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      • 우주항공방위산업(A&D)의 자금조달방안에 관한 법적 검토

        鄭在鎭 한국외국어대학교. 대학원 2016 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Legal Research on the Aerospace and Defense (A&D) Industry Funding Plan Privatization and funding plan of A&D industry, a representative business characterized by state-initiative and at the same time strongly downward stiffening was reviewed. It was observed that states prepared and implemented A&D industry funding plan in case of the USA through listing, British and France through guarantee insurance and Israel through active venture support and promotion. In Korea, the government could not have been considering privatization of A&D industry even for the sake of growth of A&D industry, national finance and new investment industry. However, concerning its introduction and developmental model in each country, it was not the national model of a single country, but privatization of state-initiative project in multiple countries, the following funding and introduction plan, and research of financial law that was needed. Reconsidering the case of the USA, the investment method was not something considering a single way. It constitutes a complicated investment structure to invest money in USA private prison, the representative state-initiative project, while establishing infrastructure in which public official pension would invest. This might lead to an important conclusion. It is that all the tangible and intangible assets the state possesses could be merchandization for investment. It is a case of liquidization of infra-market a state possesses that Canada introduced immigrator investment programs(IIPs) to grant the right of permanent residence to large scale investors or donators. For the research of that, the privatization of correction was first outlined concerning the privatization of space, aviation and defence industry that might be pivotal state-initiative projects. Private prison in the USA has maintained very peculiar background and system from its birth to present. The reality, however, is to emphasize how the authorities would adjust and supervise the tangible and intangible national assets. It is because the subject of operating private prison is but a significant axis that leads the capitalist market economy from the current angle of year 2016. Furthermore, the economic market, the center of capitalist market, would transfer to A&D industry. Considering economically profit-making is the greatest aim of enterprises, whether it is correction enterprise, or national defence enterprises or A&D industry, there is limitation in demanding reinforcement of public interest, while even giving up economic advantage. It is also important that who will perceive it conflicts with the capitalist economic principle. Following is the outcome in the field of A&D privatization industry. First, observing the privatization of a representative state-initiative correction project in the USA, domestic privatization of A&D industry should consider the revision to include the privatization of A&D industry on 「Act on Private Participation」. Second, relevant government departments should establish immediate sanctions when A&D industry breaks away from the main purpose of state-initiative, which may occur in the process of privatization of state project in the USA, through the administrative and regulatory authority over A&D privatization business. Third, strongly downward stiffening A&D industry can also be recognized as a profitable business realm. However, in case of contrary effect occurring compared to the case of privatization of other postal or correction office, its great ripple effect in terms of society and state should thoroughly considered on all the stages of privatization process. Fourth, in A&D industry funding, the most proper funding plan should be considered through introduction of a complex rather than a single model of funding. Lastly, through all this process, a