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      • 친환경 농산물을 사용하는 학교급식에서 정책과 통계적 품질관리에 관한 연구

        임동빈 조선대학교 2011 국내박사

        RANK : 247647

        This study was performed in order to examine the statistical quality control of environmentally-friendly agriculatural products and they using school meal service whether to be influences to environmentally-friendly agricultural products recongnition of it's parents. As a results of above research, we can make a conclusion the elementary and middle school mealservice using the environmentally-friendly agricultural products leads to the recognition change to parents affirmatively in Jeollanam-do. This study will provide improving quality of school meal and the effective policy of environmentally-friendly agricultural products. Sample in this study consisted of 120 school nutritionists and 637 student's parents and students in Jeollanam-do. Survey with self-administered questionnaire was conducted from September 10 2010 to November 20 2010. For data analysis, X2-test, t-test, F-test, person's correlation and multiple regression analysis were used by SPSS statistic program version 14.0.

      • 일상성을 통한 자아ㆍ타자의 관계에 대한 연구

        임동빈 한남대학교 대학원 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        인간은 누구나 ‘나’라는 자신의 존재에 대한 끊임없는 탐구와 고민의 과정을 통해 자아를 확립하게 된다. 이러한 과정은 일상 안에서 이루어지며, 존재의 인식을 위한 기본 바탕이 된다. 본 연구는 일상 속에서 인간이 존재를 인식하기 위한 행위 중 기록하는 행위에 대한 연구이다. 기록이란 인간만이 행하는 독창적인 사고의 표현으로, 시간과 공간에 의한 경험을 통해 내 자신 속에 내재하고 있는 삶을 인식하여 정체성과 자아를 형성하는 내적인 접근 방법이다. 즉, 기록은 일상에 대한 사유(思惟)를 통해 내 자신의 존재의 의미를 확인할 수 있는 표현의 수단인 것이다. 행위(act)란 사전에서는 ‘인간이 의지를 가지고 하는 짓’을 뜻하며, 철학에서는 ‘분명한 목적이나 동기를 가지고 생각과 선택, 결심을 거쳐 의식적으로 행하는 인간의 의지적 언행’이라 정의 한다. ‘기록’이라는 행위는 일상적 삶의 바탕으로 자신의 존재감과 살아있음을 확인하는 증거물이다. 연구자는 존재에 대한 물음에 대하여 김춘추의 시 ‘꽃’처럼 자신의 존재란 타자와의 깊은 연관성이 있다고 생각한다. 하나의 객체로서의 존재는 있을 수 없다. 누군가를 부르고 부름을 받는 과정 속에서 자신의 소속감과 안정감, 삶의 존재를 인식하고, 정체성과 자아를 찾아 갈 수 있다. 또한 기록행위는 조형예술에서 시각적 표현 가능성의 새로운 방법을 모색할 수 있는 미적가치를 가지고 있다고 생각한다. 본 연구는 이러한 일상적인 기록의 행위를 인간존재의 흔적이자 일상의 흔적으로 표현하기 위하여 기록의 상징적 개념 및 의미와 이론적 배경을 연구하여 이를 작품에 반영하는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다. 따라서 연구자는 일상적인 기록 행위를 모티브로 하여 반복적인 기록의 형태와 의미를 표현하는 것을 중심으로 하여, 일상의 흔적으로서 기록 행위를 통해 기억의 저장성, 회고성, 연상성을 반영한 상징적인 조형적 표현연구를 하고자 하였다.

      • J?rgen Moltmann의 정치신학 연구 : Praxis 관점을 중심으로

        임동빈 침례신학대학교 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate Jürgen Moltmann's political theology based on his concept of praxis. Moltmann who influenced by Marxist Ernst Bloch’s thought has concerned with questions of political and social life. His political hermeneutic is based upon a dialectical relationship between the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ. His idea of the cross and resurrection of Jesus Christ is influenced by the philosophy of Ernst Bloch’s hope. However, this study attempts to reflect the whole idea of Moltmann’s political theology. In this thesis, I define Moltmann's theology as a stimulating theory of Christian praxis. His political theology could not understand without his concept of praxis which mingled theory and practice. Accordingly, Moltmann's political theology can be discussed in this aspect of praxis. Moltmann’s political theology can be divided into eschatology, christology, and ecclesiology. Firstly, this thesis defines his eschatology as “Art of Imagination.” The art of imagination means the expectation for the world that God recreates. The hope for the world stimulates human imagination, and the world promised by God in the dialectic of recollection and expectation is manifested in the imagination of human being. Through this, Christians can do aggressive praxis. Secondly, this thesis discusses Moltmann’s christology. I define Moltmann's christology as “Art of Compassion.” As we know, Moltmann 's hermeneutics of the cross and the death of solidarity stimulates Christian’s sympathy. This sympathy stimulates the Christian's aggressive praxis toward the world. This sympathy can be achieved by the Christian praxis to follow Jesus Christ’s way. Thirdly, this thesis defines Moltmann's ecclesiology as “Art of Community Spirit.” Moltmann claims that the church is an equal community of Christians. Moltmann's ecclesiology leads to the idea that the churches of the world are ultimately one in the history of the Trinity God, and that all members of the Church are equal interdependencies. This idea ultimately leads to the praxis of mutual care based on reciprocity. In sum, this study examines how Moltmann's political theology leads to christian praxis. This dissertation also claims that Moltmann's political theology can be applied to Korean churches. This application will give the Korean church the possibility of new political theology.

