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      • 第2共和國 憲法의 成立과 挫折

        이병규 동아대학교 대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        이 연구는 제2공화국 헌법의 성립과 운용, 그리고 몰락하는 과정을 설명하고자 한 것이다. 그 중에서도 성립과정에 주목하였다. 왜냐하면 우리 헌정사에서 제2공화국 헌법은 시간적으로 약 9개월 정도밖에 존재하지 못하였기 때문에 제2공화국 헌법에 대한 운용상의 평가를 내리는데는 당연히 한계가 있을 수밖에 없다고 할 것이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 제2공화국 헌법에 관한 선행연구들은 대부분이 제2공화국 헌법을 이상과 현실의 괴리였다고 평가하고 있다. 그러나 제2공화국 헌법에 대한 그러한 막연하고 추상적인 평가는 다소의 문제가 있다고 할 것이다. 제2공화국 헌법이 약 9개월 정도밖에 운용되지 못하였는데 어떻게 그 헌법에 대하여 이상과 현실의 괴리였다고 판단할 수 있는지 의문이다. 또한 민주당 정부내의 신파와 구파의 갈등이 분명히 정국의 불안을 가져온 것은 사실이었다. 그러나 그것을 정국불안의 요소로만 볼 것이 아니라 오히려 권력통제의 측면에서 볼 수도 있는 것이다. 또한 경제정책의 실패를 들고 있으나, 제1공화국 당시의 빈약했던 경제를 상속했던 민주당 정부가 단시일 내에 국민들이 만족할만한 경제적 성장을 이룬다는 것은 상식적으로 불가능하다고 믿는다. 결국 이러한 제2공화국의 정치·경제적인 현실은 제2공화국 헌법의 이상과는 거리가 멀었다는 주장은 제2공화국 헌법에 대한 지극히 추상적인 평가라고 하지 않을 수 없는 것이다. 그러한 의미에서 볼 때 제2공화국 헌법은 5·16 군사쿠데타에 의하여 좌절하였고 이로 인하여 제2공화국 헌법의 한국에서의 정착과 운용 그리고 그것에 대한 평가의 기회를 잃었다고 해야 할 것이다. 이는 결국 제2공화국 헌법의 평가에 대한 이상과 현실의 괴리니 정치·경제적인 실정 등의 논거들은 의미가 없다는 것을 반증한다고 할 것이다. 결국 우리는 제2공화국 헌법의 평가 내지 의미를 그것의 성립에서 찾을 수밖에 없다고 할 것이다. 제2공화국 헌법은 그것의 성립과정에 있어서 "대통령제는 독재", "의원내각제는 자유"라는 흑백논리가 지배하였다. 그래서 권력구조에 있어서는 당연히 의원내각제를 지향하였다는 것이다. 이러한 사고는 제1공화국의 대통령제가 독재로 점철되었음에서 기인하였지만, 그런 것들을 차치 하더라도 이는 권력구조에 대한 보다 신중한 논의의 기회를 잃게되는 원인이 되었다. 이것은 최근에 다시 정치권으로부터 제기되고 있는 권력구조의 변경에 관한 개헌논의에 대하여 시사점을 제공할 수 있다고 믿는다. 우리는 항상 대통령 선거가 가까워올 때마다 권력구조의 변경에 대한 개헌에 휩싸인다. 예컨대 공법관련학회는 그에 편승하여 권력구조에 관한 학회를 개최하는 모습을 볼 수 있다. 또한 우리 헌법의 교과서는 늘 개헌을 준비하자는 말인지는 몰라도 빠짐없이 한결같이 비교헌법적으로 외국의 정부형태의 소개에 많은 지면을 할애하고 있는 실정이다. 의원내각제로의 개헌을 조건으로 정당끼리의 공조가 있었는가 하면, 제2공화국 헌법상의 의원내각제를 쿠데타로 붕괴시킨 주역이 의원내각제를 통하여 대통령중심의 권력구조를 개편해야 한다는 이야기를 하고 있으니 이 또한 역사의 아이러니가 아닐 수 없다. 최근의 권력구조에 대한 논의는 이원집정부제로의 개헌을 말하고 있다. 언제쯤 이러한 권력구조 변경을 위한 개헌논의에서 자유로운 헌법이 될 수 있겠는가! 한국 헌정사에서 권력구조의 논의는 결국 '적응의 문제'라고 해야 할 것이다. 즉 서구의 입헌주의적 헌법의 경험이 짧은 우리의 현실에서 대통령제인가, 의원내각제인가, 아니면 이원집정부제가 우리의 현실에 잘 맞는 것인가의 논의보다는 어떠한 제도를 선택하든지 오랜 역사를 두고 우리의 정치·경제 사회적 문화 속에 정착시키려는 노력이 중요하다는 것이다. 의원내각제로 권력구조를 변경하든, 이원집정부제로 변경하든 꾸준한 정착의 단계를 거치지 않고는 어떠한 뛰어난 권력구조를 도입하다해도 그 제도를 성공적으로 이룬 나라의 성과만큼은 얻을 수 없다고 믿는다. 그러한 시각에서 제2공화국의 의원내각제 권력구조로의 변경도 지금의 이원집정부제로의 개헌논의도 바라보아야 할 것이다. 결국 한 나라의 권력구조가 성공적으로 정착하기 위해서는 선거제도, 정당제도, 지방분권 등의 입헌주의의 성공을 위한 제도적 장치들이 동시에 잘 운용되어야 한다는 것이다. 그러한 의미에서 생각할 때 개헌의 역사가 아니라 우리의 헌법을 수호하는 정신을 쌓는 것이 중요하다는 생각을 해야 할 것이다. 그것이야말로 제헌헌법의 아버지들의 헌법제정권력적 의미였을 것이리라. 결론적으로 제2공화국헌법은 자유와 민주주의에 대한 민의에 바탕을 둔 헌법이었다고 할 것이다. 그래서 의원내각제로의 권력구조의 변경과 기본권 보장의 확대, 독립형의 헌법재판소의 설치 등 대부분의 개헌내용들은 독재 방지와 국민의 기본권 보장을 위한 목적에서 출발하였다는 점은 매우 높이 평가되어야 할 것이다. 특히 제2공화국 헌법상의 독립형의 헌법재판소제도는 현행헌법의 헌법재판소제도가 부활하는데 경험적 기초를 제공했다고 믿는다. This research is to explain the formation, operation and frustration of the 1960 Constitution of korea. I focused especially on the formation history because there is some limitation in evaluating the operation of the 1960 Constitution in that it existed only about nine(9) months in our constitutional history. Nevertheless, most previous studies have concluded that the 1960 Constitution reflected disparities of ideals and realities. However, I think that such vague and abstract evaluations on the 1960 Constitution have some problems. It is a wonder if we may keep such evaluations when considering that the 1960 Constitution lasted only about nine(9) months. Also, although it was recognized that the party feud between the new fraction and the old fraction within the then Democratic Party brought the instability of political situation, it may be rather reviewed in the aspect of power control, not just in the aspect of political instability. Further, the failure in economic policies has been regarded as one of the main factors of the disparities between ideals and realities, however, I think that it would have been impossible for the then Democratic Party government who succeeded to the poor economy of the 1st Republic to achieve an economic growth acceptable to the people in such a short time. In other words, the claim that the political and economic realities of the 2nd Republic were far from the ideals of the Constitution is a very abstract determination on the 