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      • Moliere의 작품 「Le malade imaginaire」와 「Le medecin malgre lui」에 나타난 희극성 연구

        조성례 숙명여자대학교 대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        이 연구의 목적은 17세기 프랑스 희극la com die의 대가인 Moli re(1622-1673)의 작품 Le malade imaginaire와 Le m decin malgr lui에 나타난 희극성의 특징과 그 의미를 밝혀보려는데 있다. Moli re는 17세기 당시에 유행하고 있던 희비극la tragi-com die과 희극la com die, 목가극la pastoral, 그리고 이태리의 코메디아 델라르테commedia dellarte와 같은 다른 장르들과 중세 소극la farce의 직접적이고, 저속한 방식을 결합하여 단순하게 전통을 계승하고 모방하는 것이 아니라 자신의 사상이나 주제, 그리고 극작법 등에 도입하여 자신만의 독특한 희극방식을 창조하였다. Moli re는 관객의 즐거움plaire du spectateurs을 위해 희극적인 요소와 소극적인farcesque 요소를 사용하여 우스꽝스러운 인물과 상황들을 창출해 냈다. 이것이 바로 그의 작품에서 드러나는 희극성이다. 이와 같은 방식을 통해서 Moli re는 소극la farce과 성격희극la com die de caract re, 모사희극la com die dintrigue, 풍속희극la com die de moeurs, 코메디-발레la com die-ballet 등의 다양한 희극 작품들을 내놓았다. 본 연구는 제Ⅲ장으로 구성되어 있는데, 제Ⅰ장은 Moli re의 작품에 나타난 희극적인 요소와 소극적인farcesque 요소, 즉 희극성을 살펴보았다. 그리고 제Ⅱ장과 Ⅲ장에서는 Le malade imaginaire와 Le m decin malgr lui에 등장하는 희극적인 인물과 상황을 분석해 보았다. 이 세 단계는 Moli re 희극성의 독창성을 보여준다. 제Ⅰ장에서는 Moli re의 희극성을 그의 작품에 나타난 희극적인 요소와 소극적인farcesque 요소로 나누어 보았다. 우선, 전형적인st reotype 인물이나 오해, 대립의 상황은 희극적인 요소에 속하고, 직접적인 방식으로 그들의 성격적 결함을 드러내주는 천박한 언어(욕설, 의성어, 어법에 맞지 않는 표현 등)와 잔인한 동작(때리기, 발로 걷어차기 등), 그리고 속이려다가 속임을 당하는 상황들은 소극적인farcesque 요소에 속한다. 이러한 Ⅰ장의 연구를 바탕으로 제Ⅱ장에서는 대희극이자 코메디-발레인 Le malade imaginaire와 전형적 소극la farce 작품인 Le m decin malgr lui에 등장하는 희극적인 인물을 분석해 보았다. 두 작품에서는 Moli re 희극성을 쉽게 찾아볼 수 있고, 17세기 의사에 대한 비판과 조롱이라는 동일한 주제로 구성되어있다. 그리고 강박관념을 지닌 전형적인st reotype 인물이 등장하며, 이것으로 인해 자신들이 지닌 성격적 결함을 직접적인 언어와 동작을 통해 드러낸다. 이러한 인물들은 완전히 상반된 성격 때문에 서로 부딪히게 되는데, 가장 심하게 대립하는 이들을 커플(Le malade imaginaire의 Argan과 그의 하녀 Toinette, 그리고 Le m decin malgr lui의 Sganarelle과 그의 부인 Martine을)로 하여 살펴보았다. Argan은 돈에 인색하고, 상상병을 앓아 의사와 약에 맹신하는 성격적 결함을 보여주고, 그의 하녀인 Toinette는 Argan의 비이성적이고, 비도덕적인 성격과 타협하지 않으려는 결벽성을 보여준다. 또한 Sganarelle은 성sex과 술에 집착하여 부인을 괴롭히다가 결국에는 부인 Martine로부터 복수를 당하는 소극la farce의 전형적인 cocu(부인에게 속아넘어가는 남편)의 모습을 보여준다. 또한 그들의 모습은 자연스럽고 충실하게 묘사되어 진실성을 지니는 동시에 과장된 익살이 부여된 우스꽝스러운 인물로 창조된다. 제Ⅲ장에서는 희극적인 인물들이 그들의 성격과 언어, 그리고 동작에 의해 야기되는 희극적인 네 가지 상황을 분석해 보았다. 이것은 Moli re의 인물들이 지니는 경직된 성격, 즉 희극적인 요소에서 기인한 대립·충돌Opposition과 오해·착각Quiproquo, 그리고 완전히 소극적인farcesque 몽둥이질Coups de b ton과 속이려는 자가 도리어 속임 당하기Trompeur tromp 의 상황들이다. 이러한 희극적인 상황들은 극의 분위기를 활발하고 유쾌하게 하여 극을 더욱 희극적으로 만든다. 결론적으로 Moli re는 그의 작품에 등장하는 인물과 상황에 희극적인 요소와 소극적인farcesque 요소를 적절하게 사용하여 인간들의 악덕을 우스꽝스럽게 과장하여 묘사한다. 그래서 때로는 악의 없이 순수하게, 또 때로는 조롱하고 비난하는 듯한 웃음을 관객들로부터 자아내면서 인간들이 지닌 결함을 교정하려는 교화적인 의미를 지닌다. 하지만 Moli re는 그것보다 관객들에게 웃음을 주는 것을 가장 큰 목적으로 삼았다. 이러한 영향력과 의미를 지니고 있는 웃음을 창출해내고자 하는 목적을 지닌 Moli re의 희극성, 즉 희극적인 요소와 소극적인farcesque 요소는 Le malade imaginaire와 Le m decin malgr lui에서 뿐만 아니라 다른 작품들에서도 찾아 볼 수 있으며, 특히 소극적인farcesque 요소는 Moli re만의 독특한 희극성을 창출해내는 가장 큰 원동력이 되고 있다. 이러한 Moli re의 희극성을 통해서 관객들은 인물과 자신이 동일하게, 혹은 자신이 우월하게 느껴짐으로써 웃게되고, 더 나아가 웃음이라는 현상을 통해 악덕을 교정하고, 교훈적인 깨달음을 얻게 하는 것이다. 