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      • 대단위 공동주택단지의 빗물저장시설 계획을 통한 주요 도심 주거지 성능분석에 의거 침수재해 저감대책 연구

        최재도 창원대학교 일반대학원 2024 국내박사

        RANK : 1855

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the rate of increase in flooding in the downstream of the existing downtown area during large-scale urban development in the current situation of increasing flooding in the existing downtown area due to climate change, and to analyze the degree of reduction in flooding in the existing downtown area in the downstream when planning a small excellent storage facility in an apartment complex. The research method used the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's SWMM model to build a large-scale sewage model and analyze the flooding impact of the downstream existing downtown area through simulation. The built model included the development zone, the existing downtown area in the downstream, and the entire river basin that discharges rainwater. The results of the study were simulated by calculating the minimum excellent storage tank capacity for each apartment block in the study target area during large-scale development activities. It was found that 4,911㎥ for 1 hour, 25,847㎥ for 2 hours, and 55,528㎥ for 3 hours in the downstream existing downtown area could be reduced. The conclusion is that when large-scale flooding simulations are conducted considering the existing downtown areas in the downstream, the flooding in the downtown area in the downstream increases significantly, and if the capacity of the excellent storage tank is planned for each apartment block before development and the construction of the excellent storage tank is recommended by supporting the cost during development, the flood burden in the existing downtown area in the downstream can be reduced.

      • 멱변환에 의한 구조 방정식의 선형성 검증

        최재도 연세대학교 대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        This paper develops a methodology of testing linearity using the two stage least squares (2SLS) estimation. It is an extension of the method developed by Baek, Cho, and Phillips (2015) which tests linearity using power transforms of regressors in the standard OLS setting. They derive the linear model from the power transform in three different ways and each of them produces an identification problem, which is called the trifold identification problem. The identification issue is overcome by using the QLR statistic, which we approximate under each identification problem and combine into the composite approximation that contributes to the null limit approximation. This paper shows that the power of QLR statistics dominates that of J-statistics. 본 논문은 도구변수를 사용하는 경우에 선형성을 검증하는 방법을 제시하고 있다. 이는 Baek, Cho, and White (2015)의 방법론을 내생성이 존재하여 도구변수가 요구되는 경우로 확장시킨 것이다. 본 논문 역시 BCP와 마찬가지로 멱변환 (power transform) 모형을 사용하며 션형모형을 검증한다. 이 때 도구변수가 사용되는 경우 역시 trifold identification 이라는 식별문제가 발생함을 보이고 QLR 통계량이 이러한 문제를 해결할 수 있음을 보인다. 시뮬레이션 시행결과 J 통계량보다 QLR 통계량의 검정력이 월등히 높음을 확인할 수 있다.

      • Inhibition of Hantaan Virus Replication by The Interferon Induced MxA Protein

        최재도 고려대학교 대학원 2007 국내박사

        RANK : 1855

        Human MxA is an IFN-inducible, dynamin-like large GTPase with an antiviral activity against many RNA viruses. Although earlier studies have shown that MxA inhibited Hantaan virus replication, its underlying molecular mechanism has not been fully characterized. In this study, we examined effects of three amino acids substitution mutants of MxA, which had been reported to inhibit other virus replication (or define which cellular function) on Hantaan virus infection of Vero E6 cells. Transiently E645R-expressing cells showed a strong antiviral activity as the wild-type MxA, while T103A and L612K-expressing ones had no or marginal effect. Immuno-fluorescence analyses indicated that the wild-type MxA and E645R prevented the Np from accumulating in the perinuclear area during viral replication. Similar effect was also observed in cells with transiently expressing the N proteins, suggesting a strong correlation between the antiviral activity of MxA and inhibition of the N protein targeting to the perinuclear area. Although no direct physical interaction between Np and MxA was demonstrated in this study, three lines of evidence suggest that MxA may exert an inhibitory effect on the viral replication via the proper targeting of the N proteins (1) Both Np and MxA proteins were targeted to the cellular Rab4-positive endosomes. (2) The transport of these endosomes was blocked by nocodazol, while vesicle fusion was not abolished. (3) NBTI, a vesicle transport inhibitor could effectively prevent the HTNV replication