1960 Constitution. In this regard, we must consider that May 16th military coup frustrated the 1960 Constitution and deprived it of the opportunity to be operated and evaluated. Consequently, this research deems the claims of disparities between ideals and realities, and political and economic maladministration regarding the 1960 Constitution baseless. Under the circumstances, this study will explore the meaning or significance of the 1960 Constitution in its formation history. In the formation process of the 1960 Constitution, there governed a dichotomy claiming that "Presidential system is dictatorship, parliamentary cabinet system is freedom", and consequently the parliamentary cabinet system was selected for the power structure. The way of dichotomous thinking was derived from the dictatorship of the 1st Republic's presidential system, but omitted more deliberate discussions on the power structure. I believe that this situation may make a suggestion for the arguments regarding constitutional revision including power structure which are recently raised among the political circles. We experience that some arguments are raised on the change of power structure whenever the presidential election comes on us. For example, public-law related associations hold academic meetings in connection with power structure, jumping on the bandwagon. Also, almost all the Korean textbooks of constitution introduce governmental forms of foreign countries as if they prepare for constitutional revision. There was a cooperation between parties on condition of constitutional revision to the parliamentary cabinet system, and it is a historical irony that the then some leaders who destroyed the parliamentary cabinet system of the 1960 Constitution by military coup are advocating reorganization of the president-centered power structure by the parliamentary cabinet system. Some recent discussions on power structure represent constitutional revision to the dual governmental system. When can we have such a constitution free from the discussions of constitutional revision for change of power structure? Discussions concerning power structure in the Korean constitutional history are eventually related to 'a question of adaptation'. In other words, since we do not have much experience in the Western constitutional system, it is more important to make efforts to adapt whichever system selected to our political, economic and social culture rather than to discuss which systems including presidential system, parliamentary cabinet system and dual governmental system are suitable to our reality. I believe that, regardless of change to the parliamentary cabinet system or dual governmental system, we cannot be successful as much as other successful countries unless we succeed in stabilizing whichever good system selected. We need this perspective in dealing with the past adoption of the parliamentary cabinet system in the 2nd Republic or the discussions concerning constitutional revision to the dual governmental system. In order to successfully stabilize the power structure of the nation, all the institutional devices including election system, political party system and local autonomy system should be operated smoothly. In this regard, we need to cultivate the spirit of protecting the constitution rather than to consider the constitutional revisions. This must be the very meaning of the constitution establishment powers contemplated by the fathers of the Original Constitution. In summary, the 1960 Constitution was based on the will of people toward liberty and democracy. It should be highly appreciated in that it started with the objectives to prevent dictatorship and protect the fundamental rights of people, covering the change of power structure to the parliamentary cabinet system, the enlargement of fundamental rights and the establishment of independent constitutional court. Especially, the independent Constitutional Court of the 2nd Republic is deemed to have served as experiential basis for the revival of the constitutional court in the current constitution.