consistent support should be carried out from various ranks of government departments and relevant agencies legally and politically. Currently the direction of global tendency and growth is set to privatization of state-initiative project budget funding. Moreover, it has already been regarded on the stage of investment, that is, economical aspect. Therefore privatization of A&D industry might be an emerging blue chip watching from the aspect of financial investment and growth hereafter. As alternatives of A&D industry funding, listing of the target privatization enterprises in the USA, making it infra in terms of business investment to invite investors through infrafund and funding through the way of pension operation were groped for. Also regarded were funding through Social Impact Bond(SIB) in British, state guarantee system according to import and export in France and competent technological enterprises' investment and funding through fostering venture business in Israel. The world has already headed for investment in A&D industry as the biggest unknown target of investment concerning the direction of global investment. In addition to this tendency, Korean government designated aerospace as intensive investment area in 2016. And the prerequisite has so far been reviewed. A&D industry may bear danger as an unknown area seeing it from the prediction of invest and finance, but it is just thought as a baseless anxiety. It may be very important to move fast by funding for A&D industry through private invest and finance and accordingly to correct and complement any details. In conclusion, state support for research may be necessary for the growth and funding of domestic A&D industry and for the preparation of breakthrough from economic crisis through new investment target. 航空宇宙・防衛の資金調達に関する法的検討について 国家主導型の事業で、下方硬直的な性格が強い代表事業であるA&D産業に関する民営化事業及び資金調達法策について調べたところ、米国は上場化を、英と仏は保障保険を通じて、そしてイスラエルの場合は積極的なベンチャー企業の支援・育成を通じて、それぞれA&D産業の資金調達方法を設け、実施していることが分かった。従って、韓国の場合もA&D産業の発展及び、国家財政と新しい投資産業のためにもA&D産業の民営化について調べざるを得なくなったと思われる。 しかし、各国が導入・開発しているモデルについて、ある国の国家的モデルを導入することではなく、いろんな国の国家主導型の事業に関する民営化、そして、それに関する資金調達方法の導入方策、及び金融法に関する研究が必要と思われる。こうしたことは、米国の場合を調べなおしても、その資金投資の方法が実情、ひとつだけを考慮したわけではない。つまり、代表的な国家主導型の事業である米国の民営刑務所に資本を投下するためインフラを構築し、その投資インフラに公務員年金が投資され、複合的な投資構造をなしている。こうしたことから重要な結論が得られるが、国家の有形・無形の資産はすべて投資商品化ができるということであり、カナダは大規模な投資家や寄付者に永住権を与えるという投資移民プログラム(IIPs)を導入したのも国が持つ投資インフラ市場を流動化した事例としてとれるという点である。 それに関する研究のため、韓国もまず、国家主導型の事業の中枢といえる航空、宇宙そして防衛産業の民営化において校正の民営化を優先的に概観したわけであり、米国の民営刑務所は、その誕生の背景から現在に至るまでかなりユニークな背景とシステムを維持しているが、実情、国の有・無形の資産を当局が引き続き調整と監督をしていくことを強調していることが分かった。これは2016年現在の観点からみると、民営刑務所の運営主体が結局は資本主義の市場経済を導いている重要な柱であるからであるだろう。ひいては、資本主義市場の中枢な経済市場はA&D産業へシフトすると見ている。これは結局、経済的な利益創出が企業の最大の目的であることを考えると校正企業であれ、国防企業であれ、A&D産業であれ、経済的な利益をあきらめてまで公共性の強化を求めることへの限界があり、資本主義の経済原則とも衝突するという点を素早く認識するかが重要であると思われる。従って、A&Dの民営化産業においての結論は次のようである。 一つ目、代表的な国家主導型の事業を民営化した米国の校正民営化を参考にし、韓国もA&D産業の民営化での考慮すべき点を見てみると、「民間投資法」においてA&D産業の民営化の部分を含めての改正がなされるべきである。 二つ目、該当する政府の省庁は米国などの国営事業の民営化へ過程において発生しうるA&D民営化事業者に対する管理監督権を通じて本来のA&D事業の国営主導の主な目的から離れた場合は、即時、制裁措置が確立すべきである。 三つ目、下方硬直性の強いA&D産業も収益事業の領域として認めることができるという点である。 しかし、これはその他の郵政局や校正の民営化事業のケースに比べ逆効果が発生する場合、その社会的、国家的な波及効果が大きいことを民営化の手続きにおいて、徹底して考慮すべきである。 四つ目、A&D産業の資金調達の際、ひとつの限られた資金調達のモデルを導入するより複合的な資金調達のモデルの導入を通じて、もっとも適切な資金調達方法を検討しなければならないという点である。 五つ目、すべての手続きにおいて法的、政治的な各種の政府機関及び、関連した研究機関の一貫した支援が求められることがあげられる。 現在、全世界の推移及び発展の方向は国有・専有事業の予算調達を民間資本の事業性化に絞られているだけでなく、既に投資の段階、つまり、経済的な側面としてみることになったのである。 従って、今後の金融投資及び発展的な側面から見てもA&D産業の民営化は浮上するブルーチップになるだろう。よって、A&D産業の金融調達方法についての対案として調べてみた米国の民営化の選定対象企業の上場化及び、これを事業投資性の面からインフラ化し、インフラファンドを通じた資本投資家の募集、そして年金・基金の運用方式の投資調達を模索してあり、英国の社会成果連動債権(SIB:Social Impact Bond)を通じた資金調達とフランスの輸出・輸入による国家補償制度、最後にイスラエルのベンチャー企業の育成を通じた有能な技術企業の資本投資及び調達を調べてみた。 既に世界は投資の方向性についてもっとも大きな未知の投資先としてA&D産業へ向いており、こうした動きに韓国政府も2016年度に集中投資分野として航空宇宙を指定しており、先に解決すべき課題について調べてみた。A&D産業は現在、投資金融の予測から見ると、未知の分野であるとの危険性があると思われるが、これは杞憂に過ぎないと思い、A&D産業に対する民間投資金融から調達し、素早く動いて、詳細は修正・補完していくことが非常に重要だと言える。また、韓国のA&D産業の発展及び金融調達と新たな投資先を通じて経済危機の突破口作りのためにも国家的な研究支援が必要であると思われる。

