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      • The Reconstruction of China’s Rural Financial System

        칭따오 고려대학교 국제대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 231967

        The rural area is the potential for the future growth, even the catalyst for economic reconstruction for whole China. So small and medium-size firms located in rural will play a significant role which contributes to economic growth, social stability and employment in the process of rural-urban integration. However, current official financial system cannot satisfy the demand for further development in rural due to various reasons. Ordinary people own little possibility to have secure, open, sufficient finance source to start, run, and develop their own small business. By the contrast, unofficial finance contributes to rural economy remarkably but yet to be legalized fully due to critique of being illegal and insecure. The reconstruction is to make financial system meet rural economic need. Meanwhile, market mechanism and competition should be introduced in. External experience is helpful for reconstruction. And legitimizing unofficial finance should be taken into consideration.

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