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      • PCM/FM 변조시스템에서 가변 컷오프 주파수 특성의 Pre-modulation 필터

        이상래 忠南大學校 大學院 2010 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        PCM/FM modulation is a commonly deployed technique for a wide variety of telemetry in launch vehicle links. In this system, the effect of the pre-modulation filter reduces the energy contained in the sidebands of the modulated carrier. Most existing filters are based on a constant cutoff frequency specification with a simple design and structure. But onboard units of the launch vehicle should not be revised by any hardware modifications during the development from a reliability point of view. If PCM bit rate is changed, the cutoff frequency of pre-modulation filter should be also changed according to 0.7 times the bit rate. In a constant bandwidth filter, it is needed to modify the hardware. This is surely prohibited in the case of a successful checkout unit up to the final flight test. In this paper a variable cutoff frequency pre-modulation filter has been developed in order to determine the effective response to this very unusual circumstance which is the change of PCM bit rate during the long-term development. A software programmable function, a magnitude frequency response characteristics with Bessel filter and linear phase frequency response characteristics should be satisfied to the requirements. This filter was comprised of a digital FIR filter and a reconstruction system with a DAC block and a 2nd order low pass filter. It was designed and analyzed for each stage to satisfy the magnitude frequency response of a 7th order low pass Bessel filter. Also group delay simulations have been carried out in order to confirm linear phase characteristics of 2nd order low pass filter with real hardware devices. Based on the design procedure and circuit scheme, hardware was implemented in video compression unit. Especially the reconstruction system was calibrated to compensate the inescapable tolerances of the real devices using the tone generator. The video compression unit with the proposed pre-modulation filter has been performed by various functional and environmental tests. Video system including the video compression unit has also been equipped in upper stage of KSLV-I launch vehicle. Finally we could verify that the onboard video system has succeeded in acquiring the event pictures and flight dynamic video data during the first flight test.

