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      • 李奎報'東明王篇'의 主題意識 考察

        이태영 호남대학교 2001 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        고려 중기 이규보에 의해 쓰여진 <동명왕편>은 장편의 서사시로서, 많은 연구가 이루어져 왔다. 이 논문에서는 그 주제의식에 초점을 맞추어 논의를 전개하였다. <東明王篇>의 창작과정에 대한 검토에서는 서사시 <동명왕편>에 선행하는 주요 텍스트로 민간에 구전되던 설화와 『舊三國史』(東明王本紀)라는 역사서의 기록이 있었음을 확인하였다. 이규보는 이를 토대로 하고 중국 역사서나 김부식의 『三國史記』(高句麗本紀)에 생략된 내용들을 보강하기 위해 <동명왕편>을 지었다고 밝히고 있다. <동명왕편>은 서장·본장·종장의 삼단 구성으로 되어 있는데, 중국 聖人들의 사적을 다루고 있는 서장·종장이 각각 프롤로그와 에필로그의 기능을 하고 있으며, 본장은 다시 解慕漱·東明·琉璃의 三代 이야기를 記述하고 있는 삼단구성으로 되어 있다. 작품 제목이 <동명왕편>임에서 알 수 있듯이 동명왕에 대한 서술이 작품의 중심을 차지하고 있는 것이 사실이지만, 그 서술 내용에 있어서는 인간적 영웅으로서의 활동 기록이라기보다는 주로 神의 아들로서는 存在의 神聖함을 확인하는 神話的 記錄으로 되어 있다. 따라서 고전적 의미의 '英雄敍事詩'와는 성격을 달리하고 있다고 할 수 있다. <동명왕편>에서 확인될 수 있는 민족의식이란 일종의 '小中華意識'에 지나지 않는 것이며, 따라서 이 작품의 주제의식은 武臣 執政에서 비롯된 국가질서의 혼란에 대한 국가재건 의식에서 찾아야 한다. 일종의 '理想社會'로서의 東明王時代에 대한 憧憬과 禮讚에 이 작품의 중심 주제가 있는 것이다. 결론적으로 <동명왕편>의 민족서사시적 성격은 불완전한 것이며, 더불어 거기에 나타난 현실비판의식 또한 神話時代에 대한 과거지향적인 것이라 할 수 있다. 중국의 고대사회를 이상국가의 典範으로 인식하고 있던 이규보의 작가의식의 한계 내에서 창작된 작품이라 할 수 있겠다. Dongmyungwang Pyun, which was written by Lee kyu-bo in the middle period of Koryo Dynasty, is studied by many scholars as a long epic poetry. This paper is focused on the consciousness of main subject and is argued in accordance with it. During surveying the process of creating of Dongmyungwang Pyun, I verified that there were archives on the historic works of Ku-\-Samkuksa(Dongmyungwang Bonki) and some narratives which were handed down orally through people. Both were the main text and preceeded the epic, Dongmyungwang Pyun. Lee Kyu-bo made it clear that he wrote Dongmyungwang Pyun to reinforce some omitted materials at Samkuksaki by Kim Bu-sik and Chinese historic works. Dongmyungwang Pyun is made up of three steps, the first chapter, the main chapter, and the last one. The first chapter is functioned as the prologue, the last the epilogue, which treat the historic remains of Chinese sages. As we know that the title of the work is Dongmyungwang Pyun, it is true that the description on Dongmyungwang takes the heart of the work. But it is mainly described as the mythological record identifying sacredness of the presence as a son of god rather than as the record of activity as the human hero. Therefore it is different from the epic of heroes in the sense of the classical meaning. The national consciousness in Dongmyungwang Pyun is a kind of 'the small China consciousness', so we should find the consciousness of the main subject of this work in the consciousness of reconstruct the nation from the national disorder which is derived from the military government. The main subject lies in the longing and adoration for the era of Dongmyungwang as a kind of the ideal society. In conclusion, the characteristic of the national epic in Dongmyungwang Pyun is incomplete and the critical consciousness of the reality also can be the past-oriented. And this work can be said to have been created in the limit of consciousness of the author Lee, who thought of the old China as the example of the ideal nation.

