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      • 노인의 심폐소생술 비 시행(DNR)에 대한 간호사의 인식 : 일부종합병원 중심으로

        전명희 한양대학교 임상간호정보대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        This paper is a descriptive study that aims to examine the nurses' awareness and experience on the do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders for the elderly currently being implemented at certain general hospitals, and use the results as basic data for deriving a more rational decision-making that sufficiently reflects the opinions of the elderly themselves and strengthening the education on DNR. The research subjects were nurses posted at general hospitals in Gyeonggi Province in which DNR situation frequently occurred. Their experiences were examined in a descriptive study, and they were divided into general characteristics, experience with DNR, and their awareness on DNR. The results of this paper's research are as follows. 1. Regarding DNR education experience for the past six months, 90 nurses (73.2%) had no such educational experience, and 116 nurses (94.3%) had experienced executing DNR. 2. The elderly patients weremainly nursed by 54 spouses (43.9%), and by 34 sons (27.6%), while the main decision makers of DNR were 85 sons (69.1%). For the DNR decisions, 66 cases were family decisions (53.7%), 42 were due to advanced age (34.1%), and one case was the desire of the elderly patient (1.8%). There 52 elderly patients (42.3%) with DNR orders who had an experience with CPR. 3. In the DNR related awareness survey with nurses, 117 nurses (95.1%) replied DNR is needed in certain situations, and for the main reason why DNR isneeded, 76 nurses (61.8%) replied because recovery is impossible in spite of many efforts, while 46 nurses (37.4%) replied in order to give them comfortable and dignified death. For reasons why DNR is not needed, 53 nurses (43.1%) replied because it is not clear when the DNR decision should be made, 30 nurses (24.4%) replied because it is in the nature of physicians to promote the preservation of life whenever possible, and 26 nurses (21.1%) replied because it is not clear who should make the DNR decision. For the appropriate time to explain about DNR, 38 nurses (30.9%) replied immediately after patient has been hospitalized with a terminal stage disease, 34 nurses (27.6%) replied when their voluntary respiration ceases, and 30 nurses (24.4%) when they fall into a comatose state. Also, 82 nurses (66.7%) replied there was no difference between DNR for patients who are seriously or terminally ill and DNR for the elderly, and 97 nurses (78.9%) pointed out the need for a DNR guidebook. 