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      • 현대 연애시에 나타난 타자성 연구 : 이근일 시를 대상으로

        이근일 서울산업대학교 산업대학원 2010 국내석사

        RANK : 1887

        본 연구의 목적은 이근일 시를 대상으로 현대 연애시에 나타난 타자성에 관하여 연구하고 밝히는데 있다. 대상 시들은 기존 서정성을 바탕으로 2000년대 한 흐름인 환상성을 반영한다거나, 은유와 환유를 결합하는 등의 기법적 실험을 통하여 현대적인 연애시의 미학을 제시한다. 또한 대상 시들은 주로 서정적인 시적 주체와 타자와의 관계를 드러낸 이미지를 통해 타자성을 환기시킨다. 이때 타자성은 주체의 타자를 향한 동일화 또는 소통의 욕망을 함의하고 있다. 먼저 대상 시는 타자에 대한 동일화 이미지를 드러낸다. 이러한 이미지 속의 시적 주체는 동일성을 전제로 타자를 주체화하거나, 자신의 주체성을 버리고 스스로 타자화되는 성향을 보인다. 이를 효과적으로 드러내기 위해 수사법으로는 은유가 주로 차용되고 있다. 또한 타자는 주체가 떠올리는 기억, 즉 이미지로서만 존재할 뿐이어서, 관련 이미지들은 자연스레 환상성을 띠게 된다. 가령 시 「환청」에서 사랑을 상징하는 오색나비를 보지 못하는 화자는 환각에 빠진 채 “오색나비처럼 나풀거리며” 날아다니는 소리들만 묵시(默視)할 뿐이다. 타자와 동일화를 이룬 시적 주체는 타자와 소통하며 사랑을 공유하고자 한다. 이때 언어는 그 소통의 매개체로 작용하게 된다. 그러나 주체는 사랑이 내재한 불완전함 앞에서 결핍감을 느끼게 되며, 이러한 결핍은 역설적으로 다시 또 주체의 욕망을 일으키는 계기가 된다. 시 「아름다움을 탐하다」의 화자인 ‘나’와 타자인 ‘당신’과의 소통 매개체인 말은 어느 순간 오해를 부르고, 그들의 관계 속에 소용돌이치며 불온한 징후를 드러낸다. 결국 시적 주체와 타자의 관계에는 단절이 일어나게 된다. 여기서 소통의 이미지에 뒤이은 단절의 이미지가 발생하는 것이다. 곰소엔 곰이 살지 않고, 소금을 이르는 은어(隱語)만 반짝인다 소금밭에 11월 대신, 6월의 빛살이 말갛게 일렁이고 네가 내 심장에 심어놓은 글라디올러스가 더는 꽃을 피우지 않는다 이제 창공을 찢으며 날아가는 우리의 아름다운 노래를 들을 수 없으므로, 이 없으므로를 적시며 바닷물이 고요히 흘러들고 있다 너는 없고, 차오르고 또 차오르는 너의 음성만 있으므로, 나는 저 있으므로에 앉아 꿀차를 마신다 내 심장 속 달콤한 피의 교향곡이 울려 퍼지는 동안 너의 음성은 음성에서 멀어지고 바닷물은 바닷물에서 멀어져 짜디짠 시간이 된다 불쑥 그 시간 위로 떠오른 한 척의 폐선이 다시금 밀회 속으로 가라앉는다 잠시 뒤 교향곡이 끊어지면, 사방에 흩어진 내 핏방울이 곰소의 하늘가 천만 송이 글라디올러스를 활짝 피우고 글라디올러스가 글라디올러스에서 멀어지는 사이 나는 나에게서 멀어지고 곰소는 그 반짝임에서 멀어져 오직 캄캄한 어둠만을 흡수하고-「곰소」 전문 이 시는 타자의 부재로 인한 타자성을 잘 드러내고 있다. ‘너’의 음성은 음성에서, 바닷물은 바닷물에서, 그리고 글라디올러스는 글라디올러스에서 멀어진다는 진술에선 환유적인 수사법이 차용되고 있음을 알 수 있다. 이러한 환유적 기표의 미끄러짐은 실재계의 질서와 함께, 욕망의 순환성을 상징적으로 보여주는 것이다. 이 욕망 순환의 기제로 작용하는 것은 다름 아닌 주체의 결핍이며, 이 결핍은 타자의 부재로 인한 타자성을 함의하고 있다. ‘너’는 부재한 곳에 위치하면서 ‘나’를 지배하는 라캉적인 의미의 대타자이다. 그 대타자의 부재로 인해 곰소는 거대한 욕망이 순환되는 공간으로 탈바꿈하게 된 것이다. 따라서 마지막에 발생한 “캄캄한 어둠”은 욕망의 해소가 아닌, 곰소에 작용하는 실재의 질서가 또 다른 거대한 욕망의 원리를 잠재함을 암시하는 것으로 볼 수 있다. The purpose of this thesis is to find out about the otherness in contemporary love poetry, focusing on the poems of Lee Geun-il. The poems analyzed, which are mostly in love poem format, present a new aesthetics through technical experiments such as mixing conventional lyricism with fantasy, a trend in the 2000's, or blending metaphor with metonymy. Also the poems refresh the otherness by showing images of the relationship between the lyrical poetic subject and the otherness. The otherness here implies the subject's desire to identify or communicate with the other. First, the poems show an image of identification with the other. The poetic subjects in these images either subjectivize the other under the premise of identity or abandon their own subjectivity and choose othernization. The rhetoric most often used to effectively show this is metaphor. Also, because the other only exists in the memory of the subject, in other words, only as an image, related images naturally have a fantastic tone. For example, in the poem, Auditory Hallucination, the speaker who cannot see the purple emperor, the symbol of love, falls in hallucination and can only silently watch the sounds of the fluttering of the purple emperor. The poetic subject who identified itself with the other communicates with the other and wishes to share love with the other. Here, language acts as an intermediary of this communication. However, the subject feels lack in front of the implicit imperfection of love and this lack paradoxically serves as a momentum of increasing the subject's desires. Language, which acts as an intermediary of the communication between I, the speaker of the poem Coveting Beauty, and you, the other, causes misunderstanding at some point and they feel an ill omen in their relationship. Eventually, there is a break off in the relationship between the subject and other. Here the image of communication is immediately followed by the image of break off. The poem Gomso expresses the otherness through the absence of the other. The metonymic rhetoric is used in the line that states that your voice is becoming estranged from your voice, the sea water from sea water and the gladiolus from gladiolus. Such sliding of signifiers symbolically shows the system of the Real, along with the circulation of desire. What acts as the mechanism of such circulation is the lack of subjectivity, and this lack implies the otherness through the absence of the other. You exists in a nonexistent place, while being the other that dominates I. Because of the absence of such Other, Gomso transforms into a place where desire circulates. Thus, the dark darkness is not the fulfillment of desire but rather a suggestion that the system of the Real that applies to Gomso is an implication of the fundamentals of another great desire.