      • 이중 프로펠러형 멀티콥터의 비행 성능 분석에 관한 연구

        정재진 한세대학교 공학대학원 2023 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        멀티콥터는 작동원리가 비교적 간단하고 조종이 용이하며 가격 및 유지·보수등 비용이 저렴한 장점이 있어 취미활동, 감시정찰, 촬영, 인명구조, 농업방제 등 다양한 분야에 사용 되고 있다. 그리고 시장 성장세가 빠른 기술분야로 멀티콥터의 비행과 관련한 항공역학적인 분석을 통하여 멀티콥터의 비행에 최적한 솔루션을 개발한다면 국내 및 국외 시장에 경쟁력을 확보할수 있을 것으로 판단된다. 본 논문은 이러한 시장동향을 기반으로 기체의 소형화에 대한 요구에 대응하는 방안으로 이중형 프로펠러를 장착한 멀티콥터에 관한 연구를 진행하였다. 특히 프로펠러를 겹칩구조로 설계하여 기존 기체에 비해 소형화하였고 동시에 개발한 멀티콥터의 효율성, 진동성 및 비행안정성 분석 결과 기존의 일반 멀티콥터의 성능에 큰차이가 없음을 확인하였다. 특히, 본 연구의 결과 프로펠러 길이 10%~20% 인 겹침 구조 와 프로펠러간 높이를 20cm이상 이격 시켰을 때 일반적인 프레임 보다 28~30% 소형화가 가능하였도 동시에 안정적인 비행이 가능함을 확인 하였다.. 향후, 본 연구의 프로펠러 겹침구조를 갖는 멀티콥터를 활용하여 물류배송용은 물론 군수용까지 페이로드가 높은 사업 모델에 적용 가능 할 것이다.

