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      • A Study of Regional Differences and Financial Support for Rural Industrial Revitalization from the Perspective of Efficiency : -Focus on 31 Provinces in China

        주림림 세한대학교 일반대학원 2022 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Abstract Rural revitalization is a major strategy of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. It follows the objective laws and historical trends of urban and rural development, and is an innovative development of the theory of agricultural and rural development. In the implementation of rural revitalization strategy, rural finance has much to do. Therefore, it is particularly important to perfect the rural financial system, optimize the allocation of financial resources in rural revitalization, improve the efficiency of financial support for rural revitalization, give full play to the role of financial support for "agriculture, rural areas and farmers" and promote the development of rural economy to achieve the strategic goals of national rural revitalization. This study based on the background of China implement the strategy of rejuvenating the country, in China's 31 provinces, with emphasis on the efficiency of financial support rural industries, on choosing the four input indicators and output indicators, using the financial statistics yearbook from 2015 to 2021 China statistical yearbook "China's regional financial operation report" and the Wind panel data such as database, Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Mamlquist index are used to compare the financial support efficiency and its changes in different provinces from static and dynamic aspects, and the coefficient of variation (CV) and Theil index are used to compare the difference of financial support efficiency in different regions. This paper analyzes the time and space evolution of total factor productivity (TFP) supported by finance in rural industrial revitalization by kernel density function and Markov chain method The research results mainly include the following aspects. (1) From a static perspective, the number of provinces with high technical efficiency supported by financial support for rural industrial revitalization in China has a fluctuating growth trend from 2014 to 2020, while the number of provinces with low technical efficiency has a fluctuating decline trend, indicating that the efficiency of financial support for rural industrial revitalization in China has gradually increased. From 2014 to 2020, the number of provinces with low pure technical efficiency in China's financial support for rural industry revitalization gradually decreased, and the pure technical efficiency steadily increased. China's financial support for rural industrial revitalization is in an increasing trend of scale efficiency, indicating that there are still insufficient input elements of financial support for rural industrial revitalization. Increasing input can expand scale efficiency and give full play to the potential of financial support for rural industrial revitalization. The fluctuation of technical efficiency of financial support for rural industrial revitalization is mainly caused by the change of scale efficiency. (2) From a dynamic perspective, the total factor productivity of China's rural industries supported by financial support increased by 7.23% from 2014 to 2020, mainly due to technological progress. The change in technological efficiency increased by 3%, while technological progress increased by 4.23%. It shows that pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency play an important role in the financial support industry development process of rural industry revitalization. From the perspective of Malmquist productivity index (MPI) index, the maximum value in 2014-2020 was all greater than 1, the minimum value was 0.6312-0.9407, and the average value was 0.9620-1.0733, showing a fluctuating trend. The MPI index is greater than 1 in 20 provinces, accounting for 65 percent of the total factor productivity growth. The top five provinces are Hunan, Beijing and Zhejiang, with an average annual growth rate of more than 5%. In Hunan province, growth reached 10 percent. The average value of MPI index is less than 1 in 11 provinces, accounting for 35%, namely shaanxi, Qinghai, Gansu, Shandong, Ningxia, Jilin, Shanxi, Guangxi, Henan, Anhui and Hebei. (3) From the perspective of regional differences, among the 7 regions in China, the coefficient of variation within central China is the largest with an average of 0.3873, followed by North China with 0.2479, while the coefficient of variation in northeast China is the smallest with 0.0156. At the same time, the variation coefficient of financial support efficiency is greater than the relative difference of south China, southwest China and northeast China. The coefficient of variation of the efficiency of financial support for rural industrial revitalization in China is stable and fluctuates slightly. The coefficient of variation of the efficiency of financial support in east China, northwest China and southwest China basically maintains a similar trend with that in the whole country. The coefficient of variation of financial support efficiency in North China increases gradually. The coefficient of variation of financial support efficiency in central China increased rapidly in 2014, and then decreased rapidly in 2020, with great fluctuation. The coefficient of variation of financial support efficiency in northeast and South China is lower than the national average. On the whole, Theil index of financial support efficiency in central China is the largest, which is 0.0778. North China, 0.0278; The mean value of Theil index in northeast China is the lowest, which is 0.0004, indicating that the internal difference of efficiency level in northeast China is the smallest among the seven regions. The total difference of Theil index of overall financial support efficiency fluctuates, rising from 0.0176 in 2014 to 0.0338 in 2020. This shows that at the national level, except for a few years, the regional difference in the efficiency level of financial support for rural industry revitalization in China is gradually expanding, and the efficiency level is in a decentralized situation. From the decomposition of Theil index, the inter-group difference of the overall financial support efficiency is basically the same as the overall difference, while the intra-group difference shows a gentle fluctuation state. From 2014 to 2020, the difference between groups was greater than the difference within groups. (4) From the perspective of time and space evolution, from 2015 to 2020, the proportion of provinces with medium and high MPI supported by finance for rural industry revitalization showed an increasing trend, and the difference between provinces showed a narrowing phenomenon over time, and the gap between provinces in MPI supported by finance for rural industry revitalization became smaller year by year. The MPI of financial support for rural industry revitalization from 2015 to 2019 showed no obvious trend of polarization or multilevel polarization. In 2020, the MPI of financial support for rural industry revitalization showed an obvious trend of polarization or multilevel polarization. Without considering the spatial lag, financial support for rural industrial revitalization of total factor productivity liquidity is high. Considering the spatial lag, MPI supported by finance for rural industry revitalization has spatial agglomeration effect and spatial spillover effect. Under the influence of spillover effect of regions with high MPI level, regions with low MPI may break through the barrier of low-end lock-in To this end, all regions should strengthen construction from the construction of sound financial institution support system and policy system, financial support to promote the integrated development of rural primary, secondary and tertiary industries, and optimize the financial environment to support the revitalization of rural industries, formulate and adjust financial support strategies according to local conditions, and better serve the revitalization of rural industries.

