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      • 스테비아분말을 첨가한 얌빈 장아찌 제조의 최적화 연구

        하태기 경기대학교 대학원 2018 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        본 연구는 다양한 기능성을 가지고 있는 아열대 작물인 스테비아, 얌빈을 접목하여 다양한 기호와 소비자 욕구를 충족 시킬 수 있는 얌빈 장아찌의 제품 개발하고자 하였다. 연구의 목적을 효과적으로 달성하기 위하여 문헌적 연구방법과 실증적 연구방법이 병행하였다. 연구의 이론적 기틀을 마련하기 위해 문헌적 연구는 관련된 서적과 논문, 각종간행물 및 통계자료, 연구와 관련된 참고자료를 활용하여 스테비아, 얌빈, 장아찌에 대한 이론을 고찰하고, 실험방법과 관능검사에 이용될 측정문항을 도출하였다. 스테비아분말을 첨가한 얌빈 장아찌 개발을 위해 2017년 4월∼2017년 10월까지 연구를 실시 하고자 하며, 장아찌 제조에 사용될 스테비아와 얌빈의 이화학적 특성분석과 더불어 제품의 품질특성을 조사하고, 항산화활성 분석과 관능 검사을 단계적으로 수행하고자 한다. 실증분석을 위한 통계처리Design Expert10(State-Easy Co.,Minneapolis, MN, USA) 프로그램을 사용하였으며 반응표면 실험계획법(response surface design)의 중심합성계획법(CCD:central composite design))를 이용하여 분산분석(ANOVA) 유의적 차이를 검정 하고자 한다. 독립변수로는 장아찌의 품질에 영향을 미치는 요인을 기준으로 하여 스테비아분말(A), 소금(B)과 간장(C)을 3개의 요인으로 설정하였다. 스테비아분말을 첨가한 얌빈 장아찌는 예비실험을 실시한 후 스테비아분말, 과 얌빈 장아찌의 배합 비율의 한계구간을 결정 하였다. 스테비아분말(A), 소금(B) 과 간장((C)을 요인변수로 설정하여 각 요인들의 수준을 -1, 0, 1, 의 3단계를 부호화 16군의 실험 조건을 설계 하고자 한다. 얌빈 장아찌 배합의 최적화 비율을 산출하기 위한 모든 실험 설계는 design expert 10 (Stat-Easy Co. Minneapolis, MIN, USA)program을 사용하여 반응표면 실험계획법(response urface design)의 Central Composite Design에 따라 실험을 설계하였다. 스테비아분말을 첨가한 얌빈 장아찌에서 가장 영향을 미치는 스테비아분말, 소금과 간장 등 3개의 요인으로 독립변수로 하여 16개의 샘플로 최적화를 설정할 것이다. 16가지 시료 배합표을 이용하여 유의성을 검증한 결과 품질의 특성에서 얌빈 장아찌 색도는 L(명도), a(적색도), b(황색도)를 측정한 결과 L값은 54.33에서 67.23, a값은 –0.04에서 1.36, b값은 13.44에서 18.63의 범위를 나타내었다. L값은 67.27로 Sample.1번이 가장 높게 나왔으며, 서로 작용하는 두 요인이 Quadratic Model이 설정되었다. 간장의 함량이 1.47에서 35까지 높아질수록 L값이 증가하는 경향을 보이며, p-value의 값은 0.0008로 0.05(5%) 보다 작으므로 시료간의 유의적인 결과를 나타냄을 알 수 있었다. R2의 값은 0.88으로 나타내며 모델의 적합성이 인정되었다. Linear Model의 ANOVA 분석에서 결과모형에 대한 적합 결여정도를 나타내는 Lack Of Fit의 p-value는 0.7201의 값이 나와 회귀식의 적합함이 인정되었다. 얌빈 장아찌 당도는 4.8점부터 7.4점 사이의 분포를 나타냈으며, 서로 작용하는 두 요인이 Quadratic Model이 설정되었다. p-value의 값은 0.0015로 0.05(5%) 보다 작으므로 유의적인 결과를 나타냄을 알 수 있으며, R2의 값은 0.89이 나왔는데 오차가 거의 없는 최고의 신뢰도를 나타내며 모델의 적합성이 인정되었다. ANOVA 분석에서 결과모형에 대한 적합 결여정도를 나타내는 Lack Of Fit의 p-value는 0.0012의 값이 나와 회귀식의 적합함이 인정되었다. 얌빈 장아찌 염도는 0.8점부터 2.5점 사이의 분포를 나타냈으며, 서로 작용하는 두 요인이 Quadratic Model이 설정되었다. p-value의 값은 0.0027로 0.05(5%) 보다 작으므로 유의적인 결과를 나타냄을 알 수 있으며, R2의 값은 0.78이 나왔는데 오차가 거의 없는 최고의 신뢰도를 나타내며 모델의 적합성이 인정되었다. ANOVA 분석에서 결과모형에 대한 적합 결여정도를 나타내는 Lack Of Fit의 p-value는 0.0018의 값이 나와 회귀식의 적합함이 인정되었다. 얌빈 장아찌 PH는 3.80점부터 4.37점 사이의 분포를 나타냈으며, 서로 작용하는 두 요인이 Quadratic Model이 설정되었다. p-value의 값은 0.0020로 0.05(5%) 보다 작으므로 유의적인 결과를 나타냄을 알 수 있으며, R2의 값은 0.84이 나왔는데 오차가 거의 없는 최고의 신뢰도를 나타내며 모델의 적합성이 인정되었다. ANOVA 분석에서 결과모형에 대한 적합 결여정도를 나타내는 Lack Of Fit의 p-value는 0.0013의 값이 나와 회귀식의 적합함이 인정되었다. 스테비아 분말을 첨가하여 제조한 얌빈 장아찌의 DPPH 라디칼 소거활성은 스테비아 분말을 첨가하지 않은 대조군에서 24.59%로 나타났으나, 스테비아 분말을 첨가한 실험군에서는 각각 53.48%로 나타났다. 얌빈은 그 자체에서 항산화가 많을 뿐더러 얌빈 장아찌에 넣은 스테비아 분말의 첨가율이 미세하였기 때문에 크게 차이는 보이지 않았다. 하지만 결과를 보았을 때 스테비아을 넣었을 때 증가한 것으로 보아 스테비아 분말을 식품의 생산량에 조절해서 넣는다면 항산화 기능이 점차적으로 증가할 것으로 예측할 수가 있다. 스테비아 분말을 첨가 하지 않는 얌빈 장아찌의 total polyphenol 함량은 34.04mg GAE/g 이고, 최적 스테비아 분말 0.95g이 첨가된 얌빈 장아찌은 85.39mg GAE/g 로 나타났다. 이 결과를 보아 스테비아 분말을 첨가하지 않은 장아찌 보다 스테비아을 첨가한 얌빈 장아찌의 총 페놀 함량이 증가한 것으로 보여 지며 스테비아 분말에도 폴리페놀이 함유되었다는 것을 나타내는 것이다. 본 결과 최적화된 얌빈 장아찌의 DPPH radical 소거능 활성에서 p-value가 0.007로(p<0.01) 유의적인 차이가 있었다. R2 0.6256으로 Linear Model 적합성이 인증되었다. 