다시 말해, Moli re의 희극은 폭발적인 웃음을 주는 동시에 교훈을 주는 진정한 희극인 것이다. Cette tude a pour but d clairer le trait et le sens du comique dans Le malade imaginaire et Le m decin malgr lui de Moli re(1622-1673) qui est le grand de com die du 17e si cle. Moli re sest constitu par le groupement d l ments dispers e dans dautres genres tr s en faveur ; la tragi-com die, la pastorale, la farce. Cest la farce qui a jou le dr le principal. Cest delle que sest inspir Moli re. Il cr a de personage et situations ridicule avec le facteur du comique et farcesque pour la plaire du spectateurs. Cest le comique. Par tel m thode, Moli re a sorti des oeuvres de com die : la farce, la com die de caract re, la com die dintrigue, la com die de meours et la com die-ballet. Notre tude compose trois chapitres : <Le comique de Moli re ; le facteur comiquement et farcesque>, <Lanalyse de personnage comiquement> et <Lanalyse de situation comiquement>. Ils montrent de loriginalit de Moli re du comique. Dans le premier chapitre, nous avons divis en le facteur comiquement et farcesque que para t des oeuvres de lui. Dabord, le personages st reotyp , le quiproquo et lopposition appartiennent le facteur du comique. Alors le langage trivial que se montrer sous d faut caract riellement (la injure, la onomatop e, lexpression que commetre une faute grammaticale etc), le geste cruel (coups de b ton, coups de pied etc) et la situation du trompeur tromp appartiennent le facteur du farcesque. Le deuxi me chapitre, nous avons analys le personage comiquement quentrer en sc ne dans Le malade imaginaire et Le m decin malgr lui. Nous avons trouver le comique de Moli re dans deux oeuvres, celles-ci se composer du m me sujet que critiquer et rire de m decin. Les personages sont un st reotype qu tre en proie une obsession. Ils montrent leurs d fautes caract riellements par le langage et le geste. Ils sopposent parce quils sont contraire caract re parfaitement comme le couple dArgan avec Toinette (dans Le malade imaginaire) et Sganarelle avec Martine (dans Le m decin malgr lui). Argan est le bourgeoise, lavare. Il croit la m decine et le m dicament parce quil est malade imaginaire. Cette maladie est son d faut caract riellement. Toinette est la servante dArgan. Elle montre une sorte purisme contre Argan du non-raison et la immoralit . Encore Sganarelle est le paysan ivrogne, brutal, int ress au sex et alcool. Il tourture sa femme. Enfin, il montre le cocu (le mari que tromp de sa femme) de la farce quencourir la vengeance de sa femme. En dernier, Martine est le femme de Sganarelle. Elle est frapp e souvent de son mari. Elle montre limage de la femme de la farce. Argan, Toinette, Sganarelle et Martine sont cr es les buffons. Ils devient le st reotype universel et ternel. Enfin, dans le troisi me chapitre nous avons analys de sitationcomiquement : LOpposition, Le Quiproquo, Le Coups de b ton et Le Trompeur tromp . Ils produisent la com die de Moli re encore plus comiquement. Pour conclure, Moli re peint du vice des hommes es utilisant le facteur comiquement et farcesque la situation et le personnage. Alors il critique les moeurs et corriger le vice des hommes travers son oeuvre. Mais son principal but a t de faire de rire les spectateurs. Nous pouvons chercher le comique de Moli re, le facteur comiquement et farcesque, dans son autre oeuvre. Le spectateur identifie soi-m me et le personnage par le comique de Moli re. Cest o il se rire. Moli re corrige le vice des hommes par le ph nom ne que le rire. Autrement dit, la com die de Moli re est la com die sinc re que faire rire le spectateur en donnant dune cole.

