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      • 노말헵탄의 연소 특성치 연구

        조용선 서울시립대학교 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        가연성물질은 화학산업공정과 현장에서 자주 사용된다. 이들 물질의 안전한 저장, 수송, 공정설계 그리고 조작을 위해서는 연소 특성치인 인화점, 폭발한계, 최소자연발화온도, 최소발화에너지, 최소산소농도 등의 정확한 지식 자료가 필요하다. 인화점은 화재, 폭발 위험성을 나타내는 기준이 되는 하부인화점 일반적으로 인화점은 공기중에 액체를 가열할 때 액체 표면에 증기가 발생하여 그 증기가 착화원에 접근할 경우 인화되는 액체의 최저온도를 말한다. 폭발한계는 폭발하한계와 상한계로 나누어지며 이들은 온도, 압력, 산소의 농도, 불활성가스의 영향을 받는다. 일반적으로 폭발한계의 자료로는 1기압, 298K에서 가연성물질의 부피퍼센트(volume percent)와 부피비(volume fraction)로서 제시되고 있다. 최소자연발화온도 자연발화(autoignition 혹은 spontaneous ignition)는 가연성혼합기체에 열 등의 형태로 에너지가 주어졌을 때 스스로 타기 시작하는 산화현상으로, 주위로부터 충분한 에너지를 받아서 스스로 점화할 수 있는 최저온도를 최소자연발화온도(AIT)이라고 한다. 인화점, 폭발한계 그리고 최소자연발화온도는 산업에서 취급하는 물질의 화재 및 폭발의 잠재 위험성을 결정하는데 중요한 연소특성이다. 연소특성치의 정확한 지식은 산업화재 예방과 조절에 매우 중요하다. 본 연구에서는 노말헵탄의 안전한 취급을 위해서 25℃에서 폭발한계와 폭발한계 온도의존성 그리고 하부인화점을 고찰하였다. 또한 발화지연시간에 의한 발화온도를 측정하였다. 공정의 안전을 위해서 노말헵탄의 폭발하한계는 1.0Vol%, 상한계는 7.0Vol%를 추천하였고, 하부인화점은 안전을 확보하기 위하여 대부분의 문헌에서 제시한 -4℃를 추천하였다. ASTM E659-78 장치를 사용하여 발화온도와 발화지연시간을 측정하였고, 여기서, 측정된 최소자연발화온도는 225℃였다. 그리고 노말헵탄의 새로운 폭발한계 온도의존식을 제시하였으며, 제시된 식은 문헌값과 일치하였다. 주요어 : 노말헵탄, 인화점, 폭발한계, 최소자연발화온도, 산업화재,ASTM E659-78 Flammable substances are frequently used chemical industry processes and fields. The fire and explosion properties necessary for safe storage, transport, process design and operation of handling of flammable substances are lower flammability limits(LFL), upper flammability limits(UFL), flash point, AIT(minimum autoignition temperature or spontaneous ignition temperature), minimum ignition energy, minimum oxygen concentration. An accurate knowledge of the minimum auto ignition temperature is important in developing appropriate prevention and control measures in industrial fire protection. The flash point is defined by the NFPA(National Fire Protection Association) as the lowest temperature at which a flammable liquid gives off sufficient vapor to form an ignitable mixture with air near its surface or within a vessel. The Flash Point, the explosion limit and the AIT are the most important combustible properties used to determine the potential for fire and explosion hazards of industrial material. An accurate knowledge of these combustion characteristics are important in developing appropriate preventive and control measures in industrial fire protection. The flammability limits in air are usually reported as the upper and lower limits (in volume percent at a certain temperature, usually 25℃), and represent the concentration region that the vapor must be within to support combustion. Autoignition temperature describes the minimum temperature to which a substance must be heated, without the application of a flame or spark, which will cause that substance to ignite. For the safe handling of n-heptane, the explosion limit at 25℃, the temperature dependence of the explosion limits and the lower flash point were investigated. And AITs(auto-ignition temperatures) by ignition time delay for n-heptane were experimented. By using the literatures data, the lower and upper explosion limits of n-heptane recommended 1.0Vol% and 7.0Vol%, respectively. And for the maintain of the process safety, the lower flash points of n-heptane by using the several references recommended -4℃. This study measured relationship between the AITs and the ignition delay times by using ASTM E659-78 apparatus for n-heptane and the experimental AIT of n-hexane was 225℃. The new equation for predicting the temperature dependence of the explosion limits of n-heptane is proposed. The values calculated by the proposed equations were a good agreement with the literature data. Keywords : n-heptane, lower flash point, explosion limit, autoignition temperature(AIT), industrial fire, ASTM E659-78