      • 커피 공급사슬의 관점에서 중국커피산업 발전방안에 관한 연구 : 덕홍후곡과 네슬레사례 비교를 중심으로

        주림림 세한대학교 대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Coffee is one of the world's top three drinks. Starting recently, China coffee industry has relatively small planting area and industry scale. But as China's economic development grows fast and the western culture comes into China, China's coffee consumption market is growing up 15% every year. In this circumstance, the development of China coffee industry became a hot issue. Using the theory of agricultural supply chain management, this paper compared the supply chain and supply chain value of HoGood with those of Nestle in China. Also SWOT analysis was performed between the companies. From the analysis, this paper suggests some development strategies for China coffee industry; 1) Expand the coffee consumption culture in China 2) Develop a national brand of China herself 3) Standardize the manufacturing process to meet the global requirement 4) Extend the financing of coffee industry in China to cope with the challenges of glocal companies Although it is hard to get the inner information of the company, this paper could be useful to grasp the overall situations of the supply chain and supply chain value in the coffee industry of China.

      • 한국과 중국의 이름에 관한 비교 연구

        Zhu, Linlin 충남대학교 대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 247327

        Name is a most common phenomenon is human being's society, and it's a remarkable symbol in distinguishing one from another. Almost in everybody's mind, name has been attached great importance. Name, as a kind of personal symbol, directly or indirectly reflects social culture and social life, possessing special meanings and research values . The name of one nation indicates much cultural information such as there way of thinking, value, and aesthetic standard, etc. Name is a kind of social manifestation, and the society can reflect the content of a name. Name has been changing with time. Both of the Chinese language and Korean language belongs to Chinese character's literary circle, but due to there different culture background, along with the historic development and flux, the two countries have a lot of common points and differences in many aspects such as the compose style, the principle in naming, relative law and culture about giving a name. Especially in Korea, though Koreans have pure korean name, up to now most Korean's name in chinese characters. Name plays a very important role in people's social life, and it can be said that it is living fossil in recording history and culture. From name we can see both the common ground and differences between the two countries in terms of society, history, and culture, and so on. Key words: Korean, Chinese, name, style, naming, comparison 이름은 역사가 오래 되고,사용하는 빈도도 상당히 높은 고유명사이며, 사람을 대표하는 부호이다. 한국과 중국은 같은 한자 문화가 있으며, 모두 한자로 명명하는 습관이 있다. 본 논문에서 이름의 기원과 유형, 작명의 원리와 성명에 관한 법률과 문화에 대하여 논의하였다. 제2장에서 이름의 구성과 유형에 대해 논의하였다. 이름은 순서와 구성상으로 보면 거의 똑같다고 할 수 있다. 유형 상으로도 많은 공통점이 있지만 국가와 문화가 다르므로 차이점도 존재한다. 예를 들어 방방(芳芳), 원원(媛媛)같은 중국식의 겹친 이름은 대표적이다. 또한 한국에 특유의 고유어 이름도 중국에서 없는 것이다. 역사적 이름의 유형을 보면 이름의 시대적 특징을 알 수 있다. 제3장에서 작명의 원리와 성명에 관한 법률과 문화에 대해 논의하였다. 이름의 언어학으로써의 존재와 발전은 하나의 사회적 문화현상이다. 한국과 중국에서 작명할 때의 원리를 보면 이름의 사회적 문화특징을 알 수 있다. 세상의 모든 부모들은 다 자식이 성공하기를 원한다. 이름에는 부모의 기대와 아이가 태어날 때의 경제, 문화, 생활배경, 그리고 사람들의 심리 현상들이 포함되어 있다. 이름은 자기 민족의 언어와 문자에 한정되어 있으며, 반드시 자기 민족의 언어로 만들어야 한다. 자기 민족의 심미관과 가치관에 적합 하는 이름은 부르기도 쉽고 듣기도 좋다. 또한 법률상으로 이름에 사용하는 한자와 글자 수가 한정되어 있고, 문화상으로 이름을 지을 때 피해야 될 것들이 있다. 이름은 우리의 사회생활에서 중요한 역할을 하고 있고, 우리의 역사와 문화를 기록하는 살아있는 문화의 색인이라 말할 수 있다. 따라서 이름은 한국과 중국의 사회적 역사적 환경 차이만큼이나 다양한 차이 역시 발견되었다. 우선 돌림자 사용의 경우 한국에서 더 많이 발견되고 있는데, 이는 유교의 원형이 오히려 잘 보존되고 있지 않았음으로 하나의 추정으로 남겨 놓기로 한다.(이에 관한 정확한 조사가 이루어지지 않았음으로 하나의 추정을 남겨 놓고 이에 대한 논의는 추후로 미룬다.) 또한 한국이 중국보다 한글 이름, 영어 이름 등 다양한 이름 형태를 가지고 있는 것으로 나타난다. 이는 한국이 중국보다 역동적으로 진행되었던 사회의 한 단면을 반영한 것으로 미루어 짐작할 수 있다.

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