얌빈 장아찌의 최적화는 분산 분석을 이용하여 원인 성분을 스테비아양, 소금양, 간장양으로 하고 반응 결과는 Taste(맛), Brown color intensity(갈색의강도), Sour flavor(새콤한향), Soy sauce taste(간장향), Venger taste(식초의 향), Fflaver tast(향미), Stebia flaver(스테비아향),Yam bean flavor(얌빈의 향), Overall acceptability(전체 선호도), After taste(입안의 잔여감)로 하여 최대로 예측하였다. 기호도를 최대로 만족하는 최적 수치점(numerical optimization point)을 예측한 결과, 최적화된 얌빈 장아찌의 비율은 스테비아 0.95g, 소금 8g, 간장22,5g, 측정 되었다. 위와 같은 연구결과를 보면 영양성분과 항산화 기능성을 가진 아열대 작물인 스테비아 얌빈 장아찌는 우수한 식품 재료임을 알 수 있으며 발효 저장 식품으로 제조가 가능 하며 영양학 성분이 뛰어나 절임 식품으로도 적합함을 확인 할 수 있었으며, 천연 식품 및 저 감미료에 대한 소비자들의 관심과 많은 연구가 되어 지고 있다. 그만큼 저 당류 및 항산화식품에 시장이 확대되는 증거이다. 하여 기능성을 가진 얌빈 장아찌나 아열대 작물들의 절임류 소비는 활성화가 되리라 예상한다. 또한 아열대 작물을 사용한 여러 가지 기능성 메뉴 및 제품개발이 지속적으로 연구가 필요하다고 사료된다. With the westernization of Korean people's diet due to rapid economic growth, the demand for processed and fast foods are on the rise. In the past, food was aimed for health maintenance and body modulating functions, but today, it is consumed for the recovery of health, prevention of chronic degenerative diseases, and promotion of health. However, because of the increase of sugar use in foods, the saccharide intake causing adult disease does not seem to decrease. The risk of developing obesity and hypertension (high blood pressure) was shown as high as 39.5% and 67.1%, respectively, due to excessive consumption of saccharide causing adult diseases. In dietary habits of Korea, the number of diabetic patients are on the rise due to the increased consumption of saccharide contained food and beverages. According to the Study on Correlation between Obesity and Diabetes by Ahn & Kim (2000), the higher the BMI (Body Mass Index), the higher the diabetes rate. In line with such fact, the study on alternate natural sweeteners that can replace sugar has been carried out steadily, but it is not sufficient. As the popularity of organic foods and low calories increases, along with interest and knowledge in health, consumers are increasingly interested in a well-being dietary culture, and health functional foods using alternate sweeteners instead of sugar. Therefore, the development of various and new health food products meeting the consumer's taste is required. Recently, as subtropical vegetables are recognized as new food nutritional values, many efforts are being made to develop new methods of cultivation and improve the food utilization. In response to this time specific environmental change, we intend to develop pickled foods by utilizing Stevia and Yambean having antioxidant and immune effects. Stevia (Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni) is a cotyledon, the Asteraceae herbaceous plant native to alpine zones such as Brazil and Paraguay, with 20 times higher antioxidant activity than green tea. A perennial herb belonging to the native Asteraceae, has a strong sweetness of about 200 to 300 times that of sugar, replacing sugar as a sweetener for various foods with low calorie content. Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni is indicated to contain more than 100 kinds of phytochemicals, mainly Stevioside, which is a sweet component, and has various pharmacological activities such as anti-diabetic, antihypertensive, antioxidant and anti-cancer. Yambean is a unfamiliar crop, but a bulbous vegetable that is eaten raw and used as a dietary or various cooking ingredients because it contains edible roots and juices. It yields 2 to 3 times more in the same area compared to potatoes. The content of vitamin C and K are a lot higher than that of potato, and calories are as low as one-fifth of potatoes, making it suitable as a diet food ingredient. It was selected as one of the world's top 20 health foods by the Huffington Post in 2012. To achieve the purpose of this study effectively, both literature and empirical research methods were used at the same time. In order to establish theoretical basis of the study, literary study examines the theories of Stevia, Yambean and Jangajji (pickle) and draws measurement items to be used for experimental method and sensory tests, using related books and papers, various publications and statistical data, and references related to research. For the development of yambean jangajji with stevia powder, we intend to conduct this study from April 2017 to October 2017, analyze physicochemical characteristics of stevia and yambin used in the pickles production, and investigate the quality characteristics of products, and conduct antioxidant activity analysis and sensory evaluation in sequence. Statistical processing for empirical analysis was conducted using Design Expert 10 (State-Easy Co., Minneapolis, Minn., USA) program, and CCD (central composite design) of response surface design is used for testing the significant difference in Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). For independent variables, Stevia powder (A), salt (B), and soy sauce (C) were set as three factors that influenced quality of pickles. For yambean jangajji with stevia powder, the range limit of mixing ratio of stevia powder and yambean jangajji was determined after conducting a preliminary experiment. We intend to design experimental conditions of 16 groups by setting Stevia powder (A), salt (B) and liver (C) as factor variables, and encoding each factor to three levels of -1, 0 and 1. For all experimental designs to calculate optimization ratio of yambean jangajji mixture, design expert 10 (Stat-Easy Co. Minneapolis, MIN, USA) program was used according to Central Composite Design of response surface design. By setting three elements such as stevia powder, salt and soy sauce as independent variables, which are the most influential in yambin pickles with stevia powder, the optimization of 16 samples is made. DPPH radical scavenging activity experiment was carried out for measuring antioxidant activity of 16 samples. As a result, for DPPH radical scavenging activity of optimized yambean jangajji, p-value was 0.007 (p <0.01) and with the significant difference indicated. Linear Model conformity was verified with R2 0.6256. The optimization of yambean jangajji was made based on canonical analysis. The results was predicted in maximum value using Taste, Brown color intensity, Sour flavor, Soy sauce taste, Venger taste, Flaver taste, Stebia flavor, Yambin flavor, Overall acceptability, After taste, and others, respectively. As result of estimating numerical optimization point that meets the maximum of preference degree, the ratio of optimized yambin pickle was measured as stevia 0.95g, salt 8g, and soy sauce 22.5g, respectively. Considering the above study result, stebia yambean jangajji, a subtropical plant with nutritional and antioxidant properties, is considered an excellent