      • 화염문(火焰紋) 화예조형 표현 연구

        조용선 수원대학교 미술대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The expressive trend of modern floral formative arts is similar to various and positive expression of modern fine arts. The trend of modern floral formative arts is achieving the challenge to new trend and variety and at the same time the influence of past history of fine arts may not be ignored. It is not only necessary to develope various humanistic background and research for Modern floral formative arts, but basic study for modern floral formative arts as Buddhistic pictures and decorations which was developed through the history of floral arts is needed. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the flame patterns which was expressed a symbolization of the enlightenment ed as a flame image by a modern floral formative through the art of religion among the history of art. The flame image with the theme of the expression was made through literature review and demonstrated with a modern floral formative arts. Methodology of the present study performed the through literature review and collected the flame patterns and expressed as a modern floral formative arts. The flame image in the nature of irregular pattern was expressed as a regular pattern of the flame of an artistic character, such as a flame, a flame wood, a flame bird, a flame crown, a light image of background, a flame lighting ,the five elements(fire, water, wood, metal, earth) and a flame flower etc. Art work I<A flame> A flame was emphasized the space of flame pattern and flame image as expressed a negative curvature of flame pattern in thin rectangular space. Art work II<A flame wood> A flame wood was expressed flame pattern repeatedly and expressed unified image of burning wood. Art work III<A flame bird> A flame bird was expressed upward movement of flame image by a pattern of visual line and flame bird which was for downward expressed. Art work IV<A flame crown> Luxurious image of the flame was maximized with golden colour and the flame image was expressed crown like decoration with the preserved flowers for the nobility. Art work V< A light image of background> A light image of background was expressed a sense of unification by the flame pattern and the repetitive placement of various size of lotus flower images and emphasized a subjective sense according to the repetitive placement. Art work VI< A flame lighting> A flame lighting was expressed earth with sand and fables and consisted with a plants to spread over the earth. Acting space was maximized with light sources and also expressed the role of light which can be used in practice with four dimensional works. Art work VII< Fire• Water• Wood• Metal• Earth> A band of natural colours consisted of the flowers which was floating water surface and volcano stone demonstrated a sense of curvature movement and a repetitive flame image at outskirt expressed upward movement and spreader by reflecting image in water. Art work VIII< A flame flower> The expression of a flame flower was emphasized a sense of movement with a simplified raising curve line and harmonized with a colour gradation. In summary, the present study explored the flame pattern, specially had been used in the background of Buddha and studied the expression of the flame which was decorated the background of the Buddha using flower resources.

      • 진로탐색 집단상담 프로그램이 인문계 고등학생의 진로자기효능감, 진로결정수준, 진로준비행동에 미치는 효과

        조용선 안양대학교 대학원 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of a career exploration counseling program for academic high school students on career self-efficacy, career decision level and career perparation behavior. In order to achieve these purposes, I formed following hypotheses. 1. A experimental group, which is participated in the career exploration counseling program will show higher degree in the scale of the career self-efficacy compared with a control group that were not participated in the career exploration counseling program. 2. The experimental group, which is participated in the career exploration counseling program will show higher degree in the scale of the career decision level compared with the control group that were not participated in the career exploration counseling program. 3. The experimental group, which is participated in the career exploration counseling program will show higher degree in the scale of the career preparation behavior compared with the control group that were not participated in the career exploration counseling program. To test the effect of this program on academic high school students' career self-efficacy, career decision level, and career preparation behavior, one classroom students were selected and assigned randomly to either experimental(n=36) or control group(n=36). The career exploration counseling program was arranged on every Saturday for six weeks and each session took about 90 minutes. During this period, the control group was not handled at all. The measuring instruments used that career decision-making self-efficacy short form developed by Betz(1983), career decision scale developde by Osipow(1986), and career preparation behavior test developed by Bonghwan Kim(1997). Before and after the career exploration counseling program, I gave the experimental group and control group the tests including those three measuring instruments. The tests were statistically processed by t-test method using SPSS 10.0 program. The significance level was set as p < .50. By collecting those data, I made a conclusion. The conclusion of this study is as follows. 1. The career exploration counseling program had a significant effect on enhancing the level of career self-efficacy. 2. The career exploration counseling program had a significant effect on enhancing the level of career decision level. 3. The career exploration counseling program had a significant effect on enhancing the level of career preparation behavior.

