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      • 美國通商政策과 通商法에 관한 硏究

        윤충원 전주대학교 1998 국내박사

        RANK : 248655

        This study is to explore the historical developments of U.S. foreign trade policies and trade acts, and also to analyze it's important determinants in each chronologies. The necessity of these aims of study is indispensible because U.S. has maintained hegemony as an economic and political superpower from the early 1900s to these days, and its trade policy and trade acts have thrown the great impacts on other nation's economy including Korea. In fact, Korea, as the main trade partner with U.S., has faced very often the trade friction on major export industries and resulted in an unfavorable situation of our trade balance with U.S. in recent years. Nevertheless, U.S. trade policy and the operative mechanism of its trade acts had been changed frequently and complicated almost to an extent that we cannot get the main idea. To attain the aims of this study, The chapter that follow review some general aspects such as the national targets of trade policies, dilemmas accompanying in the course of its implementation, cases and rhetoric of trade policy idea, relationships between the national and international trade laws(or international trade agreements), and the various viewpoints of Neo-political economy on trade policy. Chapter III examines the historical developments of U.S. trade policy and the ever-changing trade acts from the period of American foundation to 1900s. In examining it, the circumstances of economic, political aspects are detailed, especially interplays between the Congress, presidents, political parties, and various interest groups who are composed of U.S. political market. Chapter IV which is the focus of this study analyzes the main determinants of U.S. trade policy and trade acts, chronologizing it into six stages. The concluding Chapter V summarizes and generalizes the results of this study, recommending Korea's trade policy and strategies toward administrating mechanism of U.S. trade policy and trade acts. In this study, we can get the following valuable points. First, considering the history of U.S. trade policies, protectionism had been prevailed during the period from foundation of America to 1930, and liberalism during the period from the 1934 Reciprocal Trade Agreement Act to these days. However, as U.S. competitiveness has weakened from 1970s, U.S. has reinforced the pressure of opening domestic market of the trade partners consistently on the base of reciprocity, free-fair trade principle or rhetoric of level playing field etc. Accordingly, many developing countries including Korea has been challenged in their export sectors. Second, it is clear in case of U.S. that the quantity of trade protection and instruments used to it are determined in political market place. Namely, demanders of protection interact through brokers(Congress, the president and bureaucrats) with suppliers to determine a trade protection equilibrium. Accordingly, Neo-political economy is essential to understand U.S. trade policy and administrating its trade acts. Several generalization emerge this study on that point. ① Democratic presidents in this century have favored freer trade, while Republicans have favored greater protectionism. Even recent Republican presidents(Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan) have been somewhat protectionist than Democratic ones (Kennedy, Johnson, Carter). ② The House of Representatives is generally more protectionist than the Senate or president ③ A major set of changes occurred in the 1930s. Prior to 1934 Congress largely controlled tariff level. Thereafter the executive branch was the dominant force. ④ As Baldwin has documented, the locus of protectionists pressure in the House of Representatives has switched from the Republican party in 1900 to the Democratic party today. ⑤ The positions of manufacturing groups and farmers group, capitalists and trade unions also has been changed in 1920s. Although farmers in southern area had supported traditionally the Democratic party, it changed their position and supported the Republican party from 1920s.

