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      • 불균일상 촉매를 이용한 폐식용유의 에스테르화

        최기호 慶星大學校 大學院 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        식물유는 황성분이 매우 낮고 고갈의 위험이 없으며 기존의 디젤연료보다 매연의 발생이 적은 장점을 가지고 있다. 그래서 식물유는 대체에너지 및 청정에너지원으로 주목을 끌어왔다. 그러나 식물유의 높은 점성이 연소시 문제점으로 지적되어 왔으며 이를 해결하기 위한 많은 방법들이 연구되어 왔다. 본 연구에서는 식물유로부터 에스테르화 반응을 이용하여 바이오디젤유를 생산하는 공정에 대하여 연구하였다. 또한 촉매로 불균일상 촉매를 사용하였으며, 전환율과 반응속도에 대한 촉매종류, 촉매투여량 그리고 보조용매의 영향을 측정하였다. 불균일상 촉매를 이용한 메탄올과 대두유의 에스테르화 반응에서 전환율을 측정한 결과, 전환율은 촉매의 알칼리도에 크게 의존하여 알칼리도가 증가하면 전환율도 증가하였고 알칼리 금속의 산화물보다 수산화물의 반응성이 더욱 좋았다. 촉매양을 증가시키는 경우, 촉매의 양을 4.0 wt%까지 증가시킬 때 반응속도가 향상되었고, 그 이상 과량의 촉매를 투입시킬 경우에는 촉매가 교반능력을 저하시켜서 오히려 반응속도가 감소하였다. 보조용매인 클로로포름을 투입했을 때 3.0 wt% 까지는 식물유의 전환율이 향상되었다. 그러나 클로로포름의 양을 3.0 wt%이상으로 증가시키자 과량투입으로 인한 반응물의 농도감소와 보조용매의 교반능력을 저하시키기 때문에 오히려 식물유의 전환율과 반응속도가 감소하였다. 불균일상 촉매를 사용해서 일반 대두유와 폐식용유의 에스테르화를 비교할 때 전환율에 큰 차이가 없게 나타났다. Compared to the diesel oil, the vegetable oil has advantages of very low sulfur content and low soot emission, and dosen't have the threat of exhaustion. Thus, the vegetable oil has been taken notice as alternative and clean energy source. However, it has been pointed out that high viscosity of the vegetable oil causes serious problem as it burnt. For solving this problem many researches have been carried out. In this study, the process which produced the biodiesel oil from vegetable oil by the esterification reaction was investigated. Especially, heterogeneous catalysts were used as catalysts, and the influences of sort and dose of catalyst and cosolvent on the conversion and reaction rate were tested. From the measurements of the conversion in the esterification reaction between methanol and soybean oil which was catalysed by the heterogeneous catalysts, conversion was strongly dependent on the alkalinity of the catalyst, and increased with the alkalinity of the metal. Hydoxides from the alkali metals were more effective than oxides. When dose of the catalyst was increased, reaction rate was increased with the dose of catalyst until 4.0 wt%. However, if the dose of catalyst exceeded 4.0 wt%, reaction rate was reduced by the ineffective mixing of reaction mixture. Conversion of the vegetable oil was increased by the addition of the cosolvent. However, when it's dose exceeded 3.0 wt%, conversion and reaction rate were reduced by the ineffective mixing and dilution of the reactants. Converion of the used vegetable oil was not much different from that of the soybean oil.