      • 폐기물을 사용한 도자기 소지 개발

        정재진 明知大學校 2014 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        현재 우리가 살고 있는 세계는 인류가 영위하기 위한 여러 조건들이 중대 기로에 서 있다. 보다 윤택하고 풍요로운 삶을 바라는 인류는 산업혁명 이후부터 대량생산, 대량소비의 체제를 유지하고 있고, 특히 경제적 이유에서 더욱 과잉의 생산 및 소비만을 추구하게 되었다. 이는 심각한 유효 자원의 고갈, 생산 공정에서의 많은 에너지의 소비, 소비 자원의 폐기에 의한 환경오염 등을 유발시키게 되었다. 따라서 이러한 사항들이 안정되고 지속가능한 사회를 유지하기에 매우 큰 걸림돌로 작용하게 되었다. 이러한 사실에 대해 이미 1960년대부터 인류는 수반되는 다양한 문제를 인식하고, 이를 해결하고자 자원 절약, 에너지 절약을 통한 오염 발생원의 감소, 대체 에너지의 개발, 폐기물의 재활용화 및 자원화, 지구 온난화 방지기술 등의 연구가 범국가적 차원에서 진행되어 다양한 성과를 거두고 있다. 그러나 이러한 일들의 진행에는 막대한 에너지가 소비되고 경제성 부족 등의 이유로 실용화 단계에는 미치지 못하고 있는 것이 현실이다. 하지만 이와 관련된 연구는 지속되고 있으며, 그 성과는 조만간 실용화로 나타날 것으로 예상된다. 이러한 노력의 일환으로, 고갈 에너지 자원을 대체할 수 있는 태양열과 같은 순환 무한자원의 에너지화, 저품위 자원의 고품위화 기술, 해양 등에서의 대체 자원의 탐색 등이 진행되고 있으며, 사용자원의 재활용화에 대한 연구가 진행되고 있다. 사회적으로도 3R(Reduce, Recycle, Reuse) 운동이 주창되어져 활발하게 활동되어지고 있으며, 산업계에서도 제품 생산시 디자인에서부터 라이프사이클 어세스먼트(LCA)와 재제조(Remanufacture)를 고려하여 제품을 생산하고 있다. 특히 자원의 대체와 환경오염의 저감을 목적으로 폐기물의 재활용에 대해 많은 관심을 가져, 기존 자원이나 제품에 비해 특성이 낮지 않고, 유용자원의 매립을 최소화하여 2차적인 오염물질의 발생이 없고, 재활용 자원 및 제품 시장을 크고 안정적으로 하며, 기존 제품에 비해 경제성이 있는 다양한 친환경 제품의 제조공정 개발이 진행되고 있다. 이에 본 연구자는 이러한 점에 주안하여 우리들이 생활이나 산업현장에서 사용하고 회수하지 못하고 전량 직매립 등에 의해 폐기되고 있는 일반폐기물에 대해 무해화, 안정화된 전처리 공정을 확립하고 그에 따른 무기계 원료로의 전환을 시도하여 이를 사용한 친환경 도자기 소지용 원료로서의 재활용을 위한 연구를 진행하였다. 첫 번째 실험으로서, 폐기물의 재활용과 환경오염 방지를 위해 폐기되는 돼지뼈를 사용하여 청자소지에 사용할 bone ash의 최적 제조 조건에 대해 연구하고, 이를 이용해 청자 bone 소지를 제조해 본 결과, 돼지뼈는 하소에 의해 대부분이 hydroxy apatite로 전환되었다. 이 때 최적의 분쇄 효율을 나타낼 수 있는 하소 온도는 800℃였으며, 알카리 제거를 위한 최적의 boiling 시간은 4시간이었다. 이 돼지뼈를 이용한 bone ash를 사용해 청자소지와 조합하여 소성한 결과, 미세구조에서는 anorthite와 β-Ca3(PO4)2 결정상이 생성되었으며, 흡수율은 0.17%까지 감소하여 본(bone) 소지로의 활용이 가능할 것으로 판단되었다. 이에 청자소지에 pig bone ash, CaCO3, 규석, 점토 등을 첨가하여 만든 각 본(bone) 소지를 조합하여 실험한 결과, pig bone ash 8%, CaCO3 9% 첨가한 조성에서 환원분위기에서 1240℃로 소성한 소지가 흡수율 0.10%, 굽힘강도 683.21㎏f/㎠로 가장 우수한 특성치를 나타내어 그 활용이 기대되었다. 두 번째 실험으로서, 웰딩 공정 후 전량 매립 폐기처분되고 있는 세라믹 웰딩백킹재를 신 세라믹소지로 재활용하는 실험을 행하고 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 기본소지를 정하고 여기에 폐웰딩백킹재를 첨가하여 그 특성을 평가하였다. 폐웰딩백킹재의 함량 증가에 따라 Fe 등의 불순물의 증가 영향으로 색상과 소성 후의 특성에 영향을 미치는 것으로 보여졌다. 또한 본 연구 범위에 있어서 RWB-2~4의 조성(폐웰딩백킹재(W.B.M) 20~50% 첨가 조성, 1250℃ 소성)에서 기공율 2.27~5.94%, 흡수율 0.99~3.96% 그리고 굽힘강도 720~810kgf/㎠를 나타내어 세라믹 블록으로의 적용이 가능할 것으로 판단되었다. 이 중 탈철과정을 거친 RWB-4에 각 색상의 안료를 3wt% 첨가하고, 1250℃ 소성한 시험편에서 폐웰딩백킹재를 이용한 칼라블럭으로의 적용도 가능할 것으로 판단되었다. 세 번째 실험으로서는, 전량 직매립에 의해 폐기처분되고 있는 정수슬러지를 하소하여 샤모트 대용으로 물레성형이 가능한 도자기소지용 조합토의 원료로서 재활용하는 실험을 행하고 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 정수슬러지를 열처리한 결과, 1150℃ 이상에서 mullite를 주결정상으로 하는 하소분이 되어 세라믹 원료로의 재활용이 가능하나, 조합토 원료로서 활용하기 위해 열처리온도는 일반적인 도자기 소성온도보다 높은 1300℃로 정하여 진행하였다. 이 정수슬러지 하소분의 함량 증가에 따라 가소성은 감소하여 PBF-3까지는 물레성형이 가능하나, 그 이상의 조성에 있어서는 성형이 어려웠다. 본 실험의 범위 내에서는 정수슬러지 하소분을 20~30% 혼합한 1280℃의 PBF-2와 PBF-3 조성에서 물레성형이 가능하고, 흡수율, 기공율 2% 이내의 850kgf/㎠에 가까운 높은 강도값을 나타내어, 이에 기존 조합토를 대체할 수 있는 소지로서 활용이 가능할 것으로 판단되었다. 이와 같이 폐기물을 재활용한 새로운 도자기용 소지를 개발하는 본 연구는 새로운 친환경 도자기의 제조를 가능하게 해주며, 우리 일상생활과 산업 전반에서 발생하고 있는 폐기물의 대량 발생, 폐기절차에 의한 경제적 부담, 환경오염에 대한 문제 등을 해결하는데 조금이나마 도움이 될 수 있을 것으로 확신한다. 