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      • 비구조화된 탐구 학습이 고등학교 과학영재의 사회적 자기효능감, 민주 시민 의식 및 메타인지에 미치는 영향

        유화수 아주대학교 2015 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구의 목적은 비구조화된 탐구 학습이 고등학교 과학영재의 사회적 자기효능감, 민주 시민 의식과 메타인지에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 알아봄으로써 인성 교육이 강조되고 있는 영재교육에서 사회적 자기효능감, 민주 시민 의식과 메타인지를 양성하기 위한 방법의 하나로써 생각해보는 기회를 갖는데 있다. 연구를 위해 서울특별시 소재 고등학교 과학영재 1학년 17명과 2학년 19명을 대상으로 사회적 자기효능감, 민주 시민 의식 및 메타인지에 대한 사전검사를 실시하였고, 비구조화된 STEAM 프로그램 12차시를 적용한 후 사회적 자기효능감, 민주 시민 의식 및 메타인지에 대한 사후검사를 실시하였다. SPSS 프로그램으로 대응표본 t-검정을 한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 비구조화된 탐구가 고등학교 과학영재의 사회적 자기효능감에 미치는 영향은 비구조화된 탐구학습이 영재 학생의 사회적 자기효능감을 높여주는 것으로 나타났다. 하위영역 중에서는 도움요청에서 유의미한 향상이 나타났다. 둘째, 비구조화된 탐구가 고등학교 과학영재의 민주 시민 의식에 미치는 영향은 비구조화된 탐구학습이 영재 학생의 민주 시민 의식을 높여주는 것으로 나타났다. 하위영역 중에서는 민주주의 기능에서 유의미한 향상이 나타났다. 셋째, 비구조화된 탐구가 고등학교 과학영재의 메타인지에 미치는 영향은 비구조화된 탐구학습이 영재 학생의 메타인지을 높여주는 것으로 나타났다. 이와 같이 고등학교 과학영재를 위한 프로그램 개발시 사회적 자기효능감, 민주 시민 의식 및 메타인지를 향상시키는데 효과적인 비구조화된 탐구에 대한 고려가 필요할 것으로 생각된다.

      • 채만식의 소설연구

        유화수 全北大學校 大學院 1987 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Chae, Manshik inherited the tradition of social criticism and satire from the tradition of Korean literature, and the works written in 1930's are his representative works. He was born in 1904 in'Impi' which was an important country of cultivation of rice and he was a son of a rich farmer. This determined his literary character as an external cause. That is to say, 'Impi' was a center between 'Choˇlla-do' and 'Ch'ungch'oˇng-do' and the trade between farm products and marine products was good. Besides this is the place where exploitation of the feudal ruling classes was severe. So in this place many resistant movements of peasants took place against it. Under the Japanese reign their economic invasion began at this area and more severe economic exploitation than at any other place was enforced. Chae, Manshik who was born in that enviroment could experience collapse and confusion of the period. The economic ruin of his family, rich farmer, under the Japanese reign made him convince these facts. He suffered from early marriage through all his life, and this made him search for customs. He wrote works which represented real life and customs of the folk, criticizing proletarian literary theory. As for him, technique of literature was just as important as substance-ideology-of works. Chae, Manshik shows three attitudes on society through his works. First, he opposes vices and contradictions of the society. Second, he accepts contradictions of the society and intents to surmount it. Third, he shown a satirical attitude intending collapse of the society. His first attitude made the intellect works which are 'Gwadogi', 'Ready made life', 'Ch'isuk', 'Somang', 'The grave of a defeater', The protagonists of these works are intelligentzia which opposes the society and they do not stop their resistance though economic penury. On the one hand, the works after 'Ch'isuk' are colored by nihillism. The work as the second attitude is 'T'angyu'. Colony conditions are reprosented widely in this work. The condition is cofusion of a sense of direction on life raised by collapse of traditional Confucian ideas and severe poverty by Japanese exploitation. The writar expresses colonized society by presenting the character of three types about this condition. Namely, he has 'Choˇngjusa' and'Ch'obong', the eldest daughter, represent the character losing a fight against society. And he creates 'Hyoˇngbo' and 'Kotaesu' as character which takes advantage of the vice of the society but at last falls into self-ruin. 'Nam, Suˇngjae' and 'Kyebong', the second daughter, was presented as affirmative character efforting to conquest the corrupt society by their sound value view. In the third type, there is 'Taepyoˇngchoˇnha' which satirizes the contradiction of the society and intends its collapse. Through this work the writer satirizes the epoch by expressing the contradictory life and the view of the world of 'Yunchikwoˇn', the pro-Japanese landower. And by entering 'Chonghak new generation, he foretells that the present society will be collapsed by its extreme contradiction and entering the new view of the world.

