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      • 톳, 쌀의 무기비소 저감 방법과 모세관 컬럼을 이용한 비소 화학종 분리 분석 연구

        이동찬 목포대학교 대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Several pretreatment methods have been developed to reduce of inorganic arsenic, which is known to be highly harmful to humans, among various arsenic species present in hizikia and rice. The pretreatment methods were selected as methods that can be ingested even after treatment and can be easily applied at home. Hizikia was applied by two methods. One method was a soaking in water at room temperature for various duration and another method was a boiling of it in water for short period of time. Rice was soaked in water with different ratios (rice and water) for various duration. The most effective method that could reduce the inorganic arsenic in hizikia was to repeat the parboiling for 5 minutes twice, which caused 79% reduction of the inorganic arsenic in it. In the case of rice, the soaking method for 24 hours at the ratio of 1:5 (rice:water) resulted in 51% reduction of inorganic arsenic in rice. In addition, a capillary column has been investigated for the separation of inorganic arsenic to reduce the necessary sample volume. The size of sample loop for the capillary column was 5 uL while the conventional size of it for the general column was 100-1000 uL. The capillary column might be useful for the samples such as biological samples which could not be obtained enough amount of sample for the study. Feasibility of separation of inorganic arsenics from organic arsenics in a sample was shown. 본 논문에서는 톳과 쌀에 존재하는 다양한 비소 화학종 중에서도 인체에 유해성이 큰 것으로 알려진 무기비소의 양을 줄이기 위한 여러 전처리 방법들을 개발하였다. 전처리 방법들은 처리 후에도 섭취 가능하고, 가정에서 쉽게 적용할 수 있는 방법들이 선택되었다. 톳에는 실온의 물에 불리기와 물에 데치는 시간의 변화를 두어 적용하였고, 쌀에는 담그기 방법을 사용하면서 쌀과 물의 비율과 시간을 달리 하면서 적용하여 전후의 무기비소량을 분석하고 비교하여 톳과 쌀에서 어느 방법이 가장 무기비소량을 감소시킬 수 있는지 연구하였다. 그 결과 톳에서 가장 무기비소를 감소시킨 방법은 5 분 데침을 2회 반복하는 것으로 처리 전과 비교하여 79 %의 감소율을 보였다. 쌀의 경우 불림 방법에서 물의 비율이 커질수록, 처리 시간이 길어질수록 감소율이 증가하였다. 가장 큰 감소율을 보인 1:5 (쌀:물) 비율로 24 시간 담근 후 시료 처리 전과 비교 하였을 때 51%의 감소율을 보였다. 비소 화학종의 분리 분석을 할 때 일반적으로 사용되는 컬럼의 경우 약 0.2~1 mL의 시료 루프가 이용되기 때문에 적어도 약 3~5 mL의 시료가 필요하다. 일반적으로는 어렵지 않게 확보 가능한 시료 양이지만 생체 시료의 경우 채취할 수 있는 양이 제한되어 샘플 루프를 최소화할 필요가 있다. 이를 위하여 모세관 컬럼을 이용하여 비소 화학종을 분리하는 방법을 연구하였으며, 본 논문에서는 Thermo Fisher AS-11과 ammonium phosphate 10 mM을 이용하여 무기비소와 유기비소를 분리하는 방법을 연구 개발하였다.

