 토질공학적 성질을 나타낸다. 이러한 관점에서 본 연구는 전국적으로 16개소에서 채취된 시료중 4개소에 대하여 불교란 및 교란화강토에 대해 직접전단시험과 삼축압축시험(CU, CD, P-Constant)을 수행하고 화강토의 응력과 변형율 관계, 전단특성, 체적팽창(Dilatancy)특성을, 그리고 16개소 모두에 대해 다짐 및 투수특성, 풍화특성, 파쇄특성 등을 파악하였다. 특히, 물리적, 화학적인 측면에서 화강토의 풍화정도를 알아보기 위해서 화학적풍화지수(CWI), 강열감량(Li) 등을 사용하고 파쇄특성의 경우에는 비표면적(Sw)의 변화를 이용하였다. 이상의 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 화강토의 다짐곡선과 투수성의 관계에서 OMC를 기준으로 약간 습윤측에서 투수계수가 가장 작으며 그 이상에서는 약간 증가하였으며 풍화가 진행된 화강토 일수록 투수계수가 작아지는 경향이 있다. 또한. e-logP곡선에서는 압밀침하보다 즉시침하가 탁월하며 퇴적토와 같이 선행압밀하중이 명확하게 나타나지 않고 정규압축곡선이 직선이 아니고 곡선형태를 나타낸다. 풍화정도에 따라 Cs의 변화와 이방성의 영향은 거의 보이지 않고 Cc는 증가를 보였다. 불교란 화강토의 응력과 변형율 거동은 구속압이 작을 때는 과압밀점토처럼 경화에서 연화거동을, 다짐화강토는 풍화도에 관계없이 퇴적점토와 같은 경화-일정거동을 나타내었다. 또한, 직접전단시험의 전단정수는 수직응력의 저압 부와 고압부로 나누어 평가하였으며 이때의 점착력은 특히, 불교란화강토에서 과대평가되는 경향이 있으며 불포화 및 포화화강토, 불교란 및 교란화강토를 상호비교할 때 후자가 모든면에서 강도저하가 크게 나타났다. 다만, 포화가 84% 이상 진행된 화강토에서는 전단강도가 큰 차이를 보이지 않았다. 한편, 삼축배수시험에서의 응력비와 체적변형율증분비의 관계는 함수비, 풍화도, 구속압력, 교란에 관계없이 하나의 식(dυ/dε=α(M-η)으로 근사화 시킬 수 있었다. P-Constant배수전단시험에서 풍화가 많이 진행된 화강토일 수록 Dilatancy 계수(D)가 크고 한계응력비는 작은 값을 보였다. 풍화와 관련된 입자파쇄양상은 다짐에 의한 입자파쇄가 탁월하며 압축, 전단순으로 나타났다. 특히, 본 연구의 화강토는 대부분 화학적풍화지수가 20%이상이므로 풍화잔적토로 분류되며 이 값이하에서는 파쇄에 민감하며 이 값이상에서는 파쇄에 둔감하다. 그리고 CWI와 Li는 상호비례관계가 성립되고 이에 비해 풍화에 저항성이 큰 SiO₂량은 감소하였으며 Li와 N치의 상관성도 좋은 대응관계를 보였다. 결국 풍화가 많이 진행된 화강토에서는 퇴적점토와 같은 거동을 보여 구성식을 적용할 수가 있었다. 본 연구는 풍화영향에 의한 전단특성, 불교란 시료의 채취법, 화강토의 전반적인 공학적인 특성(즉 다짐, 투수, 전단, 압축, 풍화, 입자파쇄)을 규명하였다. Decomposed granite soil(called residual soil) is basically composed of weathered fine grains of granite. These rocks are finally changed to clay minerals during process of weathering after losing the cementing forces as rock due to segregation of particles. The particle size of these soils widely ranges from silty sand to clay depending on the degree of weathering. especially since weathered granite soil has been separated into 1st mineral and 2nd mineral though physically and chemically wearhering. Its geothechnical characteristics are different from those of sedimentary soils. Associated with the above-discribed fact, direct shear test and triaxial compression test(CU, CD, P-constant) were performed for the 4 disturbed and undisturbed specimens out of 16 samples all over the country, and stress-strain relationships, shear and dilatancy characteristics were extensively examined. In addition to this, for all 16 specimens, the characteristics on compaction, permeability, weathering and crushing were also investigated. In, particular, in view of physical and chemical aspects, CWI and Li were used to get hold of the degree of weathering and the alteration of surface area was employed for the characteristics of crushing. The main results summerized are as follows The smallest value of permeability was obtained at a little wetter that at OMC. These seems to exit a tendency that granite soils is more processed weathering, its permeability is more decreased. Immediate settlement appeared more remarkably than consolidation settlement and preconsolidation pressure did not so appear clearly as sedimentary soils. Normal compression line shows not straight line but curve one. On the other hand, the change of Cs and the influence of anisotropy does little appear but the influence of Cc does, stress-strain behavior of undisturbed decomposed granite showed one from hardening to softening as overconsolidated clay does whereas completed decomposed granite soil did hardening-constant one as sedimentary clay did regardless of the degree of weathering. Moreover shear parameters using direct shear tests were estimated dividing normal stress into two parts high stress level and low one respectively, resulting in over estimated cohesion for undisturbed specimens. Comparing various cases of partially saturated and fully saturated weathered granite specimens and undisturbed and disturbed ones, the decrease of strength of the latter was turned out larger. However, the specimen degree of saturation more than 84% did not show big difference in shear strength. Stress ratio and volumetric strain increment ratio in drained triaxial tests was approximately modeled as an equation of dυ/dε =α(M-η) irrespective of the degree of weathering, the magnitude of confining stress and the degree of disturbance. The results of p-constant test showed larger the coefficient of dilatancy(D) and smaller value of critical stress ratio. The magnitude of particle crushing relevant to weathering was in the order of compaction, compression and shearing. Specially, the soil employed in this research was classified into residual soil since most of specimens showed CWI of more than 20%, soil with more than 20% was very sensitive to crushing while one with less than the value was little sensitive. Though the proportional relationship was held between CWI and Li and, and Li and N vlaue showed good corresponding relationship, SiO₂ decreased as CWI increased. Finally, constitutive model was turned out applicable to heavily decomposed granite soils. Overall geotechnical charateristics(compaction, permeability, compression, shearing, weathering, particle crushing, etc.)of residual soil including to shear characteristics on influence of weathering and sampling technique of undisturbed samples was scrutinized though this study.