      • 양도담보에 관한 고찰 : 그 효력을 중심으로

        이근일 단국대학교 대학원 1982 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        The transfer security system has been developed to meet therequirements and practices of business transactions. It has manyadvantages that can hardly be found in any other systems dealingwith real rights granted by way of security. It is undeniable,however, that this system involves various elements unfavorableto the mortgagor, since it requires to go through the formal pro-cedure of the transfer of ownership Cother rights) for economicand substantial purposes, In the initial stage of its implemen-tation, the system was once criticized that it could be usedmaliciously by the economic strong as a tool of exploiting theeconomic weak and that it could be resulted in a false descrip-tion or an evasion of the law. Despite of such criticism, thesystem has been utilized widely as an irregular security systemof a sort in business transactions because of its convenientavailability which is recognized by theories and judicial pre-cedents. In the present study, such cautious yet circuitious view-point and methodology as reflected in the conventional majoritytheory and judicial precedents were eliminated in order to forma theory of transfer security system from the legal point of view. With great importance attached to substantial purposes which the transfer security systen pursues, transfer securitywas dealt with based on the theory of limIted real rIehts Thisis because, when transfer security adopted by the conventionaltheory of trust transfer according to the ownership-centeredfrom becomes invalid, there appear too clearly contradictions andshortcomings of the theory. Therefore, even though this theoryis only a minority one yet to be rooted deeply in our country,its frankness and straight forwardness may be highly evaluated by adopting the theory of security right. The substantiality of transfer security system is consideredmore important from the practical point of view than its legalform that rights have been transferred, It is believed, there-fore, that faimess and equilibrium will be realized among thecreditors, debtors and third persons by paying regard to thesubstantiality of the system. The recent judicial precedents ofour country show a tendency of recognizing publicly the worth ofsecurity without sticking to the conventional theory of trusttransfer. ConsiderIng the fact that nany problems are solved by stIpu-lating expressly securIty right in varIous tax laws legIslatedrecently, It may well be said that the primary purpose of thetransfer security system is attained, In order to adjust properly the interests of both the mortgagor and mortgagee and to protectthe proper benefit of the third person, it is felt necessary tooperate and interpret reasonably the system. Especially, in therelations between the transfer security system and Articles 603and 608 of the Civil Code, the reasonable establishment of atransfer security theory is also considered necessary. Theliquidation of credit and obligation will become effective regard-less of adopting either the theory of trust transfer or the theoryof security right between the parties of transfer security byapplying Articles 607 and 608 of the Civil Code to transfersecurity. This effect is derived from transfer security itself.The obligation of liquidation inplies the very right of claim asexpressed clearly in Article 608 of the Civil Code. From thispoint of view, the establishment of Articles 607 and 608 may beconsidered to have resulted in the confliction of the so-calledtheory of trust transfer which has been adopted by judicialprecedents in the past and its effect is lapsed. However, the theory of security right raises such a problemwhich involves definite disadvantages in the method of publicannouncement, In consideration of the fact that the importanceof the effect of real rights is great, the legislation of trans-fer security system is felt essential for the reasonable solutionof these problems discussed above.