      • 기업 경쟁력을 위한 P.I(Product Identity)전략적 모델구축에 관한 연구

        최기호 경희대학교 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        기술의 진보와 제품의 진화에 따라 기업 간 라이벌 브랜드와의 경합은 더욱 심해지고 있지만 기능이나 조작의 면에서는 더 이상 차별화를 찾기가 힘들다. 이렇게 제품의 기술적 차별성이 사라지면서 기업은 자사의 제품이 타사의 제품군과 구별되어 경쟁력을 획득하기 위해 디자인, 마케팅, 광고 등에 의한 제품이미지 통합 관리를 시도하고 있다. 제품이미지는 기업이미지 향상에 기여하여 소비자가 제품을 구매하는데 효과적 역할을 한다. “기업 아이덴티티 (C.I: Corporate Identity)를 기업의 ‘마음(心)’이라고 한다면 제품 아이덴티티 (P.I: Product Design Identity)는 바로 ‘인상(印象)’이라고 할 수 있다“ P.I는 제품에 얼굴과 표정을 만들어서 많은 호감도 갖게 해준다. 기업의 이미지가 좋아지면 그 기업이 생산하는 상품이나 서비스 등은 물론 브랜드에 대한 선호도도 높아지게 마련이다. 유사한 성격의 기업들끼리 서로 경쟁할 때, 소비자들이 이미지가 좋은 기업을 선호 하며, 가격과 성능이 비슷한 여러 가지 종류의 상품이 있을 때, 소비자는 디자인이 좋은 상품을 선택한다. 그러므로 디자인경영의 성패는 기업의 운명과 직결 된다. 또한 “기업 아이덴티티(C.I: Corporate Identity)를 기업의 ‘전략(戰略)’이라고 한다면 제품 아이덴티티 (P.I: Product Design Identity)는 바로 ‘실행(實行)’이라고 할 수 있다.” 기업전략은 기업의 전반적인 방향을 제시하고 이를 행동에 옮기도록 하는 기본적인 틀이다. 아무리 훌륭한 전략이 있다 하더라도 그 전략을 실행하는 실천이 없으면 성과는 ‘0’으로서 ‘전략 × 실행 = 성과’ 라는 등식이 성립된다. 전략과 실행은 중요한 성공의 지침이므로 “최고경영자의 의지가 담긴 포괄적인 계획”이 되어야 한다. 또한 기업의 특성과 규모, 주어진 환경에 따른 P.I( Product Identity)의 정립이야말로 구체적 전개의 시발점이며 미래에 대한 경쟁력이 된다. 随着技术的发展和产品的进化,企业之间的品牌竞争越来越激烈,但是在功能和操作方面很难分辨有差别化,从而产品之间的技术差别慢慢淡化,企业为了区分与其他公司的产品差别为了获得产品竞争力,开始尝试以设计、营销、广告等为主的产品形象综合管理。产品形象寄予提高企业形象在消费者购买产品方面起到极其有效的作用。 “企业形象识别(C.I: Corporate Identity)称为企业的‘心’,产品形象识别(P.I: Product Design Identity)可称为‘印象’”。P.I相当于产品的脸和表情会给消费者带来更多的好感,企业的形象变好了,会使企业生产的产品、服务以及品牌的喜好度相继提升。在同类企业相互竞争时,消费者会偏爱形象好的企业,而在价格和性能相似的各类产品当中,消费者则会选择设计形象更好的产品,所以企业的命运取决于设计经营的胜败。一般“企业形象识别(C.I: Corporate Identity)称为企业的‘战略’,而产品形象识别(P.I: Product Design Identity)称为‘实行’”。企业战略是树立企业的整体方向且以此来行动执行的基本框架,不管有多么优秀的战略,如果没有执行实践的过程其成果相当于‘0’,因此形成‘战略 × 实行 = 成果’的公式。战略和实行作为迈向成功之路的指南针,要成为“具有最高经营者意志的综合性计划 ”。而企业的特性和规模以及跟随现有环境的P.I( Product Identity)定位是具体开展的始发点,也会成为未来的竞争力。

