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      • 자연휴양림 숲해설가의 운영실태와 개선방안

        장병영 강릉대학교 산업대학원 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        Since 1999, Korea Forest Service has entrusted and has managed the forest interpreters depending on all of the national recreation forests of South Korea to provide the visitors of the recreation forests with the right understanding about woods and forests and the effective activity of inquiry of forests. But, even now, it has passed four years since the system of the forest interpreters was introduced, the research on the actual condition of management of the forest interpreters has not been developed. This thesis examined the actual condition of management of the forest interpreters of the seven national recreation forests and conducted a questionnaire of twenty one of all thirty eight who were working as forest interpreters in 2002. Based on the result of the research, in order that the system of the forest interpreters can be operated more efficiently in terms of the interpretation of environment, this thesis suggests the method of improvement of the system of forest interpreters as follows: 1. The institution of forest interpreters which is running now in the national forests only must be expanded to all recreation forests. To achieve this, first of all, supporting the budget for managing the forest interpreters, establishing the basic facilities for the interpretation of forests, getting specialists in the interpretation of forests, and providing the method of training the forest interpreters must be realized. 2. In entrusting the forest interpreters again, the matters of the frequency and the result of evaluation of the activity of the interpretation of forests must be reflected. 3. Most of the forest interpreters think that the current expenses of their activity insufficient in reality. Accordingly, the expenses of activity must be supported by the National Treasury and the methods of a variety of financial resources must be suggested. 4. To get the professional forest interpreters and to settle the system of forest interpreters early, the institution of licenses must be introduced immediately. 5. The curriculum of the formal education for the forest interpreters must be established so that the forest interpreters can have a regular education. 6. As the activity of the forest interpreters makes positive effects not only on the visitors of the recreation forests in terms of education but also on the managers in terms of management, it must be expanded and managed as a central part of the matters of recreation forests in the future.

      • 초등학생의 스포츠 참여형태에 따른 자기실현 및 만족도와의 관계

        장병영 강릉원주대학교 교육대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        The purpose of this study was to examine the elementary school student between adolescent sports attendance type and self-actualization and satisfaction. That is to say, this study was to set up the elementary school student on models of adolescent population sociological features, sports attendance types, self-actualization and satisfaction, and was to prove the elementary school student. This study freely selected the 4th grade, 5th grade, 6th grade students in 5 of 40 elementary schools located in An-yang, Kyung-gi Province in 2008, and sampled 400 students with "stratified cluster random sampling". This study used the questionnaire to prove the elementary school student between adolescent sports attendance type and self-actualization and satisfaction. It was based on the sports attendance questionnaire by Lee Eun-Chae in 1992 and Park Jong-Hyen in 1994, the self-actualization test by Min Jin in 1986, the satisfaction questionnaire by Kim Hyo-Sook in 2001 and Hao Hyun-Mi in 1997, consisted in inventories to make clear the elementary school student. The questionnaire of this study had questionaries classified each part based on the translated one by Lee Eun-chae in 1992, and Park Jong-hyun in 1994 to scrutinize the sports attendance types - positive attendance, perceptive attendance, attendance - of objects according to the population sociological background such as gender, grades, their parents' jobs. Also it used the self-actualization it used 3basic parts with the questionaries classified with each part in the basis of the inventory developed by Min Jin in 1986 so as to examine the bureaucratic features and self-actualization. The inventories consisted in competence achievement, competence development, the aim- actualization. Finally to scale the satisfaction it used by Kim Hyo-Sook in 2001 and Hao Hyun-Mi in 1997. The inventories consisted in satisfaction with sports attendance, satisfaction with sports facilities, satisfaction with sports life. The materials collected after the survey courses were signified according to the coding standard, were put in computer, and were testified with the technical statistics analysis, one-way ANOVA, standard multiple regression analysis, according to the analysis purposes, in Window SPSS 12.0 Version, the statistics program. And the delicate differences were testified with the past factum testimony analysis by Scheffe. The results of this study were bellows; 1. There were the differences of self-actualization and satisfaction according to population sociological features. 2. There was the elementary school student between adolescent sports attendance type and self-actualization. 3. There was the relation between adolescent sports attendance type and satisfaction.

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