      • 漸增的 最大運動負荷가 호르몬變化 및 에너지代謝에 미치는 影響

        이근일 建國大學校 大學院 1993 국내박사

        RANK : 1855

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of gradual maximal exercise on hormone changes and energy metabolism responses during pre-exercise, all-out, post-exercise 5min. and post-exercise 30min. The subjects consisted of 22 national level male athletes including 7 sprinters, 8 middle distancers and 7 marathoners. They were given an explanation of all laboratory procedures before giving their informed agreement. They were assigned to sprinter group, middle distancer group and marathoner group. They performed the gradual maximal exercise on Monark bicycle ergometer. They pedalled with 50rpm at the beginning without load for 3 minutes and the work rate was increased 1KP per 2 minutes until all-out. The blood samplings were drawn from the antecubital vein at pre-exercise, all-out, post-exercise 5min and post-exercise 30min. As the statistic method to analyze the result of this study the two-way analysed were used that determined the significant difference among groups(ANOVA). The 0.05 level of significance was used as critical level for retention of the study hypothesis. The main findings obtained by this study were as follows : 1. Plasma epinephrine and norepinephrine concentrations were more decreased in marathoner group and sprinter group than middle distancer group in all-out, but each group showed no significant change. 2. Serum insulin concentration was significantly increased in sprinter group and middle distancer group in all-out, and over all it was lower in marathoner group than other groups as the experiment went on. There was a significant difference in all-out in each group. 3. Plasma catecholamine and insulin was temporarily decreased in sprinter group, but free fatty acid increased. Free fatty acid and insulin were significantly decreased in marathoner group. There was a signifficant difference in pre-exercise and post-exercise 5min in each group. 4. Insulin concentration was decreased or increased in each group. Glucose concentration was significantly increased in post-exercise 5min in each group. And it was recovered fairly fast after that. There was no significant difference in each group. 5. Lactate was significantly increased in pre-exercise and all-out in each group. Marathoner group and middle distancer group was decreased after that. It was significantly increased at post-exercise 5 min in sprinter group. There was a significant difference in post-exercise 30min in each group. 6. Heart rate was significantly increased from pre-exercise to all-out in each group, also it was recovered significantly fast. There was a significant difference between pre-exercise and post-exercise 30min in each group. The results of this study showed that increased concentrations of free fatty acid and glucose through the effective use of energy substrate in sprinter group. In addition, sprinter group showed that exercise training was associated with the less of hormones. The gradual increase of catecholamine, insulin, free fatty acid and glucose in middle distancer group seem to be associated with the interaction of lipolysis hormones and antilipolysis hormones. The effects of training on marathoner group showed decrease of catecholamine, therefore free fatty acid was decreased in training.

