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      • 후지노끼(藤/木)古墳 副葬品의 植物紋樣 硏究

        한철우 東亞大學校 敎育大學院 1990 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study is to find out the cultural relationship it's lineage between Korea and Japan during the Japanese Asuka period on the basis of the buried objects in an old tomb. The first aim of this study is to analyse and to understand-the general outline and the styles and forms of Palmette and Lotus in the Fujinoki old tomb which was excavated by the Gashiwara Archeological Study Center in Japan. The second un is to gather examples ana classify them into various styles which were mainly used by the people of Korea, China, India and western Asia. The third aim is to examine the similarities and characteristics of the figured plant forms. These kinds of forms were reflected very much on the historical change at that time. Judging from all the considerations the results of this analytical study are as follows : We can find out lots of Palmette and Lotus examples with the help of historical relics at the Age of Three States, Shilla, Paekche, Koguryo in Korea and at the Age of South-North Dynasty which was located in the Yongmoon, Donwhang, Woongang area in China. All these excavated examples were chiefly discovered in the Buddhistic oraments such as the rocky cavern temples, mural paintings, pieces of tiles in the ruined temples, engraved Buddhistic bells, and the like. Although we can see the styles and the forms of Fujinoki harness oraments were closely related to the figured plant forms which were used in other areas but we can realize that they were not native born but originated from the Orient because of the Alexander the Great's Eastern Conquest. Therefore, the harmonious cultural pattern of the East and West influenced on the formation of the figured plant forms including Palmette and Lotus. From this point of view, we can say that the Asuka culture of Japan, which was much influenced by the Three States Culture of the ancient Korea, is Buddhistic. In addition, it is possible that the one buried in Fujinoki old tomb was a Korean naturalized as a Japanese carrying articles like "harness made of gold and silver" or the one deeply concerned with Korean from whom Korean-made things such as harness were handed down. Anyway, it is estimated that such relics as harness made of gold and silver found in Fujinoki old tomb were made in Korea or influnced by Korea, and its co-producers and the buried one presumably believed in Buddhism.