      • 朝鮮時代 上流住宅의 空間構文論的 解釋

        이동찬 慶北大學校 大學院 2004 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Architectural spaces are the basic artificial environment for human life. These spaces represent the values and cultures of society that the spaces belong to because they have been produced based on the thoughts that the members of the society share. As consequence of this fact, these architectural spaces do not exist inactive but interact with human behaviors. Considering the idea of the interactions between spaces and human lives, there can be found universal similarities as well as individual attributes in relations among each space in the upper class residence of the Chosoˇn dynasty. The upper class residence demonstrates its attributes through the connections between spaces. Therefore, it is important to recognize the relationship among individual spaces to define the attributes of upper class residences. To analyze the spaces of upper class residence of the Chosoˇn Dynasty, therefore, this study uses the space syntax theory since the theory confines architectural spaces by structure, arrangement, and relationship within spaces. This study processes two steps. At first, to apply the theory to the upper class residences of the Chosoˇn dynasty, this study suggests a modified standard to compromise the differences from which this theory was originated. On the second step, the study analyzes upper class residences of the Chosoˇn dynasty by the modified space syntax theory. This study has reached five conclusions: First, upper class residences of the Chosoˇn dynasty has an enclosed spatial structure, and there is strong tendency that each individual space occupies separated spaces from the entire spatial structure of residence. Second, there is, in general, a dualistic center organized with 'An-Chae' and 'Sarang-Chae' in upper class residence of the Chosoˇn dynasty: 'An-Chae' is a primary center in a residence, and 'Sarang-Chae' is a secondary center in a residence. Third, the study represents a high intelligibility in southern and northern 'Young-Nam' areas, and the residences in these two areas show relatively open spatial structure to non-residents. Fourth, the residences of 'Ho-Nam' area represent relatively high degree in The relative distributedness; however, southern 'Young-Nam' area shows low degree compared to other areas. Fifth, the efficiency is decided by the ratio between a functional space, which has exclusive function, and a pathway space, such as corridors or courtyard; however, the efficiency does not show the differences among areas. This study analyzes upper class residence of the Chosoˇn dynasty with space syntax theory. Considering that space syntax theory was originated from analyzing the architectural space in the western society and culture, it has to be modified, in advance, to compromise the differences in other society and culture. Further study for the standardization will be required in the future.

