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      • 모듈형 멀티레벨 컨버터의 신뢰성 디자인을 위한 IGBT 모듈 접합부 온도 기반 모의실험장치

        조승래 아주대학교 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This thesis presents temperature-based simulator of insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) modules for reliability design in modular multilevel converters (MMCs). The MMC is composed of various components, and the IGBT is the main component determining the reliability of the MMC. The failure of IGBTs is mostly due to the junction-temperature swings; thus, the thermal profile of the IGBT should be established to predict the lifetime. The thermal behavior depends on the current flowing to the IGBT, and the load-current profile is related to the application. In order to establish the thermal profile of the IGBT, the proposed hardware simulator provides various output currents while the junction temperature is measured simultaneously. In addition, a controller design is presented for simulation of the arm current, which includes a direct current (DC) component as well as an alternative current (AC) component with a fundamental frequency. The validity and performance of the proposed hardware simulator and its control methods are analyzed by various experimental results.

      • 초등학교 식재 식물 현황에 관한 연구 : 부산시 15개 초등학교를 대상으로

        조승래 東亞大學校 大學院 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        초등학교 조경에 있어서의 식물이용은 학생들의 교육적 효과를 우선적으로 고려하여야 하며 초등학교가 지역사회의 중심으로서도 중요한 위치를 차지하고 있음을 인식하여 합리적인 방향으로 이루어져야 한다. 본 연구는 부산에 소재한 초등학교를 대상으로 하여 식재 식물을 조사하여 학교원 조성을 위한 기초 자료를 제시하는데 목적이 있다. 연구방법으로 초등학교 교과서내의 출현식물 현황과 학교 식재 현황조사, 학교내 교재관련 식물이용 현황조사, 자생식물 현황조사를 통하여 분석하였으며 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1, 초등학교 전학년에 나오는 식물은 181종으로 초본류가 103종, 목본류 65종 기타식물 13종으로 나타났다. 2. 15개 초등학교에 식재되어 있는 식물은 총 194종으로 초본류 86종, 목본류 101종, 기타식물 7종으로 나타났다. 학교별 평균 식재 종수는 약 60종으로 나타났다. 목본류에 있어서 상록수와 낙엽수의 비율은 상록수 48종, 낙엽수 49종으로 1 : 1.02 이고 교목과 관목의 비율은 교목 60종, 관목 37종으로 1.6 : 1 로 나타났다. 3. 학교를 5개 구역으로 나누어 식재되어 있는 수종을 분석한 결과 모든 구역에서 구역특색에 관계없이 일부 수종에 편중하여 사용하는 경향으로 나타났다. 주요 수종으로는 교목에서는 가이즈까향나무, 아왜나무, 동백, 은행나무, 느티나무 등이었고, 관목은 주로 장미, 사철 무궁화, 영산홍 등이 식재되어 있었다. 학교의 건물과 토지이용에 따른 기능적이고 생태적인 측면을 고려하지 않은 현재의 학교 식물 이용은 앞으로 개선되어야 할 것이다. 4. 교목과 교화의 선정을 보면, 교목으로는 소나무가 5개교로 가장 많은 학교에서 교목으로 지정되어 있었으며, 향나무가 4개교, 개잎갈나무와 은행나무가 2개교로 나타났다. 교화로는 장미가 9개교에서 지정되어 가장 높게 나타났으며, 그밖에 동백, 개나리, 목련, 영산홍 등이 사용되고 있었다. 교목과 교화를 선정할 경우에는 수목이 지니는 고유의 상징성과 학교의 교훈, 그리고 그 지역의 보호수 등을 고려하여 선정하는 것이 바람직할 것으로 사료된다. 5. 학교별 교재 관련 식물 이용 현황을 보면 15개 초등학교의 평균 교재관련 식물의 식재율은 목본류 및 기타식물은 25.1%, 초본류는 14,4%로 나타났다. 학교에서의 식물 이용은 학생들의 교육적 차원을 우선적으로 고려한 신중한 선정이 필요하다고 본다. 6. 15개 초등학교에 식재되어 있는 총 194종의 식물 중에서 초본류의 경우에는 86종 중에서 자생식물은 28종으로 나타났으며, 목본류 및 기타식물에서는 108종 중에서 자생식물이 59종인 것으로 나타났다. 15개 초등학교의 평균 자생식물 식재율은 목본류 및 기타식물은 40.1%, 초본류는 19.6%로 나타났다. 우리 나라 자생식물에 대한 학교 당국의 관심이 부족한 것을 알 수 있으며, 교육적 효과를 고려한 적극적인 활용이 필요한 것으로 사료된다. This study was conducted to investigate the present status of plants species far the fundamental data to be used properly in the elementary school landscape. This study surveyed the present status of plants which appeared in the textbooks and planted status of 15 elementary schools and planted status of native species. The results of this study and some proposals are summarized as follows ; 1. Total of 181 plants species were quoted over all textbooks of the elementary school courses. Among them, herbaceous plants showed 103 species and woody plants were 65 species and others were 13 species. They were common species in this country and were easy to plant excepts few. 2. I94 species were planted in the 15 elementary schools. It was constituted of 86 of herbaceous plants and 101 of woody plants and 13 of others. The average number of plants species per school was about 60 species. The rate of plants species of Evergreen Trees to the Deciduous was 48 : 49 and the rate of the trees to the shrubs was 60 : 37. 