      • 두둑 추종형 자율주행 전동 채소정식기 개발

        한철우 경상대학교 대학원 2019 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        According to a survey by the National Statistical Office, the population of farming areas in the country decreased by about 38 percent from 2000 to 2015, and the proportion of elderly people aged 60 or older has increased by about 17 percent. Decreasing population in agricultural areas and increasing proportion of senior citizens lead to a decrease in the working population and agricultural labor force in rural areas, which contributes to the problem of declining agricultural productivity. The Rural Development Administration and others tried to solve the problem of declining agricultural productivity by actively utilizing farming machines. As a result of these efforts, the mechanization rate of rice paddies was 98%, which is successful but the rate of mechanization of farming in fields was very low at 56%, so solutions are needed to enhance agricultural productivity of farm crops. One way to solve the problem is the utilization of female farmers, who account for 51.1% of the total farming population (KOSTAT, 2017). Female farmers had difficulty in cultivating as professional farmers due to problems such as physical conditions, male-friendly farming machines and the lower level of agricultural education compared to male farmers. Therefore, fostering female farmers as professional farmers requires research on education methods, but the development of equipment that is easy for women to utilize and cheap for them should also be preceded. In this study, for the development of low-cost and easy-to-use farming machines, we intended to manufacture a device reducing the incidence of work-related musculoskeletal diseases by reducing the rate of noise and vibration. The device is a semi-automatic motorized vegetable planting machine with an auto device that runs furrows by utilizing the low cost single sensor. The ridge-following auto-driving vegetable planting machine is divided and manufactured into two systems, which are auto-driving device and motorized vegetable planting machine. The auto-driving device measures the breakaway distance by judging the tilting of device by the single Gyro sensor, and controls the front steering device manufactured using feedback controlled actuator based on the measured result. In addition, two BLDC motors were installed on both sides of the rear wheels to control the speed ratio of the two wheels during steering. The results of testing the driving device showed an average departure distance of 0.07 cm and a maximum departure distance of 0.2 cm. Since the upper part of the chili peppers ridge is about 10 centimeter-wide, it is enough to plant the vegetables while auto driving. The vegetable planting machine consists of a seedling supply unit and a planting unit, and it is necessary to adjust to the worker's height for ease of use. Ideally, it is necessary to change the height of the machine according to the height of the worker, but if the work height is changeable, the unit and the weight of the equipment are increased to secure the proper work height. According to the survey on the average height of women and senior citizens, who account for more than 50 percent of the working population, and how to calculate the working height, the appropriate working height was 810.4 to 900.4 mm. According to these results, the planting machine for vegetable planting was found to be a upper and lower range of 220 mm and 110 mm for seeding feeder. In addition, we minimized the number of link of seeding feeder and planting machine in order to simplify the structure. The simulation and actual device were compared for trajectory. The simulation result showed the maximum height of upper and lower trajectory of 220.1 mm, width 60.3 mm while the result of tested machine shows 216.5mm in the maximum height and width 90.2mm. The semi-auto planting machine that feeds seeding manually, was manufactured so that it feeds seeding when the planting machine reaches to the feeding point by utilizing the feeding container cup and the mechanical device. When we tested the planting of machine with the running speed at 0.14m/s and the axis speed of motor set to 2.918rad/s, the planting success rate was 90.6%. It was judged that the developed power-operated vegetable planting machine sufficiently demonstrated its intended performance with a planting success rate of 90% or higher. By assembling a ridge-following auto-driving device and a vegetable transplanting device, a ridge-following auto-driving vegetable planting machine was developed. To find out whether workers' convenience is improved, the working posture of the existing pepper planting method with semi-automatic vegetable planting machine (engine type) and semi-automatic vegetable planting machine (motorized type) were analyzed using the RULA evaluation technique used to move objects less than 20kg in work-related musculoskeletal disorders. According to the analysis results, the pepper planting method in the field has a very high impact on the incidence rate of working environment musculoskeletal disease with 7 points, and indicates the need for introduction of mechanical equipment to improve the working environment. Semi-automatic vegetable planting machine (engine type) requires fast work improvement and analysis of work risk factors with 6 points, but there is still a risk of working environment diseases even if it is more improved than the conventional pepper planting working posture. Finally, the worker posture of semi-automatic vegetable planting machine (motorized type) developed in this research was assessed to have partial improvement with 4 points and further investigation, so additional devices for convenience will have to be introduced in the future commercialization phase. In order to test the official performance of the developed furrow-followed auto-driving vegetable planting machine, we planted the pepper seeding at the speed of 0.4m/s. The red pepper seedlings were planted at 50 mm from the left side of the furrow based on the direction of driving. The planting success rate was 82%, and the biggest failure factor of the planting was feeding timing. If additional improvement is made such as installing sensors that can detect the status of supply, the problem can be solved. Therefore, it was judged that the auto-driving vegetable planting machine developed needs to be improved for convenience, such as a working stand which makes easier for users to supply the seedlings, a height controlling unit of the planting machine according to the height of the furrows, and additional sensors for determining the supply status of the seedlings are needed. Further research using the results of this study can lead to the development of a vegetable planting robot by attaching seedling extraction devices and feeding devices to collect seedlings from trays.

      • 멀티레벨 H-Bridge inverter를 이용한 Line-interactive DVR

        한철우 漢陽大學校 大學院 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 논문은 7-Level H-Bridge Line-Interactive Dynamic Voltage Restorer 시스템에 관해서 다루고 있다. LIDVR은 직렬 주입 변압기를 가진 DVR과 비교해서 역률은 거의 1로 제어 하였고, 부하의 고조파 전류와 순간적인 외란에 대해서 빠른 응답을 갖도록 하였다. 그리고 LIDVR의 동작 상태에 대한 수학적 모델링을 하였고, 전압제어기는 일정한 크기를 갖는 선형적인 부하 전압을 갖도록 제안하였다. H-Bridge 컨버터를 위한 적당한 PWM 방법을 찾도록 두개의 PWM 방법들을 비교하고 분석하였으며, 7-Level H-Bridge LIDVR SYSTEM 의 제안된 방법을 시뮬레이션과 실험을 통하여 증명하였다.