      • 사회부과 완벽주의와 우울 관계에서 완벽주의적 자기제시와 정서표현양가성의 매개효과

        이태영 서울여자대학교 일반대학원 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study was to verify the mediating effect of perfectionistic self-presentation and ambivalence over emotional expressiveness between socially-prescribed perfectionism and depression. The data from 541 undergraduate students were used for analysis. And multidimensional perfectionism scale(MPS), perfectionistic self-presentation scale(PSPS-K), ambivalence over emotional expressiveness questionnaire(AEQ-K), center for epidemiologic studies-depression scale(CES-D) were used for measurements. The data were analyzed through correlation analysis and path analysis. The study results were summarized as follows. First, socially-prescribed perfectionism shows significant positive correlation with perfectionistic self-presentation, ambivalence over emotional expressiveness and depression, and perfectionistic self-presentation and ambivalence over emotional expressivness also showed noticeable positive correlation. Second, It was shown that socially-prescribed perfectionism have a significant influence on perfectionistic self presentation, ambivalence over emotional expressiveness, and depression. On the other hand, it appears that perfectionistic self-presentation does not have a significant influence over depression. Third, after proving each mediated effect of perfectionistic self-presentation and ambivalence over emotional expressiveness in the relationship between socially-prescribed perfectionism and depression, there was no mediated effect of perfectionistic self-presentation when there is a significant mediated effect of ambivalence over emotional expressiveness. Fourth, it was noticeable that the path of socially-prescribed perfectionism, the leading variable of perfectionistic self-presentation, was going through ambivalence over emotional expressiveness and depression. Last after studying whether there is a difference in the pathway of reaching depression from socially-prescribed perfectionism depending on the level of socially-prescribed perfectionism, it shows that, in the group which has high level of socially prescribed perfectionism compared to the group with lower level, ambivalence over emotional expressiveness have a double influence on depression. This study researched about the pathway of interpersonal relationship from socially prescribed perfectionism reaches depression and how much effect it has on depression. By researching, if university students with socially-prescribed perfectionism have depression, it reveals that there should be treatment to help their psychological adaptation from the perspective of interpersonal relationship. Based on the result of this study, it discussed about the meaning and limits of the study and suggested future study.

      • 會計情報利用者의 情報欲求 差異에 관한 分析 硏究

        이태영 京畿大學校 大學院 1990 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Accounting has been perceived as the language of business. It is one means of communicating information about a business. The various business actvities of a firm are reported in accounting statements using accounting langeage. Accounting has always been viewd as an information system. It is assumed to be a process that links an information source or transmitter (usually the accountant), a channel of communication, and a set of receivers. The objectives of this study are twofold. One is to investigate the priority of information and the other is to examine whether the degree of each information needs is different among users. For thes research a questionaires method was applied to. Questionaires were sent to 45 investors such as security companies and investment trust companies, and to 37 creditors such as banks, merchant banking corporations and investment finance companies. The results of data analysis follow ; (1) Most of information is considered to be important by investors. Especialy, Future economic outlook of the company, Risk of losing mony on the stock, The industry in which the firm is a part, Financial strength of the company are ranked high. (2) Most of information is considered to be important by creditors. Especialy, accounting policies and its changes, accidental occurrence of debt are ranked high. In doing them, it appears that such factors as the effective amendment of all laws related to the accounting informations' disclosure, the enterprises' conscious change of accounting statements, their users' right understanding of the disclousure and the positive guidance of administrative agencies play an import role in showing the enlargement of accounting imformations' disclousure.

      • 납사 크래킹 센터의 납사 입고 및 이송 계획을 위한 수학적 계획모델 및 휴리스틱 방법의 개발 : Development of mathematical programming models and a heuristic method for feeding scheduling in naphtha cracking center