      • 통일방법론과 데리다의 해체적 방법론 연구 : 수수와 차연을 중심으로

        이병규 선문대학교 신학대학원 1999 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 통일사상의 방법론 즉 통일방법론중의 수수법에 근거하여 서양의 현대철학자 데리다의 해체주의의 중심개념인 '차연'을 비롯하여 '텍스트이론'등과 관련한 중심의 문제, 주체의 문제 등을 상호 비교, 대조하며 연구하였다. 통일원리에 기초하여 체계화된 통일사상(방법론)은 고대 그리스시대 이래 오늘날까지의 여러 철학자들의 특유한 방법론들을 논평한 가운데, 종래의 방법론들이 지녔던 미해결의 문제점들에 대하여 통일방법론이 해결할 수 있다는 점을 밝히고 있다. 그러나 이 통일 방법론에서 근대이후에 대두한 현대철학의 분야에 대하여서는 아직까지 어떠한 논급도 있지 아니하였던바 특히 데리다의 해체론을 연 구하게 되었다. 이는 종래의 어떤 이론과 주장의 절대성이나 영원성, 유일성도 결코 인정하거나 간과하지 않으려는 해체주의에 맞서고자 함이 아니라 시대의 흐름에 따라 회자되고 있는 해체주의의 논점마저도 통일방법론의 수수법적 관점에서 충분히 짚어 볼 수 있으리라는 시각을 가지고 본 연구를 진행하게 되었다. 데리다의 해체론적 방법론의 전략이 수수론적 통일방법론에게 주는 전략적 유용성은 중심이 중심 잡기할 때 스며들 수 있는 중심주의의 폭력에 대한 경고에 관심하는 일이었다. 그러나 통일사상의 관점에서 볼 때, 데리다는 우선 하나님의 속성 간에 벌어지는 자기 동일적인 불변의 측면이 존재자들 사이에도 있음을 배제했다. 그리고 주체와 목적을 완전히 배제함으로써, 목적을 중심하고 성상과 형상이 수수작용을 하여, 번식체 또는 신생체가 발생한다는 발전적 측면이 있음도 온전히 파악하지 못했다. 모든 텍스트들과 모든 개념들 그리고 모든 의미들은 끝없는 불확정성의 공간 속에 부유하는 존재가 아니라 - 그러한 논리의 해방적 비판적 기능에도 불구하고 - 어떤 분명한 의미와 질서들의 공간 속에 자유롭게 그리고 질서 있게 배치될 수 있다는 것을 통일사상은 주장하고 있다. 그러나 로고스중심 주의가 가져온 근대서구사상의 역기능에 대한 반역으로서의 해체는 그의 깊이 있는 통찰이었음이 분명하다. 그리고 그의 텍스트이론과 차연의 철학은 분명 수수법의 한 가지인 목적을 배제한 발전적 수수작용의 강조였으나 데리다는 궁극의 근원자 되시는 하나님과 그 분의 목적을 몰랐다. 데리다에 대한 이러한 통일사상적 연구의 결과는 쉽게 단언할 수는 없지만은 역시 통일방법론과 해체주의적 방법론 상호간의 대화의 여지를 탐색할 수는 있었다고 본다. 즉 현대철학의 제반 문제의식을 통일사상의 시각에서도 깊이 있게 탐색하고 해석하며 비판함으로써 줄기차게 이어저가는 철학사의 조류에 통일사상의 지평을 새로운 차원에서 넓혀 나갈 수 있으리라고 여겨진다. This dissertation is based on Methodology in Unification Thought, so to speak, Give-And-Take Law among Unification Methodology, and studied through mutual comparison and contrast between problem of "Center" connected with theory of Text and problem of "Subject" including "differance" which is central concept of Deconstructionism of modern western philosopher 'Jacques Derrida' Systematized Unification Thought(Methodology) based on Unification Principle is reviewing specific Methodologys of various philosophers since time of ancient Greece and it is illuminating and solving various points about unsolved problems embedded with traditional Methodology. But, in Unification Methodology, because there were not any comments about field of modern philosophy arised since modern period, specially I became to study Derrida's theory of Deconstruction. This study does not try to confront with deconstructionism which does not admit absoluteness and eternity or uniqueness of any kind of traditional theory and assertion, and it is processed by view of grasping of even disputed point of deconstructionism widely speaking according to flux of time through standpoint of Give-And-Take Law in Unification Methodology. The tactical utility which tactics of Derrida's deconstructive methodology gives Unification Methodology based on 'theory of Give-And-Take' was concerned with warning about permeating violence of centralism when center takes its central place. However, in standpoint of Unification Thought, first of all, Derrida's theory excluded the fact that there is also unchanged aspect of Identity-Maintaining among every existences as like phenomenon took place between God's Characters. And, by excluding Subject and Purpose completely, He could not apprehend sufficiently the fact that Multiplied Body or New Body as developing aspect take place through Give-And-Take Action between 'Sung Sang' and 'Hyung Sang'. Unification Thought is asserting that every texts, evert concepts and every meaning is not existence floating in space of uncertainty, - inspite of liberative and critical function of such theory -, but it can be deployed in space of certain clear meaning and