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      • 長·老年層의 生活과 健康 增進 方案에 관한 硏究 : 30代부터 60代를 主對象으로

        최영만 朝鮮大學校 大學院 1993 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        This study was a discussion of the health condition and lifestyles of the middle aged and the relationship between lifestyle and health condition, concluding with some recommendation towards a better life inter results of this study, the following recommendations are made for a more healthy life. 1. Take fulfilling holidays. 2. Have a purpose for living. 3. Have a strong attention to health keeping this study shows that a majority of middle aged Korean can be called work oriented it is said that only 1 out of 5 middle aged Korean will choose to take a holiday. However, it is also apparent that not all younger middle aged people may necessarily have an awareness of the important of the relation of lifestyles to health either.

      • 주류산업의 RFID 도입 및 활용에 관한 연구 : K社의 사례를 중심으로

        최영만 계명대학교 경영대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        (ABSTRACT) According to the innovative development of information technology, corporations' management styles have been changing. Various information technologies have been used for organizations' management activities, and consequently corporations' management strategies have rapidly changed. Especially, information technology has been applied to business automation for efficient business administration, and furthermore, it has been used as a way to secure a corporation's competitive advantage. Corporations have developed information systems using information technology to support management activities, and using such information systems efficiently has become a fundamental factor in the making or breaking of corporations' success. Accordingly, ERP, which helps a corporation's information sharing ability, information generation, and decision-making ability by automating and administrating a corporation's main business processes, such as supply, production, distribution, and accounting, has come into the spotlight as one of the most powerful methods of management innovation. ERP is an integrated information system to strengthen a corporation's competitiveness by administrating all human resources and material resources in the corporation's business. In addition, ERP has been used as a management innovation method because of its value in reducing a corporation's computation costs; its openness and flexibility; and because it has been designed and integrated to center around processes. However, most corporations, in spite of their well-built backbone system and operational efforts, have failed to achieve the desired, practical effects associated with using ERP because they have not reflected valid information from the production fields in the administration system in a timely manner. Besides, in these corporations, major administration items have not been easily grasped because inside manufacturing factories, various production elements such as raw/subsidiary materials, producers, machines/equipments, production methods, and working processes have been entangled complicatedly. For all that efficiency and concentration within corporations' production fields as well as within administration parts are essential for corporations to cope with varying demands in their business operationsin real time, their production fields, which are the cores of their value-added creation, have still remained as black holes of company-wide administration. Therefore, in this ubiquitous age, it is urgent for corporations to build an integrated production information system considering their management strategies, production processes, connection with production infra, and integration/extension/easy use of systems, by attaching RFID tags to the palates and PBOXs (core devices for production, manufacturing and distribution). Through such integrated production information systems, a corporation can expect an efficient stocktake of raw materials and half-finished/finished products; more efficient production system support for production/manufacturing processes by the real-time grasp/analysis/prediction of the distribution of materials and products within the corporation; consequently its competitiveness strengthening. (초록) 정보기술의 혁신적 발전에 따라 기업의 경영방식이 달라지고 있다. 다양한 정보기술이 조직의 모든 프로세스의 경영활동에 이용되고 있으며 이에 따라 기업의 경영전략도 급변하고 있다. 특히 기업업무의 효율적 운영을 위해 업무 자동화에 정보기술을 활용하고 나아가 기업의 경쟁우위를 확보하기 위한 수단으로 정보기술을 활용하고 있다. 기업은 경영활동을 지원하기 위해 정보기술을 이용하여 정보시스템을 구축한다. 특히 기업에서 정보자원의 효율적 사용은 기업의 성패를 좌우하는 기본 요소가 되었다. 이에 기업내의 조달, 생산, 유통 및 회계 등 기업의 기본 비즈니스 프로세스를 자동화해주고 통합적으로 연결하여 관리 하므로서 기업의 정보공유와 정보생성 및 의사결정에 도움을 주는 ERP는 최근 가장 각광받고 있는 경영혁신의 강력한 수단이다. 이는 기업활동을 위해 쓰여지고 있는 모든 인적자원과 물적자원을 효율적으로 관리하여 궁극적으로 기업의 경쟁력을 강화시켜 주는 역할을 하게 되는 통합정보시스템이며, 기업의 전산비용을 획기적으로 절감할 수 있고 개방성과 유연성의 특징을 갖고 있으며 프로세스를 중심으로 설계 통합되어 경영혁신수단으로 이용되고 있다. 그러나 대부분의 회사는 잘 구축되어진 기간시스템과 많은 운영상의 노력에도 불구하고 생산현장의 유효한 정보들이 적기에 적절한 형태로 관리시스템에 반영되어지지 않으므로 실질적인 효과를 거두지 못하고 있다. 제조공장 내부에는 여러가지 생산 요소인 원ㆍ부자재, 작업자, 기계설비, 작업방법, 생산공정 등이 복잡하게 뒤얽혀있어 주요한 관리 항목이 노출이 안되고 실시간으로 변하는 영업부문의 수요변화에 경쟁력 있게 대응하기 위하여는 기업내부의 관리부문 뿐만 아니라, 생산현장 전체의 효율성과 집중력이 요구 되는데 기업의 부가가치를 창출하는 핵심인 현장 부문은 전체 관리 선상에 Black Hole을 이루고 있어, 선진화된 관리체제 구축이 시급하다. 이에 유비쿼터스 시대를 맞이하여 생산ㆍ제조ㆍ물류의 핵심기기인 팔레트 및 PBOX에 RFID 태그를 붙여 회사의 경영전략, 생산 프로세스, 생산 인프라와 밀접한 연계성, 시스템의 통합성, 확장성 및 사용 용이성 등을 고려한 통합생산정보시스템을 구축 한다면 원자재, 반제품, 완제품의 효율적인 재고 파악과 추적관리를 강화할 수 있으며 제품, 자재 등 사내 물류 흐름의 실시간 파악과, 분석, 예측이 가능하여 생산ㆍ제조 공정에 좀 더 효율적인 생산 시스템을 지원할 수 있게 함으로써 기업의 경쟁력 강화에 핵심적인 요소로 작용할 것으로 기대한다.