4. For the DNR awareness survey according to the section the subjects were stationed, 69 nurses (97.2%) working at wards and 48 nurses (92.3%) working at special sections responded that DNR was needed according to circumstances, which are high numbers. For the appropriate time to explain about DNR, 23 nurses (32.4%) at wards replied immediately after patient has been hospitalized with a terminal stage disease, while 18 nurses (34.6%) at special sections replied when their voluntary respiration ceases. Both groups replied there was no difference between DNR for patients who are seriously or terminally ill and DNR for the elderly The results of the research showed that DNR was mostly decided by the eldest son, and the opinion of the patient was almost non-existent. Accordingly, itseems proper to provide sufficient education regarding diseases and information on DNR to the patients themselves and their guardians from early on so that the patients themselves could make the decision regarding their condition and death. Old age alone should be reason enough to provide accurate information to the guardians who will make the DNR decisions. Since most nurses are exposed to the experience of implementing DNR without having any retraining on DNR, they feel a psychological burden. Therefore, this paper believes that there needs to be a systematic and clear guideline prepared for DNR within the hospital, and for decisions regarding DNR, a comprehensive discussion through the ethics committee in the hospital to prepare a legal guideline, as well as retraining on ethical decision-making and DNR for the physicians in the hospital. 이 연구는 현재 일부 종합병원에서 이루어지고 있는 노인의 심폐소생술 비 시행 (DNR)과 관련된 간호사의 인식 및 경험을 파악함으로써 임상에서 행해지는 DNR의 판단기준, DNR 결정시 노인자신의 의견이 충분히 보장되는 합리적인 의사결정과 DNR에 관한 교육 강화를 위한 기초 자료로 활용하기 위한 서술 연구이다. 연구대상은 경기도내 종합병원에 근무하는 DNR 상황이 자주 발생하는 병동 및 중환자실, 응급실 간호사 123명에 대한 서술적 연구로 한 성숙 이(2001) 개발한 DNR과 관련된 인식과 경험에 대한 도구를 강 현임 이(2003) 수정 보완 하여 전명희가 본 연구에 맞게 수정한 일반적 특성 9문항, 심폐소생술금지 경험을 묻는 16문항으로서 이중 2문항은 개방형질문, 심폐소생술금지에 대한 인식을 묻는 도구는 10문항으로서 이중 2문항은 개방형 질문으로 구성하였다. 