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      • FTA 전후의 중국대외무역에 변화

        책심열 韓國外國語大學校 大學院 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 247615

        The effects of international financial crisis still persisted after the year of 2009. The world economic recovers slowly and the demands are considerably reduced. Under the big disadvantaged background China's foreign trade is also not very optimistic. Because of the above factors the increase of China's imports and exports has now slowed down. By using the gravity model, this paper analyzes empirical changes in China's foreign trade before and after the signing of FTA. The major findings of this study can be summarized as follows: FTA plays an active role in China's foreign trade and can facilitate rapid economic growth. China's imports and exports were visibly growing. In the future, for the regional economic cooperation , China should sign FTA with countries which are highly complementary and have rich resources, great market potential and bright prospective. Key word: FTA, gravity model, China, foreign trade

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