      • 늘봄 소설의 사상 연구

        윤충원 동아대학교 교육대학원 1995 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        본고의 연구 목적은 늘봄 소설에 나타난 기독교 사상의 반영 정도와 양상 그리고 특징 둥을 살펴 그의 문학에 대한 이해를 높이는데 있다. 먼저, 기독교 사상의 반영 정도와 양상을 알아보기 위하여 소설의 시기를 3기로 나누었다. 제1기에서는 사상의 반영과 양상이 혼란을 보이더니 제2기로 넘어 가면서 노골적이고 경직된 모습으로 전환되었다. 그리고 제3기에서는 함축적이며 상징적인 표현으로 사상 반영에 있어서 성숙성을 나타냈다. 이처럼 시기별로 달리 드러나는 사상반영의 양상을 작가의 사회적 위치변화와 관련시켜 그 원인을 찾아 보았다. 그리고 작품속의 사랑, 가난, 죽음에 대한 인식이 동시대의 여느 작가와는 다르게 나타나고 있음도 확인할 수 있었는데, 모든 율법과 계명의 완성인 사랑은 아가페로 나타났고, 궁핍한 현실의 상징인 가난은 불평과 좌절이 아닌 자족과 기쁨의 현실 초월적인 모습으로 나타났고, 고통과 절망의 죽음은 낙원에의 입문이라는 기독교의 사상을 분명히 하고 있었다. 특히, 작중 인물과 사상의 상관성을 알아보기 위해서 성격, 명명, 계층과 직업을 분석해 보았는데, 여기서 발견된 특징은 소박한 성격, 서민적인 명명, 소외된 계층과 비천한 직업 등이었다. 그런데 이런 특징의 인물들이 성서 속의 긍정적인 인물들과 일치함으로써 늘봄 소설의 성격이 자명해졌다고 할 수 있다. 늘봄이 이 땅에 기독교 소설의 지평을 연 선구자라는 문학사적 업적 외에도 늘봄의 작품이 양이나 질적인 면에서 결코 과소평가 될 수 없는 기독교 소설로서의 중요성과 의의를 지니고 있다고 볼 수 있다. The purpose of this thesis is to increase the understanding on the type and the degree of Christianity shown in "NUL BOM's novel'. In this thesis, I devide his works into three periods to investigate the types and the degrees of christianity shown in his novels. In the first period, the type and the degree of Christianity were not ordered. In the second, they were direct and bare. but, in the third, they were matured with implicative and symbolic expressions. I studied the causes of the differences in each period in relation to the writer's changes in social position. I also understood 'NUL-BOM' had different thoughts about love, Poverty, and Death in contrast with the writers in his time. In his works, Love, the accomplishment of all laws and commandments in the Bible, was expressed as agape. And he had not depaired and discontented but self-satisfying and transcendent attitude towards poverty. He regarded the painful, desperate death as the enterance to the paradise. Especially, I analyzed the peronalities, names, occupations, and classes of the characters in his works to know the relationship between the characters and his christian thoughts. As a result, I found that the personalities were plain, the names comman, the occupations humble, and the classes estrangedin his novels. As these characters were in accordance with the positive characters in the Bible, the features and the characteristics of NUL-BOM's novel got clearer. NUL-BOM was a pioner who opened a new horizon of Christian literature in Korea. And, in addition, As his works have qualitative and quantative importance as Christian novels, they must not be underestimated.