또한 보다 다양한 폐기물의 재활용 및 다양한 기능성 있는 친환경 도자기용 소지의 지속적인 개발은 도자기산업 뿐만 아니라 타일, 벽돌, 기와 등의 많은 관련산업에도 큰 기여를 할 것으로 판단된다. The enormous energy consumption from manufacturing processes and disposal of consumed resources have resulted in a serious depletion of resources and environmental destruction. Humans recognized these issues from the 1960s, and nation-wide efforts have been made in order to reduce pollutants through energy saving, to develop alternative energy, to recycle waste, and to study technologies for preventing global warming. At the societal level, the 3R—Reduce, Recycle, and Reuse—movement is actively promoted, while the industrial sector manufactures products in consideration of life-cycle assessment and remanufacturing from the design phase. A significant attention is paid to waste recycling in order to reduce environmental pollution and substitute the resources. As a result, new manufacturing process is being developed for making diverse green products, which have equal quality as and better economic feasibility than existing ones, prevent secondary pollutants by minimizing the landfill of useful resources, and are able to expand and stabilize the market. This study attempts to establish a stable pretreatment and harmless treatment process for general waste, which is now directly land-filled rather than collected and reused in our lives or in industrial sites, in order to convert such waste into inorganic raw materials for an eco-friendly ceramic body. The first experiment was designed to recycle the used pig bone, which was generally discarded, for the bond ash in celadon body. The optimal boiling time for alkali removal was four hours and the celadon body displayed anorthite and β-Ca3(PO4)2 in its microstructure after firing. For the celadon body, the bond ash, which is from the pretreated pig bone, was mixed with CaCO3, silica, and clay. The celadon body with 8% of pig bone ash and 9% of CaCO3 sintered at 1240℃ in a reducing atmosphere has shown the most outstanding properties with 0.10% of absorption rate and 65.23㎫ of strength. The second experiment attempted to recycle ceramic welding backing material, which is a mainly mullite polluted with the iron oxide. In this experiment, the waste welding backing material was added as the subsidiary to the basic body material for ceramics. The ceramic body material with 20-50wt% of waste welding backing materials and fired at 1250℃displayed porosity of 2.27-5.94%, absorption rate of 0.99-3.96%, and bending strength of 720-810kgf/㎠, indicating their possibility to be used as ceramic blocks. Furthemore, after the de-ironing process, the waste welding backing material has enough whiteness to be utilized as a color block with the addition of 3wt% color pigment. The third experiment attempted to recycle the purified sludge, which is currently discarded through direct landfill, as an alternative of chamotte in ceramic body. The major crystalline structure was idenfied as mullite after the calcination over 1150℃. The body materials containing with 20-30wt% of calcined purified sludge enabled wheel throwing and the sintered body displayed a high strength of 850kgf/㎠ with less than two percent of porosity and absorption rate. This study, which attempted to develop new ceramic body by recycling waste, will enable the production of eco-friendly potteries and provide assistance in addressing diverse issues, including the massive amount of waste generated from our daily lives and industries, the economic burden posed by waste disposal, and environmental pollution. Further, continued development of green ceramic bodies with various functions and recycling of diverse waste will significantly contribute not only to the ceramic industry but also to the related sectors, including tiles, bricks, and roofing tiles.