자료 수집은 본인이 경험한 DNR 대상자의 정보를 토대로 DNR 경험과 인식에 대한 설문문항과 본인의 의견을 직접 기술하는 자가 보고 형 질문지로서 자료의 분석은 SPSS WIN 12.0 프로그램을 이용하였으며 수집된 자료는 빈도, 백분율 등으로 분석하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 대상자의 연령은 20-29세가 99명(80.5%)으로 가장 많았고 30-39세 22명(17.9%), 40세 이상이 2명(1.6%)으로 나타났다. 성별은 여자가 12명(98.4%), 종교는 무교가 78명(63.4%)로 종교를 갖고 있는 대상자 45명(36.6%)보다 많았다. 임상근무경력은 3년 미만이 47명(38.2%)로 5년 이상 근무자 42명(34.1%)보다 조금 많았으며 3-5년 근무자는 34명(27.6%)이었다. 현재 근무부서는 병동 근무자가 71명(57.7%)으로 많았으며 중환자실 근무자36명(29.3%). 응급실근무자 16명(13.%)으로 나타났다. 최근 6개월간 DNR 교육경험은 90명(73.2%)가 교육경험이 없었으며 DNR 교육을 받은 경우 DNR 교육 시기는 학부 68명(55.3%), 기타(무) 44명(35.8%), 보수교육 4명(3.3%), 특강 및 세미나 7명(5.7%)로 나타났다. 반면, DNR 실행경험은 116명(94.3%) 이었다. 2. 간호사의 DNR과 관련된 경험에 대해서는 노인환자의 주간호자는 배우자가 54명(43.9%) 이었고 아들 34명(27.6%), 딸 18명(14.6%), 기타17명(13.8%) 이었다. DNR 주 의사 결정자는 아들이 85명(69.1%)으로 가장 많았으며 배우자가 23명(18.7%), 딸 7명(5.7%)으로 조사되었다. 또한 결정이유는 가족들의 결정 66명(53.7%)으로 가장 많았으며 고령은 42명(34.1%)으로 노인 자신의 의지 반영은1명 (1.8%)으로 조사되었다. DNR 결정 시간은 1주일이내 53명(43.1%), 6시간이내 27명(22%) 이었다. DNR이 결정된 노인환자에게 CPR 실행경험이 있는 경우 52명 (42.3%) 이었다. 3. DNR과 관련된 간호사의 인식 조사에서는 상황에 따라 DNR이 필요하다고 생각 한 경우는117명(95.1%)으로 나타났고 DNR이 필요한 주된 이유는 많은 노력에도 불구하고 회복이 불가능하기 ??문이 76명(61.8%), 편안하고 품위 있는 죽음을 위해서 46명(37.4%)으로 나타났다. 그리고 DNR이 필요치 않은 이유는 DNR의 결정을 어느 시점에서 내릴지 확실하지 않기 때문이 53명(43.1%), 가능한 한 생명연장을 도모함이 의료인의 본질이기 때문 30명(24.4%), DNR 결정을 누가 내려야 할지 확실하지 않기 때문 26명(21.1%)으로 나타났다. 또한 DNR에 관해 설명할 적절한 시기는 말기 질병으로 입원한 경우 입원즉시 38명(30.9%), 자발적인 호흡이 정지되었을 때 34명(27.6%). 혼수상태에 빠졌을 때 30명(24.4%)으로 조사되었다. 중환자나 말기환자의 DNR은 노인의 DNR과 차이가 없다고 응답한 경우 82명(66.7%),차이가 있다 37명(30.1%)으로 나타났다. DNR 지침서 제정은 97명(78.9%)이 필요성을 지적 하였다. 4. 대상자의 근무부서별(특수부서. 일반병동) DNR에 대한 인식조사에서는 상황에 따른 DNR의 필요성은 병동69명(97.2%), 특수부서48명(92.3%)으로 모두 높게 나타났다. DNR이 필요한 이유는 많은 노력에도 불구하고 회복이 불가능하기 때문이 병동 40명(56.3%), 특수부서36명(69.2%)으로 가장 많은 것으로 나타났다. 또한 DNR이 필요하지 않은 이유는 DNR 결정을 어느 시기에 내릴지 확실하지 않다는 항목에 각각 33명(46.5%), 20명(38.5%)으로 나타났다. DNR 설명의 적절한 시기는 병동에서는 말기질병으로 입원한 경우 입원즉시 23명(32.4%)으로 가장 높게 나타났으며 특수부서는 자발적인 호흡이 정지 되었을 때 18명(34.6%)으로 가장 높게 나타났다. 두 그룹 모두 중환자나 말기환자의 DNR과 노인의 DNR은 차이가 없다고 조사되었다. DNR 시행에 관한 지침서 제정 필요성 또한 병동 57명(80.3%), 특수부서40명(76.9%)으로 조사 되었으며 가족에게 DNR 시행 여부, 본인 에게 DNR 시행여부 모두 상황에 따라서 시행하겠다고 나타났다. 이상의 연구 결과로 DNR의 결정은 대부분 장남이 결정하였으며 본인의 의사 반영은 거의 없었다. 사전에 본인의 상태나 죽음에 대해 의사결정을 할 수 있도록 본인 및 보호자에게 충분한 질병에 대한 교육과 DNR에 대한 사전정보 제공이 필요하다고 생각한다. 단지 고령이라는 이유로 DNR을 결정하는 보호자에게 정확한 정보를 제공해야 할 것이다. 또한 대부분의 간호사들이 DNR에 대한 재교육 없이 DNR을 실행하는 경험에 노출됨으로써 심적 부담감을 느끼고 있으므로 병원 내에서의 DNR에 대한 체계적이고 명확한 Guide-line 이 마련되어야 하며 DNR 결정에 대하여는 법적인 지침을 마련하기 위해 병원 내 윤리위원회를 통한 광범위한 토의 와 병원 내에서의 의료인들에 대한 DNR, 윤리적 의사결정의 재교육이 필요하다고 생각한다.