      • 橋梁景觀의 形態別 特性 評價 및 視覺的 認知度에 關한 類似性 分析

        최재도 釜山大學校 2008 국내박사

        RANK : 1855

        Recently, the concern of the aspect of esthetic value that the shape of a bridge itself has and the aspect of landscape from harmony with surrounding environment. This is different tendency with before that emphasize the aspect of functional and structural safety. Because a bridge is important structure to determine urban landscape and one of the landmark, so it needs to evaluate bridge's design and bridgescape. The aim of this study is to investigate the present state of the whole country's bridge and to evaluate the visual perception against bridgescape employing semantic differential method through 16 adjectives. And it also analyzes the preference of day and night landscape and the remarkable landmark out of 8 bridges to represent Pusan through Delphi technique, and analyze the similarity on the assessment of bridge's shape, color, light, harmony with the environment which are each bridge's bridgescape composition employing multidimensional scaling method. The major findings of this paper are as follows; First, it is the best factor to determine bridgescape that is the harmony with environment and the shape of bridge. So the result of analysis the evaluation on the visual perception according to the shape of bridge through 16 adjectives, the most unique bridge is arch bridge, the most common bridge is steel box girder bridge, the most familiar bridge is suspension bridge, the most unfamiliar bridge is rigid-frame bridge. Cable-stayed girder bridge give us the most active sense, prestressed concrete slab bridge give us the most static sense. The most rhythmical bridge is rigid-frame bridge, the most monotonous bridge is prestressed concrete slab bridge, and cable-stayed girder bridge give us the strongest impression and the most cheerful feelings. The factor analysis summarize from 16 adjectives to 3 factors. the first factor is commonness which is organized by boring, unbeautiful, unfashionable, monotonous, uninteresting, static, common, simple, depressed, the second factor is disharmony which is composited by reluctant, bad, uneasy, discontinuous, weak, discomfortable, the third factor is unfamiliarity. Second, the bridge which represent Pusan recognized which has the splendid day and night landscape and landmark. Gwangan Bridge is evaluated as chosen the best bridge which has landscape and is the supremacy landmark to represent Pusan. But the result on the assessment for each bridgescape compositions shows interesting findings. Pusan Bridge and Shinho Bridge is bound to the same group as an arch bridge in the bridge's shape aspect and red color which are made of steel in the bridge's color aspect. And Pusan Bridge is similar to Gupo Bridge in the bridge's illumination aspect. The Second Nakdong Bridge and the Third Nakdong Bridge are the lowest grade in all items. Gwangan Bridge is the best bridge and cannot compare with others in the day and night landscape and landmark, as well as bridgescape composition which include bridge's shape, color, illumination and harmony with environment. On the other hand, in spite of Yongdo Bridge's symbol, the assessment shows a bad valuation on the old bridge by a low grade at bridgescape composition

