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      • 포스트 모던댄스의 형성과 전개 양상에 관한 연구

        장경란 동아대학교 교육대학원 1998 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 1960년대 이후 춤예술에 대한 새로운 개념의 충족에 부응하여 생성된 예술사조의 한 흐름으로서 무용예술에 큰 주류를 감당하고 있다해도 과언이 아닐, 포스트 모던댄스(post-modern dance)의 형성과 전개양상을 통하여 포스트 모던댄스 안무가들이 추구하려한 예술특성에 대하여 살펴보았다. 먼저, 포스트 모던댄스의 이론적 배경은 사조사적으로 포스트 모더니즘(post-modernism)을 그 기저로 삼고 있다. 즉 포스트 모더니즘은 후기 상징주의 및 인상주의, 데카당으로 부터 시작된 원모더니즘(proro modernism, 1980∼1909)과 이미지즘·신고전주의·다다이즘·초현실주의에서 미래파, 입체파, 표현주의에 이르는 구모더니즘(palro modernism, 1909∼1950)의 단계를 거치는 사조적 흐름과 함께 60년대에 새롭게 형성된 일종의 모더니즘 비판 혹은, 새로운 모더니즘의 추구로서 범주화되고 역사화된 개념이다. 20세기 들어와 미국을 기점으로 발전해 나간 모던댄스의 전통이나 관습·가치·신앙·이념으로 부터 해방을 추구하였던 포스트 모던댄스 안무가들은 정확히 그 구성의 내용을 단정짓기 어려운 일종의 전위(avant-garde)무용으로서 새롭게 창작된 무용을 만들었음을 알 수 있다. 이러한 전위무용은 60년대 미국 무용계에서 탈(說) 마사그레이엄적 현상이 부분적으로 일어나는 가운데 커닝햄을 기점으로 저드슨 교회의 많은 안무가들이 실험적 차원의 새로운 무용을 창출해 내는 것에서부터 그 시발점을 두고 발전하게 된다. 즉, 당시의 포스트 모던댄스의 발단은 경제적 소득수준의 향상과 물질만능주의의 팽배라는 시대적 상황과 어울려 무용예술 또한 발레의 규범성에 반발하여 인간 신체의 자유로운 해방을 내세운 이사도라 던컨(Isadora Duncan)의 춤으로부터 시작된 모던 댄스가 마사 그레이엄(Martha Graham)의 무용기법에 의해 정형화된 틀로 고착화됨에 따라, 모던댄스 역시 또다시 새로운 움직임을 추구하는 일련의 현상들이 일어나면서 포스트 모던적 안무스타일의 시도가 점차 확산되어 갔던 것이다. 이러한 포스트 모던댄스의 전개양상은 80년대를 거치면서 현재까지 그들만의 독창적 예술형식을 가지며 진행중이라 할 수 있으며, 포스트 모던댄스의 가장 본질적인 미적 특징은 전형화되고 고정화된 스타일의 지배와 구속에서 벗어나 일상적 움직임 속에 모순·모호성·복합성을 인정하는 무용예술에 대한 전반적인 현상이라 하겠다. 그 구체적 예술적 특성을 간추려보면, 첫째, 이전의 모던댄스에 대한 구조적 형식에 반발하여 그 동작구성이나 표현방식에 있어서 어떠한 전통적 방식도 거부하였으며, 둘째, 춤의 고도화된 전문화로 인하여 소통불가능한 상태를 탈피하기 위하여 일상적 움직임을 수용함으로써 춤언어의 확장 또는 춤 동작에 대한 보다 진지한 숙고가 이루어졌다. 셋째, 완성된 예술장르의 각 요소들간의 독립성을 인정하여 이를 대등한 관계로 연결하였으며, 넷째, 의도된 계획과 조작에서 오는 안정성과 예측성, 평범성을 거부하기 위해 우연성의 방식을 채택하여 작품을 제작하였다. 그리고 다섯째, 무용공간에 대한 전통적 개념과 무용수에 대한 신비주의 또는 여러 가지 고정관념에서 벗어났다. 이러한 일상성과 대중성이라는 성향을 가지고 독자적인 양식을 구축해 나간 포스트 모던댄스의 발전과 그 진정한 예술세계에 대하여 올바로 이해하고 수용하여야 할 것이다. This study aims to observe the trend of the whole dance circles in order to investigate formation and the aspect of development of postmodern dance which has become influential since the 1960s. A group of Judson Choreogreps, inspired by Merce Cunningham and Robert Dunn, broke traditional formula in the composition of danceing movements and in the way of expression opposing the structural form of 'traditional' modern dance. They have developped the various way of dance composition by the substantial and minimal approaches to the dance since the 1960s and showed their philosophical efforts to explore the relative way of existence against the modern dance. After the 1970s they, who had once separated in order to act individually in their own ways, met together to form a new group centering around Grand Union, Meredith Monk, and Twyla Tharp, for their new creation, and presented a 'free' and 'democratic' style of dance composition. And after the 1980s, they tried to use a bit new way of mixed multimedia by a compromise and a harmony with theatricalism, and this could be worried about the negative situation that they might return to traditionalism. However, this should be rated as a revaluation of tradition. Some concrete artistic characteristics of postmodern dance are as follows: First, postmodern dance denied any traditional formula in the composition of notion and in the way of expression opposing the structural form of modern dance. Second, in order to avoid the condition of the lack of mutual understanding from a highly specialized dance, it accepted the daily movements, broadened the region of dance language, and thought over the motions of dance seriously. Third, modern dance combines organically several elements in order to represent a theme, while postmodern dance acknowledged an individuality of each element in the complete artistic field, and connected the, and represented them individually. Fourth, postmodern dancers produced their own works adopting a way of casuality in order to dent stability, expectancy, and the commonplace arising from the intentional plan and manipulation. Fifth, postmodern dance escaped from a traditional. concept of dance space, mysticism of dancers, and some fixed ideas. Sixth, postmodern dance pursuited not only a substantial purpose of dance art in itself but also the aesthetics of daily life. In this respect, an attitude to receive through a perspective of an appreciator must be needed on the point that the above activities developped variously. And from the historical viewpoint, it is undeniable that the dance circles are not consciously awakened earlier than other artistic circles, but it is significant that the dance circles started to think over and criticize the structure and the form of dance. Therefore a more progressive aesthetics of dance can be achieved by criticizing and receiving selectively the reformative and creative wills of the precedent modern dancers and their independent artistic activities rather than by accepting as they are.