      • 마태복음 13장에서 나타난 ‘천국’의 성격

        최영만 아세아연합신학대학교 대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        In this thesis, we have studied the Kingdom of Heaven in Matthew 13. It is the relation between The parables of Jesus and the present character and future character of Kingdom of Heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is important beacause the big subject of the Bible. It is also the central subject of Jesus' work and the absolute sovereign of God who powerfully acts for the salvation of human beings. It presents in Old Testament and New Testament. The Kingdom of Heaven sovereigns history and present and time and place and space. It has the meanings concerning the future and the future life and the heavens. It intervenes in the scene of the life of the sinners in history. It is the sovereign power of God who changes the world and the human beings. The Kingdom of Heaven has the present meaning that the sovereign of God has already started. But it also has a tension. That is, the Kingdom of Heaven has not yet come, but will come in the future. 'The Kingdom of Heaven has already come in the coming and proclamation of Jesus. The present Kingdom of Heaven already contains the eschatological meaning. It actively works in the present and future character. In this study, we have reserched the parables of the Kingdom of Heaven in Chapter 13 of Matthew. We have reported that the parables in the Chapter 13 contain the present character or the future character of Kingdom of Heaven. In Introduction, we mentioned the necessity of the study of the Kingdom of Heaven. In Part Ⅱ, we have studied about the various opinions of scholars about the present and future character of Kingdom of Heaven. In Part Ⅲ, we have studied the background of the Kingdom of Heaven. There are the background of Old Testament, the background of Judaism, the background of New Testament. In Part Ⅳ, we mentioned the background of the concept of heaven. We have studied how the term ‘heaven’ was used in Old Testament and the post Judaism and New Testament. In Part Ⅴ, we studied that the Kingdom of Heaven and the Kingdom of God have the same meaning. The Kingdom of Heaven means the sovereign and power of God. In Part Ⅵ, we have studied the seven parables of Chapter 13 of Matthew. In the parables, we confirmed the parables reveal the present character and future character of Kingdom of Heaven. In Conclusion, we have studied both the present and the future character of Kingdom of Heaven. The present character of Kingdom of Heaven has the same character as our salvation, and here is the mystery of Kingdom of Heaven. Finally, it is our mission in the present character accomplishing the Kingdom of Heaven that we have a firm faith and take part for the expansion of the sovereign of Kingdom of Heaven. Accordingly, we should be the witnesses for the coming Kingdom of Heaven, the servants for the Kingdom of Heaven, and the persons of good experience of the Kingdom of Heaven.

      • 주형 표면에 접종제를 사용한 초내열합금 IN713LC의 결정립 미세화에 대한 연구

        최영만 인하대학교 공학대학원 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        The effect of grain refinement under various inoculant's(CoAl2O4) content in the surface layer of ceramic mold on the micro porosity and tensile strength of superalloy IN713LC were investigated. From this study, we could get several conclusions. The first conclusion is that the grain size can be decreased by addition of inoculant as facecoat on the mold surface. Moreover, the grain size can be controlled economically by variation of inoculant's amount, as higher inoculant's contents(10%) give better grain size refinement than lower(3%). The second is that from the comparison between the grain size of cast surface and transverse cross section, it was found that the grain size of cast surface was finer than that of transverse cross section. Also, the specimen with the diameter of 10mm exhibit finer grain size than that of 15mm. The third is that reducing micro porosity could be possible by grain refinement. It could be confirmed that by increasing the inoculant's content from 3% to 10% and by decreasing the diameter of specimen from 15mm to 10mm reducing in the micro porosity was obtained. Finally, the tensile test at room temperature shows that the specimen with 3% addition of inoculant exhibits higher tensile strength than the specimen without inoculant. In addition, with increase in inoculant's content from 3% to 10%, the tensile strength was also increased. From these results, the mechanisms for grain refinement were discussed in detail.

