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      • 도시교회의 영성 패러다임 연구 : 리처드 포스터를 통하여 본 예수의 영성을 중심으로

        조관행 서울신학대학교 2007 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        Korean churches have quickly grown in external and internal faith. World churches may have never seen such a rapid growth except Korea. However, though churches in Korea have big bodies and they also have a lot of problems. As the reason, I have tried to find the solution about it. This dissertation is about the wholistic spirituality which Richard Foster had realized from the Spirit of the Cross of Jesus Christ. In fact, Korean churches have been partial to quantitative growth for the last decades. Moreover the leaders of our churches haven't given believers the opportunities of spiritual training. As a result, it starts to reveal some impure matters like secular business and super size, disruption, quarrels and superstitious blessing of churches. Many of Korean Christian are in big trouble with lack of spirituality now. So I'm sure that church people misunderstand Christianity spirituality in monism. Progressive theologists extremely tend to emphasize 'Theology of Land'. They insist on the spirituality just in society and history out of balance. On the other hand, conservative theologists only stress 'Theology of Heaven', so they don't prosper and bestow plenty of spiritual heritage. Up to now, Korean churches have been maintained by Pietism, Reformist and Spirit Movement, but now we come to the serious spiritual crisis. I want to help our churches to recover with Jesus' divine nature in the Bible. As many places where we live are getting urbanized, there are lots of people who desire to get spiritual lives in the 2000's. This problem is belong to not only our nation but all world. We can gain various information in multi media system, but many people can't trust each other and think that to make much money is the only aim of our life. As the society grows, human being looks for spiritual things and nature. Even some of Christian are in the cold for their churches. They also have secular world view and go wrong ways Although there have been discussions about spirituality for many years, spiritual theology hasn't been built. Confusion and misunderstanding about spirituality are caused by heresies and mysticisms. People who have vacant heart are getting blue more and more. Through this dissertation, I have tried to find real Christian spirituality of a lot of spirituality. And I carefully examine spiritual training from Jesus' divine nature for our pastoral areas. I explain the way that we can apply leading and training of spirituality to urban churches. In a word, we should property build the spiritual theology in this cities, and want to full people's spiritual needs. Besides we should give our people the chances of spiritual training. That's why I'm writing this paper. There are a lot of data about the spiritual theology and training. Especially theologists in Rome Catholic have studied and applied spiritual training in the fields, but Protestantism have not. Korean churches began to be concerned about studying of spirituality recently. So we got several spiritual theologists like Richard Poster. Richard Foster who I have concentrated is a spirituality theologist and writer. He tries to give the pure spirit to the modern society which falls into materialism. He has sought not only the deep spiritual theology with systematic theology but also spiritual discipline diligently. His spirituality doesn't be inevitable. He has strongly protested against politicians for welfare improvement of dispossessed people. In a word he is an active theologist. Theologist Richard Foster wrote his great writings 「Streams of Living Water」 and 「Celebration of Discipline」. He described the wholistic spirituality of six kinds of tradition in his writings. I study the spirituality paradigm for his books and 'Lenovare Assembly' which has leaded the wholistic spirituality in urban pastoral. For this paper, I have collected various data from some evangelical universities, book stores and the National Assembly Library. Like this data with base divine nature Richard poster (Richard J The Foster) it does in the center and leno ley the book and others of the minutes when it is cooperative in motion it refers divine nature theology it flows with against a divine nature motion it is stating to the book of many minutes