3. Almost the same species were planted in zone of Ⅰ-Ⅴ. Juniperus chinensis var. kaizuka Viburnum awabuki, Camellia japonica, Ginkgo biloba, Zelcova serrata were mainly planted in the species of trees. On the other hand Rosa spp., Euonymus japonica, Hibicus syriacus, Rhododendron lateritium were mainly planted in the species of shrubs. To improve the present conditions of school landscape should be considered for the purpose of function and the aspect of ecology. 4. To see the slected school trees and flowers, Pinus densiflora was slected to the school tree in the 5 of schools. Juniperus chinensis was slected 4 of schools, the others were Cedrus deodara) Ginkgo biloba etc. Rosa spp. was appointed to the school flower in the 9 of schools, the others were Camellia japonica, Forsythia koreana, Magnolia koous, Rhododendron lateritium etc. To set the school tree and flower, consider the simbol of tree and school precepts, also consider the preserved tree of the community. 5. To see the status of using plants which appeared in the textbooks, the average rate of woody plants and others was 25.1% and that of herbaceous plants was 14.4%. To use plants effectively in schools, it needs to increase the plants species appeared in the textbooks for the educational effects of students. 6. Among the 194 of plants species, native species were appeared 28 species in the 86 species of herbaceous plants and were appeared 59 species in the 108 species of woody plants and others. The average rate of native species of woody plants and others was 40.1%, that of herbaceous plants was 19.6%. Therefore, it needs to extend the using of native species for educational effects.

      • 통합방위 역할과 기능 강화방안 연구 : 분권형 체계의 도입

        조승래 忠南大學校 平和安保大學院 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Korea's “Integrated Defense” is at a very important turning point at the time. First, a higher level of modern security system is required depending on the characteristics of modern security, and secondly, as it is about twenty years since the local governments have launched, the roles of local governments and their directors become increasingly bigger. Finally, the establishment of the security system of "Security Governance” with the participation of local residents and fit for the regional characteristics is required. These three factors should make the 「Integrated Defense Council」 further changed and developed. It can be said that the 「Regional Integrated Defense Council」 is at the center of the change and development. The establishment of organic system between the central and local area as well as that of organic system among the national defense elements is the key point of the strong security. The decentralized security must be paid attention to in the security sector as well as in all the other sectors. There may be counter-argument that there can be no decentralization in the security, but the establishment of regional security system becomes very important due to the characteristics of modern security of comprehensive security or human security, as we mentioned above. In particular, Korea's “Integrated Defense System” stipulates the role of the responsibility of the local government and its director in the 「Integrated Defense Law」. So, the central government and the local military and police should acknowledge the roles of the local government and its director and help them hold their corners defined in the law up. It should be recognized that the security of responsibility in the region is the basis of all-out national security. Meanwhile, the local government and its director should strengthen their capabilities to fulfill their roles in the regional security as defined in the law. A closer relationship with the military and police headquarters in the region should be built to take the day-to-day level of military or security