        이태영 포항공과대학교 2010 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        This thesis addresses the feeding scheduling problem in a Naphtha Cracking Center. To tackle this problem, two mathematical programming models and one heuristic algorithm are suggested. Chapter I addresses a naphtha feeding problem for Naphtha Cracking Center (NCC). The rapid increase of petroleum prices compelled to petro-chemical industries to figure out ways to remove any potential redundancies in and out of their network. The increasing attention on integrating activities that have been addressed separately is in line with this trend. The naphtha feeding problem involves two key operations: delivering naphtha from refineries to NCC and blending naphtha in storage tanks before feeding it to NCC. While the first is concerned with selection sources and scheduling the loading and unloading of naphtha, the latter involves the transfer of the naphtha from storage tanks to a charging tank. The both issues are simultaneously considered by transforming them into a single mixed integer linear programming problem of minimizing the cost function of naphtha prices, shipping expenses, and unloading costs, etc. A numerical example of a real industrial case is presented to illustrate the applicability of the proposed mathematical model. In Chapter II, we propose a decision-supporting framework for a feeding problem in the petrochemical industry. The problem is concerned with delivering materials from suppliers to plants, unloading and storing in storage tanks, and mixing the materials before directly feeding into main processes. Most of the previous works in the literature have addressed these concepts, based on the assumption that the delivery of raw materials is given and fixed. From a joint investigation with industry partners, we have determined that the purchase of feedstock and its delivery also are critical issues in the feed scheduling problem of real-world plants. Thereafter, we takes into account previously addressed issues separately and simultaneously, to increase the overall efficiency. The corresponding decision-making problem is mathematically transformed to a mixed-integer nonlinear programming (MINLP) problem. The solution of the problem is computed using the iterative framework between that of a relaxed mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) problem and that of a nonlinear programming (NLP) problem, to prevent compositional discrepancy. An industry-coworked example of the naphtha case is presented, to illustrate the applicability of the proposed framework. In Chapter III, a heuristic method is developed to address the unloading and blending scheduling problem in NCC. This method is based on the rules which are applied to mange tanks in NCC. By applying this method, the massive scheduling problem is successfully solved in a short time compared to the mathematical programming method. By simulating the schedule solution generated with the proposed method, site-operators can estimate the long-term plans (vessel arrival events) predetermined by the head quarter. If the simulation shows the bad results, site-operators can require that the predetermined long-term plans should be modified in order to maintain NCC at stable and efficient condition. This is the additional advantage to apply the proposed method.

      • 철조망 감시를 위한 무선 센서에서 웨이블릿 상수와 동적 시간 정합 알고리즘을 이용한 특징 추출

        이태영 경북대학교 대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        무선 센서 네트워크는 화산 감시, 전장 감시, 동물 서식지 감시, 건축물의 감시, 농장 관리, 의료분야 등 다양한 분야에서 연구되고 있다[1][2][3]. 무선 센서 네트워크는 미래의 유비쿼터스(ubiquitous) 환경 구축을 위한 핵심 기술로서 전 세계적으로도 그 중요성이 인식되어 IEEE와 IETF 등 국제 표준기구들의 주도로 표준화 및 연구 활동이 빠르게 진행되고 있다[4][5]. 국내에서도 국가 정책 사업으로 교량 및 건축물의 균열 감시, 표적의 침입 탐지 및 식별을 위한 무선 센서 네트워크 연구가 활발히 진행 중이다. 무선 센서 네트워크는 최근 센서 기술, 저전력 RF 및 SOC 설계 기술 등의 발달로 소형, 저가, 저전력의 센서 노드 하드웨어 개발이 가능하게 되었다[6]. 소형의 센서 노드는 관측을 원하는 지역에 설치하여 망을 구성하고, 각 센서 노드가 감지한 자연 현상이나 여러 가지 정보를 사용자에게 전송해 주는 무선 센서 네트워크를 형성한다.