      • 가족친화제도에 대한 기혼 남성 직장인의 만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인 : 경남지역을 중심으로

        전명희 창원대학교 2017 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this research study is to understand multiple factors that could influence married male workers' satisfaction of the family friendly system and to analyze the relationships. Through the research process, this study is going to analyze how individual-family and work environment factors influence married male workers' satisfaction of the family friendly system and improve problem factors so as to make a contribution to extending and implementing the family friendly system. Also, this study means to provide preliminary data useful to conduct a research on the family friendly system targeting those married male workers. To achieve the purpose, this research study selected, as the research subjects, married male workers aged over 25 and under 60 who have been working in small, middle, large companies and public institutions in Gyeongnam area, and then conducted a structured questionnaire-based survey for about two months, from February 01 2017 until March 31 2017. Total 329 copies of the questionnaire were collected and based on those data collected, this study administered reliability, frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, correlation and hierarchial multiple regression analysis with the program of SPSS for Windows ver. 21.0. The analytic results of this research questions are summarized as follows. First, this study investigated socio-demographic characteristics and general characteristics of vocations of the surveyed that responded to the survey. The result shows that the age ranges of married male workers were distributed from 27 years old at least to 58 years old at maximum, which accounted for average 39.6 years old. Concerning education level, it was surveyed that highly-educated graduates of college reached more than 80%. As for years of marital duration of the surveyed, it is found that marital duration of less than 10 years old assumed 72.3% of high ratios. For the number of children, it was unveiled that 87.9% of the surveyed had one or two children. In family income, 75.1% of total respondents had family income reaching more than KRW 3 million and less than KRW 6 million, which accounted for KRW 4.50 million on the average. Regarding the title of work, it was identified that more than 50% of the surveyed was given the title higher than a section chief. Concerning years of work, it was revealed that those who have been working during a year~ 10 years, reached 66.6% of high rates. As for company volume, it was shown that small, middle and large companies assumed the relatively balanced ratios, and 86.9% of the surveyed got regular jobs. Second, the study analyzed the associations between socio-demographic variables and the satisfaction of the family friendly system. The analytic result shows that age and educational level have positive relations with the satisfaction of the family friendly system, which means that the higher age and educational level is, the higher the satisfaction of the family friendly system is. Among these factors, educational level was analyzed as having the associations with the satisfaction of the family friendly system only in Model 1. Third, this study analyzed the relationships between variables in relation to vocation and the satisfaction of the family friendly system. The result indicated that company volume and the state of regular jobs have positive relations with the satisfaction of the family friendly system, which means that the big company volume and regular jobs bring about the high satisfaction of the family friendly system. Meanwhile, it was identified that years of work have negative influences on the satisfaction of the family friendly system, which means that many years of work bring about the low satisfaction of the family friendly system. Fourth, there was an analysis of the associations between individual-family variables and the satisfaction of the family friendly system. According to the analytic result, domestic labor hours show positive relations with the satisfaction of the family friendly system, which suggests that the longer domestic labor men do at home, the higher the satisfaction of the family friendly system. Lastly, regarding the associations between work environment variables and the satisfaction of the family friendly system, it was found that the certification of the family friendly system and flexible working hours have positive relations with the satisfaction of the family friendly system, which demonstrates that the higher consideration for individuals' family an organization shows, the higher the satisfaction of the family friendly system. On the other hand, average daily working hours show the negative relationships with the satisfaction of the family friendly system, which proves that the more working hours are, the lower the satisfaction of the family friendly system. Based on these research results, this study can provide the suggestions as follows. First, a great deal of national research has, so far, considered about the family friendly system to harmonize business work with domestic labor and solve conflicts between business work and domestic labor. Yet, previous research focused mainly on the current status of business-directed systems, performance and organization culture, selecting married women as the research subjects. For this reason, there are few researches dealing with the domains of individual-family and working life from the broad perspectives. Thus, first, this research study selected married male workers as the research subjects to conduct the research on the satisfaction of the family friendly system from multiple angles. Second, the existing precedent studies considered solely some variables and analyzed the associations between such factors and the family friendly system Meanwhile, this study analyzed the relationships between the satisfaction of the family friendly system and individual-family variables (such as domestic labor hours, work-family conflicts, the awareness of gender equality, the demand for the family friendly system) and multiple work environment variables (such as the certification of the family friendly system, supports for seniors and colleagues, flexible working hours, average daily working hours). Third, this study conducted the substantive analysis of the family friendly system-promoting companies to analyze, in detail, the current effects of the family friendly system on the satisfaction of the family-friendly system. Lastly, the existing precedent studies presented mainly the satisfaction of the family friendly system as the independent variable. In contrast, this research study presented the satisfaction of the family friendly system as the dependent variable to consider multiple individual-family variables and work environment variables.