advices, strengthen the role of the security department in the administrative organization, and seek the alternatives to make an active use of the security adviser system. In addition, the regional security activities such as the establishment and management of "Regional Forum” and the publication of "Regional security white paper” should be strengthened to concentrate all of security capabilities in the region. Finally, the security programs with resident participation to make the local residents the subject in the security and the establishment of security governance with resident participation are required. In conclusion, the “Integrated Defense” capabilities in the region is important in order to strengthen the role and function of“Integrated Defense”. To achieve this, it is considered necessary to strengthen the capabilities of the local government and its director and to establish the security governance to inspire the active participation from the local residents. 우리나라 통합방위의 역사 속에서 지금은 매우 중요한 전환기에 있다고 해도 과언이 아닐 것이다. 현대사회의 특성과 이로 인한 현대안보의 특징에 따라 한 차원 더 진화된 안보시스템이 요구된다는 점이 그 첫 번째이고, 지방자치단체의 출범이 20년이 되면서 다른 모든 영역과 마찬가지로 안보에 있어서도 지방자치단체와 그 장의 역할이 점점 더 커지고 있다는 것이 그 둘째이다. 마지막으로 주민의 참여와 지역의 특성에 맞는 안보시스템 구축이라는 「안보거버넌스」의 요구가 제기되고 있다는 점을 들 수 있다. 이런 세 가지 요인에 의해서 현재의 통합방위협의회는 더욱더 변화·발전해 나가야 한다. 그 변화·발전의 중심에 지역 통합방위협의회가 있다고 할 수 있다. 국가방위요소 간의 유기적 체계는 물론, 중앙과 지역의 유기적 시스템의 구축이야말로 튼튼한 안보의 핵심 요건이라는 점이다. 안보에 있어서도 다른 모든 분야와 마찬가지로 분권형 안보라는 착안이 필요하다. 안보에는 분권이 있을 수 없다는 반론이 있을 수 있으나, 우리가 앞에서 살펴본 바와 같이 포괄안보, 인간안보라는 현대안보의 특징으로 인해 지역 단위의 안보시스템 구축이 매우 중요해지게 되었다. 특히, 우리나라의 통합방위체계는 을·병종사태에 대해서는 지방자치단체와 그 장의 책임적 역할을 「통합방위법」이라는 법률로 규정하고 있다. 법률에 규정된 역할을 잘 해 낼수 있게 중앙정부와 지역의 군·경은 지방자치단체와 그 장의 역할을 인정하고 제 역할을 다하도록 도와줘야 한다. 지역 책임안보가 총력안보의 기초가 된다는 것을 인정해야 한다는 것이다. 한편, 법률에 규정된 지역안보의 역할을 다하기 위해서는 지방자치단체와 그 장의 역량을 강화해 나가야 한다. 지역의 군·경 사령부와 보다 밀접한 관계를 형성해 내어 일상적 수준의 군사·안보적 조언을 이끌어 내야 하며, 행정조직 내부에서는 안보전담부서의 역할을 강화하고 안보자문관 제도를 적극 활용하기 위한 대안도 모색해야 한다. 또한, 지역 전체의 안보역량을 결집해 내기 위해 「지역안보포럼」을 구축·운영하고 「지역안보백서」를 발간하는 등의 지역적 안보활동도 강화할 필요가 있다. 마지막으로 지역 주민을 안보의 주체로 만들기 위한 주민참여형 안보프로그램과 주민참여 안보거버넌스의 구축도 필요하다는 것이다. 결론적으로, 통합방위 역할과 기능을 강화하기 위해서는 지역의 통합방위 역량이 중요하고, 이를 위해서는 지방자치단체와 그 장의 역량을 키우고, 지역 주민의 적극적 참여를 이끌어 내는 안보거버넌스의 구축이 필요하다.

      • ISO 9001 시스템의 실행실태 실증 연구

        조승래 목포해양대학교 대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This paper analyzes current managerial issues of Quality Management System (QMS) introduced by the ISO 9001 system in domestic industries and studies major factors affecting the actual condition on industrial operation. The four major factors in this research are supposed by a company size, a workforce size involving system management, an establishment period of ISO 9001 system, and a post operation period of ISO 9001 system. To studies on actual condition, the four major factors referred here are investigated in total of 100 companies who adopted ISO 9001 system. According to adoption period of ISO 9001 system, the actual condition of business process and current system status are investigated in those companies. After investigating, the average ratio of execution in business process is 23% and execution ratio related to other documental standards is 61%. The result shows that the most important factor among the four major factors is an establishment period of ISO 9001 system. To validate the result, the interrelated analysis among the four major factors is performed to identify the most important factor. It is concluded that the most important factor affecting the actual condition on industrial operation after adopting QMS is identified as an establishment period of ISO 9001 system.

      • 설잠의 불교사상의 특징과 시적 변용 연구