      • 미세피치 플립칩 열압착 접합용 저 열팽창 계수 실란변성 NCA와 Ni-free 표면처리 연구

        이태영 한양대학교 대학원 2022 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        반도체 소자의 패키징은 소형 폼 펙터 및 고성능의 요구로 입출력 단자 수가 증가하게 되고 그에 따라 반도체 칩 접합 방식은 기존 와이어 본딩 보다 입출력 단자 수가 큰 플립칩 접합 방식이 널리 사용되고 있으며, 기판 패드와 접합부를 형성하는 플립칩 범프의 피치는 입출력단자 수가 늘어남에 따라 감소하게 된다. 범프의 미세피치화에 따라서 플립칩 접합부 신뢰성을 향상시키는 접착제로써 적용되는 언더필은 충진 및 플럭스 세척의 어려움 때문에 접합 전 미리 도포하는 NCA로의 대체가 검토되고 있다. 또, 패키지의 경박단소화에 따라 칩과 기판의 열팽창계수 차이에 의해 휨 현상이 증가 한다. 기존의 접합방식으로써 메스리플로우는 칩 및 기판 휨 현상을 제어 하기 어려워 이를 대체하기 위한 열압착 접합방식의 도입이 검토 되고 있다. 또, 기판 소재에서도 미세피치용 표면처리로써 기존의 ENIG 와 ENEPIG에서 가장 두꺼운 Ni층을 제거한 DEG와 EPIG가 소개 되고 있다. 이러한 미세피치 플립칩 기술들은 각 기술별로 신뢰성 검증이 반드시 필요하며, 다음과 같은 문제점을 직면한다. 미세피치용 NCA의 경우 CTE를 낮추기 위해 무기 필러를 첨가하는데 이는 CTE를 낮추는 이점도 있지만 접합부 사이에 트랩 되면 접합부 신뢰성을 악화시키게 된다. 그리고, 새로운 표면처리(EPIG 및 DEG)의 경우 표면처리의 두께는 200 nm 이하 급으로 매우 얇아 미세피치 접합에 적용 가능하지만 Ni(P)층이 없기 때문에 Cu와 Sn의 상호확산이 클 것으로 예상되며 이에 따른 IMC 변화 및 접합부 신뢰성에 대한 연구가 필요하다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 다음과 같은 연구를 진행하였다. 제 3장에서는 필러의 함량, 입도 분포가 NCA 물성에 미치는 영향을 이해하고자 하였다. 필러의 함량이 증가할수록 기존 보고 대로 CTE는 감소하였지만 필러 표면에 흡착된 수분에 의해 보이드를 유발하였다. 이 보이드는 필러 함량이 증가할수록 커졌지만 포뮬레이션 전 필러의 열처리를 통해 제어할 수 있었다. 또 필러의 함량이 증가함에 따라 솔더와 기판 접합부의 트랩 되어 전기적 특성을 저하시켰다. 필러 입도 분포범위를 좁히면(나노 입자와 큰 입자를 제거) 나노 입자로 인한 응집을 해결 할 수 있고 필러 분산도가 증가하여 보이드 분율 또한 감소하였다. 제 4장에서는 접합부의 전기적 특성을 저하시키는 필러 트랩을 줄이고자 필러 함량을 낮추기 위해 NCA의 에폭시 매트릭스 자체의 CTE를 낮추고자 하였다. 에폭시 CTE를 낮추기 위해 낮은 함량의 필러의 작용을 극대화시키기 위한 커플링제(에폭시 실란)와 합성을 진행하였다. 에폭시 실란과 에폭시 레진의 합성은 250°C에서 2시간 조건에서 합성이 가능한 것을 확인하였다. 실란변성 레진을 적용한 NCA(실란변성 NCA)는 필러 분산도를 높이고 필러와의 짧은 결합 길이를 가져 30 wt% 필러 함량에서도 40 ppm/oC의 낮은 CTE를 나타냈다. 실란변성 NCA의 실란기는 칩과 기판의 젖음력을 향상시켰고 접합강도 상승 효과를 가져왔다. 제 5장에서는 NCA를 사용하는 플립칩 접합부의 Ni-free 나노 표면처리 EPIG 및 DEG를 적용하여 볼륨이 낮은 Cu/SnAg 필러 범프와의 계면특성 및 필러트랩 특성을 연구하였다. EPIG 및 DEG는 표면처리 두께가 얇아 도금 전 에칭 된 Cu pad의 거친 표면을 상쇄시킬 수 없었다. EPIG의 경우 Pd 두께가 0.2 μm 일 때 표면거칠기가 감소하여 필러 트랩을 줄이고, 접촉저항을 다소 낮출 수 있었다. 이어서 IMC 성장에서는 DEG의 경우 Cu 확산 방지층이 없어 IMC성장이 다른 표면처리의 비해 가장 컸으며, Cu6Sn5, Cu3Sn 상이 형성되었다. EPIG의 경우 ENIG 및 ENEPIG에 비해 IMC가 두껍게 형성되었고, Pd 두께가 0.1 μm임에도 불구하고 볼륨이 작아 상대적으로 Pd 농도가 높아 (Pd,Cu)Sn4상이 형성 되었다. EPIG의 0.2 μm의 Pd 두께는 솔더링 이후에도 Pd 층이 남아 있어 IMC 성장을 억제할 수 있었다. 본 논문의 목표는 미세피치 플립칩 열압착 접합기술의 요구사항을 충족하기 위한 접착소재로써 낮은 CTE를 갖는 실란변성 비전도성 접착제(non-conductive adhesive, NCA)및 Ni-free 나노 표면처리의 적합성에 대해 연구하는 것이다. 본 논문에서는 필러가 NCA의 미치는 영향에 대해 이해하고 필러의 함량이 끼치는 NCA의 특성 저하를 해결하기 위해 커플링제와 에폭시 레진을 이용한 새로운 합성법과 실란변성 NCA 제조 방법을 제시하였다. 실란변성 레진은 NCA의 필러 분산도 향상, 표면장력 감소 및 필러와 무기물에 대한 젖음성 향상을 가져와 저 함량의 필러 첨가에서도 낮은 CTE를 갖고 접합부 특성 향상을 가져왔다. 미세피치에 필요한 새로운 표면처리 EPIG 및 DEG의 경우 표면처리 도금 전 에칭된 Cu의 표면거칠기를 상쇄시킬 수 없어 필러 트랩이 증가하였지만 EPIG의 Pd 두께를 증가시켜 필러 트랩 및 접촉저항을 낮출 수 있었다. 