      • 양파 플러그 묘 밀어내기식 취출장치의 최적 작업조건 구명

        한철우 경상대학교 대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        이 논문은 양파 자동정식기의 식부공정(묘판탑재-묘판 1칸 내림-묘 취출-묘 이송-식부) 중 묘 이송 - 식부 공정에서 모종의 자유낙하과정을 포함하고 있어 모종은 일정 이상의 무게를 가져야 한다. 그러므로 묘취출과 묘이송 공정에서 뿌리부 손상이 적어야 한다. 묘판(Tray)을 이용한 양파 자동정식기는 일본과 한국에서 개발되었는데 양파 자동정식기용 묘판은 셀의 상부 직경이 18mm이하로 작기 때문에 묘 취출방식은 꽂아내기보다 밀어내기 방식이 적합하다. 밀어내기 방식에 의한 뿌리부 손상이 최소화 되는 조건을 찾기 위하여 모종취출 시험장치를 제작하여 모종 무게, 최종 관수 후 경과일수, 육묘일수, 핀경에 따른 모종 취출시 취출저항, 파손율 등을 조사하였다. 모종 뿌리부 파손율에 따른 정식률을 알아보기 위하여 식부성능시험장치에서 파손율, 정식속도에 따른 정식율과 최종관수 후 경과일수에 따른 모종의 무게변화를 조사하였다. 양파 플러그 묘 밀어내기식 취출장치의 최적 작업조건 구명에 대한 시험결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 모종 뿌리부 상토 수분은 최종관수 후 2일 경과하면 대부분 증발하는 것으로 나타났다. 2. 취출저항은 최종관수 후 경과일수 3일, 핀경 4mm, 정식속도 45 No/min, 상토조합 C23에서 취출저항 2N으로 가장 낮고 모종나이가 많을수록, 정식속도가 낮을수록, 최종관수 후 경과일수가 클수록, 핀경이 작을수록 취출저항이 낮아지는 것으로 나타났다. 3. 모종 뿌리부 파손율은 육묘일수 45일, 정식속도 55 No/min, 최종관수 후 경과일수 1일, 핀경 5mm, 상토조합 T9에서 3%로 가장 낮게 나타났다. 그러나 전체적인 경향으로 보았을 때 육묘일수가 많을수록, 최종 관수 후 경과일수가 작을수록 뿌리부 파손율이 낮아지는 것으로 나타났으며 상토조합 C2가 여러 가지 시험조건에 대하여 파손율의 편차가 가장 작은 것으로 나타났다. 4. 모종 뿌리부 파손율에 따른 정식율은 모종 뿌리부 파손율이 40%이상일 때 정식속도가 높아질수록 정식률이 낮아지는 것으로 나타났으며 모종 뿌리부 파손율이 70% 이상일 경우 정식률이 50%이하로 나타났다. 5. 그러므로, 육묘일수를 50일 이상, 최종 관수 후 경과일수 1일, C2상토에서 육묘하여 기계정식 하는것이 가장 정식율이 높을 것으로 판단된다. This paper describes the seedling transfer among the planting process (seedbed tray loading – lowering one seedbed room - seed blowdown – seedling transfer – planting) using an automatic onion transplanter. The seedling transfer includes a free-fall process; therefore, the seedlings must have a certain weight. Extra cares are, therefore, required not to damage the root parts in the seed blowdown and the seedling transfer processes. Automatic onion transplanters using seedbed trays have been being developed in Japan and Korea, and their seedbeds suit with the ‘push-out’ method, rather than the ‘stick’ method, in the seed blowdown process because the upper diameters of the seedbed cells are less than 18mm. In order to seek conditions where the root damages can be minimized while using the push out method, an experimental seed blowdown device was manufactured to investigate the blowdown resistance, damages, etc. depending on the seedling weight, feeding period after the final watering, seedling nursery period and pin diameter. To identify the planting ratios depending on the seedling root damages, the seedling weight changes by the planting ratios depending on the planting speed and the feeding period after the final watering were investigated. The experimental result for identifying the optimal working conditions of the onion-plug-seedling push-out blowdown device can be summarized as follows. 1. The moisture in the nursery box soil that covered the seedling roots appeared mostly evaporated when two days passed from the final watering. 2. The lowest blowdown resistance appeared as 2N under the condition with the pin diameter 4mm, planting speed 45 No/min, bed soil combination C23, after three days passed from the final watering. The older the seedlings were, the slower the planting speed was, and the greater the feeding period after the final watering was, the blowdown resistance appeared smaller. 3. The lowest seedling root damage ratio appeared as 3% under the condition with the seedling nursery period of 45 days, planting speed 55 No/min, pin diameter 5mm, bed soil combination T9, after one day passed from the final watering. However, the overall tendency showed that the root damage ratios decreased as the seedling nursery period got longer, and the feeding period after the final watering got shorter. In addition, the bed soil combination C2 presented that the smallest deviation in the damage ratios under various experimental conditions. 4. The planting ratios depending on the seedling root damage ratios appeared; in the cases where the seed root damage ratio exceeded more than 40%, the ratio got lowered as the planting speed increased; further, when the ratio exceeded more than 70%, the planting ratio appeared as lower than 50%. 5. Therefore, it is considered that the highest planting ratio can be obtained by machine planting after nursing seedlings more than 50 days, one day from the final watering, and with C2 bed soil.