food ingredient, and can be manufactured as fermented preservation food. It has excellent nutritional components, making suitable for salted and jangajji foods. Natural foods and low-sweeteners draw a lot of attention from consumers, with related studies in progress. This is the evidence that market is expanded to low sugar and antioxidant foods. Accordingly, it is anticipated that the consumption of functional yambean jangajji and salted foods of subtropical plants will be further vitalized. In addition, it is considered that continuous study on the development of various functional menus and products using subtropical crops is required. Key-words: Stebia, Yambean, Jangajji, Design expert, RSM

      • 온실가루이와 담배가루이의 발육생태 및 Acetamiprid의 방제효과

        하태기 경상대학교 2002 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        Development and reproduction of the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, and the sweetpotato whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, were investigated under different temperatures. Duration of the development from egg to pre-adult of the whiteflies were measured under four temperature ranges from 16℃ to 30℃. The developmental velocity of greenhouse whiteflies were faster than the sweetpotato whitefly at lower temperature of 16℃ and 20℃, while at higher temperature of 25℃ and 30℃, sweetpotato whitefly was faster. Developmental zero point and total effective temperature for the development of egg and nymph, and for the complete development from egg to emergence were higher in the greenhouse whitefly then sweetpotato whitefly. For longevities, fecundity, mortality and host-preference were similar in both of the greenhouse and the sweetpotato whitefly. Active flight and dispersion were most active during the mid day (from 10 to 2pm) in both of the white fly, however, the greenhouse whitefly was caught mainly on trap at the upper position while the sweetpotato whitefly was at the lower position. The characteristics and effects of acetamiprid from controlled-release (CR) formulations was investigated in using three wax matrix granule types. Three CR formulations were composed of mineral, acetamiprid technical, wax and talc. The wax in three CR formulations was in the proportion of 2(2-WMG), 10(10-WMG) and 25%(25-WMG) to regulate release rate of active ingredients into 25, 50 and 75% respectively. All compounds using wax matrix granule were effective against the greenhouse and the sweetpotato whitefly on the tomato. Especially, the effect was better as time passed. Against green peach aphids, Myzus persicae, on the red pepper, all were effective, but 2 and 10-WMG were harmful to the plant. The toxicities of acetamiprid, acetamiprid+etofenprox and etofenprox insecticides were investigated to the greenhouse and the sweetpotato whitefly. Insecticide activities were evaluated by testing systemic action and residual effect in the laboratory, and control efficacy in the pots and greenhouse. The insecticides that showed over 90% of larvicidal and adulticidal activity were acetamiprid and acetamiprid+etofenprox. In all insecticides, residual activity was better than systemis. In the control efficacy test on two species, effectiv control values were obtained at 11th day after treatment of acetamiprid and acetamiprid+etofenprox.