      • 환경친화적인 다기능 사방댐 모델 개발에 관한 연구

        이상래 경상대학교 대학원 2011 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        These days, erosion control dam is being built up not by impermeable dam but by a dam in accordance with demand of the times that can lessen natural damages as much as possible and keep natural environment and landscape. This study examined problems of conventional type of erosion control dam, and developed new model of erosion control dam that could protect ecosystem between upstream and downstream in accordance with environmental changes of the times to be environmental friendly and multi-functional. The findings were as follow: Firstly, the subject was 154 erosion control dam in Gyeongsangnam-do that were constructed after 1986, and that construction time elapsed more than five years from the year of 2009, The study investigated damages and problems of the erosion control dam: 1) Not only permeable erosion control dam but also concrete-made erosion control dam occupied more than 89% to have 17 places of leakage. that is to say, 15 places of the barrier and 2 places of wing wall. And, either erosion control dam or wing wall had cracks at 5 places, that is to say, 4 places of the barrier and 1 place of wing wall, and had crack and damage of water cushion at 4 places, and cracks and damages of waterspout at 16 places, and breakage of terminals at 19 places. 2) The impermeable erosion control dam can give damage to landscape and drain piping having diameter of Φ100mm can block ecosystem channel by soil and sand and sediment of soil and stone can be formed soon to require dredge and to get enough space: So, permeable dam is needed to strengthen flow as well as drain and to prevent water from being contaminated and corroded. Secondly, permeable dam can be easy and convenient to keep it and to have advantages of convenient follow-up, economy, efficiency and good environment compared with dredge and disposal of soil and stones of impermeable barrier. So, the author developed wooden H beam crossed buttress, wooden H beam bolt type buttress reservoir type dosing dam, and separated slit type dam. The results of construction were as follow: 1) The wooden H beam crossed buttress has a crossed groove on the wall of left-hand and right-hand shoulder to have same type as that of conventional type of debris dam, buttress and multi-functional dam, and it has crossed groove vertically to the lefthand and righthand of debris dam when constructing wing wall and waterspout. The wooden H beam bolt type buttress has been made of wooden H beam crossed type, and it fastens not crossed groove but H beam on both shoulders of the body by concrete to put bolts and nuts H beam made in advance on the body. The reservoir type of dosing can construct concrete dosing of the body to be permeable at ordinary times and to block floating timber and to have ecosystem channel, and to have multi-function disposal of reservoir type. The dosing can block timber in dual system considering leakage, and puts drain piping at bottom of the body. 2) The separated slit type dam consists of 'A' type (debris slit dam) and 'B' type (separated slit dam): 'A' type has scale and types of either conventional type of erosion control dam or concrete barrier dam, and it has 2 to 3 of separated column member at center of the body to have functions and roles of common type of slit dam and to flow by heavy equipment such as fork lifts and dump trucks between upstream and downstream by separation system. 'B' type has column member of 1.0 m along width of the stream to have interval between the member of 0.7m and to have more number of the member depending upon width of the stream and to have no shoulder at both banks by making banks. And, width of column member of erosion control dam as well as interval between the members may vary depending upon sizes of soil and stone at upstream, and size of the column can be adjusted to meet surrounding conditions, environment-friendly landscape and convenient construction. Thirdly, this study examined penetration ratio and economic advantages of both wooden H beam and separated slit dam comparing with those of conventional type of erosion control dam: 1) Each type of the dam has penetration ratio based on standard in average (paired structure of 30 meters: gravity dam of 0.76%, eco-pillar dam of 39.33%, buttress dam of 18.13%, slit dam of 19.01%, wire rope of 15.40%, debris slit dam (A type) of 26.56% and separated slit dam (b type) of 46.66%. So, separated slit dam has higher penetration ratio than other types of dams have. 2) Wooden H beam crossed type requires investment of 3,496,000 Won, while wooden H beam bolt type does 4,087,000 Won: Concrete erosion control dam requires investment of 6,409,000 Won to be approximate 1.8 times than that of wooden H beam. 3) Separated slit dam has earth of 233.17㎥ that eco-pillar erosion control dam has, and it requires ready mixed concrete of 60.38㎥ to save 46% than eco-pillar erosion control dam does. Multi-function erosion control dam costs 78,956,000 Won, and concrete erosion control dam does 44,568,000 Won, and erosion control dam does 28,542,000 Won, and eco-pillar erosion control dam does 23,135,000 Won. Separated slit dam costs 11,713,000 Won to save approximate 49% than eco-pillar erosion control dam does. 4) To open an access road for follow-up, opening of the road costs 8,700Won per meter and pavement does 83,000 per meter: Separated slit dam that passes through center of stream and body can prevent forest from being damaged to shorten construction time and to save construction costs. Fourthly, stability of separated slit dam can be estimated by using dam sizes and design conditions: The dam is thought to be stable considering MV(resistance mount 21.32)>MH(debris mount 5.73), and coefficient of friction of the foundation f (0.7)>sliding factor f'(0.27), and allowable strength of the material (85)>maximum subgrade reaction modules (15.18). Therefore, the permeable and multi-function slit dam is environment-friendly and convenient in the use to be likely to solve problems of impermeable erosion control dam.

      • 복구용 송전철주의 안전성평가를 위한 구조실험 및 해석

        이상래 忠南大學校 大學院 2011 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this study, "Transmission Modular Restoration Tower" is on the safety assessment. This study is performed to test the structure by cites the IEEE1070 standard. In addition, using the results from the finite element analysis to study how to Install Restoration Tower. and Assessment of modular restoration tower instead the transmission tower. (1) In using transmission pontoon rescue the extreme environmental load of the structure in good operating condition can be said that through structural test. (2) IEEE1070 shall apply for a domestic situation. (3) For high-power transmission when the transmission power lines according to the specifications of each pontoon installation of transmission interval, and increase recovery is different for each. (4) In case of using ACSR 330 at 345 kV, Installation requirements 450 m, 250 m from the vertical and the horizontal span must be installed. (5) In case of using ACSR 410 at 765 kV, Installation requirements 400 m, 150 m from the vertical and the horizontal span must be installed. (6) Pontoon transmission 154 kV, 345 kV and 765 kV power transmission possible, and it is possible to adjust the spacing of the installation