      • 슈타이너 유치원의 링 타임(Ring time) 적용 가능성 탐색

        조성례 신라대학교 교육대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        The main purpose of this paper is based on the following two aspects; First, it introduces the key idea of Steiner’s educational philosophy, as an alternative pedagogy for pre-school children initiated by Steiner and illustrates its main principles of the education for pre-school children, in which a comprehensive art disciplineis to be chiefly discussed in detail. As this pedagogical philosophy has been recently disseminated across the locale of nursing homes in the UK. Second, this paper pursues the effective applicability of this idea to the Korean situation to be incorporated, on the basis of the studies on the Ring time, which is one of main principles pointing out a rhythmical life in a nursing home same as kindergarten in other European countries. In doing so, it illustrates an applicable model to the pre-school education of Korea. In order to do so, two main methodologies have been applied for this paper. In the first place, as a literature review, the pedagogical concept is to be illustrated on the basis of reviews on the teaching training programmes of Emerson College in the UK, where has been well-known for a exemplified place of Steiner education, in which the rationale of principles is to be discussed, and on the literatures on theoretical resources related to Steiner’s Anthroposophy from abroad as well as Korean ones. By this, the main issues related to Steiner’s educational philosophy would be clearly described. In parallel with the theoretical aspect, the fieldwork has been implemented so asto find out how such concepts have been incorporated and practised in the UK in person. Based on this full-time observation, some programmes related to Steiner’s Ring time principle are appropriately modelled in order to apply to the cultural context of Korean nursing schools. On the theoretical description of human development by Steiner, it is enormouslysignificant for the infants to encourage their willpower rather than to have them perceived activities. In a bid to enhance their will power, it isnecessary to provide them with some regular time to use their hands and feet, whereby, to develop their physicalabilities. Thus, it is to a great degree significant to make a Ring time plan that the infants are able to use their hands and feet during themorning class in Korean nursing homes. In accordance with this, such Ring time discipline has considerable significance not only to enhance the education of the infants but also to direct the right way of the Korean pre-school education. The following are suggested for future study so as to apply this idea to the Korean situation. First, as the Steiner’sdiscipline has been