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      • 18世紀 France貴族의 變化

        장세룡 慶北大學校 大學院 1981 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        On interpretation of French Revolution. The orthodox thesis argued that Revolution was campaigned with revolt of nobility resulted from conflict of classes between the declining Nobility and arising Bourgeoisie. Concerning to this maixist dialectical classe struggle theory, Recently New criticism was performed by Anglo-American historian and Annaliste. They took a concept of elite as a group theory in stead of a class theory in this thesis, 1 apply a ciculation of elite theory of vilfredo pareto to in the 18th century French Nobility, New elite was formated by anoblis who had anoblissement and this lead to social mobility. Anoblissement was possible by a letter of patent and official rank and the letter was get the most part. In problem of social mobility bourgeoisie felt troubling sense among nobility, monarchy and himself and that sentiment related to revolutionnary consciousness . Along to this processs of social mobility, many bourgeoisie took anoblis and that continously increased in number. In first half century, noblesse de Robe who arose through the 16th and 17th century became identified with hoblesse d'e′pe′e who was governing elite. Especially in second half century some of transformation was performed by nobility. The nobility accepted value of bourgeoisie and took change on concept of virture and that a part of nobility and upper bourgeosie formated to a group of Enlightenment elite. They detested to despotic monarchy and at that time divided between administrative elite and non-administrative elite and struggled within them. Necessarily this conflict brought to Revolution-nary circumstance Economically, a part of Nobility participated in a conduct of early capitalism. In themes of aristocratic reactions in second half of century there are no certain evidence the exclusivity of nobility was increased in many social areas In seigneurial reaction it was resulted from increased penetration of capitalism to agricultural community. In the 18th century Nobility, he was not a class of declined but sustained his socio-economic status. On the other other hand there were many nobility who felt a canflict of sentiment in process of transference from society of orders to society of classes.

      • 老人福祉施設의 效率的 運營을 爲한 政策方案에 關한 硏究

        장세룡 동국대학교 2001 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study is to furnish the reform measures of the operation on the elderly welfare facilities in Korea. This study is focused on three factors such as institution, human resources and finance, using descriptive and survey research methods. This thesis finds such problems as; First, there are the insufficiency of the institutional devices and the service deliverly systems For the elderly welfare. Second, many elderly welfare facilities are faced with a lack of employees with professional skills. In addition, the employees on the welfare facilities have received low salaries and fringe benefits. Third, all of the elderly welfare facilities are suffering from the financial deficit for facility operations. Therefore, in order to solve the problems that the elderly welfare facilities face, we suggest the followings; First, as for the legal and institutional factor, it is necessary, to provide institutional devices like the elderly welfare facility council that can protect the rights and interest of the facility users. Also it is required that its operation should be transparent. In addition, the regional unbalance of the number of elderly welfare facilities should be adjusted. Second, in human resource, the elderly welfare facilities should secure more employees with professional skills. The government and the facility should also give better treatment to their workers' salary and welfare conditions. This would eventually lead to higher service quality and productivity. Third, it is necessary to rationalize the government subsidy system because most of the elderly welfare facilities in Korea are operated by the government subsidies. Moreover, The tax exemption level for the donation should be increased. The welfare facilities should also try to motivate the participation of the community society to induce their donation. Nowadays, in order to reflect the desires of the old the number of the elderly welfare service programs and facilities are rapidly growing. Therefore, it is essential that the market and community society as well as the government should play active role in providing better welfare services for the elderly.

      • 中小企業의 特質과 經營者 意識에 관한 硏究

        장세용 東亞大學校 大學院 1985 국내석사

        RANK : 247327

        My purpose in this paper is to find out the difficulties of small and medium business through examining the managers' mentality and to better them in the management. 96.5 percent of all manufacturing industries in Pusan district are small and medium. 44.9 percent of all workers are employed by these business. 41.8 percent of all products come from them. 41.8 percent of all added value also comes from them in this region. They are contributing to the improvement of Pusan district economic situation. The management of small and medium business are as follow: They are mainly making various products to order. Producing facilities are old and hard to handle, They are making more efforts in fixing old producing facilities than in installing new ones. The products of them are mainly sold in the domestic market. They export their merchandise to foreign countries by way of local L/C. The percentage of their own capital invested in business are higher than that of large business. They usually depend on banks for loan of meney needed. Workers change their jobs frequently because of low wages. That causes the productive capacity to decrease. Nearly 68.5 percent of all workers aren't working continually in the same business for three years. Moderate wages can keep them from changing their jobs. Through examination of managers' mentality of small and medium business, I got the following results: (1) They are contented with their own business and manage them with reward. (2) They are making active efforts to overcome deptession without any help of others. (3) The main strategy of their management lies in the betterment of technical development and products quality. (4) They have a slogan "Slow and steady wins the race." in their management of business. (5) Their requirements to government are continous support of their progress, finance, and tax cut. And they also demand that large business should not make inroads into small and medium ones. They maintain that dumping of prices of goods should be avoided and each business should have his own manufacturing field, which are to be enlarged. In order to develop the small and medium business, I concluded that: (1) We should invest more money in technical innovation continually. (2) We should contrive to better the quality of products in their own business. (3) Small and medium business should establish their own manufacturing fields and be protected. (4) They must cooperate with large industries in the same business sphere. (5) Modernization of their manufacturing facilities must be sponsored and we need measures for capital investment and improvement of productive capacity.

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