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      • 보이열(Elmer T. Boyer) 선교사의 호남지방 선교에 관한 연구 : 무주, 순천 지역을 중심으로

        한동명 장로회신학대학교 대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 논문은 1921년에 입국하여 1965년까지 한국의 무주와 순천지역에서 선교활동을 하였던 보이열 선교사에 관한 연구 논문이다. 보이열은 1921년에 한국에 선교사로 입국하여 전주선교부에서 1940년 선교사들이 철수할때 까지 무주, 진안 등지에서 농촌 선교를 한 복음선교사였고, 1947년 재 내한하여 순천선교부에서 1965년까지 복음전도자로 교육선교사로, 의료선교사로 활동한 선교사이다.

      • Milton Babbitt의 "Composition for twelve instruments" 분석

        한동명 淑明女子大學校 1991 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Arts need a sense of continuity and a consciousness of more or less homogenious culture. However, such was the case of American music for the sake of its own musical tradition. Accordingly, American music fell under the spell of European influence as was the case of culture side with the up grade of culture sense in America, new leading figures in the field of music slowly emerged, who took active part in resisting more imitation of European style. Milton Babbitt, who among others,was greatly influence by Schoenberg, was imbued with whole conception of musical 'elements which are related to each other, and finally was led to extensive application of 12 tone method. Assuming that there are three primary structural levels in a twelve-tone composition: background, middleground, and fore ground (as in tonal music theory as explicated by Schenker), a "layered structural concept" is a concept of structure that is fundamental to the generation of the entirety of structural phenomena within a particular hierarchical layer. When the basic functions of each layered structural concept are summarized: BACKGROUND concept: Combinatoriality function: Aggregates produced by at least two partitions from at least two sets MIDDLEGROUND concept: Use of 12 sets at the same time function: Aggregate formations of many different types FOREGROUND concept: Exchange of dyads and/or use of TPCs within each unit function: Aggregate formations of many different types In tonal music, nearly every technique in the derivation from background to middleground closely resembles a correspond ding technique that Schenker called by the same name, in the derivation from middleground to foreground; Similarly, in the Composition, the basic functions of each layered structural concept are consistent. The progression of these functions is logically ordered and entirely meaningful: (1) from the background concept's function of enabling the systematic use of compositionally formed aggregates (2) to the middleground concept's function of providing for aggregate formations of many different types within the composition, most of which remain as implicit combinatorial constructs in relation to (3) the temporally separated and TPC-generated aggregates whose totality is provided for by the foreground concept's function. Even where (1^12) middleground aggregates correspond with foreground aggregates, the boundaries of middleground and foreground are still quite distinct, since, firstly, any (11^12) middleground level partitioning forms a small part of an entire complex of different type of partitioning, the vast majority of which do not correspond with fore ground level partitioning, and, secondly, when a (1^12) middle ground partitioning corresponds with a foreground level aggregate, while this aggregate invariably forms part of a subunit whose other aggregate also preserves a (1^12) middleground partitioning, the lack of any dyad exchange in this subunit is part of a larger surface syntactical scheme of which dyad exchange is a key generative factor. Babbitt demonstrated in his compositions the writer's intention to show in this theses how extensively Babbitt uses serial technique in his compositions and the way he employs total serialism, thereby giving readers some insight into Babbitt's compositional world.

      • 경남과학기술대학교 학술림의 식생과 식물상 : 3, 4임반을 중심으로

        한동명 경남과학기술대학교 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        경상남도 산청군 수철리에 위치한 경남과학기술대학교 학술림 3, 4임반의 산복사면, 계곡, 능선을 대상으로 식생조사 및 식물상 조사를 실시한 결과 조사구의 군집은 3개의 군집, 졸참나무-굴참나무군집, 졸참나무군집, 쪽동백나무 군집으로 나누어졌다. 수종간의 상관관계는 대팻집나무:층층나무, 대팻집나무:생강나무, 대팻집나무:물개암나무, 신갈나무:고로쇠나무, 국수나무:고로쇠, 국수나무:대팻집나무, 국수나무:신갈나무, 굴피나무:신갈나무, 개옻나무:물개암나무, 노린재나무;고로쇠나무, 노린재나무;대팻집나무, 노린재나무;개옻나무 등의 수종간에는 강한 정의 상관관계가 성립되었다. 종다양도(H′)는 군집Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ에서 각각 0.5880, 0.6159, 0.8060로 나타났으며, 학술림 3, 4임반의 식물상을 조사한 결과 총 81과 158종 190속 4아종 15변종 5품종으로 215분류군이 출현하였으며, 귀화식물은 7과 11속 11종 11분류군, 한국특산식물은 7과 7속 7종 7분류군, 식물구계학적 특정식물은 총 20과 22속 22종 26분류군, 희귀식물은 5과 5속 5분류군이 출현하였다.

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