      • 韓半島 軍備統制에 관한 硏究

        최기호 전남대학교 행정대학원 1998 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study is to show two ways on the Arms Control in the Korean Peninsular one is that we have to deal the Arms Control not with the military thinking but with the security thinking. The other is that we would like to suggest the ways for the development of the Arms Control toward an easing of military tensions in the Korean Peninsular, thus, by constructing peace system, performing the reunification. This study is divided by four sections; The first one is to clarify the concept of the Arms Control, the second is to analyze the result of . Arms Control in Europe and the security environment in East Asia after the end of the Cold War, the third one is to ease the military tension in the Korean Peninsular, in the last section, we would like to suggest the direction of the Arms Control in the Korean Peninsular for the base for the peaceful reunification. To complete this dissertation, we have researched by two methods. The one is to approach in the realistic situation. Even though we would not deny the normative and just quality of the Arms Control, we have to focus on the national interest and the power relations. The other is to deal with the Arms Control focusing on the national policy dimension. Therefore, we have relied on the newly published books, periodicals, and thesis. This study is organized by 6 chapters including Introduction and Conclusion. In the second chapter, we approach the theoretical dimension of the Arms Control and the process and the result of the European experience. The third chapter deals with the situation in the Korean Peninsular; the Arms Race of the two governments, the history of the Korean Peninsular. We have presented the changes in the East Asia security environment, and the four powers surrounding the Korean Peninsular in the fourth chapter. In the last chapter, excluding Conclusion, we suggest the future direction of the Arms Control in the Korean Peninsular in two dimension; one is basic direction and the other is the active direction. The result of this study could be summarized by four dimensions. Firstly, we have to take three steps to construct Arms Control. The first step is to constitute a East Asia political organization before Arms Control to win confidence. We could trace this case in the European Arms Control. But the most important thing is to have a confidence between the Governments of South and North Korea. The second step is the restriction on the Arms Race. That is to say, we could have a free access to the military situation of the North Korea to restraint the sudden attack. In the last step, two governments take a step toward Arms Control to have a appropriate level of military power. Furthermore, they have to withdraw the attactive arms in the front line. Secondly, in the negotiation with North Korea, we have to negotiate with definite principles. That is to say, we have to connect the negotiation process and the proposal by adopting rational making decision process. For example, in the comparison of the military power of the Korean Peninsular, we could use computerized analysis, so we could have a order of priority in the Arms Control negotiation. This would lead a better confidence in the information, and could clarify that the two governments have a joint gain in the Arms Control. If the making decision process of North Korea is not clearer than that of South Korea, we have to prepare a negotiation proposal which clearly show the benefits of the Arms Control, and this would introduce North Korea to the negotiation table. Thirdly, the Arms Control in the Korean Peninsular is to focused on the conventional arms. Although North Korea has been making efforts to develop a nuclear bombs, it is sure that the conventional arms are primary military power. So, it is natural that the Arms Control in the Korean Peninsular has to be focused on the conventional arms. Finally, the person, who has the right of decision in two Governments, has to overcome the divisions in each Government. The division system is the main obstacle toward the Arms Control and the Arms Reduction. If we accept this division as a usual, we could not recognize North Korea, so it is difficult to have a good result in the Arms Control negotiation. According to this study, the direction of the Arms Control in Korean Peninsular has to be achieved in a short term. Rather, we have to make a long and steady Arms Control process. On the consideration of the economic difficulties and the international isolation of North Korea, it could be surmised that the North Korean Government would make a step toward Arms Control in the long run, even though not in soon time. Therefore, it is our mission to develop a program for the Arms Control to achieve a common interests and peaceful reunification.