        조승래 동방문화대학원대학교 2016 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        본 논문의 목적은 우리 문학사에서 최초의 소설인『금오신화(金鰲神話)』를 비롯하여 2,200여 수의 시를 남긴 설잠(雪岑) 김시습(세종17, 1435~성종24, 1493, 이하 설잠으로 칭함)의 불교사상이 그의 시문학 세계에서 어떻게 녹아들어 표현되고 있는가를 살펴보는데 있다. 조선 초 숭유억불의 시기에 유․ 불․ 도의 삼교에도 능통했던 설잠은 본관이 강릉으로 자(字)가 열경(悅卿), 호가 매월당(梅月堂)·동봉(東峰)·벽산청은(碧山淸隱)·췌세옹(贅世翁) 등이다. 무엇보다도 설잠은 세조가 계유정란을 통해 왕위에 오른 것에 대해 강한 반발을 보인 올곧은 선비의 전형이다. 아울러 그는 숭유척불의 시대적 상황에서 유교의 이기철학과 불교의 선사상, 법화사상, 화엄사상, 그리고 도교사상 등을 융섭한 선승이었을 뿐만 아니라 놀라운 문학적 상상력에서 배태된 작품과 상식을 뛰어넘는 기행으로 당시 세인의 이목을 끌었다. 설잠은 삼교에 관한 깊은 학문의 세계를 이해하고, 이를 바탕으로 불교의 선사상과 교학사상에 관련한 다양한 저술을 하였다. 특히 그의 수많은 불교관련 저술들은 조선 초기의 대표적인 저술로 큰 반향을 불러 일으켰다. 아울러 그는 일상생활 속에서 선사로서의 삶의 올곧은 면모를 보이면서 화엄과 법화사상을 선적으로 해석하는 독특한 불교적 태도를 보여주고 있다. 이와 같은 다양한 사상에 기반 한 학문과 수행으로 설잠은 유, 불, 선의 대가로 위상을 차지하고 있을 뿐만 아니라, 때로는 그의 사상의 본질에 대한 다양한 담론이 있어 왔다. 한편 우리의 주목을 끄는 점은 그의 탁월한 시적 재능에서 배태되고 생산된 그의 선시문학이다. 다시 말해, 그는 평생을 선승으로, 그리고 탈속 무애한 자유인으로서 불교의 선적 사유 기반의 세계를 훌륭하게 시적으로 적용하여 보여주고 있는 점이다. 설잠은 단종을 폐위하고 왕권을 찬탈한 수양대군에 대해 이른바 생육신의 한 사람으로서 불사이군(不事二君)의 선비정신으로 과거응시를 포기하고 승려의 신분으로 전국을 유랑하고 은거하면서 잘못된 시대적 상황에 대해 울분을 토하고 그것을 시문학으로 표현하였다. 그것은 일찍이 유학의 학문세계에 깊이 침잠하였던 그가 불의의 현실과 자아의 진실 속에서 심한 갈등을 느끼게 되었을 뿐만 아니라 유자(儒者)로서 왕위찬탈이라는 불의의 현실에 분노하지 않을 수 없었기 때문이었다. 그리하여 그는 패도불의(覇道不義)에 대해 아부하고 타협하며 권세를 쫓는 무리들의 작태 등 현실에 무상함을 느끼고 마침내 출가를 결심하였던 것이다. 따라서 그의 시문학 창작 배경에는 이러한 시대적 상황과 설잠 자신이 지향하는 인생 목표와 어긋나면서 겪는 갈등과 그 극복의 심사가 작용하고 있는 것으로 진단된다. 그의 문학과 사상은 바로 이러한 시대적 상황에 대한 고뇌와 사유에서 배태되고 분출된 결과라 할 것이다. 설잠은 출가 후 전국의 산하대지를 운수행각(雲水行脚)하면서 현실의 갈등과 그것을 극복하려는 치열한 구도의 과정에서 느끼는 감정, 그리고 깨달음을 얻은 후 청빈한 산승으로 살아가는 수행자의 심사를 번득이는 선지(禪旨)와 뜨거운 선심(禪心)으로 표출하였다. 그러한 심경이 그의 수많은 시문학 작품 속에 다양한 양상으로 변주되고 있음을 물론이다. 설잠의 이러한 문학적 태도에 대해 허균(許筠, 1569~1618)은 설잠의 절의(節義)가 뛰어났을 뿐만 아니라 또한 시문이 보통사람보다 뛰어나다고 했으며, 설잠과 동시대를 살았던 김안로(金安老, 1481~1537)는 “근대의 시승(詩僧)으로는 설잠이 그 영수(領袖)다”라고 하였다. 이상의 언급들은 설잠이 다분히 그 시대의 올곧은 선비로서 뿐만 아니라 시문학에 있어 탁월한 역량을 보여준 시승(詩僧)으로 평가될 수 있음을 반증해 준다. 설잠이 우리에게 남다른 수행자로 다가 오는 것은 불의에 항변하고 방외자로서의 고독한 삶과는 판이하게 다른 그의 사상 전반에 흐르는 존재의 회통성이다. 우선, 그의 사상적 특징은 법화사상의 핵심을 지행양전(智行兩全)에 있다고 보고 각 품의 찬(讚)에서 법화사상의 본 뜻을 간결하고도 생생하게 밝힐 뿐만 아니라 마지막 부분에 『대혜어록』이 중심이 된 간화선 경향의 송(頌)을 결구로 마무리하면서 천태사상과 선을 일치시키고 있는 점이다. 둘째, 그는 원융적인 선관을 가진 선사로, 의상의 『화엄법계도』를 주석함으로써 화엄사상의 근본 의미가 가장 간명하면서도 생생한 실천에 있다고 진단하고 있는 점이다. 특히 각 구절의 끝에 격외선적인 송(頌)으로 마무리함으로써 화엄을 선과 회통시키고 있음은 단연 돋보인다. 따라서 설잠이 보다 근원적인 입장에서 조동선의 의미를 내포한 선과 화엄 그리고 법화를 각각 간화선에 융합시킨 점은 우리의 불교사에 있어서 매우 의미 있는 사실로 판단된다. 이러한 맥락에서 볼 때, 출가 수행자로서 깨달음을 얻기 위한 치열한 자아 성찰과 고뇌의 심경을 표출한 설잠의 시세계의 특징은 일체의 사량 분별에 의한 수많은 경계선들을 해체하면서 궁극적으로 차별과 대립을 뛰어 넘은 ‘원융(圓融)’의 세계를 지향하고 있는 점이다. 이러한 작품 속에는 세상을 구하려는 열정과 진지한 탐구정신, 자연과 역사라는 거시적인 관계망(關係網) 속에서 삶을 바라보는 직관적 사유가 선명히 녹아 있다. 그것은 곧 시심(詩心)과 선심(禪心)이 하나이며, 禪心을 詩로써 나타낼 수 있다는 것은 바로 ‘시선일여’(詩禪一如)의 시 정신을 바탕으로 하고 있다. 바로 여기에 설잠의 사상과 시문학이 조화롭게 만나는 지점이 있게 된다. 이상에서 살펴본 바와 같이 불의의 세상에 대한 비판을 멈추지 않고 모순된 사회현실을 대의실천으로써 이상세계를 구현해 보려는 설잠의 치열하고 순수한 열정의 삶에서 빚어진 시문학의 세계는 갈등을 극복하고 깨침을 얻고 나아가 세상의 무지한 사람들을 일깨우는 실천담론으로 충분한 의미가 있다 할 것이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 지금까지 이러한 관점에서 설잠의 사상과 시문학에 대한 접근은 거의 찾아보기 어렵다. 따라서 연구자는 본 논문에서 설잠의 불교사상, 특히 선사상, 법화사상, 화엄사상의 배경과 그 특징, 그리고 이러한 그의 불교사상이 시문학에서 어떻게 적용되어 담겨지고 표현되고 있는가를 시편과 『연경별찬』을 중심으로 심도 있게 살펴보고자 한다. 즉 현실과 이상의 괴리에서 생겨나는 강한 반발과 저항의식, 출가 수행자로서 자연과 동화하면서 내면의 갈등을 치유하고 깨달음을 증득해 가는 과정, 그리고 방하착과 충만의 원융의 시적 세계 등을 표현하는데 중요한 동인이 된 불교사상이 어떻게 구체적으로 내재되어 있는가를 조명하고자 한다. The purpose of this dissertation is to trace the formation of the Beopwha and Hwaweom thought and their characteristics of Seon Master Seoljam Kim Siseup(雪岑 金時習1435~1493) and to examine how the thought is applied and expressed in his Seon poetry as well. Seoljam tried to correct the injustice and misunderstanding on anti-Buddhists, and to widely spread the Buddha's teachings by establishing the identity of Buddhism. Moreover, he stressed the mutual embracing philosophy between Buddhism and Confucianism. Actually, Seoljam considered the mind as the core of everything. He attempted to realize the original nature emphasizing more Samatha-vipassana rather than logical idea. Hence, he essayed to notice and contemplate everything as it is without discriminating mind. So, if we let attachment and