      • 어음대체상품의 활성화 방안에 대한 연구

        조용선 이화여자대학교 정책과학대학원 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        우리 나라의 어음제도는 기업간 자금결제의 60%를 차지하는 대표적인 결제 수단으로 기업의 유동성을 보완하면서 실물거리를 촉진하는 경제적 순기능이 있으나, IMF이후 어음의 부정적인 기능도 부각되었다. 기업들의 자금악화로 인하여 장기어음이 증가하였고 이는 소규모 기업의 현금흐름을 악화시키는 결과를 낳았고, 어음의 무분별한 발행은 자금결제의 흐름을 왜곡시켰다. 이러한 이유로 어음제도를 폐지하고 기업간 상거래 결제의 새로운 수단이 필요하다는 주장이 대두되고 있는 실정이다. 그러나 어음제도가 상거래 시 대금을 주고받는 오랜 관행으로 정착되어 왔기 때문에 이를 대체 할만한 금융 결제수단이 마련되지 않은 상황에서 어음제도를 폐지할 경우 기업간 상거래 위축, 신용경색 등 부작용을 초래하고, 특히 대기업으로부터 남품대금으로 받은 약속어음을 금융기관에서 할인하여 자금을 조달해온 중소기업의 금융애로가 증대된다. 따라서 기업간 상거래 시 어음사용을 줄이고 현금결제를 확대하도록 유도하기 위하여 어음의 대체상품이 등장했고 기업구매자금대출제도, 기업구매카드, 전자방식외상매출채권담보대출 등이 대표적이라 할 수 있다. 이들은 양 거래처 중 우량한 거래처의 신용을 은행에게 제공하여 지급결제를 하는 제도로서 중소기업이 상대거래처의 신용을 통해 금융기관을 용이하게 이용할 수 있도록 하는 효과를 내재하고 있어 많은 중소기업이 그 혜택을 누리게 되었다. 대체상품이 활성화되어 업체간 상거래대금의 현금결제가 확산될 경우 상업어음의 폐단을 줄이고 중소기업의 금융부담이 완화되고 연쇄부도도 줄일 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 전자상거래 활성화에도 크게 기여할 것으로 기대된다. 또한 금융기관의 어음대체상품의 개발 및 활성화는 기업금융 경쟁력 확보에 중요한 요소가 것이다. While a bill system of our country supplements liquidity of a company with a representative settlement means to gain 60% of fund settlement between companies, an economic net function to promote real thing transactions is, but a long-dated bill increased because of the fund deterioration of companies, and this laid the results to make cash flow of a small scale company worse, and the indiscreet issuance of a bill distorted stream of fund settlement after IMF. This reason the assertion that abolishes a bill system, and a new means of commercial transaction settlement between companies needed is coming to the front. However, a bill system has been come to stay by long custom to commercial transaction times in exchange for the money. If the substitute financial settlement a way to do to reach abolishes a bill system in the situation that was not got, causes side effects such as commercial transaction contraction between companies, credit crunch, and finance bottleneck of small and medium -sized company increase during supply with financial companies commercial bill discount fund with the a bill a promissory note. Especially received with from a large corporation delivery charges. Therefore, commercial transaction times bill use reduces between companies, and to expand cash settlement is devoted, and a substitute commodity of a bill appeared. The most popular instrument is loans for purchasing goods and service. Another instrument which begins to appear in settlement market is e-loans secured by sales receivable, a purchase card and inverse purchase card, etc. Every new instrument has the characteristic that a party with a better credit ranking offers their credibility to the banks for the counter party. In consequence, most small scale companies can have easier access to financial institution making use of the better credit ranking of their trading party. If a substitute commodity is activated, and cash settlement of commercial transaction money between enterprises spreads, it is commercial bill reduces abuse, and a financial burden of a small and medium sized company is relaxed, and, contributing to electronic commerce activation greatly. Also, development of a bill replacement commodity and activation are thing this for the urea which is important for a corporate finance competitiveness security to become.