      • 진로탐색 프로그램이 중학생의 진로성숙에 미치는 효과

        전명희 충남대학교 교육대학원 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of the career exploration program on the career maturity of middle school students. To achieve this purpose, the data were collected from 45 middle school students in the third grade who I took in charge of the Creative Studies. The research questions were as follows: First, does the career program affect the attitude of the career maturity? Second, does the career program affect the ability of career maturity? Third, does the career program affect the behavior of career maturity? The group career counseling program was modified with supplement and reconstruction on the basis of Group Career Counselling Program(Kim Chung-Gi, 2001), the Career selection program(ChungChungBuk-Do Education and Science Research Institute, 2002; Taegu Education and Science Institute, 2002). The measurement instrument of the result was the Career Maturity Inventory(Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education & Training, 2001). The program was applied to the experimental group 14 times, once a week for a 10 week period. The program was not applied to the control group. The results were summarized as follows; First, the experimental group's levels of independence, planning, and attitude of jobs were significantly higher than those of the control group by comparing the results of the pre-post test in attitude component. Second, the experimental group's levels of self-appraisal(appraisement), rational goal selection, and knowledge of the various and popular occupations were significantly higher than those of the control group by comparing the result of the pre-post test in ability component. Third, based on the result of the pre-post test in behavior component, the experimental group showed higher score than the control group in the level of career exploration and ready-action. This result suggests a tendency for the effectiveness of the career program. As a result, we find that the career investigation program for the third graders in middle school has a great influence on their career maturity. The study has several limitations. First, it is important to consider when the program is administrated to students. Second, it will be necessary to develop various ways for effective career education through the use of the Internet and diverse measurement instruments.

      • 전략중심의 초등영어 수업이 학습자의 어휘력 및 학습태도 변화에 미치는 영향

        전명희 부산교육대학교 교육대학원 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        전략중심의 초등영어 수업이 학습자의 어휘력 및 학습태도 변화에 미치는 영향

      • '노아의 방주'를 소재로 한 성경이야기 그림책 분석

        전명희 총신대학교 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purposes of this study were to analyze the characteristics of bible story picturebooks based on ‘Noah’s ark’ for development of the understanding about bible story picturebooks and provide basic data to improve literary, artistic, educational and Christian values of bible story picturebooks. For this, study questions were established as follows: 1. What is the situation of domestic publishing of bible story picturebooks based on ‘Noah’s ark’? 2. What are the literary, artistic, educational values of bible story picturebooks based on ‘Noah’s ark’? 3. What is the Christian value of bible story picturebooks based on ‘Noah’s ark’? The subjects were 32 bible story picturebooks based on ‘Noah’s ark’ published in Korea from 1970 to 2017. The books are available on the domestic and second-hand bookstores. The category of analysis consisted of bibliographic data(author, publisher, domestic and foreign publication year, current market situation, awards, form of expression), values of picturebooks(literary, artistic, educational factor) Christian values of picturebooks(Christianity, biblical content fullness, bible retelling strategy, content of bible retelling content). The category of bibliographic data based on such preceding studies as Kim, Minjeong, Hyun, Eunja, Jeong, Jiyoung(2014), Kim, Mijeong(2016), Lee, Ok-im(2015). For the Christian value of picture