discriminating mind go, then he would thought that everywhere is the place where Bodhi-mandala exists. The focal point of aesthetics of Seoljam's poetic world is to see into all things as they are with no-mind: the empty mind. In seeking after the Truth and Enlightenment, he depicted the state of mind and feeling in more simple, clear and succinct poetic diction. Therefore, in his Seon poems expressing the process of attaining Enlightenment, his Seon thought and poetic imagination is even more lyrically well revealed through the mutual response with nature. Consequently, Seoljam's Seon poetry, originated and produced in the course of practical experience: seeking the truth, attaining enlightenment and saving sentient beings, which is considered as "the poetic application" of "Seon mind." Wandering throughout the country, Seoljam produced many poems on revealing his resentment and then he tried to console it as well. To him, poetry was the contemplation on himself based on his perception of the reality at his times and writing poetry was also an expedient to identify his identity. In this vein, Seoljam depicted his resistant consciousness against the absurdity of Confucianism and finally renounced the world. After becoming a monk, he wandered throughout the country and tried to overcome inner conflict and to attain enlightenment by both immersing himself in nature, and after overcoming inner conflicts, he depicted the world of emptiness and fullness in the perspective of that "Seon and Tea is the same One." Paying attention to this fact, I tried to trace his poetic world in terms of "The poetic expression based on Seon mind." In oder to identify this point, this study will be developed in the following order. Chapter 1 introduces the purpose, research method, and preceding investigators of this dissertation. Chapter 2 deals with periodical background of early Joseon era and Seoljam's life and Buddhist writings. Chapter 3 manifests Seoljam's Buddhist thought and poetic application chiefly on Beopwha and Whaeom thought, Jodong Seon and his poetic theory. In poems described in the course of overcoming his inner conflict, seeking the truth and achieving enlightenment through mutual responding and harmony with nature, the poetics of being more filled and generous by discarding greed, anger and stupidity. That's why he wandered like the stream of cloud and water and interacted with nature. Chapter 4 explains poetic world based on Seon thought: His poetic expression is the very harmonious and inter-penetrating expression of poetic mind and Seon mind. That's why the world of his enlightenment through the good combination of Seonistic intuition and poetic imagination in harmony with nature is depicted in his poetry well. Chapter 5 identifies poetic expression based on Beopwha thought focusing on the combination of Beopwha thought and Seon thought. And I also try to show the figure of literary characteristic described in Yeongyeongbyeolchan which praises Lotus Sutra.: the flower of figurative literature. Chapter 6 mentions Hwaeom thought and its application in his Seon poetry in detail: his integrated poetic world of emptiness and fullness based on Avatamsaka Sutra. : the poetic expression of Seon mind, which means "Seon and Poetry is the same One, not different things." It stresses that meditation and tea are not two but one, which means that there is no difference between the mind practice and drinking tea. Tea implies awakening is an important element for practitioner's life. Also, it means that drinking tea is one of expediences for clearness and emptiness. Next, I will reveal the characteristic of poetic aesthetics of Seol-jam's and his position in Korean literature history. Finally chapter 7 concludes that Seoljam's Seon poetry is the very expression of Seon mind based on harmony and inter-independence and its healing effect.

