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      • 보건실이용 남녀 초등학생의 건강상태 및 학교생활만족도 비교

        원경희 경희대학교 교육대학원 2002 국내석사

        RANK : 248655

        The objective of research is to examine the actual utilization of the clinics at school and the relationship between the health condition and the satisfaction level with school life, to provide the findings as the basic data for the consultation with parents, the education, and the guidance for children's health, and to contribute to the qualitative enhancement of health management at school. The research was conducted from April through October 2001 with the subjects of 283 pupils in the fourth, fifth, and sixth grades at four elementary schools located in Gyeonggi-do Province. The tools used for the measurement were the Satisfaction Level with School Life composed of 24 question items, which was based on the version used by Choi, Eun-Yeong(1999) with the adjustments and supplementations appropriate for children's use, and the Health Scale composed of 51 question items, which was based on the Symptom Check List(SCL-90) and Cornell Medical Index(CMI), again with the adjustments and supplementations appropriate for children's use. In the analysis of the data, SPSS program was used for the computerized statistics. Frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, x2-test, and t-test were used, depending on the objective of research and the characteristics of variables. And Pearson's correlation coefficients(r) were calculated for the satisfaction level with school life and the health condition. The findings of research include the followings: (1) In the comparison of the homogeneity in the demographic-sociological characteristics for male and female pupils, 'eldest son or eldest daughter' showed the highest distribution in the offspring ranking for both male (41.2%) and female(51.3%) subjects, and 'high school graduate' was the most frequent observation in the education of mothers for both male(64.9%) and female(67.8%) pupils, with the higher figures for female subjects in both characteristics. (2) In the comparison of the homogeneity in the characteristics relating to the utilization of clinics at school for male and female pupils, the highest response was 'very satisfied' for male pupils(45.0%) and 'satisfied' for female pupils(48.0%). (3) In the comparison of the health conditions of male and female pupils, the areas with significant difference(p=<.05) by the sex were eyes & ears, respiratory system, nervous system, skin, musculoskeletal system. The health condition of male pupils was better than that of female pupils. (4) In the comparison of the satisfaction level with school life of male and female pupils, the analysis showed significant difference in 'physical environment of school' by the area, and 'pleasure of the participation in extracurricular activities' and 'natural company of classmates at school' by the question item. Male pupils were proved to be more satisfied with school life than female pupils. (5) In the comparison of the health condition by the demographic-sociological characteristics, the significant difference between male and female subjects was found in '40-49 years of age' for fathers, 'graduate of university or above' for father's education, 'graduate of university or above' for mother's education, 'house-keeping' for mother's job, 'personally owned house' for economic level. The health condition of male pupils was better than that of female pupils. (6) In the comparison of the health condition by the characteristics relating to the utilization of clinics at school, the significant difference between male and female subjects was found in '3-4 times', '4-6 times', and '7 times' for the frequency of visit, 'headache' for the symptom of visit, and 'shorter than one hour' for the duration of visit. The health condition of male pupils was better than that of female pupils (7) In the comparison of the satisfaction level by the demographic-sociological characteristics, the areas of significant difference between male and female subjects were 'sixth grade' for school year, 'middle' for offspring ranking, 'graduate of middle school or lower' for father's education, 'graduate of middle school or lower' for mother's education, 'skilled worker' for father's job, and 'rented house' for economic level. The level of satisfaction with school life was higher among male pupils than among female pupils (8) In the comparison of the satisfaction level with school life by the characteristics relating to the utilization of clinics at school, the significant difference between male and female pupils was pointed out in 'very satisfied' for the level of satisfaction with clinics, 'treatment' for the service received during the visit, 'rest time' for the segment of visiting hour, '3-4 times' for the number of visits. The level of satisfaction with school life was higher among male pupils than among female pupils (9) In the relation between the health condition and the satisfaction level with school life, the two factors indicated a reverse correlation(r=-.285, p=<0.05) for male pupils, thus the lower the mental health point, the higher the level of satisfaction with school life. For female pupils, however, the two factors showed a positive correlation(r=-.436, p=<.05), which went in tandem, thus the better the state of mental health, the higher the satisfaction level with school life. The satisfaction with school much affected the health condition for both male and female pupils. On the foundation of these findings, it would be required to provide parents and teachers with the educational and consulting service for the normal growth and development of pupils and their satisfactory school life, to develop the roles of nursing teachers as health consultants for the understanding and solution of health problems of pupils in school, and to strengthen the improvement of the environment surrounding the clinics and the system relating to the overall health-care at school. For the success of the health projects at school, common initiatives are essential among the education professionals interested in the pupils' health and the health specialists interested in education. In other words, those who are responsible for educational administration should be aware of the importance of the pupils' health, and the health authority should understand the commitments of education. Both parties should cooperate each other in order for the school health to be extended as a part of educational program. On the basis of the findings, following suggestions are made for the future studies: (1) The research was conducted with the collection of the data based on self-responses, and with a focus on the pupil's utilization of the clinics at school and the relationship between the health condition and the satisfaction level with school life. As the psychological aspects of the children visiting the clinics were not considered, the qualitative research would be needed in further studies. (2) In order to maximize the pupils' utilization of the clinics at school and their satisfaction level with school life, the facilities of the clinics should be expanded, the functions of health consultation and environmental examination should be augmented, and the level of pupils' utilizati on and their confidence in them should be enhanced with the amicable atmosphere and care. (3) Institutional, political, and environmental assistance should be directed to the health projects at school with a view to improving the pupils' health by the individuals, family, community, and state.