books, considered such preceding studies as Kang, Seong-ok(1998), Na, Eunsook(2010), Choi, Naya(2011), Hyun, Eunja(2001) to establish analysis criteria. Study findings are as follows: First, regarding the bibliographic data(author, publisher, domestic and foreign publication year, current market situation, awards, form of expression) of bible story picturebooks based on ‘Noah’s ark’, there were more cases in which writers and painters were different respectively in both domestic and foreign books and the writers and painters were 20 foreign books and 12 domestic books. In addition, 9 books of Korean version of foreign work that the writers and painters were the same. However, in the case of domestic books, there was no case that the writers and painters were the same. As for the publisher, most were general publishers, followed by Christian publishers and Catholic publishers. In terms of domestic and foreign publication year, the most(18 books) were published in the 2000s. Bible story picturebooks based on ‘Noah’s ark’ were 32 and 18 of them are now on the market, 8 foreign books and 10 domestic books. Jerry Pinkney awarded Caldecott Honor Medal in 2003 and Peter Spier awarded Caldecott Medal in 1978. As for the form of expression, authorial expression(15) and cartoon style expression(15) accounted for the most of the total 32 books. In terms of foreign books, authorial expression were the most as 12 and cartoon style expression accounted for the most as 9 in domestic books. Second, the average grade of value factors of bible story picturebooks based on ‘Noah’s ark’ such as literary, artistic and educational factor were slightly higher than average. The most highly rated picturebooks were all foreign books while the lowest were domestic picturebooks. Third, regarding the average grade of Christian value factors of bible story picturebooks based on ‘Noah’s ark’, Christianity was slightly higher than average, biblical content fullness got the highest grade in the result from analysis of value factors. In particular, the domestic book ‘Learning English through Noah: Noah who bring rainbow’ was rated one of the highest, the most highly rated books were 4 and 3 of them were foreign books. In terms of retelling strategy, ‘changing the viewpoint of narrator’ was used at the most. As for the content of retelling, ‘picturebooks which original story’s hole filled with retelling’ accounted for the most. According to the analysis of value factors of bible story picturebooks based on ‘Noah’s ark’, the total average grade was slightly higher as 2.8. When it comes to the evaluation of value factors such as literary, artistic, educational factor and Christianity and biblical content fullness, the most highly rated picturebooks were all foreign books except for one domestic book while the most underrated were all domestic ones. In other words, it is apparent that domestic picturebooks rated lower than foreign books in every value factors such as literary, artistic, educational, Christian and biblical content fullness factor. In this way, domestic picturebooks’ level of quality is lower. 본 연구는 ‘노아의 방주’를 소재로 하는 성경이야기 그림책의 특성을 분석하여, 성경이야기 그림책에 대한 이해도를 높이고, 성경이야기 그림책의 문학적, 예술적, 교육적 가치와 기독교적 가치를 제고하기 위한 기초자료를 제공하는데 목적이 있다. 이를 위한 연구문제는 다음과 같다. 첫째. ‘노아의 방주’ 성경이야기 그림책의 국내 출판 상황은 어떠한가? 둘째, ‘노아의 방주’ 성경이야기 그림책의 문학적, 예술적, 교육적 가치요소는 어떠한가? 셋째, ‘노아의 방주’ 성경이야기 그림책의 기독교적 가치요소는 어떠한가? 본 연구는 1970년부터 2017년까지 국내에서 출판된 그림책 중 ‘노아의 방주’를 소재로 한 성경이야기 그림책으로 국내 일반서점과 중고서점에서 구입 가능한 32권을 대상으로 하였다. 이를 분석하기 위한 분석범주는 서지사항(작가, 출판사, 국내·외 출판년도, 현재 시판 상황, 수상내역, 표현양식), 그림책의 가치요소(문학적 요소, 예술적 요소, 교육적 요소), 그림책의 기독교적 가치요소(기독교성, 성경내용 충실도, 성경 재화방법, 성경 재화내용)로 설정하였다. 그림책의 서지사항의 분석범주는 김민정, 현은자, 정지영(2014), 김미정(2016), 이옥임(2015)의 선행연구에 기초하였고 그림책의 가치요소는 이경우, 장영희, 이차숙, 노영희, 현은자(1997), 정혜연(2011)의 선행연구에 기초하였으며 그림책의 기독교적 가치요소는 강성옥(1998), 나은숙(2010), 최나야(2011), 현은자(2001)의 선행연구를 고찰하여 분석준거를 세웠다. 본 연구를 통해 얻은 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, ‘노아의 방주’ 성경이야기 그림책의 서지사항(작가, 출판사, 국내·외 출판년도, 현재 시판 상황, 수상내역, 표현양식) 중 글과 그림 작가는 국외서 20권과 국내서 12권으로 국내외서 모두 글과 그림 작가가 각각 다른 경우가 더 많았다. 