      • 기업역량과 안전관리시스템이 연안선사의 기업성과에 미치는 영향 연구 - 기업문화의 매개효과를 중심으로 -

        조승래 목포해양대학교 대학원 2023 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        As coastal vessels are large in size and operate with numerous facilities and systems, they are exposed to the potential risk of causing a lot of material damage and human casualties due to safety accidents. The international community is promoting various maritime safety measures for safer maritime transportation, and many countries have implemented separate systems or regulations for safety management. In line with international demands, Korea has also established and implemented various and comprehensive maritime safety policies. In particular, in the field of coastal vessels, the maritime safety supervisor system has been introduced to regularly guide and supervise the safety management status of ships and ship operators to ensure that more systematic and professional safety management is carried out. It is important for coastal shipping companies to maintain a systematic safety management system since a large number of property and human casualties can be lost in the event of a safety accident of coastal vessels. Nevertheless, most of the domestic coastal shipping companies are small, and maritime workers lack awareness of safety management, so the safety management system is often not applied in a practical manner and acts on behalf of them. The biggest threat to the safety of coastal vessel operations is the isolated and special maritime environment. In order to eliminate these risks and ensure the safe operation of coastal vessels, it is important to maintain an appropriate and systematic safety management system in accordance with maritime safety-related laws. The effective operation of a safety management system not only strengthens the risk management capabilities of coastal shipping companies, but also increases value by providing trust to stakeholders such as customers and regulators. In addition, with the strengthened safety management system, it will be more likely that the members of an organization will take responsibility for safety operation and learn how to prevent or minimize the possibility of accidents. The safety management system is closely related to the safety culture, and it is necessary to strengthen the safety culture to establish safety awareness and culture in vessels. It is necessary to raise awareness about safety culture to establish safety awareness and culture within an organization as a successful safety management system can create a positive safety culture and have a positive impact on management performance. Once a safety culture is established, members of an organization will pursue safe operation and share responsibility and awareness of safety, allowing spontaneous safe operation. Operating with a strong safety management system and safety culture is an important strategy to improve the management performance and sustainability of coastal shipping companies. The proportion of investment in R&D is as high as the importance of human resources in coastal shipping companies. However, in reality, since it is not easy to secure excellent human resources, in order to secure corporate capabilities to create excellent performance, increasing the performance and value of coastal shipping companies would be possible when employees effectively perform their tasks and respond to specific situations. Corporate competence is the ability to design a company's management strategy and determine how to implement it in order to secure a competitive advantage in the market, and is essential for coastal shipping companies during the growth period. A company's core competencies include technical skills, strategic capabilities to present the long-term vision of the organization, and the ability to build organizational culture and efficient systems. Regardless of the size of the company or the type of industry, an organizational culture that resonates with entire members of the organization contributes to the improvement of corporate performance. In particular, it is necessary to create an ideal organizational culture because excellent corporate competence has a positive effect on organizational culture, and a well-established organizational culture can be an important medium in relation to corporate performance. As mentioned above, the corporate capabilities and safety management system of coastal shipping companies are very important factors not only in the prevention of various damages but also in the management of coastal shipping companies. Therefore, it is essential to look at the relationship between the corporate competence of a coastal shipping company, the safety management system, the corporate culture, and the corporate performance. In addition, it is meaningful to break it down it to grasp the relationship between corporate competence and organizational culture, the relationship between safety management system and safety culture, and the relationship between organizational culture and safety culture and corporate performance. However, at the moment, qualitative research on safety management systems is mainly conducted in relation to coastal shipping companies, and quantitative empirical research is lacking. Therefore, this study aims to measure the degree of influence of corporate competencies (technical, strategic, and organizational capabilities) and safety management systems (safety policies, risk management, safety assurance) on corporate culture (organizational culture, safety culture) for current members of coastal shipping companies, and to empirically analyze the structural impact relationship between these variables. In addition, by performing such analyses, this study becomes a study that differentiates itself from existing qualitative studies. In addition, this study aims to examine the impact of corporate culture on corporate performance (management performance, sustainability), and to identify the mediating effect of corporate culture in the relationship between corporate competence, safety management system and corporate performance. In particular, the originality of this study can be found in the fact that the structural equation model was established and verified by expanding the relationship with corporate competence and safety management system by using the psychological variable of corporate culture as a parameter. Ultimately, the purpose of this study is to strengthen the corporate capabilities of coastal shipping companies and to suggest ways to achieve great corporate performance through the establishment of an organizational culture and safety culture shared by the entire company, the operation of an efficient safety management system, and the importance of preventing safety accidents. Therefore, in order to substantiate this study, the study formulated the research model and hypothesis with the corporate capabilities (technical, strategic, and organizational) and safety management system (safety policy, risk management, safety assurance) of coastal shipping companies as independent variables, corporate performance (management performance, sustainability) as the dependent variable, and corporate culture (organizational culture, safety culture) as parameters. The study limited its subjects to coastal shipping companies, and a survey was conducted among employees currently employed, and 204 valid samples were used for the final analysis. The measurement items used in the study analysis were measured on a multi-item scale in the form of a 5-point Likert type, and the variables used for content validity were modified and measured according to the items of the previous studies for this study. The definition of corporate competence is the competitiveness and core competencies that coastal shipping companies must