      • 南北韓 經濟交流 協力에 관한 硏究

        이상래 단국대학교 1996 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 논문의 연구목적은 한반도의 평화통일을 위한 통일환경 조성의 가장 유용한 방안이 경제교류협력이라는 전제하에서 남북한 경제교류 협력의 실태를 분석하여 그 문제점을 추출함으로써 이를 바탕으로 경제교류협력의 확대방안을 모색하는데 있다. 위의 목적을 위해 분단이후 지금까지의 북한의 경제체제를 살펴보고 더 나아가 남북한 경제통합의 가능성과 모형을 살펴보고자 하였다. 아울러 남북경제 협력의 가능성을 살펴보고 남북경협 활성화 방안을 제시하고자 하였다. 본 논문은 6장으로 구성되어 있는데 제1장 연구목적 및 연구 범위동의 서론에 이어 제2장에서는 북한경제의 특징, 북한의 경제 계획과 문제점, 북한의 화폐금융제도, 북환의 투자환경, 북한 경제에 대한 전망둥 북한 경제체제를 고찰하였다. 제3장에서는 경제통합의 개념과 유형을 살펴보고 남북한 경제통합의 모형, 경제적 영향과 통일비용등 남북한 경제통합의 이론과 실제를 전반적으로 살펴보아, 남북한 경제교류 및 협력을 통한 남북한 경제통합의 시사점을 모색해 보았다. 제4장에서는 남북한 경제교류 협력의 의의·중요성 교류 협력의 현황과 과제 및 실천방향들을 고찰하였고 제5장에서는 남북한 경제교류 및 협력의 실천방안으로서 남북경협 활성화 추진방안과 기업 및 금융기관의 대응방안을 살펴보았다. 제6장은 결론으로서 대북접근에 있어서 지켜야 할 원칙과 선결해야할 기본과제를 살펴보면서 끝을 맺었다. 남북한의 경제교류·협력이 짧게는 남북한 경제의 발전과 번영에 기여함은 물론이고, 길게는 남북통일을 이룩하는 역할을 다할 수 있게 되기를 기대해 본다. Supposing that the best way to economic exchange and cooperation is create unification circumstances for peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsular, the purpose this study is that analizing the reality of economic exchange and cooperation between South and North Korea, producing the problems, and finding out the way of enhancement of the econonmic exchange and cooperation between South North Korea. To this purpose, this study will present the economic system of North Korea from the division of the Korean peninsular to the present, in addition to that find out the possibility and the ideal model of economic integration between South and North Korea. This study will also present the possibility of economic exchange and cooperation between South and North Korea, and suggest the way of activation of econonmic exchange and cooperation. This thesis consists of 6 chapters. Chapter 1. The introduction, such as the purpose and the range of this sutudy Chapter 2. Investigate the system of the economy of North Korea. Such as, characteristics of the economy of North Korea, economic plans and problems and monetary system of North Korea, environment of the investment in North Korea, and the future prospect of economy of North Korea. Chapter 3. Present the theory and fact of the economic integration of South and North Korea, such as, the concept, pattern and model of economic integration of South and North Korea, economic effect and cost of reunification and find out suggestion of the economic integration of South and North Korea through economic exchange and cooperation between South and North Korea. Chapter 4. Investigate the significance, consequence, the status quo, questions, and execution plans of economic exchange and cooperation between South and North Korea. Chapter 5. Present the reinforcement plans for economic exchange and cooperation between South and North Korea, like activation plans for economic cooperation and correspondence of companies and financial institutions. Chapter 6. As the conclusion, present the principles and problems to figure out for economic approach to North Korea. This study expects economic exchange and cooperation to contribute to development and prosperity of eocnomy South and North Korea, and in the long run, to do the main role to reunification of South and North Korea.