newly introduced to Korea, it is essential to understand the main idea of its pedagogical philosophy and direction, rather than to duplicate unconsciously the teaching methodology, more often observed in Korea without consideration on cultural differentiation. It can be criticized by the fact, which such practices in Korean are far away from the crucial aims of Steiner’s philosophy. Second, it has been acknowledged across the world that the comprehensive disciplines of art teaching based on the principles of Steiner’sconcepts has been effective on the development of the infant’s ego. Meanwhile, as noted above, as it has been newly introduced in Korea, it is necessary to set up a positivist analysis to find out whether the application of the Steiner’sprogrammes has been effectively appropriate, and how the applicability can be achieved, following with its pedagogical idea. Third, in order to achieve the aims of the idea, it is basic to train properly human resources enough to understand the pedagogical philosophy, then to take practice in to the locale in Korea. To do so, the training programmes for human resources should be paid more attention socially and publicly, in which the human resources experienced in Steiner’s nursing home should better participate in the initial stage of the development of such programmes. In conclusion, the Steiner education programme pursues a comprehensive education of art for developing infant’s ego in which all activities of education programmes are dealt within a dimension of art activities, just like a definition of concept of art. Meanwhile, the educational question in the Korean preschools is that such programmes have been regarded as a tool of competition, which has educated the infant quite often to the extent of what a specialists should be even in the early stage, without considering the internally physical and psychological development of human being. It should be changed into a comprehensive art programme to consider a developmentalstage of the humane characteristics. Under the circumstances, it is necessary to apply the Steiner idea which put more emphasis on the development of infant’s creativity,voluntary will, and personality to Korean situation, therefore, to give rise to transform the existing perception on the early childhood education in Korea, as sought after by the aim of Steiner’s pedagogical philosophy-freedom of human being.

      • 도시여성의 여가와 사회교육 참여 : 포항시를 중심으로

        조성례 명지대학교 사회교육대학원 1992 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        1. 연구의 성격 포항제철 건설에 따라 형성된 주택단지 주부들의 일일생활 역할과 사회교육 및 여가생활을 조사함으로써 그들의 문제를 해결하는 데에 도움이 되는 사회교육계획의 기초자료를 얻고자 다음과 같은 내용의 조사를 실시하였다. 1) 여가에 관한 조사 2) 사회교육활동에 대한 인식조사 3) 사회교육 활동 및 프로그램 특성에 관한 조사 4) 사회교육 시설에 관한 조사 5) 사회교육 활성화 방안에 관한 조사 조사대상은 포항제철으로 부터 서쪽으로 2Km 떨어진 효자 주택단지의 3,078호 중에서 1,000가구률 무작위 표집하여 질문지 조사를 하였다. 그중 523부를 회수하여 회수율은 52%였으나 표기처리등이 잘못된 것을 제외하고, 382매를 SPSS^(+)프로그램을 이용하여 분석 처리했다. 1. 여가에 관한 조사 1) 주택단지 주부들의 여가시간은 대체로 3시간에서 5시간 정도이며, 가사활동 사이에 간간이 있는 여가시간대는 오전 9시에서 12시 사이, 오후 12시에서 3시사이, 그리고 오후 3시에서 6시 이후의 시간이다. 2) 주부들이 여가시간 중에 가장 많이 하고 있는 것은 매스·미디어(라디오, TV, 신문, 잡지 등)이다.