sequence with free and order. But, Deconstructionism as rebellion about malfunction of modern western thought which Logos Centralism has brought was definitely his deep insight. And, his theory of Text and philosophy of "differance" was clearly emphasis on "Developing Give-And-Take Action" as one of Give-And-Take Law although he excluded purpose in his theory. From Unification Thought' point of view, he did not know God as ultimate origin and His Purpose. Although the results of this study on Derrida by Unification Thought can not be claimed easily, also I could search rooms of conversation between Methodology of Unification Thought and Methodology of Deconstructionism. In other words, through deep research and analysis and criticism for general problems of modern philosophy in Unification Thought's point of view, it seems that the perspective of Unification Thought can be widened to new dimension in incessant flow of history of philosophy

      • 佛敎寺刹의 障碍人 便宜施設 現況과 對策

        이병규 대구가톨릭대학교 사회복지대학원 2000 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        A survey which is about mainly using religious facility of the disabled shows that temple is 15.4% of total respondent. The Buddhism which has the most believers in korea is the third after Christianity, Catholicism on the matter of visit by the disabled. The Buddhism didn't make such effort to attract the disabled into temple, and the amount of welfare for the disabled occupies only 3.3% of total Buddhism welfare. Temple as the base of Buddhism cures human beings' pain through Buddhism, which is also disciple's practices and seeking for salvation. To teach wisdom and encourage the disabled who suffer from physical and mental disability are the duty of Buddhism, but Buddhism doesn't have convenience facility in temple. In this study, we research and analyze the state of convenience facility for the disabled in the National Parish Headquarters, the representative temple of korea Buddhism Chogyejong and the center of Buddhism administration, and provide basic data to build convenience facility which assists religious work and view of cultural assets for everyone-buddhist, the old and the weak, the pregnant, children, foreigner including the disabled. We visited 22 temples of total 25 National Parish Headquarters of korea Buddhism Chogyejong, inquired 32 items from March 2 to March 13, 2O00, and added telephone survey for insufficient part. Kyongsangdo has 9 Parish Headquarters, which is more than the other provinces and has the most temples under the Headquarters. According to the survey, the number of Headquarters placed in urban or suburb where is easy to access for the disabled is 8 (36.4%) of all, flat-grounded which makes possible move for the disabled is 9 (40.9%), and designed the proper distance, under 300m, from the start of walking to the main hall is 11 (50%). In the survey about convenience facility of Parish Headquarters available for the disabled, there are each one temple with main hal1(4.5%), temples with office, shop of Buddhism goods, 18 temples with entrance (81.8%), 2 temples with kitchen (9.1%), 3 temples with toilet (13.6%), but none with Buddhist nunnery and guideboard. There are also 13 and 2 temples with kitchen and toilet which need some complement. In the survey about the present state of convenience facility in Parish Headquarters, it pointed out 13 temples (59.1%) with the problem of parking lot for the disabled, threshold and entrance, 22 temples (100%) about approach, 10 temples (45.4%) about incline and 6 temples (27.3%) about assistant. We can see