possess in order to make decisions based on strategic thinking and secure technology and resources to respond to environmental changes in order to achieve long-term goals. As subvariables of corporate competence, technical competence (6 items), strategic competence (6 items), and organizational competence (6 items) were classified, and these items were measured. The safety management system was defined as the degree of establishment and implementation of policies for safety management, the degree of commitment to safety, activities to reduce and improve safety risks by identifying, analyzing, and evaluating safety risk factors, and activities to achieve safety goals and comply with laws and procedures related to the safety management system. The subvariables of the safety management system were divided into safety policy (9 items), risk management (10 items), and safety assurance (10 items), and these items were measured. The subvariables of corporate culture were divided into organizational culture (10 items) and safety culture (10 items), and these items were measured. First, the details of the organizational culture were defined as mutual cooperation and trust of coastal shipping companies, strengthening information management, setting shipping plans and goals, and emphasizing safety and consistency. In addition, the detailed items of safety culture were defined as safety awareness and attitude towards the safety of executives and employees of coastal shipping companies as shared values. Corporate performance was divided into management performance (11 items) and sustainability (7 items), and these items were measured. The detailed items of management performance were defined as being able to objectively measure financial and non-financial management performance in the short and long term to increase and evaluate the value of a company. The detailed items of sustainability were defined as securing economic benefits through the management activities of coastal shipping companies, fulfilling social and environmental responsibilities, and creating added value for organizational members and stakeholders. Therefore, the observation variables used in the research model consisted of a total of 85 items. Finally, general matters according to demographic statistics were investigated by consisting of gender, age group, position, job, boarding experience, and length of service The analysis methods were frequency analysis, normality test, common method bias verification, reliability and validity analysis, correlation analysis, path analysis of structural equations, and verification of the mediating effect. As a result, as a general characteristic of the respondents, there were more men and people in their 30s, and in the field of work, there were more inner-harbor cargo ships than inner-harbor passenger ships. As to ranks, there were more general staff and clerical workers, and there were more people with experience on board than those with no experience on board. The length of service is evenly distributed, ranging from less than one year to more than 19 years. As a result of the normality test to check skewness and kurtosis, the absolute values were less than or equal to 2 and less than or equal to 3, respectively, and it was determined that the reference value was satisfied and the normal distribution was followed. In order to diagnose the common method variance and estimate convenience, it was verified using Harman's single-factor test, and it was confirmed that there was no common method variance. As a result of reliability test using Cronbach's alpha, the values of all variables were 0.8 or higher, indicating a high level of reliability. As a result of the convergent validity analysis through confirmatory factor analysis, all of the criteria were met with 0.001 significance level and path coefficient value of 1.965, average variance extraction (AVE) value of 0.5 or more, and concept reliability (C.R.) value of 0.7 or more. Discriminant validity test confirmed whether the correlation coefficient ±2 × standard error value includes 1, whether the difference in X2 between the non-constrained model and the constrained model is significant (X2 = 3.84 or more), and whether the correlation coefficient between different factors is less than or equal to 1. As a result, all of them met the criteria and the discrimination validity was secured. As a result of the correlation analysis, the correlation between all variables was positively (+) related to the 0.001 significance level. In order to verify the degree of influence relationship of the hypothesis according to the research model, the path analysis of the structural equation was performed, and the maximum likelihood method was utilized, which is a method of calculating the factor loading on the assumption that all variables form a multivariate normal distribution. As for the model fitness, all indices were good, so the hypothesis was tested after it was determined that there was no problem in the analysis. The hypothesis test results of this study are as follows. First, the hypothesis was adopted because, among corporate competencies, strategic competence and organizational competence were found to have a significant effect on organizational culture, but the hypothesis was rejected since technical competence did not have a significant effect on organizational culture. In other words, strengthening the strategic and organizational capabilities of coastal shipping companies also improves organizational culture, so it would be important to find ways to strengthen these two capabilities. Since coastal shipping companies can overcome crises, continue to grow and develop by appropriately utilizing opportunities and threats caused by various external environmental changes, it is necessary to establish a vision for the future and a strategic approach to achieve goals through environmental analysis. In addition, it is essential to ensure that the responsibilities and roles of an organization are efficiently distributed and strong motivation can be achieved. To this end, it is necessary to establish a smooth communication process and system. It is important to lay the foundation for the members of an organization to be self-motivated, evolve towards the goal, and actively create synergy, and systematic and institutionalized performance management is required for the rationality of the entire organization. Second, among the safety management systems, risk management and safety assurance were found to have a significant effect on the safety culture, so the hypothesis was adopted, and as the safety policy did not have a significant effect, the hypothesis was rejected. As the higher the level of risk management and safety assurance of coastal shipping companies, the higher the level of safety culture, it is necessary to establish strategies and policies to complement and strengthen risk management and safety assurance. Coastal shipping companies have established a safety reporting system for reporting risks and errors, and consistent reporting procedures and methods for each existing individual safety management system area, but it is necessary to operate them in an integrated manner. In addition, coastal shipping companies must form a safety management system working committee, a decision-making organization composed of working-level staff in each field, in order to conduct a safety survey to derive risk reduction measures through cause analysis from a more objective perspective. In order to measure the achievement of the safety goals set for each business area, coastal shipping companies need to conduct multifaceted and multidimensional verification and monitoring analysis of safety performance indicators. When there is a major change in the function and operation of an organization, coastal shipping