위 연구 결과를 토대로 미세피치 플립칩 접합용 소재로 실란변성 NCA 및 Pd 0.2 μm를 갖는 EPIG를 적용시 패키지 신뢰성 향상을 가져올 수 있는 방향을 제시하였다. In semiconductor device packaging, the number of I/Os increases due to the demand for small form factors and high performance. As a result, the pitch of the flip-chip bump that forms the bond with the substrate pad is reduced. As an adhesive that improves the reliability of flip-chip joints as bumps become finer pitched, underfill is being considered for replacement with NCA, which is pre-applied before bonding due to difficulties in filling and flux cleaning. In addition, as the package becomes lighter, thinner, and smaller, the warpage phenomenon increases due to the difference in the coefficient of thermal expansion between the chip and the substrate. As a conventional bonding method, mass reflow is challenging to control chip and substrate warpage, so the thermos-compression bonding method is being considered to replace it. In addition, DEG and EPIG, which remove the thickest Ni layer from the existing ENIG and ENEPIG, are being introduced as a surface finish for fine pitch in the substrate material. These fine-pitch flip-chip technologies require reliability verification for each technology and face the following problems. The NCA for fine-pitch has the advantage of lowering the CTE by adding inorganic fillers to lower the CTE, but it is trapped between the joints, reducing the joints' reliability. And for the new surface finishes (EPIG and DEG), the thickness of the surface finish is very thin in the nanometer order of 200 nm or less, and it has the advantage of applying to fine-pitch joints. However, the interdiffusion of Cu and Sn without the Ni(P) layer is expected to be significant, and accordingly, studies on the changes in IMC and joint reliability are needed. Therefore, it is expected that studies on the changes in IMC and joint reliability will be needed. This article conducts the following studies: Chapter 3 tried to understand the effect of filler content and particle size distribution on the properties of NCA. As the filler content increased, the CTE decreased as previously reported, but the void ratio increased due to moisture adsorbed on the filler surface. These pores became larger with increasing filler content, but can be controlled by heat treating the filler prior to formulation. Additionally, as the filler content increased, it became trapped in the solder and junctions of the substrate, resulting in degradation of electrical properties. Reducing the size distribution range of filler particles (removal of nanoparticles and large particles) can solve the agglomeration caused by nanoparticles. Also, by increasing the charge dissipation, the void fraction also decreases. Chapter 4 attempted to reduce the CTE of NCA's own epoxy matrix to reduce filler content and reduce filler traps that degrade the electrical properties of the joint. To lower the epoxy CTE, it was synthesized with a coupling agent (epoxy silane) to maximize the action of low-content