      • 우리나라 百貨店 카드 去來의 競爭力 强化方案

        한철우 明知大學校 流通大學院 1997 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        As the hi-tech world develops towards the center of economic activities which are diverted from products, manufacturing to the making of service, information and practical knowledge, in the 2000's ultra-advanced information industry would play a decisive role in the flows manufacturing, logistics and consuming economics. In the course of times, credit card industry is one of the leading fields that have been improved at an eye-catching phase. Credit card is from the marketing strategy for the consumers to delay their payment on product purchasing act. Using cards, it is quite profitable concerning both cash-ready and time matters for it makes it available with no cash ready and also profitable in various services added to using credit cards. Furthermore, profitable in avoiding the loss of cash and checks at the same time. In domestic cases, the industry has been rapidly growing under the emerging new generation who tends to change their lifestyle with the tempting advantages of convenience, promptness and uplifted consiousness towards a new social trend. Among these, credit cards of sales market's own, such as department store cards have been grown along noticeably, which offers variety of convenience services like reduced-price coupons, non-interest monthly payment, etc. The number of enrollment as a whole in the department store cardshas improved into 10,330,000 as of late December 1996 at fifty six stores with added number of family members of 1,880,000 which brings us to the member numbers of 12,220,000 ; it now co-exist sixty sales market cards. Sales Profit by department stores' own running cards in the credit card. Sales profit broke the progress records by 151.7% in comparison with the 1992's 1,949,000,000,000 as in 1996's 4,795,200,000,000 in total sales amount. However, as the quantative competition goes tougher, the scale and number of members with delayed payment has been going bigger yearly ; And there is a cold fact that the negative way of thinking for the cards to be used as the impulsive, on-the-spot purchase then leads to the aftermath of luxurious shoppoholic trends among the consumers. And also the side effect that the sluggish cards arise as the issuing number of cards' competitively increases in a continuous state. When comparing growth percentage between store cards and general credit cards in the 1996 department stores' sales profits vs. 1995 sales profit, while the growth rate of store cards have, in the Seoul area, ended up at 19.0%, the general credit cards rate had leaped into 44.1% as a whole in the area. It shows us the lack of strategies in the department stores in spite of the benefit that offers services of various convenient state. Since the domestic card industry's history is just short a term, we are quite much short of research studies and of economical and social atmosphere as well as the policies-making and regulations-managing compared to those practiced in the more advanced countries. There is still to be done much enough divided marketing strategies in the future as they do in the USA and in Japan in the department stores card industry. This thesis, thereby is to seek the ways to set up the competition strategy serving the members with variety and refinement with new image build-up as the 1997 opening market and big tycoons like Lotte, Hyundai emerge in the logistics as well as being in the totally new business expansion plans and to better their own profitability to link with the development of the department stores. Then, furthermore to promote the household advantages through rational purchasing behaviour and to be able for the consumers to build and construct the wise and smart method to purchase in the modern consuming society.

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