      • 고등학교 운동 선수들의 진로의식 연구

        이동찬 한국교원대학교 교육대학원 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        이 연구는 고등학교 운동 선수들의 진로의식 관계를 규명함으로써, 고등학교 운동선수들에게 학업이나 가정환경에서 형성된 가치관과 생활관에 적절한 진로유형을 부여하고, 자신의 체질에 맞는 진로선택이 중요하다는 사실을 인식하게 하며, 그들에게 사회 구조에 적합한 진로 방향과 진로 유형을 제시 또는 조언하여 사회적 활동영역을 넓히고, 남들과 다른 영역을 개척하는 데서 오는 불안감을 없애고, 자신감을 일깨워 사회에 빠르게 적응하게 하는데 그 목적이 있다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위하여 K도에 소재하고 있는 고등학교 재학중인 남 · 여 운동선수 487명을 연구 대상으로 선정하였다. 이 연구에서 사용한 측정 도구는 설문지로 이재창(1983), 이봉훈(1992), 박태율(1998)등이 청소년 의식구조의 형성배경을 조사하기 위해 사용한 설문지 문항 중 이 연구의 내용과 관련된 설문문항을 기초로 목적에 맞게 사용하였다. 수집된 자료를 연구의 목적에 따라 빈도분석, 분산분석을 이용하여 분석한 결과, 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 첫째, 고등학교 운동선수들의 운동 참여 종목에 영향을 미치는 요인은 남 · 여 모두 선수경력, 입상실적, 생활정도, 부모의 교육수준, 부모의 직업 등으로 나타났다. 둘째, 인구통계학적 특성에 따른 진로의식에서는 남자는 직업의식, 환경의식, 일 자체의식의 순으로 나타났으며, 여자는 환경의식, 일 자체의식, 직업의식 순으로 나타났다. 선수경력에 따른 진로의식은 1∼2년 경력자는 환경의식, 직업의식, 일 자체의식 순으로 나타나고, 3∼9년 이상 경력자는 모두 직업의식, 환경의식, 일 자체의식 순으로 나타났다. 입상실적에 따라 살펴보면 '상'인 집단은 직업의식, 환경의식, 일 자체의식 순으로 '중'인 집단은 환경의식, 일 자체의식, 직업의식 순으로, 그리고 '하'인 집단은 직업의식, 일 자체의식, 환경의식 순으로 나타났다. 생활정도에 따라 살펴보면 '상'인 집단과 '중'인 집단은 직업의식, 환경의식, 일 자체의식 순으로 나타났고, '하'인 집단은 직업의식, 일 자체의식, 환경의식 순으로 나타났다. 부모의 교육수준에 따른 진로의식은 아버지가 중학교를 졸업한 경우의 학생은 직업의식과 일 자체의식이 가장 높고, 환경의식이 가장 낮으며, 아버지가 고등학교에서 4년제 대학 이상 졸업자인 경우는 직업의식, 환경의식, 일 자체의식 순으로 나타났다. 어머니가 중학교를 졸업한 경우는 직업의식, 일 자체의식, 환경의식 순이며, 고등학교 졸업자인 경우는 직업의식, 환경의식, 일 자체의식 순으로 나타났으며, 전문대학 졸업자인 경우는 직업의식, 환경의식이 가장 높고, 일 자체의식이 가장 낮게 나타났다. 4년제 대학 이상 졸업자인 경우는 직업의식, 환경의식, 일 자체의식 순으로 나타났다. 부모의 직업에서 아버지가 무직인 경우 학생의 진로의식은 일 자체의식, 직업의식, 환경의식 순으로 나타나고, 판매 · 생산직, 사무직, 관리직, 전문 기술직은 직업의식, 환경의식, 일 자체의식 순으로 나타났다. 어머니의 직업이 무직, 판매 · 생산직, 사무직, 관리직인 경우는 직업의식, 환경의식, 일 자체의식 순으로 나타났으며, 전문 기술직인 경우는 환경의식, 직업의식, 일 자체의식 순으로 나타났다. 셋째, 운동 참여 종목에 따른 진로의식에 있어서 직업의식의 차이를 비교 분석한 결과 단체운동, 대인운동, 개인운동의 순으로 나타났으며, 이러한 결과로 단체운동 종목에 참여하는 학생들의 직업의식이 가장 높고, 개인운동에 참여하는 학생들의 직업의식이 가장 낮은 것을 알 수 있었다. 환경의식의 차이를 비교 분석한 결과 대인운동, 단체운동, 개인운동 순으로 나타났으며, 이러한 결과를 통해 대인운동 종목에 참여하는 학생들의 환경의식이 가장 높고 개인운동 종목에 참여하는 학생들의 환경의식이 가장 낮은 것을 알 수 있었다. 마지막으로 일 자체의식의 차이를 비교 분석한 결과 대인운동, 단체운동, 개인운동의 순으로 나타났으며, 이러한 결과는 대인운동 종목에 참여하는 학생들의 일 자체의식이 가장 높고 개인운동 종목에 참여하는 학생들이 가장 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 결론적으로 고등학교 운동 선수들의 운동 참여 종목에 영향을 미치는 요인은 남 · 여 모두 선수경력, 입상실적, 생활정도, 부모의 교육수준, 부모의 직업 등임을 알 수 있었다. 인구통계학적 특성에 따른 진로의식은 성별에 따라서 남자는 직업의식, 환경의식, 일 자체의식 순으로 나타났으며, 여자는 환경의식, 일 자체의식, 직업의식 순으로 나타났으며, 운동 참여 종목에 따른 직업의식은 단체운동, 대인운동, 개인운동의 순으로 나타났고, 환경의식과 일 자체의식의 차이를 비교 분석한 결과 대인운동, 단체운동, 개인운동의 순으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study was to help high school athletes choose a future career suitable for their values and lifestyles by analyzing the relation between future career and career consciousness, and help them realize that it was important to choose a future career that fits their own personal style. Moreover, the study also aimed to show various kinds of careers and possible ways in attaining the desired career in order to promote future social activities relevant to our social structure, did away with anxieties due to choosing unusual fields such as sports and adapt themselves to new circumstances by having self-confidence. For the purposes of this study, a questionnaire was given to 487 high school athletes in K Metropolitan City, Korea. The questionnaire was based on those of Lee, Jae-Chang (1983), Lee, Bong-Hun (1992) and Park, Tae-Yul (1998) that were used to study the background factors of teenagers' structure of consciousness. Frequency and dispersion analyses were used to examine the data collected through the questionnaire. The results were as follows. First, the results showed that the different types of sports high school athletes participated in such as team sports, interpersonal sports and personal sports were affected by (1) athlete experience, (2) accomplishments, (3) standard of living, (4) parents' standard of education and (5) parents' occupation, and so on regardless of sex. Second, male athletes' career consciousness by population-statistical variables was most affected by their occupational factors, followed by environmental factors and the desire on the job itself, and female athletes' career consciousness in the order of environmental factors, the desire on the job itself, and occupational factors. With regard to career consciousness by athlete experience, career consciousness of athletes who had a 1- to 2-year experience was most affected by environmental factors, followed by occupation factors and the desire on the job itself. For athletes with a 3- to 9-year experience, their career consciousness was most affected in the order of occupational factors, environmental factors