that most temples designed for the convenience of management and administration rather than improvement of the disabled's convenience. That causes to build temple which has no convenience facility at all or not available. Here are some measures to build convenience facility for the disabled in Parish Headquarters. One, it is political measures about building convenience facility for the disabled in Parish Headquarters. The convenience facility in Parish Headquarters must target not only the disabled but also the old, the pregnant, children, buddhist, general people or foreigner just to see cultural assets. We should recognize that Parish Headquarters is one of cultural assets which people see and enjoy, and it is also public building not a private building for a certain religion. Besides the number of domestic and foreign tourist will increase if we make it more convenient to see cultural assets. So we should recognize the improvement of convenience facility in Parish Headquarters is a part of cultural business improvement. In order to build convenience facility for the disabled in Parish Headquarters, we need to support needs-survey, design and construction of convenience facility in temple, cost and advertisement by making wide supporting system associated with General Affairs Department of korea Buddhism Chogyejong, Parish Headquarters, believer's group in temple, the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Ministry of Culture and Tour, and local self-government. General Affairs Department of korea Buddhism Chogyejong and Parish Headquarters take roles of institutional try to expand convenience facility and activation of Buddhist group of the disabled. They also organize and manage believers of each Parish Headquarters as assistants for convenience, and drive support into temple to build convenience facility. The number of Parish Headquarters charge admission fee is 19 (86.4%). If we devote some of admission fee to build convenience facility , it will be expanded in short time. Two, it is building standard of convenience facility for the disabled in temple. The priority of building convenience facility is the number of user and frequency. So we must build the main hall and toilet first according to the priority, and need to complement partly built-building(kitchen) and make it possible to use. We should build the convenience facility available for the disabled with dynamic concept due to the special characteristics of temple, and need to preserve temple as cultural assets. By doing so, many people, the disabled as well, can visit temple. Three, it is to build convenience facility prior for the disabled in temple. The building of temple which need to build prior is main hall that is the space for worship and main place to view cultural assets. Toilet and kitchen follows after the main hall. The parts of convenience facility needed to build prior were step and incline which also place high rank in the needs-survey of the disabled. There are many steps in temple or between buildings due to the special characteristics of temple, so we need to consider step prior to others. We also need to place assistants prior, and then install Braille block and signal-guided device. Buddhism teaches us that the disabled have just partly physical defect, they also have faith. We all should try to build convenience facility which take roles of the disabled's hand to foot and eye to ear.

      • Stephen Dedalus의 갈등과 비상 : 현상학적 해석접근