(21.2%) 그러나 이밖에 교양강좌(16.5%), 서예(7.6%), 건설적인 스포츠나 건강활동도 16.5%로서 상당수를 차지하고 있다. 2. 사회교육활동에 대한 인식조사 3) 사회교육활동의 필요성에 대한 인식은 '약간 필요하다'가 57.9%로 가장 많고, '매우 필요하다'는 응답은 31.5%여서 사회교육의 필요성이 상당수 인식되고 있다. 3. 사회교육 및 프로그램 특성에 관한 조사 4) '프로그램에 대한 매력을 느낀다'는 응답이 17.3%이고, '사회교육 활동에 만족한다'는 응답이 30.1%이고, '그저 그렇다'는 응답이 57.6%이다. 그리고 프로그램에 대한 바램은 기술교육, 외국어, 홈패션, 상업미술, 실내장식 등의 순서이다. 4. 사회교육 시설에 관한 조사 5) 사회교육 시설은 방송매체와 주택단지내의 사회교육기관(부덕사) 등이다. 6) 사회교육 활성화 방안에 관한조사 사회교육활성화 방안으로는 큰 수치부터 국고부담, 기업부담, 피교육자의 부담 순이다. 5. 학력별 사회교육 활동의 동기에 관한 조사에서는 고등학교 졸업자의 자아발전을 위하여가 57.9%로 가장 많고, 그 다음으로는 역시 고등학교 졸업자의 경우에서 '대인관계를 위해서'가 11.3%이다. 6. 사회교육 참여시의 관심사는 마음의 여유가 34%이고, 비용이 16.8%이고, 예상되는 만족감이 18.6%이다. 7. 학력별 사회교육활동에 함께 참여하는 사람을 보면 '이웃과 함께'의 경우 고등학교 졸업자가 40.3%이고 중학교 졸업자가 4.7%이고, 대학졸업 자가 1.6%순이다. 8. 사회교육 활동의 필요성을 여성들은 원하고 있고, 그 프로그램의 성격은 구체적이고 여성들의 사회생활이나 가정생활에 맞게 제공되어야한다. 이를 위하여 사회교육 활동은 국가와 기업의 일부부담, 사용자의 일부부담 등으로 운영되어야 한다.

      • 방과 후 음악줄넘기를 통한 초등학생들의 자기효능감이 체육수업태도에 미치는 영향

        조성례 부경대학교 대학원 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of elementary school students' self-efficacy on physical education class attitude by after-school music skipping and to encourage students to recognize physical education class positively and to form positive emotions for physical activity as education. The purpose of the study is to examine the psychological aspects of effectiveness. For this purpose 238 valid sample data were used for the analysis of students participating in the after-school music skipping classes at four elementary school in B city by using the convenience sampling method. The questionnaires used in this study consisted of 30 items, 11 items of demographic characteristics, 5 items of self-efficacy and 14 items of physical education attitude. The data analysis method for the hypothesis test is SPSS WIN Ver. 18.0 frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, and Cronbach's α test were performed using statistical analysis program. In order to examine the relationship between each variable, correlation analysis was conducted, and multiple regression analysis was conducted to examine the effect of elementary school students' self-efficacy on physical education attitude through musical rope skipping. First, the self-confidence (p<.001) and self-control efficacy (p<.001) factors, which are sub-factors of self-efficacy showed positive effects on social aspects, which are sub-factors of physical education class attitude, the preference of task difficulty had no effect on self-efficacy. Second, the self-confidence (p<.01) and self-control efficacy (p<.01) factors which are sub-factors of self-efficacy showed positive effects on psychological aspects, which are sub-factors of physical education class attitude, the preference of task difficulty had no effect on self-efficacy. Third, the self-confidence (p<.05) and self-control efficacy (p<.001) factors, which are sub-factors of self-efficacy showed positive effects on personal aspects, which are sub-factors of physical education class attitude, the preference of task difficulty had no effect on self-efficacy.