      • 연약지반 위의 도로성토 시공실패사례에 관한 연구

        조용선 목포대학교 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        연약지반의 토목공사 현장에서 절ㆍ성토 사면 공사가 토질별, 높이별, 지층별로 사면구배가 다양하게 이루어진다. 연약 지반상의 성토 토공사면은 공사 중에 연약지반의 현장의 불안정 요인이 많음으로 즉 성토 재하하중 및 교통하중의 진동하중에 의한 지반 교란과 지지력 격감상태발생으로 사면붕괴 사고가 빈번하게 일어나고 있다. 절토,성토 지반의 사고는 설계품질의 미흡, 시공기술의 부족 등 기술력부족으로 일어난 시공하자가 가장 큰 원인이 되고 있다 특히 토공사면부위에서 기초지반 활동 파괴와 더불어 사면 활동 붕괴가 많이 일어난다. 이로 인해 경제적 손해, 노동력손실, 공기지연, 공사비낭비, 민원야기 등 경제적 피해는 물론 건설 기술자의 불명예 실추와 부실공사의 사회적 여론이 비등할 수 있다. 따라서 설계 기술의 기선과 시공법 개발로 설계기준 재정립 시공관리의 개선이 지속적으로 요구되고 있는 실정이다. 상기 문제점에 관련하여 사면 활동 붕괴 사고의 시공 사례를 통하여 우리의 현실적 기술 수준을 재점검하고 향후 설계 시공의 기법을 개선하여 시공 하자 없는 기술력 향상을 제안함에 본 연구의 목적으로 한다. 1. General The failure of a mass of soil located beneath a slope is called a slide. It involves a downward and outward movement of the entire mass of soil that participates in the failure. The failure of slopes takes place mainly due to action of gravitation forces, seepage forces within the-soil, week foundations, and seismic forces in the earth. They may also fail due to excavation or to undercutting of its foot, or due to gradual disintegration of the structure of the soil. Every mass of soil which is bounded by a sloping surface is subjected to shearing stresses on nearly all its internal surfaces because of the gravitational forces which tends to pull the upper portions of the mass downward towards a more nearly level surface. The shearing stress to which any slope can be subjected depends upon the unit weights of the material and the geometry of the slope, while shearing strength which can be mobilized to resist the shearing stress depends on the character of the soil, its density and drainage conditions. 2. The stability of the slope with respect to this type of failure may be analysed by any of the methods by plasticity, limit analysis and limiting equilibrium state, but most of the methods in general use depend on considerations of limiting equilibrium. Failure is assumed to occur as a result of sliding along a rupture surface at the lower boundary of the moving soil mass, and a systematic search is made for the rupture surface which yields the least factor of safety against this form of failure. On the other hand, the slope failure of earth embankments on the soft ground takes place due to loss of bearing capacity of in soft clay soils. In addition, on the week foundation with soft clay soils, the bearing capacity of foundation should be checked to the settlement and the slide of the foundation