      • 직접교수전략이 수학학습장애아의 곱셈연산능력과 자기효능감에 미치는 효과

        장경란 창원대학교 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 직접 교수가 수학 학습장애아의 곱셈연산 능력에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지에 대하여 알아보고자 하였다. 연구에 참여한 대상은 초등학교 수학 학습장애아 3명으로 기준변동설계에 의해 총 11주 동안 기초선 6회기, 중재 및 목표 도달을 위해 주 4회, 매회 40분씩 총 42회에 걸쳐 훈련을 실시하였다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 기초 검사지의 오류 유형을 분석하고 오류의 원인을 찾아 직접 수 전략을 사용하여 교정해 줌으로써 아동들의 곱셈연산 능력이 크게 향상되었다. 3명의 수학학습 장애아 모두 곱셈연산 능력이 기초선에 비해 뚜렷한 향상을 보였는바 직접 교수 전략 은 수학 학습장애아의 곱셈연산 능력을 향상시키는데 효과적이라 할 수 있다. 둘째, 직접 교수 전략의 사용으로 수학 학습장애아의 곱셈연산 능력의 향상과 더불어 자기 효능감이 상승 되었다. 즉 자기 효능감 검사에서 3명의 대상 아동 모두의 사전사후 검사 결과 및 태도를 관찰하여 볼 때 직접교수 전략을 통해 곱셈연산 문제의 정답률이 상승함으로써 연속적으로 성공감을 경험하게 되고 아울러 자신감이 생기게 되었다. 본 연구를 통해 직접 교수 전략이 수학학습 장애아의 곱셈연산 능력과 자기 효능감을 향상시키는데 도움이 됨을 알 수 있었고, 앞으로도 학습장애아들을 위한 다양하고 효율 적인 학습전략에 대한 연구가 계속 되어야 할 것이다. This study was conducted to find out about the effect of the directive instruction on the multiplication ability of the students with learning disability. Participants of the study were three elementary school students with learning disability. They were given training for a total of 11 weeks, according to the changing criterion design with the baseline of 6 times. Each week, they trained four times a week, 40 minutes each time and 42 times in total, for arbitration and goal attainment. The result is as follows: first, the students’ multiplication ability greatly improved by analyzing the types of error in the basic questionnaire and finding out the reason for the error using the direct strategy method to fix the problems. The three students all enhanced their multiplication ability compared to the baseline results; thus it can be said that the directive instruction strategy method was indeed effective in improving the multiplication ability of the children with learning disability. Second, the use of the directive instruction strategy brought an increased self-efficacy in the students with learning disability. In the self-efficacy test and in the observation on the before-and-after change in the attitude and the score, the three students all experienced a sense of achievement and confidence as their scores improved as result of the directive instruction strategy. The study indicated that the directive instruction strategy was useful in improving the multiplication ability of the students with learning disability. Thus, an effort is required to sustain research on the different effective instruction strategies for the students with learning disabilities.