      • 王陽明의 知行合一 사상 연구 : 실천론을 중심으로

        이광찬 청주대학교 대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        The Unity of Knowledge and Action by Wang Yang-Ming is the most essential theory in which his studies and enthusiasm are integrated. Ming was the age at that time the world view called "nature is a principle" by Chu-tza was imported, succeeding to his teachings in the Song era. According to the world view, nature in human corresponded with principle as the well-ordered system of universe and it meant a morally perfect state. Therefore, the course of learning by Chu-tza required every effort to get to the state of a perfect principle. In other words, it was to pursuit the perfect state of human by learning. The person who are conversant with the practical theory of confucianisin is called a saint, and the saint is the figure who form the idealistic society for humans by self-realization. In this connection, the study of self-realization by a saint is called the reason of our mind. One of the scholars who had the practical view of confucianism about mind was Wang Yang-Ming. The Unity of Knowledge and Action by Wang Yang-Ming was first started as a struggle to overcome the conservative knowledge-centered tendency which the teachings of Chu-tza showed and to bring back the original vividness of ethics. And, Ming was the in which the conflict among classes had deepened as a transient phenomenon in addition to the internal and external troubles. Especially. the Imperial family and eunuches totally possessed pieces of land using a political privilege, and it was as the cause of the revolt by farmers, which was a mass struggle for people in general to aspire after a new system of government. So the fixed tradition of respecting an absolute law of nature which was maintained up to that time couldn't function as a external compulsory standard any more, and the provision of a new foundation was required, which would endow the thought and action of people with ethical system. Wang Yang-Ming, as a illustrious official in chaotic times, proposed a more practical and enterprising theory, which met the needs of the times. Wang Yang-Ming questioned the metaphysics of Chu-tza. He thought principle was not in each object but in the subjective nature of human. Wang Yang-Ming called this good understanding, and he called the exposure of good understanding the ultimate understanding which was as the state of united knowledge and action. In other words, he said the study of object principles could never be the presupposition of morals. Wang Yang-Ming said the judgment of virtue and vice came from not studying scriptures but intrinsic good understanding. This thought brought to a conclusion of the realization of good understanding in each object as the law of nature in human mind. That is the principle of uniting knowledge and action. The Unity of knowledge and action by Wang Yang-Ming of nature is principle, the unity of knowledge and action, the ultimate understanding is a base of ethics, and it deals with a successive course in that good understanding as original senses is accomplished to a concrete action. Yang-Ming insisted there. was a ultimate reason in each person's mind. So, according to him, study and action was never able to be divided. Wang Yang-Ming proposed the Unity of Knowledge and Action in order to realize the ideal of the human perfection, and it is thA essence of his idea integrating the world in one principle.