      • 당뇨병 환자에서 미세혈관 병변으로 인한 폐확산능 저하

        조용선 경희대학교 대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        당뇨병은 광범위한 호르몬 장애, 대사 장애, 미세 혈관 장애를 일으킬 뿐만아니라, 체내 주요 여러 기관의 변화를 일으킨다. 주로 신장, 눈, 심혈관계, 폐 등의 미세혈관에 변성을 일으켜 손상을 받는 것으로 알려져 있다. 이러한 합병증의 발생기전으로는 만성 고혈당으로 인한 단백질의 비효소적 당질화에 의한 것일 뿐만 아니라, 결체조직 특히, collagen과 elastin의 생화학적인 변성이 폐표모세혈관막, 세동맥, 흉막의 동맥에서 발생하여 일어난다고 설명되고 있다. 당뇨병 환자에서 폐확산능의 저하는 당뇨병성 미세혈관 합병증의 임상적 발현 중 한가지로 생각되어지며, 폐혈관의 미세혈관 침범에 의한 것으로 여겨지고 있다. 외국의 몇몇 연구에 의하면 당뇨병성 미세혈관병변과 폐확산능의 저하와 연관성이 있고, 당뇨병의 유병기간이 길수록 폐확산능의 저하된다고 보고되고 있다. 그러나 우리나라에서는 이에 관한 연구가 아직 없는 상태로 본 연구자는 당뇨환자에서 미세혈관병변과 폐확산능을 포함한 폐기능을 검사하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 당뇨환자의 평균 DLCO는 92.9%, DLCO/VA는 91.7%로 정상범위에 있었다. 2. 증식기(Proliferative) 당뇨병성 망막증과 그렇지 않은 군을 비교하였을 때 증식기(Proliferative) 당뇨병성 망막증에서 DLCO/VA가 89.1±9.5%로 그렇지 않은 군의 113±20.1%로 통계학적으로 유의하게(P=0.007) 감소되어 있었다 3. 24시간 단백뇨가 300 mg 이상인 군과 미만인 군의 DLCO를 비교시 24시간 단백뇨가 300 mg 이상인 군에서 DLCO가 82.1±11.25%로 24시간 단백뇨가 300 mg 미만인 군의 94.8±11.6% 보다 통계학적으로 유의하게 (P=0.04) 감소되어 있었다. 심한 당뇨병성 망막증과 신증이 있는 당뇨환자에서 폐확산능의 감소를 보였고, 이는 전신적인 당뇨병성 미세혈관합병증이 폐확산능 저하와 관련이 있음을 나타낸다. Previous studies concerning pulmonary function abnormalities in diabetics have dealt that pulmonary diffusing capacity, as determined by %DLCO, was found to correlate negatively with the duration of diabetes. Some studies have reported that as the duration of diabetes is increased, the pulmonary diffusing capacity is decreased. Fruthermore, %DLCO was reduced in patients with diabetic microangiopathy. These results indicate that, as one manifestastion of diabetic microangiopathy, %DLCO is reduced by microangiopathic involvement of pulmonary vessels leading to ventilation-perfusion inequalities. To examine the possible association between diabetic microangiopathy and changes in %DLCO, we performed pulmonary function tests including assessment of the diffusing capacity in 41 patients with diabetes mellitus (19 males and 35 females) and also examined proteinuria, diabetic retinopathy, and diabetic neuropathy. The mean age of the subjects was 53 years and the mean duration of diabetes was 7.9 years. The mean %DLCO in diabetes patients was within normal range(92.9%). The reduction in %DLCO decreased was greather in patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy and in those protein excretion rate was over 300 mg/24h. This results suggest that diabetic microangiopathy may play an important role in the decrease of %DLCO.