and the desire on the job itself. Career consciousness also differed according to the athletes' degree of accomplishment. The career consciousness of higher achievers was affected by occupational factors, followed by environmental factors and the desire on the job itself, and for middle achievers, environmental factors came first, followed by the desire on the job itself and occupational factors. Last, for lower achievers, occupational factors was the largest variable in choosing a career, followed by the desire on the job itself and environmental factors. With regard to standard of living, the higher and middle groups were most affected by occupational factors, followed by environmental factors and the desire on the job itself, and the lower group in the order of occupational factors, the desire on the job itself and environmental factors. In addition, parents' standard of education also influenced their children's career consciousness. If their fathers were junior high school graduates, the children's career consciousness was most affected by occupational factors, followed by the desire on the job itself and environmental factors. Also, career consciousness of athletes whose fathers were high school graduates or university graduates was affected by occupational factors, then by environmental factors and the desire on the job itself. If the athletes' mothers were junior high school graduates, their children's career consciousness was affected most by occupational factors, then by the desire on the job itself and environmental factors. If their mothers were high school graduates, the children's career consciousness was affected in the order of occupational factors, environmental factors and the desire on the job itself. In addition, the athletes whose mothers were two-year college graduates were primarily affected by occupational factors, followed by environmental factors and the desire on the job itself, and the athletes whose mothers were university graduates in the order of occupational factors, environmental factors and the desire on the job itself. If their fathers were unemployed, the athletes' career consciousness was affected in the order of the desire on the job itself, occupational factors and environmental factors, and if their fathers were involved in sales and manufacturing, office work, management and technical areas, their children's career consciousness was affected in the order of occupational factors, environmental factors and the desire on the job itself. If their mothers were unemployed or were involved in sales and manufacturing, office work, and management areas, the children's career consciousness was affected in the order of occupational factors, environmental factors and the desire on the job itself. If their mothers worked in specialized technical areas, their children's career consciousness was affected by environmenta Third, athletes' occupational factors in career consciousness also affected the types of sports they joined. Team sports ranked the highest among athletes, followed by interpersonal sports and personal sports. In other words, the athletes' awareness on occupational factors was the highest in team sports and the lowest in personal sports. Environmental factors also affected the types of sports athletes participated in, with interpersonal sports being the highest, followed by team sports and then personal sports. That is, the athletes' awareness on environmental factors was highest in interpersonal sports and lowest in personal sports. Moreover, the desire on the job also affected the types of sports, primarily interpersonal sports, followed by team sports and personal sports. It showed that the desire on the job itself of athletes was highest in interpersonal sports and the lowest in personal sports. In conclusion, the types of sports high school athletes participated in were affected by athlete experience, accomplishments, standards of living, parent's standards of education and parents' occupation, and so on regardless of sex. In athletes' career consciousness by population-statistical variables, male athletes were most affected in the order of occupational factors, environmental factors and the desire on the job itself, and female athletes in the order of environmental factors, the desire on the job itself, and occupational factors. In addition, athletes' awareness on occupational factors in team sports was the highest followed by interpersonal sports and personal sports. Environmental factors and the desire on the job itself also affected the types of sports athletes joined and fell in the order of interpersonal sports, team sports and personal sports.

