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      • COVID-19로 인한 민간항공 조종사의 장기 휴직이 안전운항에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        차재균 한서대학교 항공융합대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        대형항공사(Full Service Carrier, 이하 FSC) 위주의 국내 항공운송사업은 2006년 처음 설립된 저비용항공사(Low Cost Carrier, 이하 LCC)에 힘입어 눈부신 양적 성장을 기록하였다. 그러나 2020년 2월 COVID-19가 전 세계로 확산되면서 항공산업의 위기는 장기간 지속되었고, 2020년 3월부터는 항공사의 운영비용을 줄이기 위한 직원들의 휴직이 시작되면서 조종사들도 회사의 경영 상황에 따라 휴직에 돌입하게 되었다. 항공사 별로 규모와 방법의 차이는 있었지만, 휴직으로 조종사들의 스트레스와 회사에 대한 불만은 높아졌으며 운항경험이 줄어든 조종사들은 개인의 역량과 기량을 유지하기 힘든 상황이 지속 되었다. 국내 FSC의 A380 조종사들은 기종 운항이 중단되고 자격 유지를 위한 시뮬레이터의 미확보로 대다수 인원의 운항자격이 정지되었으며, 일부 LCC의 B737 조종사들은 항공안전법 시행규칙의 최근비행경험 항공안전법 시행규칙 제121조(조종사의 최근의 비행경험) 제1항에 명시된 최소한의 이착륙 경험 충족을 위한 별도의 시뮬레이터에 탑승하기도 하였다. 본 연구는 이러한 상황에서 민간항공 조종사의 장기 휴직이 안전운항에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 선행연구에 기초하여 안전운항, 직무스트레스, 직무만족에 대한 세부요인을 구성하였고, 장기간 휴직을 경험한 조종사들의 역량과 기량이 실제 운항에 미치는 영향과 직무스트레스와 직무만족이 안전운항에 미치는 영향을 분석하여 장기 휴직에 대응한 항공안전을 도모하는 것이 연구의 목적이다. 실증분석을 위해 장기휴직을 경험한 국내 FSC, LCC 조종사 202명이 설문에 응답하였으며, SPSS statistic 24 프로그램을 활용하여 빈도분석, 신뢰성 타당성 검증, 기술통계, 상관관계분석, 독립표본 t-검정, 일원배치분산분석(ANOVA), 회기분석을 하였다.‘장기 휴직이 안전운항에 미치는 영향’등 5개의 연구문제를 설정하였으며 조종사의 비행경험과 COVID-19로 변화된 비행환경에 대한 인구통계학적 분석을 실시하였다. 분석결과, 휴직기간, PF 공백기간, 승무 공백기간이 많을수록 항공기 운항중 조작 Error, 절차 Error의 빈도가 높은 것을 확인할 수 있었고 비행시간이 많은 고경력 조종사일수록 Error의 빈도가 낮게 나타나는 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 또한, 휴직의 장기화로 인한 고용불안이 스트레스의 주요 요인으로 확인되었고, 줄어든 급여에 의한 보상만족과 회사의 조직공정성 부분이 낮은 직무만족 요인으로 나타났다. 스트레스와 직무만족이 안전운항에 미치는 영향은 스트레스가 증가하면 조종사의 Error가 증가하였고, 직무만족이 증가하면 Error가 감소하는 것으로 확인되었으며 이는 항공사와 비행 형태에 따른 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 전 세계 항공산업에 유례없는 타격을 입힌 COVID-19는 점진적으로 회복세를 보이지만 이전 수준의 정상화까지는 조금 더 시간이 필요할 것으로 전망되고 있다. 따라서 조종사들의 장기휴직이 안전운항에 영향이 있다는 본 연구결과를 참고로 정부와 항공사는 이를 대처하기 위한 조종사 관리방안과 교육 프로그램을 구축하여 시행함으로써 지속적인 조종사의 운항 안전을 도모하여야 할 것이다. In 2006, the first LCC (Low Cost Carrier, hereinafter referred to as LCC) was established in Korea where only FSC (Full Service Carriers, hereinafter referred to as FSC) existed. Since the establishment of LCC, the Korean aviation industry has recorded remarkable quantitative growth. In 2011, with the activation of LCC business, domestic passenger transportation increased rapidly by 92% for domestic flights and 204% for international flights compared to 2005. COVID-19, a new respiratory virus, spread worldwide in February 2020. No one could have imagined until January 2020 that this crisis in the global aviation industry would last for a long time. From March 2020, excessive competition began on domestic routes to overcome the COVID-19 crisis, and employee leave, which began to reduce fixed expenses due to the deteriorating business situation, was prolonged without a promise. Airline pilots also took a leave of absence depending on the management situation of each company. Although there were differences in the size and method of leave of absence for each airline, long-lasting leave of absence reduced pilots' competence and skills, and increased stress and dissatisfaction with the company. Pilots' unwanted leave of absence was prolonged, and pilots with reduced operational experience were in a difficult situation to maintain their individual abilities and skills. The majority of Korean FSC's A380 pilots were suspended from operating the aircraft because A380 operations were stopped and they were unable to maintain their currency using the simulator. B737 pilots on long-term leave of absence from Korean LCC A were trained with simulators during their leave of absence to meet only the minimum take-off and landing conditions specified in recent flight experience in the Aviation Safety Act Enforcement Regulations. In this study, detailed factors for safe flight, job stress, and job satisfaction were constructed based on previous studies to analyze the effect of long-term leave of airline pilots on safe operation. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of pilots' abilities and skills on actual flight operation after experiencing a long-term leave of absence based on data, to analyze the effect of job stress and job satisfaction on safe operation, and to respond to possible long-term leave due to other factors that may occur again in the future. For this study, 202 pilots from FSC and LCC who experienced long-term leave responded to the survey. Frequency analysis, reliability validity verification, descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, independent sample t-test, one-way batch variance analysis (ANOVA), and regression analysis were conducted using SPSS statistics 24 program. Five research questions were set, including the effect of long-term leave on safe flight, and a demographic analysis of the flight experience of pilots and the flight environment changed by COVID-19 was also conducted. As a result, it was confirmed that the longer the leave of absence period, the PF operation period, crew operation period, the higher the frequency of operation errors and procedural errors during flight operation. It was also confirmed that the more experienced pilots with more flying hours, the lower the frequency of aircraft operation errors. In addition, as the leave of absence was prolonged, job insecurity was identified as a major factor in stress, and compensation satisfaction due to reduced wages and organizational fairness of the company were found to be factors that lower job satisfaction. As for the effect of stress and job satisfaction on safe flight, it was confirmed that the pilot's operation error increased when the stress increased, and the pilot's operation error decreased when job satisfaction increased. In addition, the difference between the company to which the pilot belongs and the type of flight was also confirmed through analysis. COVID-19 has taken an unprecedented toll on the global aviation industry. Although the aviation industry is gradually recovering, it is predicted that it will take a little more time to normalize the level before COVID-19. Through this study, it was confirmed that long-term leave of pilots has an effect on the safety of aircraft operation. It is believed that pilot management plans and training programs of the government and airlines will be essential to prepare for unexpected situations in the future using the current situation as a good lesson. Although this study does not provide the exact time for training and specific plans for the program, it is hoped that a good plan developed in this study will be prepared in future studies.

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