      • 一部 農村地域 靑少年들의 吸煙實態와 關聯要因 硏究

        이근일 建陽大學校 保健福祉大學院 2005 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        This study was conducted to investigate smoking status of adolescent and its related factors in a rural area and provide basic data on effective smoking prevention and cessation program in the future. The subjects in this study were 3,026 middle and high school students living in a rural area. We conducted a self-administered questionnaire survey in September, 2003. In a questionnaire, there were several items such general characteristics, trying to smoke or not, experience of more than one cigarette, currently regular smoking or not, cause of smoking, place of smoking, smoking status of family or friends, satisfaction for school life, grade, self-efficacy, knowledge & attitude toward smoking and so on. The main result were as followings : 1. Subjects who tried to smoke, smoked more than a cigarette and smoked regularly occupied 33.1%, 26.2% and 4.2% of total subjects. In high school subjects, subjects who tried to smoke, smoked more than a cigarette and smoked regularly occupied 41.4%, 36.6% and 10.4% of total subjects. A total of 169 male student(10.9%) and 44 female students(3.1%) were found to smoke regularly. 2. The mean age of initial smoking was 14.4 years old, and mean amount of smoking daily was 7.3 cigarettes per day. A simple curiosity was found to be the most frequent motivation in currently smoking adolescents. 3. Current smokers were found to have more family members or friends who smoked currently, have less satisfaction for school life, and have lower grade than non-smokers. In self-efficacy and knowledge toward smoking, there was no significant difference between current smokers and non-smokers. 4. In multiple logistic regression analysis, we found that gender, type of school(middle school, high school), smoking status of friends, satisfaction for school life, grade, attitude toward smoking, and parents attitude on smoking were significant variables. Because age of initial smoking in rural adolescents have lower and simple curiosity have made adolescents smoke, active smoking prevention and cessation programs in school should be implemented. In individual level, active consultation and education for smoking prevention and cessation should be applied to adolescents who have high risks of smoking. Diverse policy and programs for adolescent smoking prevention and cessation should be developed in level of school and community.

      • 0.15BaO-0.15Sm_(2)O_(3)-0.7TiO_(2) 세라믹스의 마이크로파 유전특성에 관한 연구

        이근일 광운대학교 대학원 1993 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        본 논문에서는 0.15BaO-0.15Sm_(2)O_(3)-0.7TiO_(2)세라믹스를 일반 소성법으로 제작, 소결온도와 어닐링 시간에 따른 구조적 특성과 마이크로파 유전특성을 측정하여 마이크로파용 유전체 공진기로의 응용 가능성에 대해 조사하였다. 소결온도가 1325[℃]에서 1400[℃]로 증가함에 따라 결정립의 크기는 증가하였다. 1350[℃]에서 소결한 시편인 경우 유전상수와 품질계수는 각각 80.19, 2006(f。=4.6851[GHz])의 최대값을 나타내었으며, 소결온도가 증가함에 따라 감소하는 경향을 나타내었다. 또한 공진주파수의 온도계수는 1350[℃]에서 소결한 시편의 경우 -27.54[ppm/℃]로 최대값을 나타내었으며, 소결온도가 증가함에 따라 (-)값에서 (+)값으로 변화하였다. 소결온도가 1350[℃]인 시편에서 어닐링 시간을 2[hr.]에서 16[hr.]로 증가시킴에 따라 유전상수는 큰 변화를 보이지 않았으며, 품질계수는 증가하는 경향을 나타내었다. 공진주파수의 온도계수는 4[hr.] 어닐링한 시편에서 -1.28[ppm/℃]로 최소값을 나타내었으며, 어닐링 시간이 증가함에 따라 증가하였다. 1200[℃]에서 4[hr.] 어닐링한 시편의 경우 유전상수, 품질계수 및 공진주파수의 온도계수는 각각 79.98, 2161(f。=4.6923[GHz]), -1.28[ppm/℃]로 가장 우수한 특성을 나타내었다. In this paper, 0.15BaO-0.15Sm_(2)O_(3)-0.7TiO_(2) ceramics were fabricated by mixed-oxide method. The structural and dielectric characteristics were measured with sintering temperature and annealing time, and then the application for the microwave dielectric resonator was investigated. Increasing the sintering temperature from 1325[℃] to 1400[℃], grain size was enlarged. In the specimen sintered at 1350[℃], dielectric constant and quality factor were maximum values of 80.19, 2006 (f。=4.6851[GHz]), respectively, and decreased with increasing the sintering temperature. Temperature coefficient of resonant frequency was maximum value(-27.54[ppm/℃]) in the specimen sintered at 1350[℃], and changed from negative to positive value with increasing the sintering temperature. Increasing the annealing time from 2[hr.] to 16[hr.] for the specimen sintered at 1350[℃], dielectric constant was almost constant and quality factor was increased. Temperature coefficient of resonant frequency was minimum value (-1.27[ppm/℃]) at 4[hr.] annealed, and increased with increasing the annealing time. In the specimen annealed for 4[hr.] at 1200[℃], dielectric constant, quality factor and temperature coefficient of resonant frequency were 79.98, 2161 (f。=4.6923[GHz]) and -1.29[ppm/℃], respectively.

