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      • (A) Study on School Democracy and Citizenship Education in Germany : Implications on Citizenship Education in Korea

        현숙원 경희대학교 평화복지대학원 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        In 2016 fall, streams of candlelight filled Gwanghwamun square, Seoul. The incident has been symbolized as a full-scale fuse of participative democracy against the corrupted government, implicated politicians, and the conglomerates. Although the heat of the candlelight ignited the concern for democracy, what cultivates citizenship which makes democracy, civil movements, and social change possible is not that broadly understood about. In this respect, this study points to education as the first and foremost generator of democracy since it cultivates civic competence. In particular, as a democracy has to be realized by actual practice and always an ongoing process, citizenship also has to be acquired from living experiences. In this context, the term ‘School Democracy’ and citizenship education are highlighting for it directly means “learning democracy at the site of education.” This study analyzes the second materials about public education in Germany and partly covers an interview with the project organizer of citizenship education, and German colleagues in UNESCO Deutsche Commission in Bonn, and Bpb about German citizenship education. Furthermore, the contents drawn from the interview with the project manager of the German political foundation about the ‘Politische Bildung’ on public and students is also included. Although this study was started due to a keen interest in the theme of citizenship for mature democracy, the writer tried to bridge this political matter to education, in particular, to school democracy, and its related concepts. In this sense, this study connects the two fields of democracy in the real-world, and school democracy in the context of public education.

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