      • 액정성 Poly(esterimide)s의 용융중합 및 Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal에의 응용

        이동찬 경북대학교 1995 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        N-(4-carboxyl)trimellitimide (DAI) was synthesized from trimellitic anhydride and p-aminobenzoic acid by one-step reaction utilizing m-cresol as solvent. DAI was reacted with hexanediol and nonanediol to give bishydroxyhexylimide (BHHI) and bishydroxynonylimide (BHNI), respectively. Thermotropic liquid crystalline poly(esterimide)s with 6 and 9 methylene units were synthesized by direct melt polymerization used in the preparation of commercial polyester. Poly(esterimide)s were characterized by IR, 'H-NMR, polarized light microscope and dynamic melt viscometer. Their application as matrix (binder) of polymer dispersed liquid crystal (PDLC) was investigated with 4heptyloxybenzoic acid as low molecular weight liquid crystal (LMWLC). The results are as follows : 1) Synthesized poly(esterimide)s showed thermotropic liquid crystalline property form the DSC, polarized optical microscope (POM), and dynamic melt viscosity (RDS) study. 2) From the change of dynamic melt viscosity vs. shear rate experiment, poly(esterimide) showed weak shear thinning effect and relatively high elastic property due to the strong intermolecular interaction among polar groups in the poly(esterimide) chain. 3) From the polymer dispersed liquid crystal (PDLC) experiment using 4-heptyloxybenzoic acid as low molecular weight liquid crystal (LMWLC) and poly(esterimide)s as matrix (binder), poly(esterimide)s were found to be useful as matrix for high temperature PDLC above 100℃.

      • 십자가와 부활사건의 빛에서 본 몰트만의 공동체 윤리

        이동찬 협성대학교 대학원 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Moltmann said the eschatology of Christianity means the hope of it. And, there are Jesus' death and resurrection and God's promise of future in the hope of Christianity. Moltmann said that promise is the basis of hope. His 'belief' is the desire with waiting for God's promise. The desire is revealed in Jesus. And in that desire, there are the hope and waiting of God's new world. I inquired into 'the real hope' centering around Moltmann's books. And I found out that the God's love is lacking in his real hope. He didn't know that God of promise is just God of love, and the Holy Cross and resurrection of Jesus is decisive evidence. I think Moltmann could pull through in desperate realities because of not the hope of reform but the Jesus' love. In addition, I inquired into Bonhoeffer‘s ethics to supplement how to love God and neighbors in Moltmann's 'theology of hope.' It is because I think that Jesus' real hope has to be the subject of not only world reform but also love and taking service with a neighbors. In this point of view, I inquired into problems of modern churches and proposed 'path of the Holy Cross' which has to be the path of modern churches keeping 'the real hope.' 몰트만에 의하면 기독교의 종말론은 기독교의 희망론을 의미한다. 그리고 그 희망의 중심에는 그리스도의 죽음과 부활, 하나님 자신의 미래의 약속이 존재한다. 몰트만은 이 약속이 희망의 근거라고 말을 한다. 몰트만에게서 “믿는다”는 것은 곧 하나님의 약속을 기다리며 소망하는 것이다. 소망은 그리스도 안에 계시되었고 약속된 하나님의 새로운 세계에 대한 희망과 기다림을 그 내용으로 하기 때문이다.

