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      • 인지의미론적 관점에서 본 한국어와 스페인어의 색채어 비교연구

        위진경 韓國外國語大學校 KFL大學院 2020 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        This thesis is a study on the metaphor and metonymy expressed in color expressions of Korean and Spanish from the cognitive semantic point of view. From the cognitive semantic point of view, a considerable portion of the meaning in color expressions is motivated by the metaphoric knowledge possessed by language users. This thesis attempts to look into several examples of conceptual metaphors and metonymies expressed in modern Korean and Spanish color expressions and reveal their characteristics. In Chapter 2, various theories on the metaphors and metonymies are reviewed. Both concepts are the main topic of cognitive semantic theory, the theoretical background of this thesis. In Chapter 3, the metaphors and metonymies in the color expressions are analyzed. This analysis shows that Korean and Spanish color expressions which obtain meaning based on conceptual metaphors and conceptual metonymies are motivated by the image schema and the physiological metonymy. In Chapter 4, the characteristics of metaphors and metonymy from the Korean and Spanish color expressions analyzed in Chapter 3 is comprehensively studied. Both Korean and Spanish have the similar color terms. But in Korean, we can see more derivation forms than Spanish because of the higher tendency to make new words. And the results of this study are as follows:
Most of the color terms in both Spanish and Korean have similar extensional meanings. These two languages also produce several different meanings. It should be concluded, from what has been said above, that color terms are systematically motivated by semantic extension mechanisms, and that most expressions exhibit metonymic motivation, upon which numerous color terms are based and then extended metaphorically. This study confirms that the meaning of color terms of Korean and Spanish does not lose relevancy to the literal meaning and the metaphors and metonymy involved in the formation of meaning in idioms are not dead-metaphors which have no function, but are clearly and spontaneously connected with literal meaning in our conceptual system.

      • 행성상 성운 NGC 6210의 가시광 영역 분광자료 연구

        위진경 충북대학교 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 248623

        허블망원경 영상에 의하면 NGC 6210은 JET로 추정되는 가스가 4방향으로 분출되는 특이한 운동학적인 요동이 나타나는 행성상 성운이다. 본 연구에서는Kwitter와 Henry(1998), Plillps와 Cuesta(1996)등의 저 분산 분광자료와 Hyung and Aller가 관측한 고 분산 분광자료를 분석·비교하였고, 팽창속도 연구에는 Lick Observatory에서 Hamilton Echelle Spectrograph(HES)를 사용하여 관측한 고 분산 분광자료를 이용하였다. 연구에 사용된 분광선은 HⅠ, HⅡ, HeⅠ, HeⅡ, CⅡ, CⅢ, NⅡ, NⅢ, [NⅡ], [OⅡ], [OⅢ], [NeⅢ], [SⅡ], [SⅢ], [ClⅢ], [ClⅣ], [SiⅡ], [ArⅢ]들로, 이 선들의 자세한 선 윤곽은 IRAF와 StarLink/Dipso를 이용하여 분석하였다. 선의 FWHM(Full Width at Half Maximum)을 측정하여 팽창속도를 구했고, StarLink/Dipso에 의해 두 개의 선으로 분리되는 선 윤곽을 분석하여 행성상 성운의 가속 팽창여부를 확인하였다. 또한 다양한 허용선을 이용하여 얻은 화학원소 함량비로 NGC 6210의 진화과정을 추정하였다. 행성상 성운 NGC 6210은 50억년 보다 이전에 태양보다 큰 질량의 원시별로부터 진화된 것으로 추측된다. 행성상 성운의 물리적 특성 연구는 CLOUDY CODE 광 이온 모델을 사용하여 진행하였다. 행성상 성운 가스의 수소밀도(NH)는 6,300cm-3, 행성상 성운까지의 거리를 2000pc로 가정하였을 때, 행성상 성운 중심별의 온도는 78,000K이고 구각(shell)의 크기는 0.060~0.068pc이었다. 모델로부터 얻은 행성상 성운의 화학 원소함량비가 우리은하 원반종족의 행성상 성운의 값과 비슷하게 나타난 것으로 보아 전형적인 원반종족으로 보인다. In accordance with the image on Hubble Space Telescope, NGC 6210 is a planetary nebula having specific kinematic shaking involving a characteristic that the gas presumed as JET is belched up in 4 directions. Low dispersion spectral data by Kwitter and Henry(1998) and Plillps and Cuesta(1996) et al. and high dispersion spectral data observed by Hyung and Aller were analyzed and compared in this study. For resolve the expansion velocity of planetary nebula, this study used high dispersion spectral data observed with using Hamilton Echelle Spectrograph(HES) in Lick Observatory. Spectral lines used for this study was HⅠ, HⅡ, HeⅠ HeⅡ, CⅡ, CⅢ, NⅡ, NⅢ, [NⅡ], [OⅡ], [OⅢ], [NeⅢ], [SⅡ], [SⅢ], [ClⅢ], [ClⅣ], [SiⅡ], and [ArⅢ], and profile of these lines was analyzed with using IRAF and StarLink/Dipso. FWHM(Full Width at Half Maximum) of line was measured to calculate the velocity of expansion, and increase velocity of expansion was identified by analyzing the line profile which was divided into two lines, and comparing the velocity of expansion with using StarLink/Dipso. Also the evolution of NGC 6210 was presumed by calculating the chemical abundance with using various permitted lines. It is assumed that a planetary nebula NGC 6210 was evolved from a protostar bigger than the sun more than 5 billion years ago. The study on the physical characteristics of planetary nebula was progressed with using CLOUDY CODE. If it is assumed that hydrogen density(NH) of planetary nebula gas is 6,300cm-3 and the distance to planetary nebula is 2000pc, the temperature of central star is 78,000K, and the radius of shell is 0.060~0.068pc in planetary nebula. According to the results from this model, the chemical abundance of planetary nebula is similar to the value of planetary nebulae of Disk population in our Galaxy, so it is considered as typical Disk population.

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