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      • 칼빈과 웨슬레의 구원이해 비교 연구

        이영용 안양대학교 신학대학원 1997 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        칼빈과 웨슬러의 구원이해 비교를 목적으로 했던 본 논문의 요약은 다음과 같다. 먼저 인간이해에 있어 칼빈은 아담의 범죄, 즉 원죄로 인한 인간의 타락을 주장하여 전인류가 파멸케 되었음을 밝혔다. 웨슬레 역시 아담이 타락한 결과로 온 인류가 타락되었음을 주장한다. 그러나 구원을 위한 하나님과 인간의 역할에 대한 인식에 있어서는 차이점을 보이고 있다. 웨슬레는 이러한 하나님의 역사를 웨슬레는 선행적 은총(Prevenient Grace)의 개념으로 설명하였다. 웨슬레는 이러한 하나님의 은총이 모든 사람에게 미친다고 강조했으며 이 선행은총이 있는 까닭에 구원에 있어 인간의 책임성이 요구됨을 밝힌 점이 특이한 것이라 할 수 있다. 이러한 웨슬레의 구원이해의 독특성으로 인해 칼빈의 예정론과는 상반된 견해를 보이고 있다. 칼빈은 모든 사람이 다 같은 운명으로 창조되지 않았으며 어떤 사람은 영원한 생명에, 어떤 사람은 영원한 저주에 미리 작정되어 있음을 말하고 이를 예정(Predestination)의 교리로 설명하였으나, 웨슬레는 하나님의 은혜의 보편성과 구원의 보편성에 기초한 만인대속설을 주장하였다. 이상에서 살핀 것처럼 칼빈과 웨슬레의 구원관에 있어 공통점이 많으나 차이점도 있음을 볼 수 있다. 이러한 칼빈주의자들과 웨슬레 구원자들 사이에 야기되는 긴장을 해소하기 위해서는 칼빈도 웨슬레도 그들의 신학을 성경에서 출발했던 것처럼 다시 "성경만으로(Sola Scripturea)"의 원리로 돌아가야 할 것이다.