      • 과정 형이상학에 나타난 미학적 신 개념 연구

        임동빈 한국침례신학대학교 일반대학원 2023 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this dissertation is to study Alfred North Whitehead's aesthetic concept of God based on his process metaphysics. First, this study examines whether process metaphysics can be applied as a theological methodology of aesthetic theology. Second, this study attempts to provide a methodology to answer today's theological discourses through an aesthetic worldview. The researcher believes that process metaphysics is useful as a methodology of aesthetic theology for the following reasons. First of all, process metaphysics is a philosophical system with an aesthetic worldview. Whitehead defines the reality we experience as "an actual fact is a fact of aesthetic experience." He argues that aesthetic value is the top priority among our values. Therefore, process metaphysics can be said to be aesthetic metaphysics. Next, process metaphysics is a theistic philosophical system. Process metaphysics is likely to be applied to theology because it presents a theistic worldview. Process metaphysics argues the concept of God based on the ontology of process. Therefore, the process God can provide us with a new horizon of understanding God. To achieve the purpose of this dissertation, I examine the development of the concept of God in Process metaphysics. Whitehead's concept of God appears for the first time in Science and the Modern World. In this Book, Whitehead introduces God as the principle of concretion or limitation. After a year, Whitehead wrote a new book named Religion in the Making which he developed his idea of God. In this writing, Whitehead conceives God as a non-temporal actual entity who performs the function of limitation. In Process and Reality, he finalizes his conception of God. Now, God is described as having two characteristics both the primordial and consequent nature. All of these efforts were made to coherence his system through the concept of God. Charles Hartshorne developed his philosophy by using the method of Whitehead's idea. He defined his theism as 'Neoclassical Theism' against Classical Theism because of his ontological approaches. He emphasized the relative nature of God to use the conception of the dipolar God. He also describes God has social characteristics, which it made possible to increase the coherence of process theism. Hartshorne's philosophical theism led to a new stream of theology called Process Theology. This dissertation argues that God's ontological attributes fully influence the direction of theological discourse. Process theologians argue that God's attributes should be fully reinterpreted because process theology constructs the concept of God through the ontology of process. Process theologians deny the existence of this God: God as the Unchanging and Passionless Absolute, God as Controlling Power, God as Cosmic Moralist, God as Sanctioner of the Status Quo, God as Male. They believe that this concept of God is derived from substance ontology. The process God is a God who promotes the enjoyment of all entities. In this theory, God is described as a relative and social being. Process God leads the world by persuasion, not control, and respects the freedom of all beings. Process God's purpose is to promote aesthetic intensity in the world because the most fundamental value in the process philosophy is aesthetic value. Process theory presents an aestheticism worldview that argues that the values of moral values or truth are also included in aesthetic values. Process God leads the creative process of actual entities with the aesthetic power of persuasion. He is a companion God who suffers and rejoices with actual entities. This study criticizes the concept of process God in the following aspects. First of all, Process theology is not strict on the biblical basis because it composes theology with the methodology of 'from below'. Process theology also argues that a changing God is better than an unchanging God. But God's promise comes from an unchanging attribute. Process God does not give people eschatological hope because he cannot ultimately eliminate the evil of the world. The study argues that Process God can positively influence evangelical theology. The idea is that God is a passionate being, that all beings in the world are relational, and that God leads the world with the power of persuasion to promote aesthetic value in the world. The study argues that these ideas can have great theological significance to us.