and. This thesis is composed of following. In chapter 1, I describe the methods of this study, backgrounds and introduction. In chapter 2, I study the definition of christian spirituality in order to apply the spiritual paradigm to our fields as the theory and basic of spiritual training in urban churches. Also this chapter includes the history and feature of the divine nature and the relations of both spirituality and ministry. I will look into the faith way of Richard Foster because I find that he developed the spiritual movement in this chapter. Through his understanding on theology, I describe the spiritual paradigm and simple life in the six kinds and how to study the spiritual training in his theology. Also I want to study the background of 'Lenovare' which he made to apply the training to the fields. With a single word, as our good model in urban churches, I write the reason why he insisted on the spiritual training. In chapter 4, it is written about the spirituality and the paradigm of Jesus which Richard Poster referred to. For this study, I have looked for the working and writings of Richard Poster and members of Lenovare. Likewise I arrange great traditions of six kinds on Christian spirituality that Richard Foster discerned from Jesus' divine nature. Then I describe the merits and risks about the traditions of six kinds. For that research, I examine the possible things to apply the paradigm to urban churches for 「Streams of Living Water」 and 「Celebration of Discipline」. From this chapter, I set limits of this studying to urban churches and I study the definition, meaning and feature of city. I will look for the necessity to change our pastoral duties

      • 民事訴訟의 集中審理方案 : 美國 民事訴訟의 Case Management와 民事訴訟法改正法律安의 比較硏究

        조관행 명지대학교 대학원 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        우리 민사소송의 審理方式은 隨時提出主義, 準備節次의 미활용, 竝行審理方式으로특징지워진다. 즉, 동일한 辯論期日에 여러 사건을 지정하여 사건번호나 당사자의 출석순서에 따라 심리를 진행하되, 辯論期日과 證據調査期日을 분리하지 아니하고 수회의 辯論期日을 거듭하면서 준비서면을 교환하여 쟁점을 정리해나감과 동시에 증거조사도 병행하는 방식을 사용하였다. 또한 주장과 증거는 당사자의 편의에 따라 변론종결시까지 언제든지 제출하는 것이 허용되었다. 이러한 審理方式은 한정된 시간을 최대한 활용하여 많은 사건을 처리할 수 있는 이점이 있을 뿐만 아니라 사전증거수집수단이 부족한 우리 나라에서는 爭點整理와 證人訊問을 병행함으로써 정보를 수집하고 그에 터잡아 새로운 주장이나 입증활동을 하는 등 소송의 진행상황에 따라 유연하게 대처 할 수 있는 장점도 있었다. 그러나 현행 審理方式은 변론이 집중되지 아니하고 기일이 여러 번 속행되게 되어 법관이 기록에 의존한 재판을 하게 됨으로써 口述主義, 直接主義 등 민사소송의 심리원칙에도 반할 뿐만 아니라 개개 사건에 대한 충실한 심리도 저해하여 결과적으로 국민의 재판에 대한 신뢰를 무너뜨리는 결과를 초래하였다. 현행 심리방식의 문제점을 검토한 대법원은 이를 시정하는 근본적인 처방은 소송의 초기단계에서 사건을 분류하여 각 사건에 적합한 처리방법을 정하고, 早期에 爭點 및 證據를 정리하여 입증의 대상을 명확히 한 다음 이에 焦點을 맞추어 집중적인 證據調査를 실시하는 集中審理方式을 심리방식의 원칙으로 삼는 것이라는 결론에 이르렀다. 이에 대법원은 1990년대 들어 集中審理 시범재판부를 지정하여 현행법의 테두리 안에서 集中審理를 실시하여 보았다. 그 결과 審理의 充實化, 上訴率의 低下, 和解·調停 등 당사자의 자발적인 분쟁해결 비율의 증가 등 적극적인 효과가 나타남을 발견하였다. 그러나 일부 재판부만의 실시로 인한 대리인의 非協助, 법관들간의 업무분담 등 문제점이 다수 발생하여 기본법인 民事訴訟法 자체를 改正하여 전국의 모든 재판부가 원칙적으로 集中審理方式에 의하여 민사소송을 진행할 필요가 있음을 발견하였다. 이번 민사소송법 개정작업의 핵심은 바로 審理方式의 改善에 있다. 그런데 우리가 추구하는 새로운 審理方式이 바로 英美에서의 審理方式과 유사할 뿐만 아니라 독일과 일본의 민사소송법 개정과정에서 달라진 審理方式도 바로 우리가 목표로 하는 集中審理를 위한 것이었음을 발견하게 되었다. 즉, 주요 외국의 민사소송절차는 爭點整理節次와 證據調査節次를 구분하여 爭點整理節次를 통해 早期에 爭點을 정리하고 충분한 증거조사준비를 한 다음 1회 또는 2회의 증거조사기일로 소송을 종결하는 것이 대부분임을 알 수 있었고, 이에 대한 연구가 민사소송법의 개정에 많은 교훈을 줄 것이라고 생각하였다. 이에 본 논문은 먼저 集中審理와 관련이 있는 미국 민사소송에서의 事件管理(case management) 특히 pretrial 절차에서의 사건관리 부분을 연구하여 그들이 추구하고자 한 목표가 무엇이고, 어떠한 효과를 보았는지를 검토하였다. 즉, 미국 민사소송절차의 문제점과 그 원인, 각종의 是正方案을 개관하고, case management의 태동과 그 확산, case management에 중점을 둔 절차개선노력과 절차법규의 개혁을 살펴본 다음, 각 법원 또는 법관이 전체로서의 사건을 어떻게 관리하여야 하는지, 개별사건의 관리에 공통적으로 요구되는 case management의 핵심요소는 무엇인지를 본 후에 마지막으로 pretrial conference를 통한 개별사건의 관리방법, 특히 복잡한 소송사건에서의 case management의 요령을 기술하였다. 그 다음 獨逸과 日本의 審理方式 改善에 관하여 살펴보았다. 독일은 1976년의 簡素化改正法(Vereinfachungsnovelle)을 통해 사건은 원칙적으로 포괄적으로 준비된 하나의 辯論期日(主期日)에서 종결하여야 하며, 이를 위하여 법원은 사건의 態樣에 따라 早期第1回期日方式과 書面先行節次方式 중 하나를 선택하여 爭點을 정리하도록 하였다. 특히 書面先行節次方式은 사안이 복잡하여 사전에 書面에 의한 爭點整理가 필요한 사건에 대비한 것으로서, 기일지정을 하지 않은 채 당사자간의 서면교환에 의한 爭點整理 후에 1회의 집중적인 證據調査期日로 사건을 종결하는 방식이다. 법원은 主期日의 사전준비를 위하여 기존의 변론준비처분 외에 受命法官 또는 受託判事에 의한 증거조사, 공무소에의 서면조회, 서면에 의한 증인의 진술내용 모집, 검증이나 감정의 시행명령 등 期日前 證據調査를 실시할 수 있다. 1996년의 日本 民事訴訟法 개정의 핵심은 爭點整理節次의 整備와 證據收集節次의 擴充이라고 할 수 있다. 일본의 심리절차 개선은 이미 실무적으로 행하여지고 있던 辯論兼和解節次를 일보 진전시킨 것으로 ①공개법정에서 口述辯論의 방식으로 爭點 등의 정리를 集中的으로 하는 「準備的口述辯論」, ②現行法의 準備節次의 내용을 보다 충실하게 한 것으로서, 실무상의 辯論兼和解에 갈음할 「辯論準備節次」, ③당사자의 出席 없이도 爭點 등의 정리를 하는 「書面에 의한 準備節次」의 3종으로 多樣化해서 事案의 性質·內容에 따라 적절한 쟁점정리방식을 선택해서 早期에 適切한 쟁점정리가 가능토록 하고, 절차의 종결시에는 攻擊防禦方法의 不提出에 대한 상대방의 詰問權과 당사자의 說明義務를 부과하였다. 