      • 南·北韓 中等學校 地理敎育 硏究 : 敎科書를 中心으로

        하태기 大邱曉星가톨릭大學校 大學院 2000 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        This study identified the objective and characteristics of geographical education in South and North Korea by analysing existing geographical textbooks used in middle and high schools of South Korea and in secondary schools of North Korea by study units. Concepts, place names, geographical terms and learning materials were also analysed for the purpose of this study. The results obtained are summarized as follows. First, in terms of curriculum formation, in Korea the area of the geography course has been integrated into the society course of the middle school and partially included in the first, second and third-grade curriculum requirements. For high schools, the Korean geography has been included into the common society course with the area of the general society, and the world geography has been offered as an optional. In North Korea, however, the course of geography is independently offered throughout the first to fifth grades among six grades of a secondary school, and the contents of national land geography and world geography are obligatorily presented. Second, the idea and objective of geographical education in South-Korean secondary schools, generally placing emphasis on achieving the goal of study course by combining the educational methods and goals on the basis of the contents of geography, is to allow students to develop comprehensive understanding of phenomena created in the national land and the world, to make the site of our lives better on the basis of a love for the national land, and to have an attitude of contributing to the development of mankind, while giving an priority to individuals. Whereas, the geographical education of North-Korean secondary schools places emphasis on training students as communist revolutionaries who will be faithful to their national chief and leader, Kim Il Sung and Kim Jung Il, and intends to foster individuals as a group member. Third, in South Korea students learns the geography of our country and the world from the section "community research" in the curriculum of the first and second grades of the middle school, and some contents of systematic geography are presented in the form of problem-solving studying in the curriculum of the third grade. Korean geography is offered in the first-grade curriculum of the high school and world history is provided in the second or third-grade curriculum. In North Korea, systematic geography is offered in the first-grade curriculum of the secondary school, national land geography in the second to third-grade curriculum, world history in the fourth-grade curriculum, and national geography, which is much related to the contents of earth science offered in the South-Korean curriculum, in the fifth-grade curriculum. Fourth, the method of presenting contents is based on the study unit, and the formation s t y l e of its sub-themes and subject matters are generally similar. In North Korea, however, the size of each unit, sub-theme and subject matter is small and there are many of them which are titled "practice", "training", "observation", and "experiment. Fifth, in the method of presenting contents, the North-Korean textbooks simply cite the realistic knowledge or depict it through the "teachings" of Kim I1 Sung and the "words" of Kim Jung Il. No problems subject to research activities or no graphs are presented. The objective of study is presented in the form of "teachings" or "words" or geographical knowledge is accepted at it is. Geographical education in the South-Korean school places emphasis on allowing students to develop personal critical thinking Power, rational problem-solving ability and the quality of a democratic citizen, while geographical education in the North-Korean school stresses the effort as a part of the to totality and as the community. Ultimately this seems to result from the difference in the political and educational systems. Sixth, There is a difference in the method of dividing regions and in the importance of each content area. In the Korean geography of South Korea and North Korea, there is also a difference in dividing the regions of the Korean Peninsula and in the order of dealing with world geography. Seventh, the portions about Korean geography in the South and North-Korean geography textbooks were analysed by the theme of each unit. What is different in geographical education between South Korean and North Korea is that the geographical education of South Korea is more interested in the area of human geography, whereas in North Korea the geographical education chiefly inclines to natural geography. North-Korean geography textbooks were reviewed by units. The result is that in the 'Perception of