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      • 柑橘産業 發展을 위한 作目班 活性化方案에 關한 硏究 : 濟州의 柑橘作目班을 中心으로

        이원후 濟州大學校 産業大學院 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        WTO 출범과 더불어 우리 柑橘産業은 農産物 市場과 流通市場의 開放으로 危險과 發展의 기회를 동시에 맞고 있다. 따라서 본 硏究는 農産物의 市場開放이 확대되고 農産物 流通여건이 변함에 따라 作目班의 組織 및 事業推進 方式은 環境變化에 맞게 再編되어야 할 必要性이 대두되어 作目班에 대한 實態調査를 통해 作目班의 運營實態와 發展段階 및 活性化 方案과 農協의 育成·支援을 모색하고자 하는데 있다. 반면 차제에 우리 農産物의 競爭力 향상을 기하고 무분별한 輸入 農産物과의 差別化를 위해 流通事業 전반에 걸친 運營革新과 제도개혁이 요구되고 있다. 生産단계에서는 安全農産物 生産과 低溫流通體系를 시급히 구축하고, 流通부문에서는 효율화를 통한 物類費用의 節滅과 상품성 향상을 통한 收取價格 提高 및 作目班 運營活性化에 모든 力量이 경주되어야 할 것이다. 農産物 流通事業은 事業의 多樣性과 特殊性으로 事業推進과정에서 試行誤差를 줄이기 위해 무엇보다 農協 任職員들의 전문성과 풍부한 事業經驗이 요구되고 있다. 이러한 시기네 作目班은 농가의 組織化를 통해 영세한 個別 農業經營의 限界를 극복하고 競爭力을 확보하는데 의의가 있으며 특히 1980년대이후 作目班은 流通부분을 규모화함으로써 농가의 市場교섭력을 增大시키는데 중요한 役割을 해왔으며 지난 25년 동안 政府政策에 의해 aic번의 再編過程을 겪으며 發展해 왔다. 農協은 作目班을 發展段階에 따라 기초, 일반, 선진의 3단계로 구분하여, 指導하고 있으며, 최근 몇 년 동안의 發展段階別 作目班數를 보면 기초 및 일반作目班은 減少하고 선진作目班은 증가하는 추세에 있다. 최근 流通市場이 開放됨에 따라 외국의 大形流通業體가 국내에 進出하고 국내 대기업의 流通業 逃出도 擴되고 있다. 이와 함께 1998년부터 개장된 물류센터는 2001년까지 전국에 11개소가 설치될 예정이고 2004년에는 農産物 流通의 23%를 담당할 것으로 전망되고 있다. 이러한 국내 流通環經의 變化를 바라보면서 作目班이 물류센터나 大形流通業體에 農産物을 직접 出荷하기 위해서는 다음과 같을 實踐課題를 提示하고자 한다. ① 出荷農産物의 標準規格化(共同選別 品質選別 檢査) ② 作目班 單位로 物量을 모아 出荷單位 규모화(共同出荷) ③ 공동계산제를 통해 동일한 價格出 등이 필요하다. 마지막으로 農産物 流通環境變化에 積極 對應하여 이러한 作目班의 課題를 解決하고 作目班 活性을化 方案을 3가지 측면에서 제시하고 있는데 요약하면 다음과 같다. ◈ 농협의 역할측면에서 1. 營農計劃의 農協事業 反映 2. 資金支援擴大 3. 農法物 出荷에 있어서 農協의 役割 强化 4. 資材 購買에 있어서 農協의 市場交涉力 强化 5. 販賣業務 인력보강과 專擔體制 구축 6. 作目會의 育成 7. 作目班 組織의 整備 및 電算프로그램 改善 8. 作目班 評價基準 再構成 9. 作目班 운영활동 자가 진단표 作成 체계적으로 指導 ◈ 작목반의 역할측면에서 1. 유능한 組織指導者의 발굴 및 養成 2. 작목반의 자구노력 및 의식전환 ◈ 행정 및 연구기관의 역할측면에서 1. 農業技術 指導 强化(고품질 生産技術 지도 강화) 2. 공동계산제 및 환경농산물 생산 실시 작목반 집중지원 結論的으로 作目班이 중심이 되어서 流通바친을 極小化시키고 消費者들에게 最低價格으로 봉사하며 流通을 生産者組織이 一括的으로 전담하여 協相能力을 제고시키며 안정된 價格에 고품질의 農産物을 공급할 수 있을때 대외 競爭力은 提高된다. 그리고 作目班 組織이 해당 농산물의 生産的인 면에서만 효율성을 提高시키려고 노력할 것이 아니라 市場開拓과 消費者들의 滿足感을 提高시키려는 努力이 동시에 이루어져야 한다. 그렇게 하므로써 生産者들의 收益性 提高는 물론 作目班 組織의 活性化도 촉진될 것이다. Since WTO was founded, the market of the agriculture products and distributions has been opened to the foreign country and our citrus industry faces both the danger and the chance of the development. Since the condition of the agriculture products distributions was changed, it is necessary that the organization of farmers group be rearranged and the way of activity be changed. This research investigates the realities of farmers group and analyzes the development stages of farmers group. The object of th is research is to find out the way to activate farmers group and to foster agricultural co-operative association in order to satisfy the new distribution system. On the other hand, in order to strengthen the competitiveness of our agriculture products and to set up a distinction between our products and foreign agriculture imports, the reforming of the institution and revolution of its management is needed. In the stage of the production, we must establish how to produce safe agricultural products and to distribute them in the low temperature. In the distribution department, we must exert all possible efforts to save the expense by an effective way and to raise the receiving price by improving the quality of the products and to activate farmers group. Because the distribution of agricultures is very various and specific, in order to lessen the trial and error in th a process of the business, first of all, special abilities an d many business experiences of agricultural co-operative association executives are being required. farmers group should overcome the limitations of the individual