일본은 또한 證據收集手段의 擴充方案으로 文書提出義務를 증인의무와 같이 一般義務化하고, 문서정보공개제도, 文書提出義務가 있는지 여부를 심리하기 위한 In Camera 절차를 新設하고, 당사자의 文書不提出의 효과를 嚴格化하는 등 文書提出命令制度를 整備하였고, 아울러 當事者照會制度도 신설하였다. 마지막으로 외국의 입법례와 그 동안의 실무경험을 토대로 현재 입법예고중인 民事訴訟法改正法律案 중 集中審理를 위한 규정들에 대하여 검토하여 개정의 이유가 무엇인지, 개정 내용은 타당한 것인지 등을 살펴보았다. 사건은 미리 爭點과 證據를 정리한 후 集中的인 證據調査를 통해 종결하는 것을 원칙으로 하여 변론준비절차를 정비하였다. 辯論準備節次에는 기간을 정하여 소장, 답변서 및 준비서면을 제출·교환하고, 사전 증거신청 등의 방법으로 쟁점을 정리하는 ‘書面에 의한 辯論準備節次’와 기일을 지정하여 당사자를 출석하게 한 후 법원과 쌍방당사자가 구술로서 쟁점을 정리하는 ‘辯論準備期日’의 두 가지 방법을 두었고, 변론준비기일의 종결후에는 원칙적으로 새로운 주장과 증거의 제출이 금지되는 失權效를 규정하였다. 개정안은 攻擊防禦方法의 早期의 充實化 방안으로서 答辯書 提出義務와 無辯論判決制度, 소장과 준비서면의 早期의 충실화 방안, 適時提出主義와 裁定期間制度를 두었다. 또한 集中的인 證據調査를 위해 사전증거조사의 근거규정과 증인신문방식 등을 개선하였다. 개정안은 또한 證據收集手段의 擴充方案으로 文書提出義務를 一般義務化하고, 문서정보공개제도, 文書提出義務가 있는지 여부를 심리하기 위한 In Camera 절차를 新設하는 등 文書提出命令制度를 보완, 확대하였다. 그러나 當事者照會制度, 抗訴理由書 提出制度, 抗訴審에서의 更新權 制限 등 당초 집중심리를 위해 제안된 몇 가지 제도를 채택하지 아니한 것은 아쉬운 점이다. 이제 민사소송법 개정안에 의하여 審理方式 改善의 礎石은 놓아졌다. 그러나 集中審理制度가 성공하기 위해서는 당사자인 국민과 소송대리인인 변호사의 理解와 協助가 필수적이다. 그러므로 集中審理方式의 早期定着을 위해서는 민사소송법의 개정에 만족할 것이 아니라 訴訟關係人 사이에 集中審理에 대한 必要性을 共感하고, 새 제도가 추구하는 이상이 무엇인지, 그 실현을 위해 상호 協助하여야 할 것은 어떠한 것인지를 진지하게 논의하고 연구하는 것이 더욱 필요하다. The following are distinct characteristics of the trial process in Korean civil procedure: (i) the parties to a civil action are allowed to submit evidence and other documents to the court at any time throughout the entire trial process; (ii) the procedures governing trial preparation are underutilized; and (iii) several trials are conducted concurrently over a given period of time. In other words, several different trials are carried out on the same day, in the order of the case numbers or in the order of the parties attendance, and no distinction is made between the oral argument date and the date for presentation of evidence. Each case undergoes several days of oral arguments, and the issues are sorted out through the exchange of preliminary brief, all the while additional evidence continues to be presented. Until the end of the trial, the parties are permitted to present their arguments and evidence at any time, at their convenience. This trial method not only has the advantage of being able to process many cases by making the best use of limited time but also allows the parties flexibility in managing the case based upon the trial progress, as they may gather information on the basis of which new arguments or new evidence may be introduced. This information gathering is possible due to the simultaneous sorting of issues and examination of witnesses during the trial, which is particularly significant in Korea where pre-trial information gathering methods are lacking. At present, however, due to the fact that the trial process is drawn out over an extended period of time with numerous interruptions and resumptions, judgments are often made on the basis of the court records. This sort of trial method violates basic principles of civil procedure which require the judge to base the judgment on the parties oral arguments and a first-hand review of the relevant arguments and evidence (whether written or oral). Moreover, this trial method undermines the policy of thoroughly reviewing individual cases, resulting in the peoples loss of faith and trust in the trial process. Having reviewed the problems of the current trial method, the Korean Supreme Court has come to the conclusion that the courts should, in principle, employ the concentrated trial method as a means of solving the existing problems. In other words, from the inception, the cases ought to be sorted out and appropriate means of managing each case must be determined. Early in the case, the issues and the evidence presented ought to be examined and a determination must be made as to what needs to be proven. With this in mind, the parties would conduct a concentrated investigation of the evidence, ultimately resulting in a concentrated trial. Accordingly, at the beginning of the 1900s, the Supreme Court designated a specific division within the court to carry out, on a experimental basis, the concentrated trial method within the current legal framework. As a result, positive effects such as a thorough trial process, a decrease in the number of appeals, an increase in the rate of settlements, mediation, and other voluntary dispute resolution have been found. problems have also been found, however, such as the lack of cooperation by legal representatives and the disproportionate allocation of responsibility among judges due to