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      • Part I. review for selective hydrogenation of hydrocarbon, part II. selective hydrogenation of alkyne by a dual Pd and CuFe2O4 catalyst encapsulated in a core/shell silica microsphere

        이규형 서강대학교 일반대학원 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This thesis is composed of two chapters. In the first chapter, Hydrogenation with respect to organic materials, by definition, is a reaction in which hydrogen adds across a double or triple bond. Catalytic hydrogenations are one of the most important processes in the chemical industry and selectivity is a timely issue. The studies carried out in the last decades have shown that hydrogenation processes of highly unsaturated compounds in hydrocarbon streams can be implemented more or less successfully on supported transition metals. There are various factors to affect catalysts for selective hydrogenation such as supports, promoters, additives and second metal in bimetallic system. these modified catalysts have been shown to have a high selectivity. However, the modified catalysts also often require additives to increase their selectivity. Accordingly, it is desirable to develop a new heterogeneous catalyst that maintains high selectivity in the absence of additives and is easily separated from the reaction mixture. The second chapter deals with A highly selective heterogeneous catalyst was synthesized using a core/shell silica microsphere in which Pd and CuFe2O4 nanoparticles (NPs) were encapsulated in a silica shell. The dual catalyst was evaluated in terms of its efficacy in the hydrogenation of phenylacetylene. Using the synthesized catalyst, in the absence of toxic additives, we were able to achieve >98% conversion to styrene with selectivity greater than 98%; these results are better than those obtained using commercial Lindlar catalyst. The excellent synergy in the hydrogenation of phenylacetylene was likely a result of the proximal interaction between Pd and CuFe2O4 NPs confined within a silica shell.