filler. It was confirmed that synthesizing epoxy silane and epoxy resin was possible at 250 °C for 2 hours. Silane modified NCA with silane-modified resin has a low CTE of 40ppm/°C even with 30% filler content due to increased dispersion of fillers and shorter bond lengths with fillers. In addition, the silane group of the silane-modified NCA had the effect of improving the wetting force between the chip and the substrate and increasing the bonding strength. In Chapter 5, the suitability of EPIG and DEG, Ni-free nano scale surface finish of flip-chip joints, was studied using silane-modified NCA. The interfacial properties between the new surface finishes (EPIG and DEG) and the Cu pillar/SnAg cap bump with low solder volume were studied. EPIG and DEG could not compensate for the rough surface of the etched Cu pad before plating due to the thin thickness of the surface finish. For EPIG, when the Pd thickness was 0.2 µm, the surface roughness decreased, resulting in a reduced filler trap and slightly lower contact resistance. After that, in the growth of IMC, since there was no Cu diffusion barrier layer in DEG, the growth of IMC was highest compared to other surface finishes, and Cu6Sn5 and Cu3Sn phases were formed. In the case of EPIG, IMC was formed thicker than ENIG and ENEPIG, and the (Pd,Cu)Sn4 phase was formed due to the relatively high concentration of Pd due to the small volume despite the Pd thickness of 0.1 μm. The 0.2 µm of Pd thickness of EPIG can inhibit IMC growth because the Pd layer remains after soldering. This paper aims to study the suitability of silane-modified non-conductive adhesives with low-CTE and of nano scale surface finish with Ni-free as bonding materials to meet the requirements of fine pitch flip-chip thermo-compression bonding technology. In this paper, we presented a novel synthesis method using a coupling agent and an epoxy resin and a method for preparing silane-modified NCA to understand the effect of fillers on NCA and to address the degradation of NCA properties due to filler content Silane-modified resins improve the dispersion of fillers in NCA, reduce surface tension, and improve the wettability of fillers and inorganic materials, improving bonding properties with low CTE even with the addition of low-content filler. For the new EPIG and DEG surface finishes required for fine-pitch, the filler trap increased because the surface roughness of the etched Cu could not be compensated for before the plating surface finish. However, the filler trap and contact resistance can be reduced by increasing the Pd thickness of the EPIG. Based on the results of previous studies, guidelines for improving the reliability of packages were proposed when applying Silane-modified NCA and EPIG using 0.2 μm of Pd thickness as a material for bonding fine-pitch chips.