      • 다매체시대의 방송광고규제현황 및 법 개선에 대한 연구

        최기호 한국외국어대학교 대학원 2024 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Technological advancements have significantly impacted the broadcasting and advertising industries. The current broadcasting industry utilizes various media, not only TV and radio which were developed along with radio technology, but also two-way services such as cable TV, IPTV, satellite broadcasting, and OTT using smartphones. The infrastructure is well established and allows entry into the broadcasting market even for companies without large amounts of capital. Yet, with the advent of the industrial revolution, mass production and distribution of products became possible, and advertising, which dynamically developed alongside it, brought about not only the positive function of promoting company sales but also the dysfunctional aspect of consumer harm due to false and exaggerated advertising claims in the overheated competition process. In response to this, advertising regulations were implemented to ensure that advertisements perform their intended function in society. The initial regulation of advertising was conducted to establish a fair competitive order among companies. Strict regulations, especially for broadcast advertising, which emphasized objectivity and fair trade, were recognized as legitimate and necessary. As cases of consumer harm have increased and the scale of losses has grown, the perspective of advertising regulation has gradually shifted towards consumer protection. For instance, in the United States, to complement antitrust laws, the Wheeler-Lea Act was enacted, which includes deceptive acts or practices as prohibited acts; thus, expanding the authority of the Federal Trade Commission to regulate advertising for consumer protection. Additionally, in Japan, the jurisdictional authority of the Advertising Regulation Corporation, established under the Prize Labelling Act, was transferred to the Consumer Agency. In the Korean domestic context, changing advertising regulation from the existing antitrust laws to the Labelling Advertising Act is an example of this trend. While it is essential to avoid advertising regulation focused solely on consumer protection, it is equally important that regulations consider both maintaining proper economic order and consumer protection. While the need for advertising regulation is undeniable, it is crucial to move away from perceiving the advertising industry as a fundamentally regulated industry. Although there are dysfunctions associated with advertising, in reality, no industry exists without some dysfunctions. Approaching advertising regulation carefully and considering the industry's development, it is important to relax regulations that are not practical or that hinder the advertising industry’s progress. Both the direction and speed of relaxation are critical. Currently, individual laws regulate advertising for each mediatype. To ensure regulation consistency, it is necessary to establish comprehensive advertising legislation. Shifting from a positive regulation approach to a negative regulatory approach is also essential. Excessive regulation that overly constrains the advertising industry and related sectors must be relaxed. Consideration should be given to allowing TV advertising for medical professionals and healthcare institutions to deliver accurate information to consumers. Yet, in contrast, issues such as alcohol consumption, which persistently pose societal problems and are related to public health, should be rigorously managed not only in broadcast advertising but also in other media advertising. Appropriate regulation enables advertising to perform its functions properly. Regarding the Broadcast Advertising Combined Sales System, a representative form of asymmetric regulation, it should be promptly revised along with the provision of support measures for local network terrestrial broadcasters and small local terrestrial broadcasters, considering the existing legal and policy issues. In the multimedia age, the need for appropriate advertising regulation to ensure that advertising performs its proper functions is undeniable. However, considering broadcast advertising’s continuously decreasing expenditures, there is an ongoing need for serious deliberation and legislative discussions regarding broadcast advertising regulations. 기술의 발전은 방송 및 광고산업에 큰 영향을 가져왔다. 현재의 방송산업은 전파기술의 발전으로 발명된 TV와 라디오 이외에 양방향 서비스가 가능한 케이블TV, IPTV 및 위성방송과 스마트폰을 이용한 OTT까지 다양한 매체를 기반으로 구성되어 있다. 대규모 자본을 가진 기업이 아니어도 방송시장에 진입할 수 있는 기반도 마련되었다. 한편 산업혁명을 계기로 제품의 대량생산과 유통이 가능해지면서 함께 역동적으로 발전한 광고는 기업의 판매촉진이라는 순기능 외에 과열경쟁 과정에서 허위·과장광고의 등장으로 인한 소비자의 피해가 발생하는 역기능이 발생했다. 이에 사회에서 광고에 기대하는 기능을 제대로 수행할 수 있도록 하기 위하여 광고규제가 시행되었다. 초기의 광고규제는 기업 간의 올바른 경쟁질서를 확립하기 위한 목적으로 이루어졌고 특히 객관성과 공정성이 강조되는 방송광고에 대한 엄격한 규제는 당위성을 인정받았다. 소비자의 피해발생사례가 증가하고 손해규모도 커지면서 광고규제의 관점이 점점 소비자 보호 측면으로 옮겨가고 있다. 미국에서 독점규제법을 보완하기 위해 Wheeler-lea Act를 제정하여 기만적 행위 또는 관행(Deceptive act or practices)을 금지행위에 포함시켜 연방거래위원회의 권한 확장으로 소비자 보호를 위한 광고규제가 가능하게 한 것, 일본에서 광고규제법인 경품표시법의 소관기관을 소비자청으로 이관한 것, 광고규제에 대해 기존 공정거래법에서 표시광고법으로 변경한 국내 사례 모두 그 예에 해당한다. 광고규제가 소비자 보호 측면으로만 치우치는 것도 경계해야 하지만, 올바른 경제질서 유지와 소비자 보호 측면 모두 고려해야 한다. 광고에 대한 규제 필요성 자체를 부정할 수는 없지만, 광고산업을 기본적으로 규제산업으로 인식하는 틀에서 벗어나야 한다. 물론 광고의 역기능이 존재하지만, 역기능이 존재하지 않는 산업은 현실적으로 존재하지 않는다. 광고규제에 대해 신중히 접근하고 기존 규제 중에서도 현실에 맞지 않거나 광고산업의 발전을 저해한다고 판단되는 것은 완화해야 하고, 완화에 대한 방향과 속도 모두 중요하다. 현재 매체별 광고에 대해 각각 법률로 규정되어 있는 것을 규제의 일관성을 위해 광고에 대한 통합법을 마련하고, 포지티브 규제보다는 네거티브 규제방식으로의 전환이 필요하다. 광고산업과 기타 관련산업을 과도하게 제약하는 규제에 대해서 각 분야별 광고규제를 완화해야 한다. 의료인 및 의료기관에 대한 방송광고 허용은 소비자에게 정확한 정보를 전달하는 역할을 수행할 수 있다는 점에서 TV 광고 허용을 고려해야 하고, 반면 음주와 같이 사회적으로 계속 문제되고 국민건강과 관련된 사항에 대해서는 방송광고 외에 다른 매체 광고에서도 엄격하게 다루어야 한다. 적절한 규제는 광고의 기능을 제대로 수행할 수 있도록 한다. 그리고 방송 광고의 대표적인 비대칭규제에 해당하는 방송광고 결합판매제도는 법적, 정책적인 문제가 있는 만큼 조속히 네트워크 지역 지상파방송사업자와 중소 지상파방송사업자에 대한 지원방안과 함께 개정해야 할 것이다. 다매체시대에서 광고가 올바른 기능을 수행할 수 있도록 적절한 광고규제의 필요성은 부인할 수 없다. 다만 지속적으로 감소하고 있는 방송광고비 상황에 비추어 방송광고규제에 대한 진지한 고민과 입법론적 논의가 계속적으로 필요하다.