      • 痲藥類 擴散防止를 위한 效果的인 密輸 團束方案

        이규형 漢城大學校 國際大學院 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        痲藥은 個人의 身體와 精神의 健康을 해칠 뿐 아니라 家庭을 破壞 하고, 나아가 犯罪를 誘發하는 등 深刻한 社會問題를 야기하므로 마약류 단속에 문제는 이미 國境을 넘어선 人類 公同의 課題가 되고 있다. 우리나라의 痲藥類 濫用은 최근 지속적으로 增加趨勢를 보이고 있으며, 그 범위도 從前의 유흥업 종사자 등 一部階層에서 회사원, 주부, 운전기사, 의료인 등 전 계층에 퍼져 나가고 있다. 한편 世界貿易機構(World Trade Organization)의 出帆으로 貿易이 自由化되고 關稅의 障壁이 무너져 無限 競爭時代를 맞게 되었다. 또한 全世界가 통신시설 및 운송수단의 발달로 一日生活圈으로 바뀌어 가고 있다. 이런 貿易 環境 가운데 國民所得의 增大로 인해 海外旅行과 留學, 出場등이 많아져 貨物量과 여행자 등이 每年 增加 하고있는 반면, 稅關은 제한된 人力과 裝備로 여행자들이 불편하지 않도록 신속하게 많은 業務를 처리한다는 것은 物理的으로 상당히 어려운 실정이다. 그런 가운데 국제 犯罪組織은 날로 知能化, 組織化 되어 가고 있고, 國內에서 濫用되는 대부분의 痲藥類가 이런 國際犯罪組織과 聯關되어 空港과 港灣을 통해 외국으로부터 密輸되고 있기 때문에 일차적으로 空·港灣을 管轄하는 關稅廳이 科學的이고 體系的인 痲藥類 密輸 團束對策을 國家次元에서 推進해야할 것이다. 이에 따라 우리나라도 知能化 되어 가는 痲藥密輸를 막기 위해선 다음과 같은 새로운 團束技法을 持續的으로 開發해야 할 것이다. 첫째, 여행자의 경우 우범여행자의 관리, 여객명부의 분석, 行動觀察과 얼굴 및 身體的으로 나타나는 變化를 통해서, 그리고 화물의 경우 선·기적서류를 통해서 虞犯性 與否를 判斷하여 혐의를 나타내는 검사대상자는 精密檢査를 실시하고 나머지 善良한 여행자는 검사를 省略하는 방법으로 신속히 처리함으로서 여행자와 물류의 흐름을 빠르게하고 여행자들의 불편을 최소화 할 수 있을 것이다. 둘째 國際情報 network을 통한 情報蒐集을 강화하고, 국내·외에 마약정보시스템에 입력된 痲藥虞犯者를 效率的으로 관리 및 이용하고, 마약밀수 提報誘引을 위해 제보의 중요성, 포상금의 지급내용 등을 持續的으로 弘報할 필요가 있다. 셋째 探知犬의 嗅覺을 통하여 情報나 行動觀察로 파악할 수 없는 미세한 부분까지도 檢索하게 한다. 넷째, 統制配達 技法으로서 마약운반책만을 적발하는데 그치지 않고 背後者, 組織, 사용자까지 밀매루트를 파악하여 적발함으로서 보다 많은 마약 密輸犯을 적발할 수 있게 될 것이다. 다섯째, 우리나라의 마약류는 대부분 외국으로부터의 密搬入으로 충당된다. 따라서 空·港灣에서의 근원적인 차단은 다른 마약퇴치 전략보다 중요하다고 하겠다. 그렇기 때문에 空·港灣을 담당하는 關稅廳은 마약류 국내 밀수입을 차단하는데 最一線에 있고 또한 중요한 임무를 부여받은 것이기 때문에 관세청의 마약 관련 업무분야의 임무는 막중하다. 그러므로 關稅廳은 마약관련 T/F팀을 구성, 실태를 진단하여 마약관련 담당부서를 중요성에 맞게 확대개편하고 전문화 되도록 체계적이고 능률적인 마약류 차단정책을 시행하고 관세청업무의 한 부분을 마약밀수 단속 업무에 투입해야 할 것이다. 여섯째, 마약 적발업무를 마약관련 擔當部署의 직원만으로는 痲藥 密輸를 적발하는데 여러 여건상 限界가 있으므로 다른 부서의 직원이 그 業務를 遂行하는 과정에서도 마약류 밀수범을 적발 할 수 있도록 타부서 직원들에게 虞犯性判別技法을 敎育하여 모든 세관직원이 본인의 업무를 수행하는 과정에서 우범성이 있을 경우 담당직원에게 迅速하게 연락할 수 있도록 하는 것이 效果的이다. 결론적으로 지금까지의 舊態依然한 方法으로는 組織化되어 가는 마약밀수를 根絶하는 것은 限界가 있으며 가칭 '마약류 밀수 단속 대책 T/F팀'을 통한 검토와 이를 바탕으로 제도개혁과정을 거쳐 새로운 團束技法을 도입하여 활용하는 길만이 마약밀수를 空·港灣에서 根源的으로 차단할 수 있는 방법이 될 것이다. The main goal of this paper is to explore some effective enforcement polices for the oppression of illicit drug trafficking via the customs which is one of the key transportation routes of drug smuggling in most countries. Currently the Korean Customs unearthed many cases of drug trafficking. More big problems are day after day growing the uncovering rate in drug smuggling. The current policies of the Korean Customs are, however, uneffective in some levels of the intercept illicit drugs via customs until now. In order to solve these problems this paper suggests six main strategies in some searching techniques of the Customs as well as its enforcement policies as follows: Firstly, it is to use and develop a distinguishing technique whether is a person liable to committing crime, In particular delivering illegal drugs, or not. Secondly, it is to use and train scientifically searching dogs to drugs. Thirdly, it is to use and systemize controlled-delivering technique to search the key persons and transporting routes of tile criminal groups. Fourth, it is to establish 'a committee for prevention of drug traffic king' as a task force in Customs. Fifth, it is to strength and develop programs for systemic education to customers. Finally, It is to form international network to exchange drug information. In conclusion, it Is now nearly Impossible to uncover modem drug trafficking with traditional techniques. In this point, this paper offers the development of new searching techniques as well as the reform of the Customs to make better searching to illicit drugs in governmental level.