      • 장기요양보험의 노인재가서비스 개선방안에 관한 연구

        조성례 동국대학교 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        The South Korea health service developed epochally than level high pointed end industrialization and former days by development of progressed medicine and nourishment improves by improvement of dietary life and so on, spiritual&#8228;bodily plenty and progress of life enjoy. But, that delivery and graying phenomenon are instituting gloomy problem in South Korea social continuous development. Old mans of present age believe having traditional sense of values young season that children are going to prove own superannuation countermeasure and earnings and ready about superannuation is lacking because doing not save investment about these. Divided families anger by industrialization old mans more children sympathy which must support make. Advanced age old man's increase is doing to increase the maturing late disease rate and do disease serious illness Tuesday latter term in situation that is enemy these age. Now, the Korean graying speed is real condition that is getting ahead of Britain or Germany etc.. that is advanced nation and is passing over the graying speed of near Japan. And divided families anger and woman's employment increase, single life, family's old man support according to change of sense of values, nursing enfeeblement etc. became, and sees that is giving policy assignments of much national dimension by urgent social problem greatening social demand about bed rest protection. Our country coped spontaneously to old man bed rest protection problem taking to second aging society rapidly since 2000 years. Study suitable system model because establish and operate policy planning department, propulsion planning department, executive committee etc. governmental advisory committee to secure old man's human down life, and old man bed rest insurance system enforced regularly at last July, 2008 via legislation. Old man medical treatment insurance drawing is thing to mitigate and solves old man problem and family burden problem. More than and purpose of insurance up stice service that is done and is guaranteed offer, and think that will become quality elevation of various old people's welfare service. Bed rest insurance is different from previous insurance in the contents aspect. That is, can speak that pay premium and is different from thing which could receive universal service as the right and existent service gave social brand by service that is gifts enemy. As a result, bed rest service derives to do old mans' life stably, and think that get into result that improve quality of life. This research got following result being achieved. First, woman client had more miss fivingses about objectivity of decision than man client. This than man woman emotional and economical difficulty that is because have feeling of being victimized despite decision is objective because is many think can. But, it must consider re-decision introduction and so on by 3 letters (specialist back) when is disobedient in reply because there is possession to breed problem about people's wish for bed rest insurance islands as a result that have miss fivings about trust about objectivity of decision. That life partner or daughter-in-law supports on South Korea society which this is traditional that look after that display that (Care service) is changing speak can. This means that son, way of support by daughter-in-law discolors on traditional South Korea society, these tendency on South Korea society can know acceleration that is going to change more hereafter. Third, awareness level that swiftness about administration service in bed rest service is low except 4 grades that is supply and demand target exception grade is high. After this is received and surveys sending decision circles in health insurance industrial complex in inhabitants support center to be chosen by greate box present, Because have structure that amount this won currency that give decision at drafter numerical value organization's bed rest grade decision board again. Then, must do to simplify pottery manufacturing more hereafter and promise efficiency in system administration last month. Fourth, if see satisfaction about service different grade application, satisfaction level of visit medical treatment of type is lowest. This knows nothing but do not receive service that want by this though various service need in case of greate box that undergo visit medical treatment it is because do not get satisfiable service because there is problem in professionalism of medical treatment protection four. This is pregnant to widen width of Suhye of service that is original and solve problem before medical treatment protection four flies professionalism more. Specially, ashes by bed rest insurance service because is Human Service difficult service that must do fetters in emotional relationship and do desire sufficiency be. Then, need enforcement and repair education, health insurance administration industrial complex or qualitative government official by the drafter numerical value organization of specialer education about medical treatment protection four hereafter. Fifth, service that occupy the satisfaction about highest service is visit bathing. Because this is not easy to increase client's service satisfaction as see while medical treatment protection four which do not have special description in case of visit medical treatment plays comprehensive service about individual's person. While, visit bathing may not be easy that old man receives bathing service by family even if hygienic problem by discomfort of body happens. In these situation, visit bathing being means that can satisfy to client, can master special description that can satisfy client at short period in medical treatment protection four sides. But, some problems drew in research result visit bathing. First problem had controversial point on safety, and ashes problem that dislike visit bathing in equipment by relation that medical charge that correspond to bathing is less enforcing bathing and so on blanket after move old man using blanket and so on in home because transfer of bathing double-headed drum pinched in at the middle (machine or tube) is not easy. Limitation point of this research is as following finally. First, this research did research on actual state to client's family who they provide service through medical treatment protection four which ashes work to equipment to achieve investigation. Then, bias can be happened by client's family while do question investigation. Second, because investigation target area is limited to Seoul and Kyonggi Province, it is to be generalized in farming and fishing villages area that mind of area community lives up to now group. Until this research is completed, there would be insufficient prognostication, but history desires that ashes of short old man bed rest insurance enforcement aid in service improvement plan.

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