또한 국외번역서 중 9권은 글과 그림 작가가 같았으나 국내서의 경우 글, 그림 작가가 같은 경우는 없었다. 출판사는 대부분 일반 출판사이며 그 뒤를 이어 기독교 출판사, 가톨릭 출판사 순이었다. 국내·외 출판년도는 2000년대에 출판된 그림책이 18권으로 가장 많았다. ‘노아의 방주’ 성경이야기 그림책은 32권 중 현재 18권이 시판 중이며 이중 국외서는 8권, 국내서는 10권이다. 2003년 제리 핑크니가 칼데콧 아너상, 1978년 피터 스피어가 칼데콧상을 받았다. 표현양식은 32권 중 작가적 표현 15권, 만화적 표현 15권으로 대부분을 차지했으며 이 중 국외서는 작가적 표현이 12권으로 가장 많았고 국내서는 만화적 표현이 9권으로 가장 많았다. 둘째, ‘노아의 방주’ 성경이야기 그림책의 가치요소인 문학성, 예술성, 교육성의 평균점수는 보통보다 약간 높은 수준이었으며 가장 높게 평가된 그림책은 모두 국외서인 반면 가장 낮게 평가된 그림책은 모두 국내서이다. 셋째, ‘노아의 방주’ 성경이야기 그림책의 기독교적 가치요소인 기독교성, 성경내용 충실도, 성경 재화방법, 재화내용 중 기독교성은 평균점수가 보통보다 약간 높았다. 성경내용 충실도는 가치요소 분석 결과 중 가장 높은 점수를 받았으며 특히 가장 높게 평가된 그림책 4권중 국외서 3권에 국내서인 ‘영어로 배우는 노아 이야기: 무지개를 불러온 사람 노아’가 포함 되었다. 재화방법은 ‘화자의 시점 바꾸기’가 가장 많이 사용 되었으며 재화내용은 ‘재화를 통해 원문 이야기의 구멍을 메운 그림책’이 가장 많았다. ‘노아의 방주’ 성경이야기 그림책의 가치요소 분석 결과 전체적인 평균점수는 보통보다 약간 높은 수준이었으나 문학적, 예술적, 교육적 가치요소와 기독교성, 성경내용 충실도 가치요소를 평가했을 때 가장 높게 평가된 그림책은 국내서 한권을 제외하면 모두 국외서인 반면 가장 낮게 평가된 그림책은 모두 국내서였다. 다시 말하면 국내서는 그림책의 문학성, 예술성, 교육성, 기독교성, 성경내용 충실도 가치요소 분석 결과 모든 부분에서 국외서 보다 떨어지는 것으로 평가 되었다.

      • 高等學校 漢文敎科書에 收錄된 四書 硏究

        전명희 朝鮮大學校 敎育大學院 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The sixth curriculum improvement to the seventh curriculum because of the extreme changes in the internal and external system, environment, demands in education for the 21st century; that is, change in educational systems pursuing globalization, advanced communication, diversification, fluctuations in society, rapid development of science, technology and knowledge, structural revolution of economy, industry and employment, and changed needs and requirements of education demanders, educational condition and environment. Therefore, the Sino-Korean curriculum had to be adjusted according to the needs of the age and social change. Sino-Korean education has the two ultimate goals of proper understanding of Chinese characters and words written in Chinese characters, and further improvement in reading comprehension of Sino-Korean sentences based on the two principles of 'Fluency of Korean' and 'Inheritance and Development of Traditional Culture'. Today's education is categorized into two different sections: knowledge and skill learning for practical use, and personality education focusing on values and efficiency. The latter is more seriously weighted. When Sino-Korean education is to expand the area of Chinese characters and words written in Chinese characters to Sino-Korean, the former is a tool text while the latter is human education pursuing emotional promotion. As mentioned above, an importance is given to the curriculum of Sino-Korean rather than Chinese characters and words written in Chinese characters. Also, what is pursued in Sino-Korean education is roughly categorized into communication skill and language culture. Personality education in Sino-Korean curriculum is involved in language culture which means that education in Sino-Korean can help students to understand life, the wisdom of ancestors, inherit traditional culture and inspire a healthy personality and a desirable sense of values. In education, it has been said that an ideal education can be achieved through the harmony of knowledge and skill, learning and personality education. However, our education is inclined towards knowledge and skill learning causing considerable side-effects in education. Therefore, current education pursues personality education to mitigate such educational side-effects and Sino-Korean education aims to foster desirable personality and a sense of values based on the improvement of reading comprehension, not focusing on simple memorization of Chinese characters and words. This study was designed to examine why Sino-Korean learning is necessary to cultivate one's disposition as a global citizen who has a deepened understanding of the traditional sense of values and culture. Also, it teaches the importance of ancient classics that represent the spiritual culture of ancestors who developed their character and pursued the truth. In this century, for global beings, the