      • 염화리튬 수용액을 이용한 판형제습장치에서의 열 및 물질전달 성능 특성 연구

        조용선 경희대학교 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구에서는 평판 표면에 그루브(groove)가 적용된 판형 형태의 제습용 열교환기를 사용한 액체 제습시스템에서 제습액, 공기의 작동조건에 따른 열 및 물질전달 특성, 제습성능 등을 실험적 연구를 통하여 비교 분석하였다. 본 연구에서는 제습액으로 염화리튬(LiCl) 수용액을 사용하였으며, 제습과정 중 제습액과 공기 사이의 수증기 분압차에 의하여 공기중의 수분이 제습액 쪽으로 흡습되는 작동원리이다. 판형 제습용 열교환기는 평판 내부에 흐르는 냉각수는 제습과정 중 제습액 표면에서 발생하는 흡수열을 제거함으로써 제습액의 제습성능이 유지될 수 있도록 도와준다. 또한 평판 표면에 그루브(groove)를 적용함으로써 제습액이 평판표면에서 판 전체 면적에 균일하게 흐를 수 있도록 한다. 이를 통하여 적은 양의 제습액을 공급하여도 평판표면에 얇은 액막을 유지할 수 있어서, 제습성능 향상 및 제습액의 비산에 의한 문제를 해결할 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 작동조건으로 제습액의 농도, 유량과 공기의 풍속, 상대습도 등을 변화시키면서 열 및 물질전달 특성을 비교 분석하였다. 제습액의 농도, 유량과 공기의 풍속, 상대습도가 증가할 수록 열 및 물질전달계수, 수분흡수율이 증가하는 경향을 보인다. 특히 제습액의 농도와 입구공기의 상대습도의 영향이 제습액의 유량과 공기의 풍속의 영향에 비하여 상대적으로 더 큰 것을 알 수 있다. 제습액의 농도를 일정 이상 증가시키면 결정화 문제와 입구공기의 풍속을 증가시킬수록 평판표면의 제습액의 비산에 의한 공조시스템의 오염문제도 야기할 수 있으므로 최적의 작동조건을 도출하는 것이 필요하다. 본 연구의 실험조건에서 제습액의 열전달계수는 0.028 ∼ 0.079 kW/m2K, 물질전달계수는 1.69∼6.61×10-6 m/s의 범위를 갖는다. 또한 판형 제습용 열교환기를 적용한 모델링을 통하여 실험 결과와 비교분석을 하였다. 본 연구의 작동조건에서 공기 측의 열전달계수가 20% 증가하면 수분흡수율이 약 16% 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 또한 제습액 측의 물질전달계수가 20% 증가하게 되면 수분흡수율은 약 20% 증가하게 된다. Air conditioning demands efficient control of both temperature and humidity. The conventional vapor compression air conditioning systems cool the air blow dew point in order to condense water component out of moist air, followed by reheat to keep a comfortable temperature before it is provided into the conditioned space. This traditional refrigeration and air conditioning systems have been used more and more widely, but their energy consumption is very high. The environmental problems caused by CFCs and HCFCs refrigerants become very serious. Liquid desiccant systems have been proposed as the alternatives to the conventional air conditioning systems to control air humidity, especially in hot and humid climate. The application of liquid desiccant to the air conditioning can improve the indoor air quality, reduce the energy consumption, bring the environment-friendly products and use the low grade energy resources efficiently, such as solar energy and waste heat. Therefore the liquid desiccant air conditioning systems are drawing more and more attention in recent years. The liquid desiccant is the salt solution in water, and lithium bromide, TEG(triethylene glycol), lithium chloride, and calcium chloride are typical types of the salt solutions. Liquid desiccants have the ability to absorb moisture from air and then this absorbed moisture can be removed in the regenerator by using the low grade energy. The dehumidifier is one of the most important components in the liquid desiccant system, whose heat and mass transfer performance directly affect the whole system performance. In the dehumidifier, heat and mass transfer processes occur simultaneously and heat transfer and mass transfer processes influence each other. Water component is transferred from the humid air to the liquid desiccant in the dehumidifier due to the vapor pressure difference between the air and the desiccant, while absorption heat is released during the mass transfer process. The temperature increase of air and solution results in not only the changes of heat transfer process, but also the decrease of the mass transfer, because the vapor pressure of the desiccant solution increases remarkably with increasing the solution temperature. Larger contact area is needed between air and desiccant solution for performance improvement of dehumidification. The existing dehumidifiers are mainly packed-bed, tube-bundle or desiccant rotor type. Any amount of desiccant solution should be supplied to obtain lager contact area, which may cause the liquid scattering problem. Because of increase in the liquid film thickness, the droplets of liquid desiccant may be scattered into the conditioned space. The plate type dehumidification has been developed in order to solve the problems. The performance of dehumidification is improved mainly because the generated heat at the interface between the moist air and the desiccant solution is easily transferred to the coolant in the internal channels of the plates. The constant liquid film thickness at the plate surface is important to realize the flow stability. The objective of this research is to study the combined heat and mass transfer during the dehumidification process within a plate type dehumidifier. Also the effect of the inlet conditions of the air, solution and coolant on the dehumidification performance is analyzed in this study.