      • 企業의 海外市場 進入 方法 硏究

        이규형 慶北大學校 國際大學院 2004 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Now there is a bitter contest of each companies and countries by disappearing of economic border on digitalization, globalization, overseas network system. So it's impossible to manage a company which is in the only domestic market or can not meet the various situations. In addition overseas situation is getting worse for Korean company. It means we are in the very urgent situation because some countries such like China, Asia countries encroach world market with low wages and mass production. Many companies have some differences which are promoting overseas strategy as the size of company, quality competitive power and financial condition definitely. So the advance into overseas markets means not only moving of production or marketing but also strategic management for competitive power. We can check that it's coming down the rate of exporting and turning to aggressive and positive way like as FDI. All items including service, brand power and capital are moving to world wide market. There are some ways of advance into overseas market by devided as the way of contract. Licensing, Franchising, Management contract, Turnkey project, Contract manufacturing and Strategic alliance can be under this section. In case of FDI (Foreign Direct Investment), it consist of Sole venture and Joint venture as the style of cooperation. A Company could be moving from exporting type to positive type like FDI as a material consumption and risk is lower than simple exporting type. Internalization theory is presented for explaining multinational of company. This theory say that a company decide FDI to avoid imperfection of overseas market and to internalize all transactions. Eclectic theory say export and FDI are decided as owner specific advantage, internalization advantage and locational advantage. Transaction cost theory is that we choose one entry mode which has minimum cost as compared each management costs. Until now Korean company have been able to make profit in various fields because government protect many uncertainty and risks. But it's difficult to operate under this system any more. We should be act as global player to extend market in the wide global market. For acting like this, we should grasp core capability and restructure business pattern and product. In addition, growing of ability which is applied by capital, technology and human power from foreign countries is also important.

      • 개발이익의 還收방안에 관한 연구

        이규형 경기대학교 행정대학원 1987 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        This thesis has affirmatively evaluated the necessity of redemption of the developmental benefit to the society however, which has assessed that there may be of problems in appropriateness of its redemption method and therefore, this study has tried to seek a solution thereof. In order to effect efficient redemption of the developmental benefit its institutional reformation may be deemed required from the following aspects : 1. The transfer income tax system to date must be strengthened more from the aspects of redemption of the development benefit. That is, the unrealistic tax assessment standard is required to realize by changing the current price based on the time when the transfer is made to the actual price of transaction. For this end, the subject of assessment and collection of the transfer income tax may be required to consider to change from the National Tax Administration to the local self government entities which could well access to the regional situation as well as the status of real estate transactions. Because of the transfer income tax is purported for securing financial resources of the central Government but on the other hand, it has such policy wise consideration as to repress the real estate speculation that brings up social and economic problems as well. 2. The redemption of development benefit is to be made not only for the realized profit through the act of resale but to broaden it to the protion which the development benefit deemed to be certain to accrue even though the act of resale has not yet made by making the transfer income tax to the consolidated income tax. And, in addition, convenience in the tax system may be attained by unification of the transfer income tax and the combined income tax which have been assessed separately to date. 3. Readjustment of the existing property tax system may be pointed out. Because of the current property taxes are tax system which have been made as taxation policy-wise point only, since therefore, in order to effeciently redeem the development benefit that the supplementation and readjustment of the current property tax system must be required in the point of land policy stand. 4. An alternative may be required to provide reformation of the remarkable scope of profit which the current beneficiary burdens involving, scope of the burdens, scope of imposing area, and so forth. In order to realize this introduction of the special assessment (SA) system of U.K. & U.S. which plays roles for collection of beneficiary burdens having a nature of public charge may carefully be considered. 5. A measure which may efficiently redeem the post-development practice benefits is to be required by such a series of action as to separate the right of development from the land proprietorship is retained by the land lord as it has been, and the right of future development is to be returned to local self-government entities or the state, and reasonable use of land is to be led through the proper management of this right of development. An adoption of new system as indicated below may be deemed necessary besides those improvemental solutions as outlined above. 1) A voluntary reporting system on standard tax assessment to the taxation office by land owners who have appraised their lands of own. 2) Real estate transaction report system which is with premise of the forced purchase or imposing surcharge of delinquent to those insincere reporters and non-reporters. 3) A statistical marketing survey system to settle the differences in basic land price among the taxation authorities and to figure out benefits of development and losses thereof.