      • WCDMA 逆方向 링크 受信 모뎀의 基底帶域 同期 알고리즘 硏究

        이영용 成均館大學校 大學院 2002 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Recently, mobile communications services are penerating into our society at an explosive growth rate. All of second generation cellular communications systems(e.g., PDC/GAM/IS54 and IS95) have adopted digital technology. However, major services they provide are limited to basic services, such as voice, facsimile, and low bit rate data. Users are expecting a variety of wideband services such as high speed Internet services video/high-quality image transmission. The third generation mobile communication systems, called International Mobile Telecommunication-2000(IMT-2000), are being designed to support wideband services at data rates as high as 2 Mbps, with the same quality as fixed networks. The cellular direct sequence code division multiple access(DS/CDMA) technology is the most promosing candidate for third generation cellular personal/mobile radio systems and is now being extensively investigated. DS/CDMA techniques has a number of advantages over TDMA and FDMA techniques, such as allowing single frequency reuse, enhancing radio transmission through RAKE combining, and directly increasing capacity by using sectored antennas. In this paper, we concentrate on analysis and design of the baseband modem algorithms for WCDMA reverse link receiver. Baseband modem algorithms for DS/CDMA system are divided into searcher, finger and RAKE combiner. Searcher, called PN acquisition scheme, is performed before fine time tracking and carrier recovery/tracking. Searcher aligns the phase of the incoming PN signal and the local PN signal within some range, which is one chip or less. Once PN acquisition is achieved, finger is initiated. Finger, called PN tracking module, is divided into several tracking algorithms, shch as fine time tracker, offset frequency tracker, random phase and amplitude estimator of the received signal disturbed by frequency selective time varying channel, SIR estimator for uplink TPC(Transmission Power Control), and lock detector. RAKE combiner time-aligns coherent demodulated symbol, estimates frequency offset, signal power, and interference power from each finger, and combines them based on lock information indicated by the lock detector. Research topics considered in this paper are as follows. In chapter 2, we present two PN acquisition schemes for WCDMA reverse link receiver. Four types of physical channels exist on the UMTS uplink; uplink DPDCH/DPCCH, PRACH, and PCPCH. PRACH and PCPCH have similar slot structure, scrambling code, and channelization code. Uplink DPDCH/DPCCH have different slot structure, scrambling code, and channelization code to PRACH and PCPCH. Therefore, it is difficult to share the same PN acquisition scheme for different physical channels. Preamble searcher is designed for the preamble part of PRACH and PCPCH. And traffic searcher is designed for the uplink DPDCH/DPCCH and the message part of PRACH and PCPCH. The proposed preamble and traffic searchers are matched filter-based single dwell hybrid search scheme combining serial and parallel search scheme. In this chaper, we derive the detection and false alarm probability of the proposed preamble searcher and the traffic searcher. In chapter 3, PN code tracker for fine time tracking is investigated. We adopt 2nd order noncoherent DLL(Delay Locked Loop) for fine time tracker. In this chapter, we analyze the mean and jitter characteristics of TED(Timing Error Detector)´s output in various channel conditions(AWGN, frequency offset, and multipath fading environments) and compare them to the simulation results. And we design the optimal loop parameters for closed loop operation. Chapter 4 deals with AFC(Automatic Frequency Controller). The frequency offset is usually caused by two major factors. One is due to the transmitter and receiver oscillator mismatch(residual frequency offset). The other is Doppler shift that occurs when the speed of mobile station is so high and LOS(line of sight) exists between the mobile station and the base station. AFC scheme is the frequency synchronization technique for compensation of the residual frequency offset and Doppler shift, which is usually not possible by the channel estimator. Generally, CP-FDD is widely used in mobile station modem for implementation simplicity. So, we adopted CP-FDD for WCDMA reverse link receiver design. However, performance improvement is essential for CP-FDD in the frequency selective fading(multipath propagation) and the time selective fading (Doppler spread) environment, since it‘s performance is sensitive to variation of input signal amplitude. So, we introduced a normalization algorithm which normalize FDD output with signal amplitude. We prove analytically that this algorithm overcomes the problem of CP-FDD and increases the linear range of frequency acquisition. We apply a multi-stage tracking mode to AFC loop to improve the tracking performance. The performance of these algorithms are validated by extensive computer simulation. The number of cross-product per slot is restrictive since the transmitted pilot signals are not a channel type but a symbol type. So, we insert a moving average filter at the input of FDD to enhance the performance of AFC loop. Using a moving average filter can also save the tracking time by increasing the number of cross-product and get the stable FDD output by decreasing the influence of noise. We prove analytically that the proposed normalized CP-FDD algorithm is not sensitive to a variation of the random signal amplitude and has better performance than the conventional CP-FDD in the tracking speed and the steady state jitter. Chapter 5 describes the channel estimator. Unlike IS-95, WCDMA adopted a pilot symbol scheme in the reverse link, which is very helpful for the coherent reception of the signal. For coherent reception, channel estimation is essential, which utilizes the pilot signal. In general, ML(Maximum Likelihood) channel estimator is used for IS-95 forward link. However, it is difficult to adopt ML estimator for WCDMA uplink. Since pilot signal is not transmitted by continuous channel type but by discontinuous symbol type. Low order Gaussian interpolation and linear interpolation can provide good performance in high vehicular speed range; however, they have SNR degradation in low vehicular speed range. WMSA channel estimation filter have different vehicular speed range limitations depending on the number of taps 2.K . However, WMSA requires large processing delay, which seriously degrades the accuracy of closed-loop power control. Therefore, it is necessary to design a channel estimation technique which does not require processing delay. In this chapter, we propose a new channel estimation technique adequate for this purpose and is applicable to WCDMA reverse link. It is an asymmetric decision directed type of algorithm and is also applicable for the cdma2000 system without any structural change. The proposed algorithm mainly consists of Predictor and FIR filter. The Predictor performs the role of coherently receiving the power control bit without delay. The combined output of the Predictor and the FIR filter is used for compensating the rest of the control bits except the power control bit and information bits. The proposed algorithm is found to perform especially well under high speed and deep fading compared to the WMSA algorithm, which is verified by extensive computer simulation. In addition, we propose a new velocity estimation algorithm to overcome divergence problem of IIR filter due to mobile station velocity. Chapter 6 describes SIR measurement algorithm. DS/CDMA system performance is very much dependent on MAI(Multiple Access Interference) which is caused by the correlation between the desired user´s signal and other user´s signal. On the reverse link, all user signals must arrive at the base station (BS) with a pre-specified SIR in the ideal case. Unfortunately, due to mobile radio channel impairments such as multi-path fading, shadowing and the near-far effect, ideal power control cannot be performed for a user. In general, long term fading such as path loss and the near-far effect can be suppressed completely by slow TPC. However, the instantaneous power variations by multipath Rayleigh fading remain and result in degraded performance. Several techniques are introduced to reduce the effect of multipath Rayleigh fading. The one is channel estimation on each resolved narrowband signal component and coherent RAKE combining. The other is the use of channel coding and interleaving. However, the combined use of RAKE and channel coding cannot completely remove the effect of fading. Thus, fast TPC must be used. Since DS/CDMA link is interference-limited, fast TPC based on the measured instantaneous SIR has been proposed. In this paper, we propose a new SIR measurement algorithm using unused OVSF code for interference signal extraction. The proposed algorithm estimates the received SIR more precisely. Extensive computer simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can reduce the required E /I_(0) at the BER of 10^(-3) up to 0.9dB without antenna diversity compared to the conventional algorithm. In chapter 7, we perform 12.2kbps, 64kbps, 144kbps, and 384kbps symbol level link simulation with modem simulator applying the proposed algorithms. We compare simulation results to the minimum requirements specified in 3GPP TS 25.104. Extensive computer simulation shows that performance results using the proposed algorithms outperform above 2dB than the minimum requirements.