      • 金井山 一帶의 森林植生分析

        윤충원 慶北大學校 大學院 1994 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        Mt. Kumjeong is located in south-eastern part of the Korean Peninsular(129˚01' to 129˚05' E, 35˚03' to 35˚17' N) and the altitude of the summit is 802 meter. In order to find out the vegetation units which made it possible to classify subtropical forest and south-temperate forest, Mt Kumjeong (which is located in a border of between subtropical forest and south-temperate forest) was selected as a study area. The primary result of actual vegetation analysis in Mt Kumjeong based upon the vegetation community analysis methods by the ZM-school, and the relationships between vegetation community and two parameters(altitude, topography) analyzed by using coincidence analysis method, and species diversity index(H') of each communities were summarized as following 6 points. 1. Based upon the vegetation community analysis methods by the ZM-school, the primary result of the analysis in Mt Kurryjeong, which was divided into 10 communities, 9 groups, 2 subgroups, were as follows. I. Carpinus tschonaskii community I-A. Stewartia koreana group I-B. Ligstrwn obtusifolium group I-C. Carex humilis group II. Quercus variabilis community III. Quercus serrata community III-A. Boehmeria tricuspiis group III-B. Typical group IV. Wisteria floribunda community V. Quercus mongolica community V-A. Sasa borealis group V-B. Carex lanceolata group V-B-I. Asarun sieboldii subgroup V-B-2. Lespedeza x maritima subgroup VI. Pines densiflora community VI-A. Eurya japonica group VI-B. Typical group VII. Quercus dentata community VIII. Carpinus coreana community IX. Pinus thunbergii community X. Quercus acutissima community 2. Eurya japonica group of Pines densiflora community out of 16 vegetation units was thought as a indicator vegetation group which made it possible to border subtropical forest and south-temperate forest 3. Natural regeneration of Stewartia koreana group was thought to be difficult because seedling and sapling was rarely showed 4. In relationhship between vegetation units and altitude, Carpinus tsclmoskii community, Quercus variabilis community, Quercus serrata community, Wisteria floribunda community,. Eurya japonica group of Pines densiflora community, Pinus thunbergii community mainly distributed below altitude 500 meter, and Quercus mongolibn community, Typical group of Pines densiflora community, Quercus dentata community, Carpinus coreana community, Quercus acutissima community mainly distributed above altitude 500 meter. 5. In relationhship between vegetation units and topography, Carpinus tschonoskii community, Quercus variabilis community, Quercus serrata community, Wisteria joribunda community,. Eurya japonica group of Pines densiflora community distributed below middle slope, Quercus mongolica community, Typical group of Pines densiflora community, Quercus dentata community, Carpinus corecma community, Pinus thunbergii community Quercus acutissima community distributed above middle slope. 6. Species diversity index(H') of Quercus mongolica community and Quercus serrata community was higher than index 1.1, the index of Pines densiflora community, Quercus dentata community and Quercus variabilis community is 0.9 to 1.0, and the index of Carpinus coreana community and Pines thunbergii community was lower than index 0.8. So Quercus mongolica community and Quercus serrata community had some higher stability than the others.

      • 輸入쿼타의 適用과 效果에 關한 實證的 硏究

        윤충원 全北大學校 大學院 1981 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        During the period from Word war Ⅱ to the end of 1960s, world trade has been highly increased, at the average rate of 9 percents a year. we can't but say that such a fast increase of world trade is indebted mainly to GATT-IMF system which had been established just after World war Ⅱ, for easing various trade barriers and stabilization of foreign exchange rate in international market. From, the beginning of 1970s, however, world trade has faced many difficulties in its circumstance. Oil shock in 1973 pushed world economy into a terrible whirlwind which we have never seen and most of countries have extremely suffered from the vicious spiral of inflation, chronic deficit of international balance of payment. Under these hard, circumstances, Protectionism gradually has become a pronounced tendency in international trade and most of advanced countries have reinforced various kinds of import barriers against the manufactured exports from the less developed countries(LDCs). On the other hand, the growth rate of GNP, export and production in some less developed countries exceeded by far those of the developed countries though they have also suffered much from oil shock and restrictive barriers in advanced countries. Moreover they began to be a threatening compotitors to major advanced countries in some industries such as textiles, footwear, electronics etc, gaining a comparative advantages and making inroads into the established markets of the advanced countries. In this way, now challenges from the so-called NICs in addition to the economic hardship of advanced countries itself has given an impetus to the reinforcement of protective policy in 1970s. Here, we can find a predominant fact; in 1970s, most of advanced countries reinforced the so-called non-tariff barriers(NTB) including import quota system, instead of raising tariff rate as an instrument of import restrictive policy. It can be said, in a sense, as a inevitable tendency because the advanced countries have decreased the tariff rate of so many items through 7 rounds of, tariff negotiation including the famous Kennedy Round and also, the advanced countries can not help accepting the previously negotiated tariff rate as a given fact which is difficult for them to raise again for the purpose of import restriction from other countries. Korea has made a remarkable economic progress in 1960s-1970s concentrating on oversea export under the circumstances of free trade all over the world. However, from the beginning of 1970s, Korea's sensitive items of many industries are being faced many export barriers including the quantitative restriction such as import quota, voluntary export restraint etc, in connection with the so-called new protectionism and restrictionism on the newly industrialized countries in most of advanced countries and it is the most important thing for our country to take measures against such a hard circumstances of international trade. Therefore, I tried to analize the status of the recent import quota system imposed on Korea's export goods by the major developed countries, and also measured several effects on the structure of export supply in Korea as well as that of import demand in the developed countries.

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