      • 전주지역 시장판매 표고버섯의 배양적 특성

        이태영 전북대학교 생명자원과학대학원 2011 국내석사

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        표고버섯의 골목 및 참나무 재배를 대체할 수 있는 기질의 개발이 절실히 요구되고 있다. 따라서 새로운 기질의 개발을 위하여 표고버섯의 영양생리를 밝히고 이에 상응하는 환경 조건을 충족시켜야 함으로 본 연구에서는 온도, 산도 및 배지에 관하여 집중적인 결과를 도출하도록 연구를 진행하였다. 또한 전주지역의 주요소비처에서 판매되는 표고 균주의 모균주와 자식균주간의 유연관계를 비교 분석하였다. 표고버섯의 최적 생장온도는 25℃라 볼 수 있는데 이는 접종 초기부터 인공배지 배양기인 petri dish에서 성장이 최 외곽에 도달하는 시점까지 모두 최고의 균사성장을 보여주었다. 이들의 생장은 1.0~2.1cm/day 의 생장률을 보였다. pH에 따른 생장속도 측정결과 pH 6에서 양호한 생장을 나타내었지만, pH 8, pH 9에서는 잘 자라지 않았다. pH 6에서 균사체들은 0.7~ 1.9cm/day의 생장률을 보여주었으며 이는 최적 pH가 균의 생장이 높은 영향을 미친다고 여겨진다. 4가지의 다양한 배지를 pH 6으로 조절하여 25℃상에서 배양한 결과 MEA 배지에서 가장 양호한 생장을 나타내었으며 CDA배지에서는 낮은 생장률을 나타내었다. 시험된 균주들은 약 0.48cm/day-1.1cm/day의 생장률을 보여주었다. 8품종의 유사도 계수 범위는 0.1115에서 1.7776이었고, 이 들 중에서 3군으로 나눌 수 있고, 유사도 계수를 기초로 NTSYS의 UPGMA (Unweighed Pair-Group Method with Arithmetic Average) 방법으로 집괴 분석하여 tree를 작성하여 본 결과, C2와 C3의 유사도 계수가 1.7776을 나타내어 유연관계가 가장 먼 것으로 확인되었다. 한편 C3의 경우 C4, V5, V8과는 0.1115라는 유사도 계수를 나타내며 유전적으로도 근연관계가 있을 것으로 추정된다. Mushrooms are recognized as natural and healthy foods originating from an environmentally friendly organic farming system. Mushrooms that are mostly cultivated are Agaricus bisporus, Lentinula edodes, Pleurotusspp., and others. Besides their taste and nutrition, they also have medical functions, such as anti-tumour, immuno-stimulating, hypolipidaemic and hypocholesterolaemic effects to make mushroom cultivation sustainable and highly productive, novel improved strains with improved characteristics are greatly needed. However, mushroom strains are very difficult to discriminate, due to lack of clearly distinguishable characters which makes strain protection problematic, and impedes strain improvement. Mushrooms have high nutritional value, therapeutic properties and various environmental and biotechnological applications. However evolutionary connection among species is still not clear and many taxonomic issues remain controversial. In the present study the commercially cultivated mushrooms are cultured and their physiological growth conditions are characterized. The mushroom cultures were isolated using the malt extract agar containing the antibiotics streptomycin and tetracyclin. The isolated pure cultures were stored at 4°C. The experiments were carried at different pH 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0 and different temperatures 15°C, 25°C and 30°Con the Malt extract agar. It was found that all the species grow at the optimum pH6.0 and the temperature 25°C. Agaricus bisporous, Pleurotus ostreatus, Marasmiaceae, and shiitake mushrooms were selected for the study. Commercial spawn companies have a need for measurable characters to aid in protection of novel varieties. Morphological and allozyme markers have previously been used to characterise commercial mushroom strains. In the present study we have used the RAPD molecular marker to find the genetic relationships between the mushroom. The RAPD were carried out using the Operon Primers. The dismilarity matrix was constructed using the NTSys software and the SAHN clustering was done. The dendrogram was obtained by the UPGMA method. The RAPD analysis reveals that the Agaricus bisporus was distantly related to Flammulina velutipes, and the shiitake mushrooms and the Pleurotus ostreatusforms a separate cluster and they are related to Agaricus bisporous. Morphological and allozyme markers have previously been used to characterize commercial mushroom strains. In the present study we have used the RAPD molecular marker to find the genetic relationships between the mushroom. The RAPD were carried out using the Operon Primers. The dismilarity matrix was constructed using the NTSYS software and the SAHN clustering was done. The dendrogram was obtained by the UPGMA method. The RAPD analysis reveals that the Agaricus bisporus was distantly related to Marasmiaceae, and the shiitake mushrooms and the Pleurotus ostreatus forms a separate cluster and they are related to Agaricus bisporous.