      • 하이브리드 스토리지 시스템 성능평가 도구 설계 및 구현

        정재진 공주대학교 대학원 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Benchmark tools have to generate traffic by dividing Hot and Cold area to analyze performance about hybrid storage system which is mixed with SSD and HDD. But, most of benchmark tool was designed with the logic which is generating traffic about total area of target disk which is single disk(SSD or HDD). As the reason, most of benchmark tool can't be used to analyze performance about hybrid storage system. Therefore, We design and implement performance analysis tool(HSPT : Hybrid Storage Performance Tools) for hybrid storage system which is generating traffic by dividing Hot and Cold area of hybrid storage system. To secure objectivity about developed tool, We compared a HSPT with Vdbench which is existing typical storage performance analysis tool. The tool will be used by various types of hybrid storage system performance analysis to need generating multiple workload traffic with different property.

      • 상업지역 이용자 만족도에 영향을 미치는 도심환경 요인분석 : 천안시외버스터미널(야우리)과 천안역 상업지역을 중심으로

        정재진 公州大學校 大學院 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The city of Cheon-an last for about 10 accomplished a dazzling development with compression and high degree growth. but cheon-an rail station area of an existing administration and a central place of commerce occurred commercial area atrophy and city center defunctness actual condition. Recently, the city of cheon-an is propelling various enterprising etc. for the maintenance of the plan which rears intensively in the cultural enterprise zone where the cultural contents which is various harmonizes and transversal environment. but theses policies a situation which stays in the narrow-minded activation plan for remaking of part commercial function the upper volume activation plan from the synthetic dimension. The aim of this study is to analyze the general satisfaction of city center environmental awareness in cheon-an external bus terminal and cheon-an rail station commercial area and extracts the various city center environmental factors which are effected in the user satisfaction of commercial area. The method and contents of the study are as follows ; Firstly, compares city center environmental awareness of cheon-an rail station and external bus terminal commercial area by t-test Secondly, the city center environmental analysis which affects in user satisfaction by multi- regression analysis The results that what we found it are as follows ; The user satisfaction of the commercial area appeared comfort of walking environments which are city center environmental elements , rationality of commerce business transaction , when city center environmental comfort etc. include the respectively detailed factors are good, highly. Already consequently, reactivation of the composition core business park is limited in the commercial area development at the time of location and the specific store not only is expected with the fact that the help will become in the direction set construction the escape one 3 kind city center environmental elements for commercial area reactivation from above.

      • 국가사업 홍보의 효과적인 추진방안 연구 : 가족계획사업을 중심으로

        정재진 대구대학교 산업정보대학원 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Family Planning in Korea started as one of the economic development plans to control the population growth in 1961 and it has been recorded as a success worldwide. At the beginning of Family Planning, the population growth rate was up to 3% and 25 years after, it dropped down to less than 1 % in 1986. When Family Planning begun, this country was suffering from food shortage and massive unemployment rate, and it was hard to tell the result of this enterprise providing these fullblown socioeconomic unrest. However its goal was attained with the aid of effective promotion, and we could see the time of GNI $20,000 per capita(the national income $20.000 per head) earlier than expected. Comparing to some countries like India, and other countries in Southeast Asia, Central America, and Africa still struggling with overpopulation, Korea has completely overcome this problem and entered a new phase seeking for a qualitative development like other advanced countries. At present, Korea is facing some trends such as late marriages, celibacy and new concept of having small children. With these factors overflowing and the anticipation of absolute decrease of whole population, a question was raised about how to stop the current of decreased birth rate. The success of controlling population growth in Korea was, above all, achieved with properly given circumstances. On international side, the measures to check the increase in population were prepared, and on domestic side, the Korean military coup, coming into power by 5.16 Coup Detat, felt the necessity of controling over population growth as well. A strong will of the government and its strategic support made an important effect on Family Planning. People who practiced Family Planning could get some economic benefits, and with the revision of the laws on the inheritance of property, daughters could get the same benefits as sons. The socioeconomic changes followed by the economic development also made a big impact on the successful promotion of Family Planning. The increase of income, the improvement of educational level, the nosediving decrease of infant death rate, the delayed marrying age, and the changes of the view of lives and children directly affected the decrease of birth rate. The effective publicity activities and enlightenment campaigns led by PPFK(Planned Parenthood Federation of Korea)were main factors for its success. Considering it as a single national enterprise, the wide variety of strategies involved with publicizing Family Planning were outstanding. PR and enlightenment programs were proceeded with the help of people working with Family planning. And then with the extreme support by the press and the support by the government from a policy point of view, the effect was much more enhanced. The publicizing Family Planning was carried out step by step: firstly the plan of operation was made by time period, and public participation to make slogans about Family Planning was invited and then publicity activities were strengthened up through mass media. Along with these procedure, popular support and understanding were generated. Daily newspapers and magazines nationwide carried special reports and editorials on it in succession, and broadcasting companies televised many different programs like special talks, news, TV spots and so on. With the help of these multilateral and comprehensive PR system, good results could be produced. The enlightenment campaign especially for the housewives through the network of Mother's Association under Family Planning Headquarters played an important role in the success as well. The reserve forces, soldiers, and laborers were also the subjects of enlightenment. A Research Institution concerning population and Family Planning Clinics were established, international events and speech contests on it were held, and a Population Tower Clock was built. All these came up with a positive atmosphere all across the country. Family Planning could lead the whole participation of all the people throughout the country, which resulted in a successful enterprise with international recognition.

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