        이병규 檀國大學校 1987 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        이 논문은 A Portrait를 현상학적 해석과정의 접근방식으로 분석한 논문이다. 지금까지 Joyce작품의 연구는 거의 텍스트지향적 혹은 언어 지향적인 관점에 있었다. 해석 현상학자들이 주장하는 공통된 이론은 해석은 의식과 작품의 흐름과의 융합이라고 보는 데 있다. 현상학적 해석이론이 가장 우아하고 고상한 것은 단일개념속에 행동과 구조의 두 개념을 다 포함하고 있다는 데에 있다. 즉 지향성 개념이다. 이것은 1) 의식은 항상 "무엇"에 대해서 의식하고 있다는 것과 2) 의식은 주체가 객관적 대상세계를 지향한다는 것을 말한다. 그래서 예술의 현상학적 이론은 문학작품을 분석할 때 반드시 실제적 텍스트 뿐만 아니라 동등한 방식으로 텍스트에 반응하는 일에 관련된 행위들을 고려해야 한다는 개념에 있다. R. Ingarden은 문학적 텍스트를 그것을 구체화시킬 수 있는 방법에 대비시키고 있다. 그러나 텍스트를 실제적으로 명백히 드리나게 하는 것은 구체화 행위이다. 문학작품은 우리가 소위 예술성과 미학성이란 두개의 기둥을 가진다. 즉 예술성은 저자에 의해서 창조된 텍스트를 지시하는 것이며, 미학성은 독자에 의해서 성립된 구체화를 지시하는 것이다. 문학작품은 완전하게 텍스트 혹은 텍스트의 구체화 행위와 일치시킬 수 없지만 사실상 이 두 가지 사이의 중간상태에 있어야만 한다는 사실과 일치한다. 작품은 텍스트 이상의 것이며, 그리고 텍스트는 그것이 구체화 될 때에 비로소 생명력을 갖기 때문이다. 텍스트와 독자의 근접현상은 문학작품을 존재케하며, 이것은 텍스트의 실재성 혹은 독자의 개별적 성향과 일치되어질 수 없듯이 반드시 실제적으로 남아있어야만 한다. 작품의 역동성을 드러내는 것은 작품의 가상성이며 이것은 교대로 작품이 불러내는 효과들에 필요한 전조건이다. 또한 우리는 작품을 읽어나갈 때 상상력을 가지고 작품 속으로 들어가야 한다는 것을 잊어서는 안된다. M. Dufrenne에 의하면 문학작품에서의 상상력의 역할을 허구적 세계의 인물들과 사건들을 채우는 것이며 더욱 중요한 것은 거리감을 만드는 것이다. 이처럼 독자의 상상력은 텍스트분석에 있어서 중요한 요소 중의 하나이다. 그래서 이런 상상력은 텍스트의 씌어진 국면과 씌어지지 않은 국면을 연결시키는 무기이다. 텍스트의 사소한 모든 요소들은 텍스트와 독자간의 상호작용의 최종산물이다. 앞에서 언급했듯이 Iser의 현상학적 해석방법에 근거하여 A Portrait를 분석했다. 1) 예상과 회상의 과정, 2) 일관된 형태로서의 텍스트의 개방성, 3) 실생활과 같은 리얼리티 등이다. 그리고 이 세 가지 이론을 Stephen Dedalus가 유년기, 청년기의 지적·정신적 방황을 거쳐 예술세계로 비상하는 과정에 적용하였는데, 그의 비상의 목적지인 예술론을 약간 다루었다. 간략히 설명하면, 첫째, Stephen Dedalus 비상의 예상과 회상에서 유년시절 지리책 권두에 쓴 구절을 통해서 Stephen Dedalus가 현실적 세계를 버리고 미지의 세계로 떠나려는 의식을 갖고 있음을 독자는 예상하게 된다. Stephen Dedalus가 겪는 가족과의 갈등, 학교생활에서의 갈등, 종교적 갈등 그리고 조국과의 갈등속에서 점차적으로 성숙하여 예술적 세계로 눈을 돌리는 주인공의 의식의 흐름을 예상과 회상의 이론으로 적용 분석하였다. 둘째, 일관된 형태로서의 새의 이미지에서, 텍스트가 예상과 회상의 과정을 거쳐서 한 주제를 형성하였다면 반드시 그 주제를 하나의 일관된 형태로 변형시켜야 한다. 텍스트 A Portrait에서 Stephen Dedalus가 내면에서 일어나는 예술에 대한 갈망을 여러가지 이미져리를 사용하여 나타내고 있는데 그중 대표적인 것으로 새의 이미지를 들 수 있다. 그래서 씌어진 국면의 새의 이미지들을 결합하여 Stephen Dedalus의 비상을 더욱 구체적인 형태로 의미화시켰다. 여기서 씌어지지 않은 국면들간의 연결은 독자의 환상설정을 통해서 텍스트를 분석하였다. 세째, Stephen Dedalus의 비상의 리얼리티에서 지금까지 해석한 과정에서 Stephen Dedalus의 비상이 생생하게 리얼리티를 가지려면 예상과 회상의 과정 속에서 텍스트가 부드러운 흐름으로 진행되지 않고 독자가 놀람과 좌절을 맛볼 때에 생기는 긴장감을 가져야한다. 이런 긴장감은 독자로하여금 텍스트의 씌어지지 않은 국면들을 연결하여 텍스트를 재창조하게 된다. Iser의 이론을 그대로 원용하여 컨텍스트(Stephen Dedalus의 비상)와 레퍼토리(Myth Daedalus )사이의 갈등을 분석하여 Stephen Dedalus의 비상이 실생활과 같은 리얼리티를 가질 수 있음을 분석하였다. 본 논문은 전체적으로 지금까지 약술한 Iser의 현상학적 해석과정의 틀에 의해 분석된다. 제 Ⅱ장에서는 현상학적 해석방법이란 무엇인가에 대해서, Ⅲ장에서는 A Portrait의 주제 Stephen Dedalus의 갈등과 비상을 Iser의 현상학적 해석이론으로 전개하였다. This thesis is a study of a phenomenological reading process of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. Until now, the flow of study of James Joyces' works is almost limited in that of text-oriented or linguistic-oriented, except, of course, Wolfgang Iser's study of the patterns of communication between reader and text in Ulysses, Above all, we must know reading as the merging of our conscious ness with the flow of the text. reading are perhaps more elegant than most because they enclose both act and structure within a single concept: ariefly, intentionality posits that 1) consciousness is always con- And phenomenological theories of that of the intention. sciousness of something and 2) consciousness is best conceptualized as the act by which a subject intends an object. Therefore, in analyzing a literary work, we must understand that the phenomenological theory of art lays full stress on the ideas that one must take into account not only the actual text but also, and in equal measure, the actions involved in responding to that text. Thus R. Ingarden confronts the structure of the literary text with the ways in which it can be concretization. But actual bringing the text