      • 全北方言의 格助詞 硏究 : 完州·鎭安·任實郡을 中心으로

        李太永 전북대학교 1983 국내석사

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        This thesis aims to study the morphological, syntactic and semantic aspects of case-marker in Jeon-buk dialect. Its contents are: 1. Introduction 2. The case and case-marker 3. The roles of case-111arker A. The grammaticaltzation of Verb 'Kada(go)' 5. Conclusion To prove these, I will explain especially on 3 and 4, which are the main theme of my thesis. Firstly. the roles of. case-marker is as follows: [-t/ka] and [kkese] mark Nominative. There are two construction's of [-i/ka]: One is a construction of [suffix +'i'+ Nominative case-marker w-ka] and another is that of Nominative case-marker [-i] + particle t-'ka'. 「-e/-i/-t/-yе」 marks Locative but [-eka], [-eda], [-es9] are different from 「-e」 in its role: Generally, Npe : 'The goal of movement' Npeka: 'The location of existence' Npeda: 'The goal of activity' Npese: 'The starting point of movement' 'The location of activity'[-ki/-ke] marks Dative but [-kita], [-kise], [-kida][-kiro] are different from [-ki]. in its role. Also, [-hante/-hanti],[-Pogo] play a role as a Dative case-marker. but [-hante/- hanti] is used more frequently than 「 ki 」 and in view of this, we know that the role of 「-ki」 is weakening in this dialect. 「-i1/-Ii1]. marks Accusative. [il-il/IiI]. used in intransitive sentence is prescrd as a particle, but 「-i1/-1i1」 attach- ed to a stem of verb in transitive sentence is not a particle but an Accusative case-marker of attachment- transformation.[-iro/-ro] marks a Instrument. Material. Direction, Time. Method, Qualification. Means. Cause, and a Criterion of comparison . Secondly, 「-ka(se)」, the particle that Verb '-kada' is grammaticalized operates as a particle having a role of 'Indicative emphasis'. The generation of this 「-ka(se) 」 is due to insufficiency of particles which emphasize upon the preceding NP. The process of the grammatilization of Verb 'kada' is as follow: *Insert table below (표삽입) This [-ka] seems to have the same gramn1atioal role as particle 「-ka」 (17th century) which changed into a Nominative case-marker (19th century). The process that particle r-ka」 operates as a Nominative case-marker is as follows: *Insert table below (표삽입)

      • 강우의 시간분포를 고려한 CN 산정

        이태영 蔚山大學校 大學院 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        유효강우량을 산정하기 위해 가장 많이 사용되는 SCS CN법은 최근 GIS 및 인공위성 자료의 사용으로 공간적인 한계를 극복하여 CN법의 적용범위를 넓히고 있다. 본 논문에서는 SCS CN의 시변성이 유출에 미치는 영향을 파악하기 위한 시간분포인자에 대하여 살펴보았다. 강우의 지속시간을 처리하는 방법에 따라 AMC조건과 강우의 시간분포인자(1차, 2차, 3차, 4차 모멘트)가 유출에 미치는 연관성을 연구하였다. 연구결과 강우를 10분위로 고려하는 경우, CN은 AMCⅢ조건에서 1차 및 2차 모멘트와 상관성을 보였으나 그 외의 조건에서는 상관성이 없었다. 또한 첨두유출비(Q_(p)/Q)는 AMCⅠ조건에서 3차 및 4차 모멘트와 상관성을 보였으며, AMCⅢ조건에서는 1차 및 2차 모멘트와 상관성을 보였다. 상대적으로 강우의 지속시간을 고려하는 경우, CN은 AMCⅠ조건에서 모든 시간분포인자와 상관성을 보였으나 AMCⅢ조건에서는 1차 및 2차 시간분포인자와 상관성을 보였다. 그리고 첨두유출비(Q_(p)/Q)는 AMCⅠ조건에서 3차 및 4차 시간분포인자와 상관성을 보였으나 그 외의 조건에서는 거의 상관성을 보이지 않았다. 본 연구결과, 보다 정확한 CN 산정을 위해 강우의 시간분포와 제시된 시간분포인자를 고려할 것을 제안하였다. Using GIS as well as the satellite images make SCS CN method, provides direct runoff volume to a watershed, more compatible. In this study, a relation between the temporal variation of rainfall and direct runoff was characterized by the temporal indexes of rainfall(1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th moment). Curve Number has a relation with 1st and 2nd moment for AMCⅢ condition when the rainfall duration is relative (10th quantile). Also, peak runoff ratio(Q_(p)/Q) has a relation with 1st and 2nd moment for AMCⅢ condition as well as 3rd and 4th moment for AMCⅠ condition. Considering all durations of rainfall, alternatively, Curve Number has a relation with 1st and 2nd moment for AMCⅢ condition besides every moments for AMCⅠcondition. But peak runoff ratio(Q_(p)/Q) has few relations excepting 3rd and 4th moment for AMCⅠcondition. As a results, the temporal indexes of rainfall are useful to determine curve numbers regarding the temporal variation of rainfall.

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