agricultural management and strength the competitive power by organizing the small-income farmers. Particularly Since 1980's farmers group has played a major role in increasing the farmers' ability to bargain in market and farmers group had to suffer several changes for the former 25 years. Agricultural co-operative association divide and direct farmers group in three stages - the base stage, the general stage, the advanced stage according to the development process. Observing the number of farmers group for recent several years, the number of the base and the general farmers group tends to decrease and the number of the advanced farmers group tends to in crease. Lately as the distribution market is opened to the foreign country, the foreign distribution companies of a large scale are marching out within our country and at the same time the domestic large corporations are advancing in to the distribution industry. The centers where goods are stored and distributed, which have been opened in our country since 1998, are supposed to reach 11 ones until 2001 and occupy 23% of the distribution of all agricultural products. In order th at farmers group may send out goods to the centers or the distribution companies of a large size for themselves, we intend to present the practical assignments as following (1) Standardizing the agricultural products which are sen ding out (2) Standardizing the units which send out the products (3) Sending out the products in the same price by the system of joint accounts is necessary. Finally, we intend to summarize the ways how to activate farmers group in the three aspects to cope with the changes of the situations of the distribution and to solve the problems of farmers group. * In the aspect of the role of agricultural co-operative association (1) Reflecting the plan of farming into the project of agricultural cooperative association (2) Enlarging the technique of farming (3) Strengthening the role of agricultural co-operative association in sending out the agricultural products (4) Strengthening the ability to bargain in market of agricultural cooperative association in purchasing the materials (5) Building up the system and Supplementing human resources in sales department (6) Fostering the assembly of farmers group (7) Rearranging the organization of farmers group and improving the computer operating program (8) Reorganizing the standard to estimate farmers group * In the aspect of the role of farmers group (1) Searching and Fostering the efficient leaders (2) farmers group's endeavoring for itself and Changing the way to think * In the aspect of the role of administrative organizations and research institute (1) Reinforcing how to instruct the agricultural technique (2) Supporting farmers group positively which carry out. the system of joint accounts and grow the products good for the health. In conclusion, when farmers group minimize the distribution cost and offer products to consumers in a lowest price - when the organization of the farmers itself' assumes the distribution exclusively and promote the negotiation power and provide the products of good quality for the consumers in a stable price, the competitive power against a foreign companies will be risen. The organization of farmers group should make an effort not only to increase the efficiency of the products but also to seek a new market and to increase the satisfaction of the consumers. Then the profits of the farmers will be increased and the organization of farmers group will be activated.

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