      • 주관적 경험을 통한 유토피아에 관한 상상과 회화적 표현 연구 : 본인의 작품을 중심으로

        유화수 국민대학교 일반대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 논문은 본인의 무의식에 내재한 억압된 소망이 '연상작용'을 통해 상상하는 과정을 거쳐 비현실 세계로 존재하는 가상 공간이 유토피아 이데올로기를 내포하고 있음을 연구한다. 연구의 배경은 현대사회의 문화적 속박으로부터 야기 된 공포가 본인의 주관적 경험에 잠재된 무의식적 불안을 사유하는 과정으로부터 시작된다. 무의식적 내면세계의 불안과 공포의 대응으로 생성된 상상물은 본인의 주관적 감정이 개입된 특정한 소재에 의미를 부여하고 그것들을 이미지화 해 승화시키는 것을 목적으로 한다. 무의식적 정신활동으로부터 발생하는 불안의 심리작용은 실제 행동에 영향을 주면서 그로 인해 억압된 소망이 생성된다. 이러한 과정의 심리적 요인들은 이미지로 전환되어 맞물려지게 되고 내적 연관성과 우연성을 사고하는 과정으로 상상이 발생한다. 무의식 속 불안심리가 내재되어 표출되는 상상은 창조성을 유발하고 생각이 확대되도록 하는 원동력이며 현실과 비현실을 넘나들 수 있는 정신적 행위로 감각 세계와 이성 세계를 연결해준다. 상상은 실재세계에서 시간과 공간의 개념을 구분 짓는 관념들을 흐리고 현실에서의 불가능한 일들을 가능하게 하면서 비현실 세계로의 이행을 도모한다. 위와 같은 상상적인 연상은 끊임없이 이루어지며 본인은 이 감각적 체험을 '환상'이라고 상정하였다. 환상으로 나타나는 비현실 세계는 주관적 감정이 개입된 상징적 소재들로 하나의 완성된 집단으로 구축된다. 현실에서의 공포로 작용한 불안이 환상으로 나타나는 연구자의 작업에서 무의식 속 내재된 억압으로 생성된 소망과 욕망을 승화시키며 더불어 현실과 비현실을 넘나드는 생각들이 생성되기를 기대하였다. 본인의 작업은 유토피아라는 주제를 바탕으로 초현실주의와 프로이트의 언캐니한 감정과 미술사적 사례에 대해 서술하고 있다. 이러한 연구를 통해 무의식 속 불안의 감정이 비현실적 세계로 표출되고, 혼성적 표현 양상이 미술에서 나타나는 의미를 본인의 작품과 비교 분석하는 방식으로 전개된다. This study analyzes that virtual space existing as an unreal world connotes utopia ideology, after the suppressed wish inherent in this researcher’s unconsciousness undergoes the process of imagination through ‘associations’. The background of this study starts from the process where fear caused by cultural restraints thinks and reasons unconscious anxiety inherent in subjective experiences. Imaginations created by responding to anxiety and fear in an unconscious inner world give a meaning to specific materials involving subjective feelings and aim to turn them into an image. The psychology of anxiety incurring from unconscious mental activities has an impact on actual behaviors, thereby forming suppressed wish. The psychological factors of this process are transformed into an image and interlinked so that imagination occurs through the process of thinking internal association and contingency. Imagination, in which anxiety in unconsciousness is inherent and expressed, is a driving force of creativity and broader thinking and a psychological action of traveling beyond reality and unreality to connect the worlds of the senses and rationality. Imagination blurs the notions differentiating time from space in a real world and promotes transit to unreality world while turning an impossibility into a possibility. This imaginative associations are constantly made, and this researcher suggested this emotional experience as ‘fantasy’. An unreal world expressed as fantasy is constructed by a complete group consisting of symbolic materials that subjective feelings enter into. This researcher hopes to sublimate the wish and desire created by suppressed pressure inherent in unconsciousness and create thoughts traveling beyond reality and unreality in this researcher’s work where anxiety serving as fear in a real world is expressed as fantasy. This researcher’s work describes surrealism, Freud’s uncanny feelings and art historical cases based on a theme of utopia. Through this study, anxiety in unconsciousness is expressed in an unreal world, and this study analyzes the meaning in which hybrid expressions are shown in art by comparing to this researcher’s work.

      • ‘도시 성장의 이면과 개인’ 을 주제로 한 작품연구 : 본인 작품을 중심으로

        유화수 동국대학교 2012 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        Since Korean independence, accelerated civil=engineering-centered development has seemingly enriched our lives. However, due to thoughtless development heavily relying on construction, Korea became a prime country with unnecessary construction projects spreading throughout the nation, and problems (environmental increase in a suicide rate) stemming from the phenomenon are occurring. Development continues to be regenerated through the forming of a society and an expansion of a development culture, which has a great effect on individual life. People's expectations for a more comfortable life have led to a reliance on a grand-scale development project in the name of civil engineering, which was deemed a great success. Such expectations have made people abnormally rely on construction, and, in turn, development became pervasive and individual's comfortable lives distorted and tainted. Under grand-scale projects led by a nation and few powerful men, countless individuals were reduced to accessories, not entities. The content of my work is a study on life for individuals who have been living in a development-oriented country based on civil engineering that has been developing and accelerating since the last few decades. Work begins from collecting materials, which are mainly composed of materials and wastes found in interior construction or construction sites. As for my work, I viewed such wastes as a reflection of alienated individuals living in a development-centered society. Through the course of creating my work, The use of scaffolding boards and scaffolding pipes often seen in construction sites changed from means of helping construction worker's labor to furniture that may be used in real life (chandelier, dressing table, chair, and rides). Also, wastes from many construction sites or demolition sites undergo a similar process by changing into accessories or furniture. Through this process, I wish to show a process of a re-understanding of objects used in comfortable life expected by individuals currently living in a development-prioritized society. At the same time, I attempted to symbolically express the construction between a development-centered society as now part of our life and individual lives.

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