      • Tramp element를 함유한 TRIP형 저탄소 냉연강판의 기계적특성

        임동빈 부산대학교 대학원 2002 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        The main emphasis of the present study has been placed on understanding the effect of tramp elements(Cu, Ni and Cr) on formablity and mechanical properties of low carbon TRIP-aided cold-rolled steel sheets. Up to now, many workers have mainly reported the effects of chemical compositions on ductility for 0.2~0.4C-Si-Mn TRIP-aided steel sheets because of the formation of retained austenite which is necessity for TRIP behavior. However, these kinds of TRIP-aided steel sheets have a limited weldability, an important property required for automotive use. To improve weldability, TRIP-aided steel sheets are required to have lower carbon content. The usage of scrap iron has become very important in the steel making from the view points of environmentally conscious steels which have high recycle, low environmental cost and resource conservation with high strength and high ductility. The usage of scrap iron, however, is limited owing to the tramp elements such as Cu, Sn, Cr, As and Ni which deteriorate hot-workability and performance of the products. But Cu, Ni and Cr in the tramp elements are generally well known to improve effectively mechanical properties improvement of steel sheets. Then, the possibility to improve formability of low carbon TRIP-aided cold-rolled steel sheets in terms of positive application of Cu, Ni and Cr was high. Seven kinds of (0.1,0.15)C-(1.0,1.5)Si-1.5Mn-(Cu, Ni and Cr) cold-rolled steel sheets were prepared. These steel sheets were intercritically annealed at 780∼810℃, and isothermally treated at Ms. Microstructure observation, tensile tests and formable tests were measured using X-ray diffraction(XRD). The 0.15C-1.5Si-0.5Cu steel sheet(ECO-D) had higher volume fraction of retained austenite about 15%, and smaller size of ferrite grains and retained austenite particles than the 0.15C-1.5Si-1.5Mn steel sheet(ECO-A). On the other hand, the stability of retained austenite of the two steel sheets were same. The tensile properties and the formability of the ECO-D steel sheet was superior to the ECO-A steel sheet, due to maintaining high strain hardening rate in the high strain region by the strain induced transformation of retained austenite to martensite. Containing of Cu as tramp element in the TRIP-aided controlled steel sheets showed beneficial effects on the mechanical properties and formability. The steel sheets(ECO-D) containing Cu or Cu+Ni (ECO-F) had higher volume fractions and stability of retained austenite, and formability than those of Cr containing steels sheets(ECO-E), due to high strain hardening rate maintained in the high strain by the strain induced transformation of retained austenite to martensite. On the other hand, the addition of Cr resulted in forming martensite after heat treatment and, showing a dual phase stress-strain curve behavior and low formability. When the carbon and silicon contents-(0.1,0.15)C-(1.0,1.5)Si-1.5Mn-(0,0.5)Cu steel sheets-were increased, and copper added, 0.15C-1.5Si-V(initial volume fraction of retained austenite) was markedly increased, leading to the good formability. In particular, carbon increased the stability of retained austenite(decreasing α) with increasing the carbon concentration of retained austenite, but the stability of retained austenite seemed to be less sensitive to the silicon contents of 1.0∼ 1.5%and the copper contents of 0.5%. Then, forming properties(LDH_(0) and FLC_(0)) were improved linearly with increasing V_(0) and stability of retained austenite, due to maintaining high strain hardening rate(dσ/dε) in the high strain region by the strain induced transformation of retained austenite. In the case of the 0.15C-1.5Si-1.5Mn steel sheet(ECO-C) containing Cu, formabilities were excellent than the 0.15C-1.5Si-1.5Mn steel sheet(ECO-A) by decreasing strength difference between second phase and ferrite matrix due to Cu solid solution strengthening effect. Finally, survey results about effects on strain induced martensite transformation in relation to formability and mechanical properties of TRIP-aided cold-rolled steel sheets were as follows. Under the plane strain condition, strain induced martensite transformation was start early and finish rapidly than that under uniaxial tensile state, This may be inferred from the fact that the applied shear strain on the specimen under the plane strain condition was higher than under the uniaxial tensile condition. The difference of stress or strain mode plays an important role against the change of strain induced martensite transformation behavior.

      • High concentration ethanol production based on CO gas-utilizing clostridium autoethanogenum

        임동빈 서강대학교 대학원 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Anaerobic acetogens like Clostridium autoethanogenum, Clostridium ljungdahlii, and Clostridium ragsdalei are known to be capable of production of ethanol from carbon monoxide (CO). C. autoethanogenum is extremely anaerobic and known to produce acetate and ethanol through Wood-Ljungdahl pathway with CO as sole carbon source. First we choose growth-related factors like yeast extract, fructose, phosphate, Na2S from defined minimal media and changed concentration of those factors to improve cell growth. After that, we controlled some production-related media components, synthetic gas composition of H2 to CO ratio and existence of CO2 which affect ethanol production. Synthetic gas we used as control has almost same components with Blas Furnace Gas (BFG) ; 20% CO, 20% CO2, 10% H2, N2 balance. All factors above were tested on 100 ml serum flask. Also, fed-batch culture was performed in 2.5 L Stirred-Tank Reactor (STR) at 37 ℃, 400 rpm, pH 7.0. Synthetic gas in the reactor was replaced by flow rate of 300 ml/min. After 15 days of fermentation, acetate and 2,3-BDO was observed with ethanol. Final ethanol concentration was 7.0 g/L

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