      • 韓國의 障碍人을 위한 職業再活에 관한 硏究

        최기호 檀國大學校 1992 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        現代社會는 여러가지 障碍要因을 안고 있으므로 障碍豫防에 대한 國家的인 施策이나 政策補完이 시급하다. 그리고 障碍人이 된 후로는 再活을 위한 각종 支援들이 요구되어 지는데 그 중에서도 職業再活은 經濟的, 心理的, 社會的 意味를 부여하고, 障碍人에 대한 諸能力을 최대한으로 開發하여 獨立的으로 經濟力을 갖춘 生産的 人間으로 복귀시키는 역할을 한다. 따라서 本 硏究의 目的은 이러한 職業再活開題의 本質을살펴보고, 障碍人의 職業再活에 대한 實態를 分析하여 그 問題點을 찾아내므로써 그것의 改善方案을 얻어 보는데 있다. 결과적으로 얻어진 改善方案은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 障碍人 職業再活事業의 發展을 위한 改善方案으로 障碍人登錄制度의 改善, 障碍人雇傭促進등에 관한 法律 및 障碍人福祉法의개정, 津碍人職業再活機關의 協助體系 마련,對國民 認識改善을 위한 장기적인 弘報計劃樹立, 專門人力養成을 위한 敎育機關 마련, 資格制度의 마련이 必要하며, 둘째, 職業再活過程의 效果的인 실시를 위한 개선방안으로 職業再活過程의 기틀 마련, 重症障碍人의 職業評價 義務化, 職業評價 實施機關 增設 및 基本評價道具 浦充, 專門職業訓鍊施設과重症障碍人을 위한 識業訓鍊施設의 擴充, 訓鍊職種의 開發, 職業相談窓口의 增設誘導, 重症障緖人을 위한 다양한 保護雇傭制度가 수립되어야 될 것이다 이상에서와 같이 障碍人의 職業再活問題는 어느 한 個人의 問題라기 보다는 우리 사회전체의 문제 즉, 한 個入의 노력의 結果로 얻어질 수 있는 것이 아니라 政府, 障碍人, 家族, 專門家 등의 공동 노력과 적절한 職業再活過程을 통하여 障碍人도 완전한 社會統合이 가능케될 것이며,나아가 韓國의 經濟發展과 福祉國家建設에 밑거름이 될 것이다. Since modern society has various factors to be disabled, any measures or politically complementary work on the prevention and protection of the disabled are urgent, Virtually, the disabled need various supports from social organizations, and particularly their vocational rehabilitation implicates economical, sychological, and social meanings, which means, by developing maximally the disabled's ability, to play an important role to rehabilitate the disabled to the state of being equipped with self-supporting ability economically. With that point of view, the present study has its purpose to obtain any good improvement measures as closely viewing the essence of the points at issue on the disabled's vocational rehabilitaion, then analysing the realities of their vocational rehabilitation and understanding the very points at issue. The following are some improvement measures from the study: First, as for the development of the project of the disabled's vocational rehabilitaion, the following tasks are needed to be worked out - i.e., improvement of the registration system of the disabled, adjustment on the rules and regulations concerning the promotion of the employment of the disabled and the law of the disabled's welfare, provision of the cooperative structure of the disabled's vocational rehabilitation institutes, establishment of long-term public relations for the people's awareness of the disabled, Provision of any training institutes for the professionalized disabled, and the provision of a qualification system for the disabled Second as for the measures to effectively execute the disabled's vocational rehabilitation courses, the following tasks should be established and practiced - i.e., Provision of the framework of their vocational rehabilitation courses, compulsory assessment of the serious disabled, increase of the number of the agencies of vocational assessment, supplementation of the instruments for basic assessment expansion of the facilities for the training of professional jobs and specially, training for the serious disabled, development of training job series, the inducing of the increase of the number of the windows for vocational consultation, various protective employment systems for the serious disabled, etc.. Based on such measures, the points at issue for the disabled are not only any individual's problem but the people's which should be cooperatively solved with same effort and coordination of the government, the disabled, their family members, experts, every one of the people, In this way, the disabled can be also participate in the progression of national development through their vocational rehabilitation courses and will become fertilizer for the economical development of the nation and its construction of welfare society.

