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      • 選擇的 奬學의 適用方案 探索에 관한 硏究

        이존구 公州大學 1991 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        1. Purpose of the Study The purpose of this study is intended to search for the New Way to make teachers get out of the Uniform Supervision Ways and choose better differentiated methods based on their real needs and improve upon the methods of teaching and its quality in schools. 2. Contents of the Study 1) The actual conditions of School Supervision are measured and analyzed by variab1es.(schoo1 grade, career, position, location and sex) 2) The views of teachers about Differentiated Supervision are analyzed by above variables. 3) The Applicability of Differentiated Supervision System into Actual Educational field is investigated. 3. Design of the Study 1) In this study, I have made a questionnaire which has twenty seven items based upon three divisions of the study, and five hundred and fifty questionnaires were distributed to teachers working in elementary and secondary schools located in Tae Jeon City and Choog Cheong Nam Do Province. 2) Five hundred questionnaires were collected and these were statistically analyzed through random sampling method. 3) Each percentage of the results treated in this study was calculated throuth variables based upon each item and Statistical Significance of Questionnaire was verified by X' (Chi square) test method. 4. Major Findings and recommendation On the basis of answer, frequency table was made and analyzed. The following conclusions are derived from through the analysis. 1) It is found that the current guidance of Supervision put much weight on regulative function and the improvement of instruction and negative reaction toward contents of the current Supervision is recorded high, so reasonable improvements of it are urgently required. 2) Perhaps the traditional supervision is applicable to every school easily but it gives teachers stresses in many ways. Peer supervision enables teachers to make progress in their teaching abilities through exchange their views but it is accompanied with many technical skill problems of the teachers. Self-directed Supervision has the advantage of making a teacher develops his ability for himself but it is unreliable. Clinical Supervision is accounted much of a mutual cooperation among the supervisors but it needs too much time and efforts. 3) Up to date most teachers have experienced the traditional Supervision System in their schools, so Differentiated Supervision is thought as a most useful, affirmative and democratical supervision type. But teachers really want Self-directed Supervision to be applied in actual field of school educaition. It is thought that such strained sense toward the workshop class causes teachers to love self-directed supervision excessively. A new way to reduce their stresses in urgently required. 4) In conclusion, Most of teachers think that they can gain their desire for developement, better skillful teaching method and better chances of choice through differentiated Supervision, I think that more affirmative and democratic supervision type is the differentiate method and it is more applied in real field of school education.

      • 人性敎育의 發展 方案에 關한 硏究

        이존구 公州大學校 敎育大學院 2003 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        국문초록 人性敎育의 發展 方案에 關한 硏究 公州大學校 敎育大學院 國民倫理敎育專攻 李存九 본 연구과정을 통하여 얻어진 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 학급 담임교사는 학급원의 모델링은 물론 학생들과 상호작용하면서 바른 인성함양을 위하여 담임교사의 역량을 최대로 발휘해야 한다. 둘째, 인성교육은 인간교육의 기본이며 학교교육의 핵심이어야 하며 학생들의 요구와 필요, 학교 여건 등을 고려하여 실천위주의 인성교육을 자리 매김 해야 하겠다. 셋째, 인성교육은 전 교과, 전 교사의 지도로써 가능하다는 인식의 전환이 요구되며 인성교육의 중추적인 역할은 도덕교육에서 이루어져야 함을 간과해서는 안 된다. 넷째, 특별활동은 각각의 영역에 따라 바른 인성함양을 위한 체험학습, 과제학습, 현장학습, 행사, 대회, 발표회, 토론, 조사탐구, 봉사활동 실천적 활동을 통해 다양한 경험과 기회가 제공되어야 한다. 다섯째, 7차 교육과정에서 창의적 재량활동은 지식 편중의 교육을 보완해주는 제도적 장치로 인성관련 교육은 교육적 제도 속에서 가능하다는 점에서 매우 고무적이라고 할 수 있으나 학생들의 관심 부족, 지도자료의 부족, 교사의 전문성 등 지속적인 노력이 요구된다. 연구의 제한점으로는 본 연구가 중학교에 눈높이를 두고 이루어졌으며, 7차 교육과정 적용 초기에 이루어진 연구로 제시된 프로그램의 구체성, 적용방안의 다양성 면에서 보완의 필요성이 제기된다고 본다. 또한 현장교사들의 의견이나 관련기관의 쟁점을 충분히 반영하지 못한 관계로 편협된 연구로써 학문적 가치를 논하는데 부족함을 인정하며 후속적인 연구가 이루어져야 함을 밝힌다. ABSTRACT A Study on Practical Methods of Character Education Lee John-gu Major in Ethics Education Graduate School of Education Kong Ju University Supervised by Professor Choi Heung-soon The purpose of this study is to construct a practice-oriented character education program that could be implemented in the current educational condition or discretionary class newly introduced by the 7th national curricula. For that purpose, the concepts of character and character education were redefined, and the history of personality education was reviewed to prove that good character has been the pivotal object of school education since the 1990s. If character education is defined as cultivating moral human beings who are worthy of the name, it's also the very object of moral education. Therefore, the role and accountability of moral instruction were emphasized in this study as the core of personalty education, and the oughtness of reinforced character education was explained in personal, social, national, moral education and legal aspects to be in line with the revised moral education of the 7th national curricula. What problems the current personality education faced at school, home and society and what problem was caused by the older generation were examined, and in which direction it should move forward was explored. To facilitate the development of personality education, which was the main task of the study, proven or applicable personality education programs were presented in a practical manner to find out what implications they had for future character and moral education. But since the example materials and lesson plan included in this study were prepared by this researcher, they should fully be reviewed, modified or supplemented in accordance with student level, school size and local circumstances. The brief findings of this study were as below: First, homeroom teachers should act as a good role model for their students, interact with them and make every possible effort to help them build up character. Second, character education is the basis of human education, and that should be the center of school education. Besides, it should focus on practice, and carefully be mapped out in response to student needs and in consideration of school circumstances. Third, a change of mind-set is called for. It should be kept in mind that it could be successful when every subject and every teacher try to deal with it, and moral education should play a central role for that. Fourth, extracurricular activities should provide diverse kinds of experience and opportunities to help students have good personality. The type of activities that could incite them to do something on their own should be utilized, such as experience learning, task learning, on-the-spot learning, school events, contests, presentation, discussion, inquiry or volunteer services. Fifth, it's very encouraging that the 7th national curricula introduced creative discretionary activities to correct knowledge-centered education, which makes it possible to offer character education. But since students aren't interested in it and there aren't sufficient teaching materials, sustained efforts should be made to remedy the situations and elevate teacher expertise.

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