National Land', it is perceived as a means or tool to praise the socialistic system and to idolize Kim I1 Sung. However, 'Natural Environment and Life' is naturally scientifical and relatively less political because it includes mineralogy, geology, etc. It is expected, therefore, that this will play a role as a central point to recover homogeneity of geographical education between South Korea and North Korea. The textbooks of North Korea having the socialistic planned economy system do not deal with population, city, business and service industry in terms of change of living space and economical activity and are very passive in the national land development and environmental preservation. Regarding the life of each region, the South-Korean textbooks relatively objectively describe the North-Korean regions but the North-Korean textbooks criticize South Korea from the subjective and negative viewpoint. Eighth, the portions about world geography in the South and North-Korean geography textbooks were analysed by units. The South-Korean textbooks make an systematic approach in the areas of the world's natural and human environments, and handle characteristics of each region through regional approach with regard to the life of many regions in the world. In contrast, the North-Korean textbooks largely classify the area by continents and depict countries which belong to each area. First of all they also deal with the socialist countries in detail, while the capitalist countries are intentionally omitted or negligently dealt with. In the outline of each state, they emphasize the teachings of Kim Il Sung and the superiority of the socialistic system but critically explains the capitalism and imperialism by mentioning the underdeveloped countries and colonial countries. Thus, the geographical education of North Korea has a political tendency. Ninth, it was slightly difficult to compare the basic concepts of South and North-Korean geography textbooks. For the South-Korean textbooks, the arrangement and theme of each study unit are reflected in the objective of education and the teaching & learning process. In the North-Korean textbooks, themes are developed in the explanatory and enumerative manner. It could be found, therefore, that reflection and order of conceptual arrangement are incomplete and inadequate. Tenth, the place names and geographical terms used in the South and North-Korean textbooks were analysed. The place names became seriously heterogeneous. The geographical terms of North Korea could be divided into three categories;Korean-word geographical terms expressed in pure Korean words, descriptive-type geographical terms and compound-type geographical terms which are composed of Chinese characters and Korean words, The geographical terms of North Korea are effective in that the concept can be easily understood but have the limit in economical efficiency and international currency. Eleventh, learning materials of South and North-Korean geography textbooks are comparatively analysed. The South-Korean textbooks used a lot of pictures and maps but the North-Korean textbooks used figures and maps as main learning materials. In particular, a difference in scale and map legend could be found from the comparison of maps.

      • 電算情報活用業務 改善方案 : 釜山地域行政效率化를 中心으로

        하태기 東亞大學校 經營大學院 1996 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        With a foresight of highiy informationlized societies of the 21st Century, the structare of information networks are being launched by each country from the pan-national stand point through preccupation of informationlization to pursue the interests of their own country throughout the world. Our country is also putting tremendous investments on informationlized of for national administration informationalisation, industrial economy and national life people's daily life informationalisation in order to build a super highway information communcation network in a national information base structure, and each local autonomous organization is deliberating in various angles an information system utilization pian to realize the local development and improvement of welfare of local residents. From this vein, five, problems-(1) overlapping of non-economical works accompanied by separate development and operation of the same information works, (2) outdated purchase of informationlized equipment, (3) cient information works that distegarded local characteristics, (4) insufficient informationlisation training for incumbents and (5) short of information communication equipment have been extracted and the improvement plan for these problems is presented as follows: First, when the standardization, integration and utilization of S/W and D/B by work unit of huge information utilisation works now being carriedout, are