the concentrated trial being carried out only by the specially designated divisions within the court. As a result, it has been found that the Code of Civil Procedure would have to be amended such that all courts would conduct civil trials using the concentrated trial method. The heart of the current project of amending the Korean Code of Civil Procedure lies in the improvement of the trial method. Interestingly, however, it has been discovered that the new trial method we are seeking is similar to that of the common law system, and that our goal of a concentrated trial was also the goal behind Germanys and Japans amendments to their codes of civil procedure. In other words, civil trial procedures in many major foreign countries separate the issues organization process and the evidence examination process, such that the issues may be identified early on in the trial through the issues organization process and sufficient preparation may be made for the examination of evidence. Thereafter, the trial would come to an end after one or two evidence examination dates. Accordingly, the author believe that research regarding the foregoing would prove instructive for the amendment of the Korean Code of Civil procedure under consideration. This paper seeks to examine the purpose behind and effect of civil trial case management under the American legal system, especially case management in the pre-trial procedure, as it relates to the concentrated trial. In other words, this paper surveys (i) the problems with the United States [Federal Rules of Civil Procedure] and the causes behind and the proposals for correction of such problems (ii) the birth of the case management and its expansion, and (iii) the efforts to reform the procedures and the procedural laws with a particular focus on case management. It then proceeds to review the method of case management for the courts and the judges, and the main elements of case management required by individual cases. Finally, this paper discusses the method of case management through pretrial conferences, in particular, case management techniques in complex litigation cases. Next, this paper examines the improvements in the trial methods of Germany and Japan. Germany, through its 1976 Simplification Act (Vereinfachungsnovelle), causes cases to be closed, in principle, after one comprehensive trial. Toward this end, the court would choose between two methods, the first to hold a trial early on in the case and the second to permit the submission of pre-trial documents, on the basis of which the issues in the case would be identified. The latted case of the submission of pre-trial documents is a method designed for complex cases, which necessitates the organization of the issues involved on the basis of written documentation submitted prior to the trial, without setting a trial date in advance. Accordingly, such method provides for the exchange of written documentation between the parties and organization of the issues, followed by a single concentrated evidence examination leading to the conclusion of the trial. In addition to existing methods of trial preparation, the court may also conduct pre-trial evidence examinations such as examination of evidence by specially commissioned judges, request for documentation to relevant public offices, collection of written testimonies by witnesses, or the issuance of execution orders for inspection of evidence or expert opinions. The essence of the 1996 amendment of the Japanese civil Procedure Act lies in the improvements in the procedure for organization of the issues and the expansion of the procedure for collection of evidence. In fact, the improvements in the Japanese trial process have been a modification of the existing procedure whereby the trail and settlement procedures are available concurrently. The result is that the procedure has been modified in the following three ways: (i) preparatory oral proceeding, where the issues presented are organized through oral arguments in an open trial; (ii) preparatory pre-trial procedure, where a more substantial form of the preparatory procedures under the current law, would replace the concurrently available trial and settlement procedure discussed above; and (iii) preparatory procedures based on written documentation, where the issues presented may be organized without the parties actual attendance. Accordingly, it has become possible to identify the issues presented