      • 수면무호흡증후군에 대한 고찰

        이규형 전남대학교 치의학 전문대학원 2014 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        폐쇄성 수면무호흡증(Obstructive Sleep Apnea, OSA)은 수면중에 상기도의 폐쇄에 의해 일어나며, 수면도중 빈번히 깨고, 수면분열이 생기고, 그 결과 심한 주간졸림증을 특징으로 하는 질병으로 최근 흔히 나타나지만 잘 인식되지 못하는 질병이다. 최근 수면호흡장애의 가장 중요한 위험요소중 하나인 비만환자가 증가함에 따라, OSA로 고통 받는 환자의 수가 최근 몇 년동안 급격히 증가했고, 그로 인해 오늘날 사회적으로 중요한 건강문제로 대두되고 있다. OSA와 고혈압, 대사증후군, 당뇨, 심부전, 관상동맥질환, 부정맥, 뇌졸중, 인지장애, 기분장애들 사이에 연관성이 있다고 알려져있다. 진단은 임상적 증상과 객관적인 방법을 종합해서 이루어진다. 그 중에서 수면다원검사가 OSA의 심각도를 측정하고 치료법을 선택하는 데 있어서 가장 효과적인 진단방법이다. OSA의 치료는 비외과적인 방법과 외과적 방법으로 나눌 수 있다. 무작위적 실험에 근거하여(on the basis of randomized trials), 지속적 기도양압공급치료(CPAP)는 OSA 환자들에서 나타나는 증상들과 심혈관계질환 및 신경인지장애 합병증을 감소시켜 주는데 가장 효과적인 치료법이다. 하지만 종종 CPAP에 사용되는 양압기의 사용을 힘들어하는 환자들이 있다. 임상적 결과는 수술적 방법과 약물치료법을 첫 번째 치료법으로 선택해서는 안 된다는 것을 보여준다. 그러나 각 치료법에 적합한 환자를 선별한다면 효과적일 수 있다. 이 논문은 최근들어 사회적으로 크게 대두되는 수면 무호흡증의 근간을 이루는 기전들과 증상들을 올바르게 이해하고, 그것을 통해 적절한 치료법을 선택하고, 그로 인해 이 질병에 대한 사회적영향(social impact)을 감소시키는데 목적을 두고 있다.

      • 연성평판 진동에 대한 파워흐름해석법의 실험적 연구

        이규형 수원대학교 대학원 2007 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        The purpose of this thesis is to perform the experimental study on the power flow analysis of the vibration of coupled plates. In the experimental work, the characteristics of vibration of the coupled plates have been measured, which include input mobilities, loss factors, coupling loss factors and frequency response functions. The experimental models includes a symmetric plate coupled with 90˚angle, a unsymmetric plate coupled with 90˚angle and a unsymmetric plate coupled with 30˚angle. Each coupled plate was divided into 2 subsystems considering the patterns of vibration on the corresponding coupled plate. The input mobility, loss factor and coupling loss factor of each subsystem of the corresponding coupled plate have been measured. Each subsystem of the corresponding coupled plate has been excited and the frequency response functions have been measured on the coupled plate. In the analytical work, the power flow analysis has been implemented to predict the frequency response functions of the coupled plates. The predicted results have been compared with the experimental results for the frequency response functions of the coupled plates. The comparison showed that the power flow analysis can be effectively used to predict the vibration of the coupled plates. is required to understand the vibration characteristics of the coupled plates. The vibration characteristics of the coupled structures include loss factor of each subsystem, coupling loss factors ,power transfer coefficient, power reflection coefficient, mode number, modal density and In this study three different case of the coupled plates have been measured. The first case, the coupled plates of symmetry. The second case, the coupled plates of dissymmetry. The third case, the coupled plates of 150 degree of dissymmetry. The coupled plates have been also measured. The coupled plates have been divided into 2 subsystems, respectively considering the vibration patterns. Considering the coupled plates exited by an out-of-plane point force, the in-plane vibration as well as the out-of-plane vibration are generally generated in the coupled plates In this study the in-plane vibration is disregarded assuming it is very small relative to the out-of-plane vibration. The decay method, power injection method and half power method have been implemented to measure the loss factor. The results obtained with corresponding methods have been compared with each other. Considering the been measured. With the data of the coupled loss factors, the power transmission coefficient and the power reflection coefficient of the coupled plate have been determined. The experimental results of modal density and input mobility of the coupled plates have been compared with the theoretical results for the infinite plates. By analyzing three different case of the coupled plates, those have been know different of coupling loss factors, loss factors and FRF in unlikely coupled case.

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