reading of classics followed by cultural zone of Chinese character is necessary. Only through the understanding of classics written in Sino-Korean can gaps between oriental and classical liberal arts be bridged and harmonious and independent culture be developed. So, we should understand, tradition permeating our lives and applied to our age by learning Chinese classics, results in the sharing of spiritual culture of the Orient. When learning traditional liberal arts and character is proceeded by knowing the traditions, creative accommodation of different foreign cultures can be possible. This study adopted Saseo <<四書>>, the most representative material of classics, whether it be the East or the West, as a material of personality education in the Sino-Korean department, emphasizing classic learning for cultivation of personality education. Saseo <<四書>> includes the Four Books : the Great Learning 『大學』 the Analects of Confucius 『論語』, the Works of Mencius 『孟子』, and the Doctrine of the Mean 『中庸』. They are the best classics used as the basic texts of Sino-Korean education. They replaced the Book of Odes 「詩經」, the Scripture of Documents 「書經」, the Book of Changes 「易經」, Yegi 「禮記』, and Chunchu 「春秋」, which were taught in the Han Dynasty and became musts for learning Confucianism lead by Juja(朱子). Now, 'the Four Books and Five Classics (四書五經)' are important classics that are recognized as symbols of classics and the culture of the East. In this aspect, the educational significance of the Four Books is enormous and they contain most of the thoughts of Confucianism. Confucianism emphasizing a control of others followed by self-training (修己治人) was a main source of Oriental thought. The Four Books became principles of governing countries as well as codes of conduct and basic textbooks. Therefore, this study selected common high school Sino-Korean textbooks accessed by most people for the reason that they are systematically composed of main sentences from the Four Books, aiming to identify the interpretation and meaning of sentences and to analyze contents subject by subject, based on sentences of the Four Books found in textbooks. It is expected that it will be a great help to cultivate a healthy sense of values and desirable personality through understanding the lives and wisdom of ancestors. However, due to lack of information and capacity, more precise analysis and direction could not be presented. After textbooks of Sino-Korean and Chinese classics of the Seventh Curriculum are completely published, presentation of newer perspectives and direction will be possible.

      • 시설 입소에 의한 생활환경의 변화가 치매노인의 일상생활 수행능력에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 : 입주거리 및 입주기간에 따른 변화를 중심으로

        전명희 고려대학교 대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Most of the elderly, who are losing their physical and mental abilities, experience an extensive change in their living environments and patterns when they enter a new institution. Moreover, the elderly with dementia has more troubles in adapting the environmental changes comparing to the general. This study is to examine the effects of relocation to the physical competence of the elderly with dementia by analyzing the time-series data of ADL(Activity of Daily Livings)s, and to present the basis of environmental features suitable to them. The results indicates that the environmental changes effect the physical abilities of the elderly in negative ways, and it appears that the elderly who are institutionalized in a facility with longer management show less negative changes in their abilities. Also, the abilities show better aspects as the distance of entrance gets lower. As time passes, the degree of their changing abilities have a tendency of decreasing, and their high-functional abilities of instrumental activities are attenuated gradually while their abilities of daily activities are promoted. This indicates that a slight changes if the institution's environment could promote the elderly's ADLs.

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