companies need to carry out regular internal safety audits on the implementation of the safety management system to eliminate unnecessary work. The internal safety audit shall establish procedures to verify the adequacy of operating system of the safety management system, whether approved procedures and guidelines have been complied with, and whether safety goals have been achieved. Coastal shipping companies should include efforts to identify and improve deficiencies in safety management, not for the purpose of holding them accountable. Above all, the management's commitment to the basic principles and philosophy of the safety management system, which can be shared by all employees of coastal shipping companies, will create a positive safety culture within the organization. Third, organizational culture has been shown to have a significant impact on management performance and sustainability, so the hypothesis was adopted. In other words, when the organizational culture of coastal shipping companies is positively recognized, management performance and sustainability will also improve, and the members of the organization will have to establish a code of conduct and a pattern of conduct to achieve the same goal. Organizational culture is crucial because it is based on a set of values shared by all employees and provides directions for purpose, strategy, and behavior. Therefore, coastal shipping companies need to shape the behavior and social system of the executives and employees of coastal shipping companies and to motivate them to continue to work towards collectively defined goals through socially acceptable behaviors. In other words, coastal shipping companies must create a culture that aligns the actions of the members of the organization with the goals of the organization and gives them the autonomy to interpret and decide what the organization wants. Fourth, safety culture has been shown to have a significant impact on management performance and sustainability, and the hypothesis was adopted. The perception of a positive safety culture by coastal shipping companies is related to the improvement of management performance and sustainability, and the strategy to improve the safety culture should be pursued from a long-term perspective. The safety culture of coastal shipping companies is a set of values and practices pursued to protect the safety and health of the members of the organization and to improve the work environment. In order to build a safety culture, the management of coastal shipping companies must present a clear vision and policy on safety and support safety-related decision-making. The management of coastal shipping companies should gather opinions of the members of the organization and promote their participation in safety. The management of coastal shipping companies should endeavor to establish plans on safety education and training to ensure that employees acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to perform tasks in a safe manner. In addition, the management of coastal shipping companies can establish plans on safety education and training to equip organizational members with the skills and knowledge necessary to perform work safely, and promote a safety culture by providing incentives and rewards to employees who contribute to safe work performance. In other words, organizational members must build a system so that they can work safely and value safety. It is in everyone's best interest for the members of the organization to participate directly in the establishment of the system. A safety culture will help maintain productivity and reduce costs by reducing the likelihood of accidents and reducing work losses caused by accidents. Above all, a coastal shipping company that prioritizes safety can earn the trust of customers and stakeholders. A coastal shipping company gaining the trust of its stakeholders means fulfilling its sustainability and social responsibilities. Fifth, organizational culture played a mediating role in the relationship between strategic competence, organizational competence, management performance, and sustainability, and did not play a mediating role in the relationship between technical competence, management performance, and sustainability, so the hypothesis was partially adopted. Sixth, the safety culture played a mediating role in the relationship between risk management, safety assurance, management performance, and sustainability, and did not play a mediating role in the relationship between safety policy, management performance, and sustainability, so the hypothesis was partially adopted. A positive organizational culture can help companies improve their capabilities by fostering collaboration and communication among employees, increasing employee engagement and motivation, and strengthening internal collaboration and teamwork. The safety culture contributes to preventing accidents and improving working environments by strengthening employees' safety awareness and responsibility, and has a positive effect on productivity and efficiency by increasing employees' sense of security and concentration. In order to create a positive corporate culture, i.e. organizational culture and safety culture, coastal shipping companies must comply with safety regulations and procedures, establish safety awareness, and strive to prevent accidents. In order to encourage cooperation and information sharing among employees, the management of coastal shipping companies should create an environment for effective teamwork, retain talented people with high professional and technical skills, and provide employees with professional training and development opportunities. The management of coastal shipping companies need to promote trust and cooperation within the organization through smooth horizontal communication, information sharing, and collection of opinions between management or senior managers and employees. In order to strengthen sustainable management and social responsibility, they must understand the importance of corporate culture and strive to create and maintain an appropriate culture. Of course, it takes a lot of time to build a goal-oriented corporate culture, but it is important that everyone shares responsibilities and works together to create the right cultural environment. The limitations of this study include that the measurement of the variables used in the study was conducted through an online questionnaire as a one-time self-report method, which may be a source of potential bias. In future studies, it is necessary to reconfirm the results of this study based on longitudinal studies such as time series analysis. In addition, there is a limit to generalization since the subject of the research is limited to the field of coastal shipping and the sample size is small. Therefore, it is necessary to expand it by selecting a wider range of sample subjects in future research, and to apply and expand the research model to various marine transportation business fields in addition to domestic and foreign coastal shipping companies. On the other hand, coastal shipping companies need to search for measurement tools by subdividing them in market-oriented and competitor-oriented manners for the measurement of technical capabilities. Through the above research, this study investigated whether the safety management system of coastal shipping companies is operated efficiently and appropriately, grasped the current status of corporate capabilities and operations of safety management system, and identified factors that can affect corporate culture and corporate performance, and hopes to contribute to using it as basic data for better safety management and performance management of coastal shipping companies in the future.

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