realized, a stabilized construction of administrative information system will be possible with less oersonnel and budget and as a scientific information utilization processing can be improved. When this is done, it will give a sense of reliance and fairness to the local lesidents and help realize effectualisation of work processing through simplified forms and thereby the administrative services can be greatiy improved and enhanced. Second, there must be an improvement in purchasing of informationlization equipment. For this, a flexible way of ourchasing such as lease and laterpayment, without adhering to present procurement method, should be resolutely adopted and if the present single durability length of 5 years is discriminately changed to 2-3 years according to kind of equipment, it is considered that there will be an wideopen opportunity that many personnel can utilize the latest equipment on continued basis. Third, it is necessary to convert and develop information utilization work into the one that fits to the local characteristics. For example, work related to parking and stop violation, imposing of car default fine and car tax is for the most part performed manually until now and if these are changed to information processing work, it will bring about the effect of increasing local financial incomes including wipe out of deferred payment. Fourth, the training aimed at a few incumbents who performing informationlization work should be converted to the one for all personnel. In personnel matters, upper adjustment of training scores, giving a specific benefit to a person of information processing capablity or giving a disadvantage to person of incapability, relayed training in connection with industrial entities and vitalisation of informationlization need, etc., should be accomplished. Fifth, the initiative development ok a new business should be attempted, enhancing the moral of employees and improving working conditions by inducing hoghly technical informationlization equipment through equipment modernization. When these improvement plans are realized, Pusan Region inrormation utilization category can internally equip with informationorinted personnel and we can expect the saving effect of personnel, equipment and budget and also in manpower respect, we shall be standing in a relatively predominant position as compared to other regions. As a conclusion, as for Pusan Regional City which will sponsor East Asian Game, Asian Game, Asian Game, and 2002 World Cup not far off, the improvement plan for the problems presented in the information utilization work is desired to be carried out soonest and consequentiy the policies and practice measures of local autonomous administration of informationlized are have to be implemented scientifically, efficiently and rationally and thereby the city changes to an advanced marine city majing the most of local distinction of Pusan Region, and the city can increase exports by cutting down congestion of ships and cargoes and orevent waste of time and materials caused by traffic jams, and with the region-a1 financial incomes derivated from this, culture, science and technology, it will emerge as a new community. Further, when Pusan habour develops into an international habour city equipped with heavenly blessed natural environments and habour base facilities, as its financial independence will suffice, the residents of Pusan Region will enjoy a happy life in pusan with well facilitated environment, traffic, housing, welrare and culture and without narcotics and crimes. And "Pusan Region advancement" toward 2000's will be much more shortened.

      • 멘토의 역할유형이 구성원의 주관적 경력성공에 미치는 영향

        하태기 경기대학교 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        현대 사회는 과거와는 달리 시시각각 그 변화가 급격하게 진행되는 과정에 더욱 복잡화, 다양화가 요구된다. 조직 구성원의 신속하고 정확한 조직적응은 조직의 입장에서 볼 때 그 중요성이 매우 높다고 할 수 있다. 만약에 조직 구성원 사이에 공식적, 비공식적 멘토 관계가 형성되어 있다면 구성원이 조직에 적응하는 과정은 무엇보다 효율적으로 진행될 수 있다. 인적 자원은 조직이 성장 발전하는데 있어 필수적인 요소이며 이로 인해 호텔산업에서는 서비스 상품을 주요소로 여기며 종사원에 의한 서비스 제공행위가 차지하는 비중이 매우 크다고 할 수 있으며 현재는 각 호텔 및 기업들이 인적자원의 개발은 기업 성장의 중요한 전략임을 인식하고 있으며 기존의 단순한 인적자원 관리가 아닌 새로운 인적자원관리에 대한 인식전환이 필요하며 기존의 단순한 인적자원 관리가 아닌 새로운 인적자원관리에 대한 인식전환이 필요하게 되었다. 그리고 호텔의 규모나 매출, 서비스 등 외형적인 발전은 많은 성장을 했지만 내적으로 인적자원관리에 대한 성장은 기대에 못 미치는 것으로 판단된다. 따라서 내부고객인 종사원에 대한 질적 향상과 처우개선을 통한 인간과 인간과의 교감으로 내부적 만족을 통한 고객감동을 실현할 수 있는 방안으로 멘토링을 활용한 인적자원관리에 대한 기초적인 자료를 제시하고자 본 연구 수행하게 되었다. 이를 위해 멘토가 제공하는 기능을 경력개발 기능 심리사회적 기능, 역할모형 기능 3가지로 분류하고 이 기능이 주관적 경력성공에 미치는 영향을 파악하고자 하며 또한 경력관리 결과변수 중에서 개념적으로나 실무적으로 매우 중요한 변수인 경력몰입에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 실증적으로 분석하고자 한다. 더불어 멘토링의 기능을 인지하는 멘티가 멘토에 대해 어떠한 신뢰를 가지느냐에 따라 주관적 경력성공에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 역할 유형을 분석하고자 한다. 이러한 연구목적을 달성하기 위해 서울에 위치한 특1급 호텔에 종사하는 종사원을 대상으로 설문지 총 380부를 배포하여 320부를 회수하였으며 최종적으로 300부를 이용하여 분석을 실시하였다. 