      • Eugene O´Neil의 가족극에 나타난 갈등과 극복 : Desire under the Elms와 Long Day's Journey Into Night을 중심으로

        장경란 朝鮮大學校 大學院 1994 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        O'Neill has long been a subject of respect by producing a unique artistic line of American plays. His plays contain so various and many problems that we must examine not only his own explanations for his intentions accompanying the problems of interpretation in his plays but also new considerations based on his biography in many aspects. The purpose of this thesis is to study the tragic vision revealed in O'Neill's plays, focusing on father-son relationship in Desire Under the Elms, and Long Days Journey Into Night. O'Neill tried to seize this tragic situation in a family and thought that the reconciliation of a family can come from the self knowledge of each other. Eugene home life was painful: His father was domineering, his mother a morphin addict, his brother on alcoholic. Without doubt, O'Neill was deeply influenced by his family. In the two plays the conflict between father and son is depicted as derived from the conflict between materialism and will. In the two plays such as Eben Cabot and Edmund Tyrone are all characterized as man of feeling and father all as man of strong will. In Desire Under the Elms, they come to be separated mutually because of their egoistic possessiveness for the farm. In the play, Eben and Abbie break out of their mutual individuation by giving up their former possessiveness. In Long Day's Journey Into Night the author deals with the parent-child conflict which not only begins but also ends in the continuous suffering and agony of the characters such as Tyrone, Mary, Jamie and Edmund. Especially Mary's complete immersion into addiction forms the helpless isolation between her and the others. This isolation makes the other's struggles meaningless, even though they have endeavoured to keep their family's kinship. Here, we can feel the pessimistic sense. These characters blame and counter blame each other for being the author of his or her failure in life. O'Neill's protagonist is the life's meaning, hope and the most valuable thing because he believes 'hope in hopelessness' that reveals life in a vivid and exciting experience worth enduring the pain until the true end even though man is bound in a tragic fate. In this point we can find the tragic sense in O'Neill's Tragedies.

      • 항공사 서비스품질이 고객만족과 충성도에 미치는 영향 : 아시아나클럽 회원을 중심으로

        장경란 동국대학교 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Present study was carried out to investigate the ways to improve competitive power of airline service in the highly competitive airline industry, by understanding the relationship between the quality of service and the customer satisfaction on the customer loyalty. Both literature survey and real-world study were carried out in the present study. In the literature survey, the concepts of the quality and structure of airline service were defined and characterized. In the real-world study, a research model to relate the quality of airline service to the customer satisfaction on the customer loyalty was established. Then, questionnaire studies were came out through the customers of Asiana Airline. In the present study, three factors were investigated to find out how each customer was satisfied by factors influencing on the customer loyalty so that the airlines can get high compatibility: first, important service factor influencing customer's choice on carriers; second, relationship between service factor and customer satisfaction; and third, relationship between service factor and customer loyalty. Data analysis including confidence level, frequency analysis, factor analysis, regression analysis, correlation analysis was performed by using SPSSWIN 12.0 Statistic Package in order to examine interrelationship between quality of airlines service, and the customer satisfaction on the customer loyalty. The thesis is composed of five chapters, Chapter 1, as an introduction, describes aim of research, research area and methodology. Chapter 2 provides theoretical background on the definition, characteristics of airline service and structural factors. In this chapter, concept and characteristics of airline service, concept of customer satisfaction, how to measure it, and interrelationship between these factors and the customer loyalty are further discussed. Chapter 3 tells about the questionnaire study including how to establish the hypothesis and research model, and how to perform the questionnaire study, and details about the question. Chapter 4 shows the results of the questionnaire studies including data analysis and interpretation of the results. Chapter 5 discusses the results of the current study, makes a conclusion, and suggests the significance of the current study, limitations and future direction of studies regarding the present study. Improvement of service can ensure ultimate survival of an airliner in a fierce competition by delivering satisfaction to its customers and making them its loyal customers. Previous studies show that loyal customers contribute to an airliner's operating income while it is always important to secure new customers. The findings of this study a structural relations in which service quality leads to customer satisfaction which in turn customer loyalty. It is found that satisfaction of airliner's customer depends considerably on its stability and other various factors including its safety, fare, policy, and membership plan make a huge impact on customer loyalty. These findings suggest that airliners are needed to identify factors to determine customer's satisfaction and loyalty in order to improve their service quality and come up with an aggressive long term marketing strategy to beat rivals in an increasing competition. This study aims at giving a suggestion for Asiana airlines to prepare for increasing domestic airline transportation, and to increase compatibility with advanced megacarriers, by analyzing factor of various airline services provided by Asiana airlines. The present study suggests that future directions of airlines' service improvement and more practical and detailed bases of marketing strategy.

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