at an early stage in the trial by selecting an appropriate trial method based on the nature and contents of the case. In the event of a party omission of an argument or rebuttal, an obligation to explain such omission would be imposed on such party, and the other party would be granted the right to cross-examine such party. In addition, toward the goal of improving the methods for gathering evidence, Japan has refined its system of court orders to submit documents by (i) imposing upon all parties the obligation to submit documents requested, similar to the duty to serve as a witness, (ii) instituting the obligation to make documents publicly available, (iii) instituting the in camera procedure for the purpose of determining whether an obligation to submit documents exists, and (iv) imposing harsh penalties upon parties that have failed to comply with the obligation to submit required documents. Furthermore, a system of inquires by the parties involved has been newly established. Finally, this paper seeks to examine, in light of foreign legislative history and the authors practical experience, the reasons behind the proposed amendments to the Korean Code of Civil procedure and whether the amendments are justified, by reviewing the provisions regarding concentrated trials in the currently proposed amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure under legislative consideration. [The proposed amendments to the Code of Civil Procedure] seek to refine the trial preparation procedure by requiring cases to be processed in the form of a concentrated examination of evidence, only after the issues and evidence presented have first been organized. Two types or trial preparation methods are proposed: (i) the preparatory pre-trail procedure based on written documentation, where within a set period of time, the parties submit and exchange complaints, replies and preliminary briefs, and use methods such as prior request for evidence in order to organize the issue in the case, and (ii) the preparatory pre-trial hearing, where on a set pre-trial hearing date, the court organizes the issues in the case through oral arguments presented by the parties in attendance. Once the preparatory pre-trail hearing has been completed, newly submitted argument or evidence would cease to have legal effect (i.e., the parties would be prohibited from submitting such new argument of evidence). The proposed amendment provides, as a means of perfecting the methods of argument and rebuttal at an early stage, (i) the duty to submit a reply and the system of obtaining a judgment without a hearing, (ii) a method of perfecting the complaint and preliminary briefs at an early stage, and (iii) the principle of submitting documents only ay certain permitted times and the system of court appointing such times. In addition, the proposed amendment modified the rules governing pre-trial examination of evidence and the methods for gathering evidence, the proposed amendment supplements and expands upon the system of court orders to submit document by (i) imposing upon all parties the obligation to submit documents requested, (ii) instituting the obligation to make documents publicly available, and (iii) instituting the in camera procedure for the purpose of determining whether an obligation to submit documents exists. It is disappointing, however, that the proposed amendment does not include certain measures which have been proposed for the purpose of the concentrated trial such as (i) the system of inquiries by the parties involved, (ii) the system of submitting the reason for an appeal, and (iii) the restrictions on the right of renewal on appeal. A sound basis for the improvement of the trial method has now been established by the proposed amendment to the Code of Civil Procedure. In order for the system of concentrated trail to be successful, however, the understanding and cooperation of the citizens and the attorneys are required. Therefore, in order to firmly satisfied with the amendment to the Code of Civil procedure, the parties involved must reach a common understanding regarding necessity of the concentrated trial. In this connection, it is important to discuss in depth and to further research and understand the ideal this new system of concentrated trial is designed to pursue and the kinds of mutual cooperation necessary in order to realize this new system.

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