      • 1985年 韓國 各地에서 分離한 이질菌屬의 特性에 關한 硏究

        崔在□ 단국대학교 1985 국내석사

        RANK : 1839

        1985年 1月부터 同年 12月사이 全國의 市·道保健硏究所(서울市, 仁川市, 釜山市, 京畿道, 江原道, 忠淸南北道, 慶尙南北道, 全羅南北道, 濟州道) 및 서울市內 綜合病院 臨床檢査室에서 1次 分離된 痢疾菌屬을 實驗室로 運搬하여 이를 正確하게 確認 再分離 同定한 總 194株의 Shigella 菌種을 對象으로 各種의 實驗을 하여 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1)硏究 期間中 韓國 各地에서 痢疾菌屬 總 194株를 分離 同定하였으며, 그중 Sh.flexneri (B群)가 164株(84.5%), Sh.boydii (C群)가 6株(3.1%), Sh.sonnei (D群)가 24株(12.3%)를 分離 同定하여 주로 B群이 많았고 Sh.dysenteriae (A群)는 전혀 分離되지 않았다. 2)B群 164株에 對한 subserotype의 分離率은 subserotype 1b가 84株(51.2%)로 가장 높은 分離率을 보였다. 그리고 subserotype 3a는 2株(1.2%)로 가장 낮은 分離率을 보였다. C群은 subserotype 4만 나타내었고, D群에서는 subserotype I 보다 subserotype II가 14株(58.4%)가 더 많이 分離되었다. 3)分離菌에 對한 生物學的 性狀의 特徵은 分離菌이 典型的인 痢疾菌의 特性을 보였으나 B群 中에서 subserotype 1b 2株(2.4%)가 glucose로부터 gas 生成을 나타내 주었고, subserotype 1a 에서는 indole 生成이 88.9%로 높은 陽性率을 나타냈다. Arginine dihydrolase 實驗에서는 D群中 subserotype I이 100%의 陽性率을 보였다. 그 다음으로는 B群中 subserotype 6에서 92.5%의 陽性率을 보여주었다. 또한 manitol 分解實驗에서 B群中 subserotype 1b를 除外한 모든 subserotype에서 100%의 陽性率을 나타내 주었고, rhamnose 分解實驗에서 D群中 subserotype I이 100%의 陽性率을 나타내 주는 特徵 等을 갖고 있었다. 4)地域別 菌分離 成績은 調査地域 總 13個 中에서 江原道 地域이 41株(21.1%)로 가장 높은 菌이 分離되었다. 5)季節別 菌 分離率은 4月에 44株(22.7%)가 分離되어 다른 時期보다 가장 많이 分離되었다. 6) 年齡別 痢疾菌의 分離成績은 60歲 以上의 年齡群에서 34名(17.5%)이 分離되어 가장 많은 分離率을 나타내 주었으며, 4歲 以下層에서 29名(14.9%)이 分離되어 그 다음의 順位였다. 7)性別 菌分離 成績은 女性이 113名(58.2%)이고, 男性이 74名(38.2%)로 分離되어 女性이 더 많은 感染을 받았었음을 알수 있었다. 8) 分離菌의 抗菌劑(12劑)에 대한 耐性檢査結果는 Chloramphenicol(100%), Tetracycline(94.3%), Streptomycin(82.0%), Carbenicillin(76.3%), Ampicillin(74.7%)의 順으로 耐性率을 보였다. 그리고 5劑의 抗菌劑에 對한 多藥劑耐性을 지닌 菌株가 무려 117株(60.3%)로 B群 subserotype 1b가 43.3%로 높게 나타냈다. 따라서 抗菌劑에 對한 耐性度가 漸次 變化되어 가는 傾向을 보였다. 以上의 結果를 綜合하면 1985年에 韓國 各地에서 分離된 痢疾菌은 總 194株이고 이중 主種은 Sh.flexneri 로 84.5%였다. 또 地域別로 江原道에서 높게 分離되었으나 큰 差異없이 全國에서 分離되고 있다. 性別로는 女子가 男子보다 약간 높았고 年齡別로는 어린이와 老人層에서 好發하는 傾向을 보였다. 그리고 抗菌劑 耐性은 旣存使用하던 藥劑에 對해서 耐性이 있었고 特히 多藥劑 耐性化 傾向이 짙어갔다. The result of various researches mainly in search of 194 Shigella strains,isolated by the Health Research Centers (situated in Seoul City, Inchon city, Pusan city, Kyonggi-Do, Kangwon-Do, Chungchongnam & Buk-Do, Kyongsangnam & Buk-Do, Jllanam & Buk-Do, and Jaeju-Do) in addition to those clinical laboratories of all the general hospitals situated down twon Seoul, conducted during the month of Jan thru Dec 85, thru the reisolating-activity program following its transportation into the laboratory, particularly for a complete check on its correctiveness, are as follows: 1. The isolation-process observation over 194 strains was conducted nationwide: 164 ea (84.5%) Sh.flexneri, B group; 6 ea (3.1%) Sh.boydii, C group; 24 ea (12.3%) Sh.sonnei, D group, which means there's quite a lot in B group while none isolated in Sh.dysenteriae, A group at all. 2. The isolational rate of the 164, B group for subserotype was 1b, 84 (51.2%) the highest one, 2 (1.2%) on 3a the lowest one, 4, on C group; In D group subserotype II showed 14 (58.4%) more than subserotype I. 3. The biological data on sexuality regarding the isolation-strain showed traditional particularity. But the subserotype 1b in Bgroup 2 (2.4%) showed gas-growth from glucose. In subserotype 1a, the indole-growth was 88.9% on masculine which was considerable a good one. In the test of arginine dihydrolase subserotype I among D group showed 100% masculine rate. The subserotype 6 among B group showed 92.5% masculine. In the dissolution test of manitol, all subserotypes showed 100% maculine except subserotype 1b. In the dissolutioning test of rhamnose, the subserotype I among D group showed 100% masculine which is the unusual one. 4. Interms of the area among 13 districts examined, Kangwon-Do had 41 (21.1%) which is the highest one on its ratio. 5. In terms of season on the strain isolation category, 44 (22.7%) is the number isolated in April which is the highest one. 6. In terms of ages, the strain isolation ratio was notable high above the ages of 60 which was 34 (17.5%). Next one was 29 (14.9%) which was under the ages of 4. In terms of sex, female was 113 or 58.2% while male was 74 or 38.2%, which means the female had more than the male. The result of the resisting capability on the usage of 12 antibiotic medication was; 100% on Chloramphenicol; 94.3% on Tetracycline, 82.0% on Streptomycin, 76.3% on Carbenicillin, 74.7% on Ampicillin, in regular order. The strain source bearing multimedication resisivity against antibiotic medication is as many as 117 or 60.3%. of which of 1b subserotype, B group was the best one, and thus the ivity against the antistrain medication seems the tendency changed. summing up of the above result shows the total specific isolated in each branch in KOrea is 194, of which the main Sh. flexneri-84.5%. The isolating rate is almost evenly although the Kangwon-Do showed the highest rate on the data. It also shows female is higher than male on its . The tendency on age category showed both on OLD and INFANCY generations HIGH. However, the resistant capability against antibacteria medication or vaccine was still remaining on habitual one, particularly tending towards multimedication or vaccine trend.

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