      • 不動産評價法制의 改善에 관한 硏究

        이동찬 江南大學校 2015 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        Today, the real estate environment has rapidly changed. The real estate appraisal market is also centered on change. The current laws of “The Public Notice of Values and Appraisal of Real Estate Act ”, etc. are behind the times in view of activity corresponding to the change of the real estate environment and relating to an appraiser licence. The appraisal system needs to be changed to the method for meeting the market competition principle, apart from government regulation, and under government direction. However, the existing Public Notice of Value and Appraisal of Real Estate Act that mixed appraiser licence and other public administration action is an insufficient system to actively meet the changing real estate environment. The social demand of a certified appraiser as an expert is expected to increase diversely due to the environmental change of real estate market. Meanwhile, the current law does not flexibly satisfy the needs. The Public Notice of Values and Appraisal of Real Estate is not treated as independent, and the autonomy of the subject of appraisal is insufficient. Moreover, the law is thought of as an obstacle to getting the industry to accept environmental change surrounding appraisal estimates. During the time the appraisal business has been restricted in the independent business area the foundation was public. Accordingly, the improvement of the appraisal system to accept the changing environment is needed more than in other times. Especially, the Presidential Decree under the Public Notice of Values and Appraisal of Real Estate has changed suddenly in August 2012. The contents of change introduced new terminology compared with the past law. The basic concept in real estate appraisal theory has been changed, for example, from price to value, normal price to market value, valuation method, and so on. Statutory terminologies that were used for several decades relating to appraisal have changed abruptly as a whole. Statutory terminology should keep clear. In addition, the amendment should be done carefully because terminology is a social covenant of people who used it for a long time. The amendment procedure seems to have preceded without scholarly examination. As it is, the purpose of this thesis examines whether the amendment is reasonable or not. Therefore, the thesis completely overlooks the problems that the appraisal system has, examines the feasibility of the basis of the current amendment, and presents the right improvement direction of the appraisal system. The study method used both literal study and empirical study simultaneously. Through the literal study, the real estate appraisal legislation was examined, and a solution was sought. Meanwhile, in the empirical study, the problem of the real estate appraisal legislation was analysed, and a proposal for improvement was sought. This thesis included, In Chapter Ⅰ, Introduction, Chapter Ⅱ, Purpose of Study, Theoretical Study. In Chapter Ⅲ, Problems of the Real Estate Appraisal Legislation. In Chapter Ⅳ, Conscious Research( questionnaire). In Chapter Ⅴ, Conclusion.

      • 측면 탈부착식 교량 방호울타리의 3차원 유한요소 충돌 해석

        이동찬 安東大學校 2014 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        The trend of urban expansion accelerated by rapid industrialization has indirectly affected the transportation vehicles causing a steady increase in their sizes. In order to achieve higher efficiency rates, increasingly larger transportation vehicles are manufactured. This situation however, has raised the major issue of the capabilities of current bridges in meeting the prevalent demands. Specifically, bridges are subjected to larger loads than they were originally designed for, which accelerates their deterioration and eventually, their failure, signaling the need for bridges with higher capacities. In particular, bridge system with module sections have many advantages over the traditional bridges, as they offer efficient serviceability with attachable sections. Bridge rail-to-guardrail transitions are designed to shield unprotected ends of bridge rails, which are fixed-obstacle hazards. These structures should provide an effective transition between longitudinal barriers with different lateral stiffness and contain and redirect impacting vehicles without any contact with the rigid sections of the system. Recently, a full-scale crash test was performed on a vertical flared back concrete bridge rail-to-guardrail transition design to evaluate its compliance with the NCHRP Report 350 test level 3 requirements. Due to vehicle rollover the design failed to meet the requirements. To gain an insight about the crash test details, a finite element simulation study was performed. Accuracy of the simulation was verified using qualitative and quantitative comparisons. Based on in-depth examination of crash simulation recordings, energy distributions occurred in the barrier against the truck and car are determined. Subsequent simulation results present that the improved model performs much better in containing and redirecting the impacting vehicle in a stable manner. In this paper, the existing finite element crash analysis of barriers using the LS-DYNA program is further extended to study the dynamic response of the barrier with module structures connected by anchor bolt inserted through concrete bridge decks. The numerical results for various parameters are verified by comparing different models with internal energy distribution occurred in the barrier from the crash simulation.