      • 봇넷 프로토콜과 구조에 유연한 명령제어(C&C) 서버 탐지 기술 제안

        이상래 순천향대학교 대학원 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        최근에 가장 위협이 되는 보안 위협의 하나로 봇넷이 뽑히며 이를 탐지하고 방어하기 위한 많은 연구결과가 발표 되고 있다. 봇넷은 인터넷에 연결된 타협된 컴퓨터(봇)들의 집합이며 악의적인 목적을 위해 사용된다. 봇은 웜/바이러스, 백도어, 스파이웨어, 루트킷 등의 특성을 가지며 DDoS(Distributed Denial of Service), 스팸, 피싱, 신분 도용, 정보탈취 등의 다양한 악성행위를 감행한다. 하지만 대부분의 탐지 기법은 일부의 명령제어(C&C) 서버만 탐지할 뿐이며, 다중 레이어 및 프로토콜을 사용 및 새로운 탐지 방어 기술이 개발되면서 이를 효과적으로 탐지하지 못하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 기존 방식이 아닌 네트워크상에서 명령제어(C&C) 서버들 간의 통신을 수집, 분석하여 탐지하는 기법을 제안한다.

      • 창업자 특성과 기업정보가 창업기업의 부실에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구

        이상래 한성대학교 지식서비스&컨설팅대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 농수산법인의 창업자특성과 기업정보가 창업기업의 부실애 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 하였다. 부실의 요인에 있어서 농수산법인과 일반법인은 비재무적인 창업자 특성과 기업특성이 다르기 때문이다. 이러한 연구 목적을 수행하기 위해 선행 연구를 바탕으로 창업자 특성과 기업정보가 창업기업의 부실에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 실증적으로 분석하여, 창업자 및 이해 관계자에게 기업부실 예방에 유용한 정보를 제공하여 합리적 의사결정을 하는데 도움을 주고자 한다. 연구결과를 요약해 보면, 첫째, 농수산기업특성을 기업정보, 기업자원정보, 기업신용정보로 구분하여 분석한 결과 기업자원정보중 주사업장 보유여부와 거주주택보유여부는 기업부실에 유의적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 기타 업종, 업력, 신용등급, 재무제표 유무, 성별, 연령, 결혼 유무, 종사기간, 거주기간 등에 대하여는 유의한 영향력이 나타나지 않았다. 향후 연구에서는 국내 다수의 금융기관 자료를 가지고 산업간 비교연구를 진행하여 부실원인을 비교분석하는 연구와 기업부실에 영향을 미치는 요소로 기업경영형태 등 다양한 변수를 활용할 필요가 있다.

      • 工高 敎育과 國家技術 資格檢定의 連繫方案에 關한 硏究

        李相來 경기대학교 교육대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The objective of this study is to draw a linkage scheme between education in technical high school and national technical certification test in order to skilled technicians who have suitable adaptabilities to highly-industrializing society. This study was carried out as follows: First, I examined several problems regarding education in technical high school and national technical certification test. Second I analyzed current linkage between school curriculum and question setting criteria for certification test. Finally, I proposed improvement measures to solve the problems in these issues and linkage scheme to strengthen technical education and national certification test. Research methods adopted in this study were extensive literature and dissertation review, analysis the statical data for education and certification test, and comparative analysis on contents of school curriculum and question setting criteria for certification test. Based on the analysis, a linkage scheme between education in technical high school and national technical certification test can be summarized as follows: First, technical high school should provide the students with guides for the exams for craftsman certificates. Second, the contents of the national technology qualification test and technical high school education should be subject to change for the demand of the industrial, and the relationship between each other should be closely linked. Third, full review is necessary for written test of craftsman level in current national technical certification system. Fourth, incentive or additional point should be given to the holders of technical certificates when they make progress in higher education(universities or colleges). Finally, it is necessary that people change the view of values and the society treat those who have engineer's licenses with respect. In addition, the government should enforce a concrete policy for them and help them take pride in that kind of licence and have hope.

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