      • 철도인프라 4D 공정관리 운영체계를 위한 표준프레임워크 구성

        이근일 경상대학교 대학원 2013 국내석사

        RANK : 1855

        최근 공사관리정보의 시각화와 실시간화에 관한 관심이 높아짐에 따라 다양한 관리도구의 개발 및 제도의 변화가 이루어지고 있다. 이러한 관리도구로서 각광받고 있는 BIM(Building Information Modeling)은 해외 성공사례를 통해 기술 혁신과 시간절약, 불필요한 업무의 절감 효과 등의 성과가 계속적으로 입증되고 있다. 프로젝트 생애주기에 관련된 다양한 정보가 3D객체 기반으로 관리되는 BIM은 복잡화, 대형화 되어지는 건설프로젝트의 정보관리도구로서 유용하다. 특히, 3D정보모델과 공사일정을 연계한 4D 시뮬레이션은 프로젝트 참여자들로 하여금 공사진행에 대해 쉽게 이해할 수 있도록 지원하고, 계획과 현황을 시뮬레이션으로 비교하여, 공정관리를 용이하게 한다. 특히, 넓은지역에서 수평작업으로 수행되는 철도공사는 많은 공종이 복합적으로 연계되어 진행되는 만큼 공사정보에 대한 통합관리체계 구축이 필요하다. 그러나 아직까지 2D도면의 사용이나, 시공자의 경험에 근거한 공사관리정보의 사용과 같이 현재 철도사업의 공정관리정보의 통합관리가 미흡한 실정이다. 따라서, 본 연구에서는 본 연구에서는 철도분야의 BIM활성을 위해서, 철도사업에서 BIM기반의 4D시뮬레이션이 가동할 수 있는 표준화된 프레임워크를 제공한다. 기본적인 4D구현을 위한 기능과 철도사업의 특성을 반영한 광역작업 시뮬레이션, 임의 공구 시뮬레이션 등이 가능하도록 표준프레임워크를 구성한다. 프레임워크는 입력절차부터 결과물의 도출까지의 기능들이 모듈화 되어 있어서, 사용자는 목적에 맞는 모듈을 활용하여 전산시스템을 구축하는 어플리케이션의 도구로 사용할 수 있다. 또한 표준프레임워크 제공자측면에서는 해당업무에 필요한 기능을 구현할 수 있는 기능모듈을 추가할 수 있으며, 이를 제공하여 발주측에 필요한 정보를 얻을 수 있게 된다. 공공기관과 같은 발주처에서 해당기관의 사업 특성을 충분히 반영한 표준틀을 제공함으로서, 사업참여자는 무료로 제공되는 프레임워크를 통해 해당 사업에 쉽게 접근할 수 있게 된다. 이를 통해 철도 사업에 참여하는 민간업체의 BIM생태 활성을 유도하고, 발주기관의 BIM정보 통합운영체계 방안을 제시하여 궁극적으로 철도인프라의 BIM정보 활성화를 목표로 한다. As interest for visualization and real time processing of construction management information was heightened recently, a diversity of management tools have been developed and corresponding systems also have been changed. In the case of BIM(Building Information Modeling) which is being spotlighted as such kind of management tool, its outcome such as technical innovation and time saving through overseas success case, reducing effect of unnecessary work, and so forth has continuously been established. The BIM in which various information related with life cycle of project are managed with the base of 3D object is useful as an information management tool of construction project which becomes complex and large in its scale. Especially, the 4D simulation in which 3D information model and construction schedule are connected with each other provides support so as to allow participants to have easy understanding of the progress of construction and makes process control easier by comparing the plan and present situation with simulation. In particular, railroad construction which is carried out on a wide area with horizontal work is progressed with numerous types of work connected with complicated fashion, therefore, building up of integrated management system for construction information is required. However, current circumstances of integrated management of process management information are insufficient as 2D drawings or construction management information based on experiences of construction personnel are still used up to the present. Therefore, in order to have an activation of BIM in the field of railroad, this study provides a standardized framework in which BIM-based 4D simulation can be operated upon railroad project. Standardized framework is constituted in such a way that the function for embodying basic 4D, wide area work simulation reflecting characteristics of railroad project, simulation of an arbitrary work section, and so forth can be conducted. In the framework, functions from input procedure to the derivation of outcome are modularized, therefore, this can be used by user as the tool of application which builds up computation system by utilizing the module which suits to the corresponding objective. In addition, on the part of provider of the standardized framework, the functional module which can realize the function required for corresponding work can be added, and by offering this, necessary information can be obtained from the ordering agency. By providing a standardized frame in which project characteristic of corresponding agency are sufficiently reflected by the ordering agency such as public institution, participants of the project can have a easy access to the corresponding project through the framework provided with free of charge. Through this, ecological activation of BIM of private enterprises participated in the railroad project is induced, and ultimate objective of BIM information activation of railroad infrastructure will be accomplished by presenting BIM information integrated operation system plan of ordering agency.

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