      • 補强土工法을 利用한 軟弱粘土地盤의 模型實驗 및 變形解析

        이광찬 全南大學校 1993 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        본 연구는 연약지반의 안정을 위해 실시되는 많은 지반보강공법중 토목 섬유(Geootextile)부설지반의 보강효과와 변형특성을 규명하고 합리적인 해석법를 제시하고자 하는 기초적 연구이다. 이를 위해 연약지반의 생성부터 시작하여 토목섬유 보강지반의 준비, 재하, 관측 및 측정까지 일관성있는 2차원 모형실험을 실시하였으며, 보강지반에 대해서는 토목섬유 부설조건에 따라 4가지의 모델로 한정하여 실험하였다. 그리고 실험을 통하여 얻은 응력과 변형의 측정결과는 본 연구실에서 개발한 유한요소해석법에 적용하여 그 정밀도를 검증하기 위해서 해석결과 와 비교하였다. 유한요소해석을 구성하는 이론으로는 흙의 변형을 지배하는 지배 방정식으로는 Biot의 압밀이론이, 흙의 응력-변형을 관계를 표현하는 구성식으로서는 지반의 토질조건에 따라 점토에 대해서는 수정 Cam-clay 모델이, 모래지반에는 탄생모델이 적용되었으며 토목섬유(Geootextile)에 대해서는 일반적인 Beam 요소 이론을 유한요소식화하여 사용하였다. 본 연구를 통해 얻는 주요결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 토목섬유의 부설층수에 관계없이 일정한 지지력(q_u=0.3㎏/㎠)까지는 침하와 지지력이 동일한 경로를 따르다가, 그 이후에는 토목섬유의 보강층수에 따라서 지반의 지지력이 크게 증가하는 것을 알 수 있다. 2. 토목섬유을 부설하지 않은 지반과 부설한 지반과 비교해 볼때 토목섬유의 부설 층수가 많을수록 지반의 지지력은 침하와 더불어 계속 증가해가는 경향을 보인다. 3. 토목섬유를 지반중에 부설하지 않는 지반에 비하여 토목섬유의 부설층수가 많을수록 융기억제효과가 있음을 알 수 있으며 지반의 파괴시에는 재하판으로 부터 더 넓은 범위에 걸쳐 지반의 소성거동 양상을 관찰할 수 있다. 4. 토목섬유를 부설한 지반은 그렇지 않은 지반에 비하여 동일 하중에 대한 침하나 측방변위의 억제효과가 있어 지반의 보강효과를 기대할 수 있다. 5. 본 연구에 사용된 유한요소해석법을 재하실험결과와 비교한 결과중 지지력, 측방 및 연직변위에 매우 근접한 양상을 보여 해석법의 정도를 확인할 수 있었다. This study aims at investigating the effect of reinforcement as well as the deformation characteristics of foundation reinforced with geotextile for the stabilization of soft clayey soils. Two-dimensional model foundation test was carried out by doing preparation, loading, observation of deformation and measurement by the of same apparatus. The types of model foundation was classified into four categories depending on the condition of lay-out of geotextiles. To check the validity of the computer program actual data for measurement during model testing was compared with numerical results performed using techniques developed by the research group specializing in geotechnical engineering, Chonnam National University. For the FEM analysis, Biot·s consolidation equation was selected as governing equation coupled with the modified Cam-clay model in clayey soil and the elastic model in sandy soil as constitutive equations respectively. However beam theory was introduced for the material of geotextile. Some main results summerized are as follows: 1. The curve of settlement vs bearing capacity follows the same path irrespective of the number of layers in geotextile horizontally penetrated into the foundation until bearing capacity reaches constant value (i.e. qu = 0.3kg/Cm²) and thereafter bearing capacity increases sharply as the number of geotextile layers increases. 2. The behavoir of ground surface failure without geotextile appears to show the local shear failure while general shear failure on the foundation reinforced with geotextile tends to occur depending on the increment of geotextile layers. 3. compared with the heaving of the foundation surface without geotextile, the more restrained effect of heaving is shown as the number of geotextile layers increases. 4. The ground surface reinforced with geotextile turns out to have restraint effects on settlement or lateral displacement for constant loading. 5. The comparison between actual measurement and numerical results in bearing capacity, lateral and vertical displacement coincides well, which conforms high accuracy of the computer codes developed for the deformation analysis of soft foundation thus far.