      • 저복잡도 IDCT를 위한 제로 계수 인식 IDCT 알고리즘

        최기호 한양대학교 대학원 2012 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Ever since many well-known image and video coding standards such as JPEG, MPEG, and H.26x started using discrete cosine transform (DCT) as a core process in data compression, the design of the fast inverse DCT (IDCT) has been an intensive research topic. Most research has focused on a reduction of the number of operations using the butterfly structure. However, the majority of DCT coefficients is zero after quantization and is therefore redundant for IDCT computation. Therefore, we exploited this DCT coefficients redundancy to propose a zero coefficient-aware IDCT algorithms for fast decoding. The proposed zero coefficient-aware fast IDCT algorithms efficiently apply the context information: coefficient-level zero coefficient information and one-dimensional line-level zero line information. In the coefficient-level zero coefficient-aware fast IDCT algorithms, the proposed two methods significantly reduce the number of IDCT operations by adaptively including non-zero coefficients in the calculation and employing a table look-up to eliminate multiplication operations in the IDCT process. In the one-dimensional line-level zero coefficient-ware fast IDCT algorithm, the proposed method focuses on the reduction of the computational complexity of the 8×8 IDCT in the HEVC decoding process by removing the unnecessary computation of one-dimensional IDCTs as well as by adaptively applying IDCT kernels, based on the number of non-zero DCT coefficients. The proposed methods are to confirm the efficiency through the experimental results. The proposed coefficient-level zero coefficient-ware IDCT algorithm outperformed other existing fast IDCT algorithms in terms of operational complexity. The running time was faster than the conventional IDCT algorithms implemented in MPEG-4 simple profile decoder by a speedup factor of 1.32 times for the SIF/CIF sequences and up to 2.18 times for the high definition (HD) sequences. In addition, the proposed coefficient-level scaled zero coefficient-ware IDCT algorithm significantly improves the computation complexity, which applies the concept of the fixed-point approximation with the accurate dyadic terms to the coefficient-level zero coefficient-aware IDCT algorithm. The experimental result showed that the running time of the proposed scaled zero coefficient-ware algorithm was faster than that of the fixed-point 8x8 IDCT standard (ISO/IEC 23002-2) by a speedup factor of 2.0 times on an average and up to 2.6 times for the HD sequences. Experimental results for the line-level zero coefficient-ware algorithm showed that the average operation using the proposed IDCT kernel design was approximately half of the 8x8 IDCT in the HEVC test model decoder. The improved computational complexity of the proposed method was demonstrated by the running time, which required only half on average, of the total decoding time of IDCT module as compared to IDCT in HM decoder.

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