      • 개별투자가 제품원가에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구 : S사의 대체설비 투자안을 중심으로

        최영만 부산대학교 경영대학원 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        The object of this research is to offer the data on the economic investment decision making by reasonable valuation of the relevant expenses and revenues in the investment decision environment, and to examine how the result of this valuation has affect on the positive competitiveness in market. The study processed side by side together with the theoretical documental study and the actual examples. This paper consists of 5 chapters ; Chapter 2 explains the general consideration of investment budgeting, and Chapter 3 present a theoretical examination of the economic valuation approaches of the investment proposals. Chapter 4 analyzes actual examples on the economic affect of the investment plan considered on the product cost in the case ˝S˝ company. Also the Chapter concisely analyzes and describe the ˝S˝ company´s managerial accounting system. At this Chapter´s real world case analysis, however, ˝Net present value method˝ for the project alternative was employed to make decision what alternative is benefit to Company concerned, and also ˝payback period method˝ was used as supplemental method. Chapter 5 presented summary of this research paper, and conclusion. With maturing of knowledge and information age, most manufacturing companies nowadays have encountered serious challenges inside and outside this country, and lots of companies have planed new equipment investments as a strategy to cope with these big challenges ; especially, these investments alternatives is to invest automation of semi-automation of machinery facilities for higher productivity. With change of market environment domestically and all over the world, and inside state of enterprises, the CEO´s(management) decision of investment project which require large scale capital expenses than any times over past shall require foresight in future, rationality, and economic propriety respectively. Contemporarily it is general trend for the manufacturing enterprises to produce various kinds of products together. With taking consideration into such a business environment in the industry, not only the specific dimension of whole in company but also economic influences of the investment decision on the enterprises as whole should be considered. In conclusion, new investment project taken in this research has a positive result to company economically basing upon the ˝Net Present Value˝ method and supplementary method adopted in this study.

      • 牧會煮의 리더십 開發에 대한 硏究

        최영만 韓南大學校 學際神學大學院 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        Seeing a great spiritual harvest until 1980s, the Korean church had achieved a remarkable growth as much as the world church was envious of it. But, coming into the year of 1990s, the growth of Korean church has slowed and been inactive. The responsibility of this cause lies with pastors leading churches. Especially, the main cause to obstruct the growth of church can be considered lack of pastor's leadership. Therefore, through recovering leadership, renovating church and awakening genuine spirit, pastors should revive the church of God again. So, the purpose of this thesis is study and develop pastor's leadership. This thesis is composed as follows. It is composed with total 6 chapters, and the Chapter Ⅰ, an introduction, has showed the purpose, method and extent of study. The Chapter Ⅱ, a general understanding, has dealt with theory and historical examination of leadership and the type and character of it. The Chapter Ⅲ, a biblical model of pastor's leadership, has examined Moses and Nehemiah in the Old Testament and Jesus Christ and Paul in the New Testament. The Chapter Ⅳ, the pastor's leadership to be demanded by the modern church, has considered spiritual power, vision, human relations, communication, management of time, and cooperative leadership of pastor. The Chapter Ⅴ, the development of pastor's leadership, has discussed the training of spirituality and its specialism and the development of image leadership. The Chapter Ⅵ, a conclusion, has emphasized what is the pastor's leadership to make the church fulfil a mission excellently in coming 21 century and how important a problem is the development of pastor's leadership to be demanded urgently. And, hope sincerely that the dull Korean church and missionary work of the world will be active through the pastor's leadership.

      • 跆拳道 競技中 攻擊技術의 使用頻度에 관한 硏究

        최영만 朝鮮大學校 敎育大學院 1984 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        This thesis is connected with the first and second Preliminary Games for the 65th National Athletic Meet, the 23rd Chonnam Provincial Athletic Meet in '84 and the National Classified Taekwondo Championship Series. I've studied the attacking skills of the Taekwondoists who took part in all the aforementioned Games and analized them carefully. The results of the study are as follows: 1. Frequency in each attacking skill. a. The number of times in attacking: 13,648 and average frequency per game: 68.24 times. 2. Scores in each attacking skill. a. Total scores of the attack in 200 games were 567. 3. The successful scoring rates in each attacking. a. The number of times used in attacking in 200 games was 13,648, b. Frequency of each attacking and scores in each round. The number of the total attacks in 200 games was 13,648. 4. Scores of each attack according to parts of the body. The total scores in 200 games were 567. 5. Comparison of the total scores between Fisting and Kicking. The number of the total Fisting and kickings was 13,648. 6. Comparison of total scores between right and left kickings. The number of the total attack in 200 games was 13,648. 7. Frequency of fouls in play. The total fouls in 200 games were 421 times. Therefore, it was concluded in thesis that attacking skills depended on the actual condition rather than Fisting in Taekwondo Tournaments.

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