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      • R. Quilter의 「Three Shakespeare Songs」 Op. 6의 연주해석을 위한 분석

        전성해 계명대학교 대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 논문은 20세기 영국 예술가곡 중에서 작곡가 로저 퀼터(Roger Quilter, 1877-1953)의 가곡 중 「Three Shakespeare Songs」 Op. 6를 바람직한 연주를 위해 연구한 것이다. Ⅰ장 서론은 연구의 목적 및 의의와 연구의 방법 및 범위를 서술하였다. Ⅱ장 본론은 곡 분석에 들어가기에 앞서 작곡가 로저 퀼터(Roger Quilter)의 생애와 작품과 작사가 윌리엄 셰익스피어(William Shakespeare)의 생애와 작품을 살펴보았다. 그리고 작품「Three Shakespeare Songs」 Op. 6의 세 곡 ‘Come away, Death,’ ‘O mistress mine,’ ‘Blow, blow thou winter wind’를 가사의 분석과 함께 양식 분석을 하였다. 작품의 양식분석으로는 형식, 선율과 리듬, 화성, 반주를 중심으로 하였으며, 악곡의 특징을 파악하기 위해 필요한 악보를 제시하고, 악곡 구성은 도표를 제시하여 악곡 전체를 일목요연하게 파악할 수 있도록 하였다. Ⅲ장 결론은 작품 분석의 결과를 요약하였고, 분석한 세 곡에서 드러난 작곡가 퀼터의 작곡 특징을 서술하였다. 세 곡의 공통점은 유절가곡의 형식으로 갑작스런 조바꿈, 비화성음, 차용화음, 감화음, 연속적인 감7화음, 속9화음, 연속7화음의 제2전위 등 낭만시대의 화성을 사용하며, 언어의 운율과 강세를 살리는 선율 작곡 방식이 나타났다. 또한 그의 곡에 공통적으로 나타나는 가사와 음악의 상호작용은 화성적인 색채감을 두드러지게 하며, 마지막 어미에 동일한 발음을 갖춰 곡의 전체적인 통일성을 이루었다. 본 연구를 통하여 연주자들이 기피하기 쉬운 영미 가곡에 보다 쉽게 다가갈 수 있도록 하며, 「Three Shakespeare Songs」 Op. 6를 심도 깊게 표현하며 연주할 수 있기를 기대해 본다. The purpose of this study is to find out the best way to play 「Three Shakespeare Songs」 Op. 6 by R. Quilter among the artistic lyrics in UK. In the first chapter, the purpose and the meaning of the study and the research method were described as a preface. In the second chapter, the life and the works of the composer (R. Quilter) and the verse writer (William Shakespeare) were analyzed before going into the full scale analysis. Three works in 「Three Shakespeare Songs」Op. 6 such as ‘Come away, Death,’ ‘O mistress mine,’ and ‘Blow, blow thou winter wind’ were analyzed to identify their style with the analysis of the verse. The style was analyzed focusing on the form, melody, rhythm, harmony and accompaniment. To identify the characteristics of the notes, the necessary musical notes were provided and to show the whole of the musical number in a look charts were given. In the third chapter, the conclusion was made by summarizing the analysis result and describing the composing characteristics of the Quilter shown in those three numbers. The common characteristics of the three numbers are that they have the style of Strophic, change key suddenly, use harmonies in the romanticism such as the second avant-garde including non-harmonic notes, borrowed harmonic notes, diminished chord, sequential diminished 7 chord, dominant 9 chord and consecutive 7 chord and show melody centered composition emphasizing the rhythm and accent. The mutual action between the verse and music shown in his numbers in common show the color of the harmony vividly and as the final syllable of the words have the same pronunciation to give the sense of unification to the note. It is hoped that we can approach to the lyrics of UK and US that are normally avoided by the players because of the difficulties more easily through this study. It is also hoped that we can play 「Three Shakespeare Songs」Op. 6 better in depth.

      • Vacant technology forecasting using patent analysis

        전성해 Graduate School of Information Managemetn & Securi 2013 국내박사

        RANK : 247615

        We study patent analysis for vacant technology forecasting in this dissertation. Technology forecasting (TF) is to predict future trend and state of a technology. Also, vacant technology forecasting is to find vacant area of target technology that will be needed in the future. So, vacant technology forecasting is important issue in management of technology (MOT). In this study, we analyze patent data to construct predictive model for vacant technology forecasting because patent has valuable information of developed technology. We propose three patent analysis models, which are patent clustering, international patent classification (IPC) code analysis, and technology networking for vacant technology forecasting. Traditional methods of technology forecasting such as Delphi have been based on expert’s knowledge, and the results by these methods were subjective and fluctuating. So, we need more objective approach to TF. We study quantitative patent analysis as objective method for technology forecasting and apply our model to vacant technology forecasting. TF is an important R&D policy issue for both company and government. Vacant technology forecasting is one of the key technological planning methods for improving the competitive power of firms and governments. In general, a forecasting process is facilitated subjectively based on the researcher’s knowledge, resulting in unstable TF performance. In this dissertation, we forecast the vacant technology areas in target technology field by analyzing patent documents and employed the proposed methods to forecast vacant technology areas in MOT. We will perform three case studies to show how our proposed approaches could be applied in real problem.

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