      • Vehicle graphic design에 관한 연구 : 부산시내버스를 중심으로

        이영용 慶星大學校 産業大學院 1998 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        It is generally found that a prominent port is under unfavorable conditions rather than favorable when considering the geographical features forming it, not excepting Pusan. Pusan, a back-to mountain and littoral city, has been formed along the coastline and valleys, and the traffic data shows that it is in the lowest roadway rate to the extent of 15.4% when comparing with other cities. There are 2,765 buses running in the city and the daily traffic population depending on the buese is 6,685,000. This means that 37.6% of total traffic population transfers through the buses. The buses in the city take an important role not only as a civic travelling method but also as an environmental element, and it is not too difficult to imagine how much they can affect the citizen's life. This hardware side of the buses is important, but the communication side which may be also called as the visual side cannot be ignored. Recently the communication side becomes an important consideration as it can provide the citizen with visual pleasure and easy-way to notice their destinations. The purpose of this research is not only to study the communication side on the basis of the culture, city and color environment by referring some related materials and analyzing the graphic designs on the front, the side and the rear of buses running in the city, but also to investigate what is the most effective communication side of the buses by analyzing the typographic side and their roles as mass media. The analysis mentioned above had been done on the basis of the results of some investigation concerning about the vehicle graphic designs in the main cities around the world. As the result of this study, the vehicle graphic designs of the buses in Pusan throw the citizens into confusion as their lines and spaces are in poor proportions. Even for the typographic side, it lacks consistency and doesn't show any consideration of the communication. side. In addition to this, the names of the bus companies written in a different way have also brought on confusion. Due to lost of poor vehicle graphic designs, the advertisement through the buses has been in disorder and the quality of the vehicle graphic design deteriorated. Their colors, green and ivory, that harmonize poorly with the image of Pusan are unfashionable rather than fine, so the luminosity and visibility are by far the interior. The problems suggested above can be resolved by improving the following side 1. Graphic Side A simple design having both functional and rational purpose that have been seen in the advanced countries can create the image of Pusan itself without the visual pollution. 2. Typographic Side A simple indication of destination is better than a complicated one and the New Bold Gothic is the most suitable style as it shows excellent luminosity and visibilty. 3. Mass Media Side As in the advanced foreign countries, the quality of the vehicle graphic designs should be maximized and the visual pollution minimized by using the colors which can improve the advertising impact without deteriorating the vehicle graphic designs. 4. Color Side The color groups of high saturation, yellow, can be used as the main color because they harmonize well with the image of Pusan, a complicated environment and mild weather, and those of blue as the supporting color to represent the geographical features of Pusan; sky, ocean, sand, mountain, earth, long summer and so on. According to the results of analysis and resolution, the following tentative drafts are suggested; · Draft A (in page 68) · Draft B (in page 69) · Draft C (in page 70)

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