수집된 자료는 SPSS WIN 12.0 통계패키지를 이용하여 빈도분석, 요인분석, 신뢰도분석, 상관관계분석, 다중회귀분석, t-test, 조절회귀분석등의 통계분석을 이용하여 가설을 검증하였다. 실증분석 결과 다음과 같은 연구결과가 도출되었다. 첫째, 맨토링의 역할유형 기능과 주관적 경력성공 간의 관계에 대한 가설을 검증한 결과 멘토링의 기능과 경력만족에 있어서는 경력개발 기능과 심리사회적 기능에 대해 높게 지각할수록 경력만족이 높아지는 것으로 나타났으나 역할모형 기능은 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 멘토링의 역할유형 기능과 경력몰입 간의 관계에 대한 가설을 검증한 결과 경력개발 기능과 심리사회적 기능에 대해 높게 지각할수록 경력몰입이 높아지는 것으로 나타났으나 역할모형 기능은 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과는 멘토링의 조직구성원들의 직무와 조직에 대한 긍정적인 태도형성과 능력향상 및 경력성공을 위한 방법으로 사용될 수 있음을 보여주는 것이다. 따라서 호텔기업에서는 공식적이며 체계적인 멘토링의 도입을 통해 종사원들의 자신의 경력 및 조직에 적응할 수 있는 환경을 조성하여야 할 것이다. In the course that change of the modern society is sharply progress differently from the past, complication, diversity and effectiveness of an organization are also much required in many fields. Oraganization member's rapid and accurate adaptation to the organization is likely very important in the organization respect. If formal or informal mentor relationship between organization members are formed, the member's rapid and accurate adaptation to the organization can be more efficiently going along. Manpower is an essential factor in growth and development of the organization and thus service goods are considered as main factor. Weight of a service provision behavior by an employee is likely very large, Currently hotels and corporations recognize that the development of manpower is important strategy for the growth of a corporation and accordingly a recognition conversion of new manpower resource management, not simple manpower management existed so far became necessary, External development such as size of sales of hotel and service largely grown but it is determined that internal growth for manpower management is short of expectation. This study was thus performed to present basic data for the manpower management using mentoring as a method to realize customer emotion through internal satisfaction together with communion between people via qualitative improvement and treatment improvement of employees as internal customers. As a result of factor analysis on mentoring functions, 3 factors of mentoring functions were extracted and named as career function, psycho-social function and role modeling function respectively. and then it was to find out what influence these functions had on subjective career success and also on career commitment which is very important variables among outcomes variables of career management conceptually and practically, In addition, it was intended to verify what influence these mentoring functions had on subjective career success through the moderation effects of trust which defined the degree of mentee recognizing mentoring functions trusting to mentor. For these purposes data of this study were collected a survey, based on questionnaires, on employees worked in the first class hotel located in seoul. It distributed 380 Questionnaires, collected 320 questionnaires and used 300 questionnaires to analyze. A statistic software, SPSS Win 12.0 was operated to perform frequency analysis, reliability test, factor analysis, multiple regression analysis, t-test and moderated regression analysis and to verify research hypotheses. Results of the analysis were as follows. First, as a result of testifying the relationships between mentoring functions and subjective career success, it indicated that the higher career development function and psycho-social function were perceived, the higher career satisfaction was in mentoring functions and career satisfaction, while it had insignificant difference statistically in role medeling function. And it also told that the higher career development function, psycho-social satisfaction was in mentoring functions and job satisfaction. It also identified that the higher career development was perceived, the higher employability was in mentoring functions and employability, but it had insignificant difference statistically in psycho-social function and role modeilng function. Second, as a result of analyzing the relationships between mentoring functions and career commitment, the higher career development function and psycho-social function were perceived, the higher career commitment was, while it had insignificant difference statistically in role moderling function. In conclusion, these findings has verified to suggest that mentoring is a effective way which enables to form positive attitudes on member's work and their organizations and then to heighten career enhancement and career success. Therefore it is necessary for hotel industry to introduce formal and systematic mentoring that create the environment which enable employees to adjust to their works and organizations.

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