      • 주조 방법에 따른 10Cr-Mo-V-Nb-N 강의 인장 특성 연구

        이동찬 경희대학교 2008 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Existing domestic producing method of steam turbine heat-resistance steel was importing materials as form of the slab or ingot from G.E.(General Electric). Other possible way was to manufacture the steam turbine heat-resistance steel by following the method of G.E.'s material standard and then, to acquire G.E.'s approval on its final product. Generally the sequence of forming process is as following: first, importing the base material; second, ring milling process to acquire its structure densification and size expansion; last, the final forming process. Therefore, it has arisen that the necessity of reserving minimum stock materials. It causes significant amount of loss of date of payment, quality and the price for domestic companies; also causes high dependency of its equipments' size and the space for its manufacturing on the size of product. In this study, new manufacturing process was examined that forging process added to centrifugal casting process into the existing process. To compare the mechanical characteristics of forged material with those of ring milled one, tensile test was performed on each specimen of 10Cr-Mo-V-Nb-N steel which were : centrifugal-cast specimen; centrifugal-cast and ring-milled one; and centrifugal-cast and forged one, respectively. Test specimens were sampled at four different directions; such as C-R direction, R-C direction and so on; following ASTM E399. Tensile strength and yield strength and elongation of each case were measured at room temperature and at 750℃, respectively. The result shows that the sampling direction did not affect its mechanical characteristics and ring milled specimen and forged one tended to acquire similar tensile strength and yield strength. The strength of each case has been observed at different temperature and the strength of centrifugal-cast and forged steel changed most. The Elongation of each specimen was also measured and the result also showed that the elongation of centrifugal-cast and forged steel increased most. 기존까지 대부분의 증기터빈용 내열강 소재의 국내 생산 방식은 G.E. (General Electric) 社로부터 평판이나 잉곳(ingot)의 형태로 소재 자체를 수입하거나 G.E.의 소재 코드의 제조 방식과 동일한 방식으로 제조 후, G. E.에서 승인이 되는 범위에서 사용하고 있는 실정이다. 또한 소재의 수입 후 조직의 치밀화 및 치수 확장을 위해 링밀 단조 공정을 거쳐 최종 형상 가공으로 이어지기 때문에 국내 기업의 경우 소재의 재고분을 미리 확보해야 하며, 이로 인해 납기, 품질, 가격 등에 있어서 상당한 양의 손해가 발생하고 있다. 또한 이 밖에도 제품의 크기에 따라 장비의 크기가 변경되어야 하고, 이에 따라 생산을 위한 공간도 커져야 하는 등의 문제점이 있다. 본 논문에서는 위에서 언급된 기존의 생산 방식 대신에 원심 주조 공정에 상하 단조 공정을 추가하는 방법을 도입하였다. 링밀 공정을 단조 공정으로 대체할 경우 소재의 성능을 비교하기 위해 10 Cr-Mo-V-Nb-N강을 원심주조, 원심주조+링밀, 원심주조+단조, 이 세 가지 방법으로 가공하여 인장 시험을 실시하였다. 시편은 ASTM E399 규격에 따라 C-R 혹은 R-C 방향 등 총 4방향에서 채취하였으며, 이 시험을 통해 각 주조방법에 따른 인장강도, 항복강도, 연신율을 상온과 750℃에서 측정하였다. 그 결과 시편의 채취 방향에 따른 소재의 특성은 없는 것으로 나타났고, 링밀 공정과 단조 공정의 경우 인장, 항복 강도 측면에서 유사한 수치를 보이고 있는 것을 알 수 있었다. 온도에 따라 강도 변화를 살펴보면 강도의 변화가 가장 큰 것은 원심주조+단조 방법으로 시료를 제작했을 경우이며, 연신율 역시 원심주조+단조의 경우에 가장 큰 폭으로 상승하였다.

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