to light is an action of concretization. If this is so, the literary work has two poles, which we might call the artistic and the esthetic: the artistic refers to the text created by the author, and the esthetic to the realization accomplished by the reader. From this pont of view, we can clearly recognize that the literary work cannot be completely identical with the text, or with the realization of the text, but in fact must lie halfway between the two. And, the work is more than the text, for the text only takes on life when it is realized, and furthermore the realization is by on means independent of the individual disposition of the reader. It is the virtuality of the work that gives rise to its dynamic nature, and this in turn is the precondition for the effects that the work call forth. And when we read through a literary work, we must not forget that the reader must participate in the text with imaginations. According to M. Dufrenne, the role of imagination in the literary work is to fill out the characters and events of the fictional. world and, more importantly, to Provide distance. And then, this imagination is a weapon to connect the written part of a text with the unwritten one of a text. In this way, the trivial scenes of text is the end product of the interaction between text and reader. As the above-mentioned, I analyzed A Portrait based on Iser's phenomenological reading process. Firstly, the process of anticipation and retrospection in Stephen Dedalus' flight. From the flyleaf of the geography, we can anticipate Stephen Dedalus' consciousness which he leaves his realities and desires to fly over to the unknown world, We analyzed the stream of consciousness, of Stephen Dedalus who had at feud with religion, family and country and turned to the artistic world by the process of anticipation and retrospection, Secondly, the bird-image the bird-image as a consequent unfolding of the text. if a text established a theme through the process of anticipation and retrospection, it must be transformed into a consequent form. The text A Portrait expresses Stephen Dedalus' artistics desires by using many imagery, the most powerful image which I know is the bird-image. And by grouping together all the bird-images of the written aspect, we signified Stephen Dedalus' flight as a consequent from. And the reader analyzed the text in the interconnection between the unwritten aspects through the formation of illusion Thirdly, the resultant reality in the flight of Stephen Dedalus. Until now, in reading process, and in order Stephen Dedalus' flight to be given a vivid reality, we must understand that the text must not be flowed smoothly and give a surprise or a block when the reader reads through. This surprise can enable the reader to recreate the text by grouping together the unwritten aspects of the text. With the help of Iser's theory: the theory of are pertoire (Myth Daedalus) and context (Stephen Dedalus' flight), we analyzed the fact that Stephen DedaLus' flight can give a vivid reality to the reader as life-likeness. And fourthly, it is Stephen Dedalus' aesthetic theory. His aesthetic theory is on the fact that art is the human disposition of sensible or intelligible matter for an aesthetic end. That was primarily based on the aesthetic theory of Thomas Aquinas. To conclude, this thesis is totally analyzed by the frame of Iser's phenomenological reading process. It has explained the phenomenological reading process in Chapter 2 , and in the Chapter 3, of what is the analysis of Stephen Dedalus' flight and his aesthetic theory.