      • IT를 활용한 근골격계 이상 측정 및 도수치료법의 우수성 연구

        이광찬 군산대학교 2022 국내박사

        RANK : 1839

        우리의 육체와 관련된 질환들은 무수히 많이 존재한다. 특히 내장기관외에 몸의 관절에 관한 연구 논문들은 상당히 부족한 실정이다. 본 논문에서는 IT를 활용하여 이상 정도의 측정과 도수치료법의 우수성을 연구한다. 특히 근골격계 이상은 가장 많이 사용하는 어깨로 한정하여 연구한다. 어깨와 관련된 팔에 관한 질환, 즉 어깨 질환에 대하여 알아보고 일반적인 치료 방법과 도수치료 방법에 대하여 분석한다. 어깨 관련 질환을 알아보기 위하여 어깨의 구조와 팔꿈치의 구조에 대하여 분석한다. 어깨 관절의 굴곡과 신정, 벌림과 모음, 어깨의 안쪽돌림과 가쪽돌림, 그리고 어깨에서 팔의 안쪽돌림과 가쪽돌림에 대하여 각각의 움직임 각도를 측정하여 통증 동반 여부를 알아보도록 분석한다. 이렇게 측정한 각이 너무 작거나 통증 유발 시 일반적인 치료법으로서 어깨충돌증후군, 회전근개 파열, 그리고 오십견의 세 가지로 요약하여 제시한다. 또한 도수치료 방법에 대하여 요약 설명한다. 또한, 인간을 대상으로 IT를 활용하여 어깨와 팔의 각도 측정 실험을 수행하고 실험에 대한 결과를 고찰 하며, 또한 실험 결과를 바탕으로 본 논문의 결론을 맺고 향후 연구 방향에 대하여 알아본다. There are countless diseases related to our bodies. In particular, there are very few research papers on the joints of the body except for the internal organs. In this paper, we study the superiority of musculoskeletal disorders measurement and manual therapy using IT. In particular, research on musculoskeletal disorders is limited to the shoulder that we use the most. Let's learn about shoulder-related arm diseases, that is, shoulder diseases, and learn about general treatment methods and manual treatment methods. In order to find out about shoulder-related diseases, let's learn about the structure of the shoulder and the structure of the elbow. For Flexion and Extension of the shoulder joint, Addcution and Abduction, Internal Rotation and External Rotation of the shoulder, and Medial Rotation and Lateral Rotation of the arm from the shoulder, each movement angle is measured and whether pain is accompanied or not. If the angle measured by the camera is too small or if pain is caused, the solution should be summarized and presented as three general treatments: Shoulder Impingement Syndrome, rotator cuff tear, and Frozen shoulder. In addition, the manual treatment method will be briefly described. In addition, we plan to conduct shoulder and arm angle measurement experiments using IT on humans, review the experimental results from various directions, and review the experimental results. In addition, based on the experimental results using IT, the conclusion of this thesis will be drawn and future research directions will be sought.

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