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      • The Gibeonites Story in the Perspective of Torah focusing on herem

        육천은(Lu Tianen) 평택대학교 피어선신학전문대학원 2021 국내석사

        RANK : 233247

        Gibeonites Story in the Book of Joshua is still a controversy about the contradiction between the Torah and the covenant. This thesis will find the influence of ḥerem in Torah and conclude the Gibeonites Story by analyzing the text and comparing scholars’ ideas on this event. Chapter two will analyze the history of research by collecting the ideas of scholars about the Gibeonites Story. Chapter three and four will explore the text of Joshua 9-10:15, and conclude the influence of ḥerem and refer to the purpose of ḥerem and speculate how did God react to this event. This thesis adopts the existing canon as a basis for this study and concludes from the Torah’s perspective, and deals with the controversial problems. The Gibeonites Story in the perspective of the Torah will have a different point of view. Although the Gibeonites had been guilty of deceiving the Israelites, they were not without merit. Although Israel has the right to exercise ḥerem, it was not free to burn or plunder. Only God accepted the sinful Gibeonites and forgave the negligent Israelites.

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