      • 단일 고선량 방사선 조사 후 Calcium channel blockers가 백서의 정상 뇌 조직에서 세포자멸사에 미치는 영향의 비교

        이병규 고려대학교 대학원 2001 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Radiation therapy, especially high dose irradiation, is very commonly used as a adjuvant therapy for the treatment of brain tumors. High dose irradiation induced not only radiation necrosis but also apoptosis. Several gene products are involved in the apoptosis such as p53, bcl_(2), bax. The clinical symptoms and signs after irradiation might be related to post-radiation changes including radiation necrosis and apoptosis. Calcium ion was known to play vital role in the signal transduction as well as apoptosis. So, calcium channel blockers could lower the intracelluar calcium ion concentrations and apoptosis might be modulated by lowering the intracellular calcium concentrations using Ca^(++)-channel blockers. This study was undertaken to investigate the protective effect s of Ca^(++)-channel blockers on radiation-induced apoptosis. One-hundred twenty-eight Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into four experimental groups; Control (non-treated, n=32), Nicardipine-treated(1.2mg/kg, n=32), Nimodipine-treated (0.5mg/kg, n=32), Verapamil-treated (2.5mg/kg, n=32). After drug administered, the right hemisphere of rats was irradiated to a single dose of 10 Gy with gamma rays using Ir-192. All brains underwent histological examination at 1 week, 2 weeks, 4 weeks, and 8 weeks after irradiation to evaluate cortical thickness and number of apoptotic cells. Apoptotic cells were detected by TUNEL assay and were determined by direct visual counting at magnification of x200. In nimodipine-treated group, apoptotic cell count was reduced significantly, compared to that of control(non-treated), nicardipine, and verapamil-treated groups at 8 weeks after irradiation(p<0.05). The cortical thickness was not reduced significantly in nicardipine, and nimodipine-treated groups, compared to that of control and verapamil-treated group(p<0.05). These results suggest that Ca^(++)-channel blocker, especially nimodipine, may have protective effects on radiation-induced apoptosis and necrosis.

      • Tachigarace處理가 水稻留苗의 生育 및 低溫障害 輕減에 미치는 影響

        이병규 全南大學校 1990 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        水稻 立枯病 防除劑로 알려져 있는 Tachigarace 處理가 水稻 幼苗의 生育 및 低溫障害 輕減에 미치는 影響을 生理的 視點에서 살펴보기 위하여 統一型인 龍門벼를 供試하여 Tachigarace (Hymexazole 4% + Metalaxyl 0.5%)를 pot(5×15×10cm)당 0, 9, 18, 36mg을 土壤 混化 處理하고 低溫 (12/12℃) 處理하여 生育反應과 低溫障害 關聯 形質들을 調査한 結果를 要約하면 벼 幼苗에서 播種前 Tachigarace處理은 地上部와 地下部 生育 모두 增加效果가 認定되었으며 특히 屈起力과 發根力에서 顯著히 增大하였으며 低溫 處理時에는 地上部와 地下部의 低溫 伸長性이 크고 葉面積, 뿌리 容積, 蒸散量, 氣孔擴散, 葉綠素 含量 및 뿌리의 酸素 消耗量이 無處理보다 컸으며, 赤枯 및 葉枯死發生 程度가 현저히 減少하여 幼苗의 低溫에 대한 適應力을 向上시켜 耐性이 强하였다. 苗가 老化될수록 草長, 乾物重및 葉面積이 增加되었으며 그 增加幅은 莖葉 切除區와 Tachigarace 處理區에서 현저하였고 移秧時 缺株率은 增加하였지만 莖葉 切除區에서는 減少하였으며 發根力은 漸減한 반면 莖葉 切除와 Tachigarace 處理에서 漸增하였다. This study was carried out to determine the effect of Tachigarace on the growth and reducing low temperature injury in rice seedlings. The amount of Tachigarace applied to reducing low temperature injury was 0, 9, 18, 36mgr per pot (5x15x10cm) by soil incorperation before sowing. Aging seedling was investigated on the growth responses by the application of 0.36gr Tachigarace per tray (30x60x3cm) after cutting of leaf at 35days seedling. The results obtained are as follows. 1. Rice seedling treated Tachigarace were better in the growth of top and roots, dry weight, erecting and rooting abilities than untreated seedlings. The effective amount of Tachigarace to increase erecting and rooting abilities was 28mgr per pot. 2. Under low temperature treatment, 12℃, The leaf discoloration and dead leaf percent of rice seedlings were markedly decrease in the seedlings treated with Tachigarace as compared with untreated seedlings. The more amount of Tachigarace upto 36mgr per pot, the more effective on the low temperature injury in the seedling. 3. The effect of Tachigarace to reduce low temperature damage in rice seedlings was mainly due to decreasing less physiological activities on the expanding leaf area and rooting, transpiration, stomatal diffusion and chlorophyll content of the leaves and oxygen consumption of the roots. 4. Plant height, top dry weight and leaf area of aging seedlings were increased with Tachigarace treatment and leaf cutting as compared with untreated seedling and leaf intacted, respectively. 5. The ratio of missing hill of aging seedlings was increased with increasing the period of growing seedling and was decreased due to leaf cutting, whereas the effect of Tachigarace application was not observed. 6. Rooting ability of aging seedlings was decreased with lengthening of the period of raised seedling and was increased with Tachigarace treatment and leaf cutting.

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