      • 피부결손부위 복원을 위해 피부 테이프(Steri-strip)를 이용한 sutureless Burow's graft

        조용선 전북대학교 의학전문대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        피부암 등의 수술후 발생한 결손 부위의 복원 방법은 다양하다. 이중 Burow's graft는 인접피부를 공여부로 이용하는 편리한 방법으로, 이식편의 고정에 압박고정드레싱하는 방법이 흔히 이용되나, 저자들은 피부테이프를 이용하여 이식편을 고정한 후 결과를 평가하였다. 50세에서 84세(평균 72세) 사이의 25명(남자 9명, 여자 16명)의 환자들에서 발생한 26례의 피부종양을 제거한 후 발생한 결손부를 Burow's graft 로 재건하였으며, 이때 이식편은 피부테이프(Steri-strip)를 이용하여 고정하였다. 병변은 광선 각화증이 1예(3.8%), 사마귀모양암종이 1예(3.8%), 각화극세포종이 2예(7.7%), 기저세포암이 10예(38.5%), 편평상피세포암이 12예(46.2%) 였으며, 가슴에 위치한 1예를 제외한 25예는 얼굴에 위치하였다. 병변의 크기는 최대직경이 평균 1.0cm(0.4-2.4cm)이었으며, 결손부위의 크기는 최대직경이 평균 1.3cm(0.5-3.0cm)이었다. 결과에 대한 평가는 수술 후 1, 3, 6개월 시점에 추적관찰하여 임상 사진을 촬영하고 색감, 질감, 흉터 및 합병증의 관찰을 통하여 이루어졌으며, 만족스러운 결과를 보였다. 또한, 전통적인 방법에서 흔히 볼 수 있는 봉합에 의한 부작용이 없었으며, 시술시간이 단축되었다. 피부 테이프를 이용한 burow's graft 이식편의 고정은 고전적인 방법의 대안이 될 수 있을 것이라 생각한다. Background: There are several methods for reconstruction of defect after removal of skin tumor, and skin graft is commonly used. Classically, in full-thickness skin graft(FTSG), nylon basting sutures with a tie-over bolster dressing are used in securing skin graft to the recipient wound bed, but this method is complicated and time-consuming. Moreover, suturing in this method may pull the edges of the skin with too much tension, cause necrosis, crater-like deformity and suture marks. Recently to make up for these demerits of the classic method of FTSG, various other methods and materials are being attempted. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of an adhesive skin tape(Steri-strip) for securing a graft to recipient wound bed without suture when performing a Burow's skin graft, one of types of FTSG. Methods: Twenty five patients with twenty six surgical defects following Mohs'micrographic surgery of non-melanoma skin cancer and excision of benign tumor were included in this study. After graft in place, it was fixed by the Steri-strip and a light compressive dressing was applied over the graft. The cosmetic results were scored as excellent, good, fair or poor at the time of 1, 3, 6 months after the operation. Also the size of defect was measured and the run-time of operation for skin graft was checked. And we statistically evaluated these figures. Results: The mean age of the patients was 72.3 years old and 9 men and 16 women were enrolled. There were 12 cases of squamous cell carcinoma, and 10 cases of basal cell carcinoma, 2 cases of keratoacanthoma, 1 case of verrucous carcinoma and 1 case of actinic keratosis. 25 defects were located on the face(16 cases on the cheek, 4 cases on the lip, 3 cases of the nose, 2 cases on the forehead), and the other one was on the chest. The size of surgical defects ranged from 0.5 to 3.0 cm at the greatest diameter(mean: 1.3 cm). The mean run-time of operation for skin graft was 23.1 minutes. There were no graft failures or acute complications of skin graft such as infection or hematoma. The mean cosmetic results on the 6 months after the operation were satisfactory and there were no correlations between the size or location of the defect and the mean assessment scores statistically at all period(p>0.05). Conclusion: We suggest that sutureless Burow's graft with skin tape might be an easy and useful method to reconstruct the defect after skin surgery.

      • Analysis of scattered field excited by electromagnetic field with oblique polarization by MoM solution

        조용선 한양대학교 대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This paper explains the theory of EM radiation from conducting bodies with apertures, excited by an internal source at frequencies below the fundamental resonance of the enclosure. The 3-dimensional conducting bodies can be analyzed from two different points of view: as a cavity with a small aperture in a wall, and as a waveguide section short - circuited at one end and open at the other. Rectangular geometries are used throughout, because these are by far the most commonly encountered in practical conducting bodies and cabinets. The moment method is a widely used numerical technique for electromagnetic problems such as phased arrays, antennas, scattering, etc. Using the corresponding moment method in this paper relies on RWG(Rao-Wilton-Glisson) edge elements. And then I use this RWG basis function in matrix solution called to linear equations. Finally, I used the MoM solution to formulate the matrix equation expressing the impedance matrix, current density by using MATLAB program and then I can find the scattered field excited by external electromagnetics.

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