      • 성폭력 피해 생존자의 적응 모형 구축

        원경희 경희대학교 대학원 2008 국내박사

        RANK : 248655

        1990년대 이후 성폭력 문제는 우리나라에서 심각한 사회문제로 대두되었다. 특히 성폭력은 성에 대해 가장 부정적인 영향을 미치는 중대한 사건으로 성폭력 피해 생존자의 심리적, 정서적, 대인관계적 문제를 야기 시켜 인간다운 삶을 영위하기 어렵게 할 뿐만 아니라, 결혼 후 가정적으로도 문제가 될 수 있는 소지가 많다. 그러나 성폭력에 대한 이러한 부정적인 견해는 오히려 성폭력 피해 생존자에 대한 편견을 조장한다는 점과 최근 성폭력 피해 생존자에 대한 연구에서 성폭력은 상담과 치료를 통해 적절히 기능하거나 잘 기능하고 있다는 결과에 따라 성폭력이라는 위기상황에서도 성공적으로 적응하는 회복력 관점에서의 접근이 시도되고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 성폭력 피해 생존자의 심리적 적응을 설명하고 예측하기 위한 모형을 개발하기 위하여 회복력 요인을 중심으로 시도하였다. 선행연구와 문헌고찰을 토대로 McCubbin과 McCubbin(1993)의 가족회복력 모형에 개인회복력 요인을 포함한 가설적 모형을 구축하고, 수집된 자료와의 적합성을 검정하였다. 외생변수는 가족기능, 사회적지지, 내생변수는 자아존중감, 외상후 스트레스장애, 성폭력 대처방식, 성폭력 귀인, 희망, 성폭력 피해 생존자의 심리적 적응을 포함한 8개의 이론변수와 측정변수로 구성하였고, 측정도구는 타당도와 신뢰도를 확인한 후 사용하였다. 자료는 2007년 8월부터 2007년 10월 말까지 서울, 경기, 인천, 경남, 전북 등의 지역에 소재한 성폭력 상담소 및 쉼터 11개소와 여자 고등학교 및 남녀공학의 4개 고등학교 1~2학년 전체학생 총 1,500명을 대상으로 자가보고형 설문지를 이용하여 자료를 수집한 후, 본 연구 대상기준에 해당되는 성폭력을 경험한 학생 총 84명의 설문지를 선별하여 사용하였다. 수집된 자료의 분석은 SPSS WIN 14.0 프로그램과 AMOS(Analysis of Moment Structure) 7.0 프로그램의 구조방정식 모형을 이용하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 모형의 적합도 분석결과 1) 가설적 모형의 적합도를 검정한 결과 χ²=3.592(p>.05), χ²/df=1, GFI=.989, CFI=.985, NFI=.982, NNFI=.589, RMSEA=.179로 나타나 가설적 모형과 경험적 자료가 비교적 부합되는 것으로 판단되었으나 부분적으로 모형의 수정이 필요한 것으로 나타났다. 2) 수정모형에서는 통계적 유의성과 이론적 타당성을 고려하여 2개의 경로를 제거하였다. 수정모형의 적합도는 χ²=2.161(p>.05), χ²/df=2, GFI=.993, CFI=.999, NFI=.989, NNFI=.987, RMSEA=.032로 모형의 간명성과 전반적 적합지수에 있어서 가설적 모형보다 개선되었다. 2. 가설 검정 결과 가설검정결과 27개의 가설 중 14개의 가설이 지지되었으며 내생변수별 검정결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 성폭력 피해 생존자의 심리적 적응에 가장 큰 영향을 준 요인은 외상후 스트레스장애였다. 외상후 스트레스장애가 낮을수록(β=-.672, t=-7.073), 자아존중감이 낮을수록(β=-.224, t=-2.270), 성폭력 귀인이 낮을수록(β=-.192, t=-2.495), 성폭력 대처방식(β=-.168, t=-1.969)이 긍정적일수록 성폭력 피해 생존자의 심리적 적응정도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 이 변수들은 심리적 적응을 56.3% 설명하였다. 2) 희망에 가장 큰 영향을 준 요인은 자아존중감이었다. 자아존중감이 높을수록(β=.333, t=3.178), 사회적지지(β=.294, t=3.085)가 높을수록, 성폭력 대처방식(β=.279, t=3.125)이 부정적일수록 성폭력 피해 생존자의 희망정도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 이 변수들은 희망을 47.4% 설명하였다. 3) 성폭력 귀인에 가장 큰 영향을 준 요인은 가족기능이었다. 가족기능(β=-.260, t=-2.477)이 낮을수록 성폭력 피해 생존자의 귀인정도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 이 변수들은 성폭력 귀인을 16.5% 설명하였다. 4) 성폭력 대처방식에 가장 큰 영향을 준 요인은 외상후 스트레스장애였다. 외상후 스트레스장애(β=.461, t=3.844)가 높을수록, 자아존중감(β=.269, t=2.093)이 높을수록 성폭력 대처방식정도가 부정적인 것으로 나타났다. 이 변수들은 성폭력 대처방식을 16.0% 설명하였다. 5) 외상후 스트레스장애에 가장 큰 영향을 준 요인은 자아존중감이었다. 자아존중감(β=-.417, t=-3.807)이 낮을수록, 사회적지지(β=-.201, t=-.340)가 낮을수록 외상후 스트레스장애정도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 이 변수들은 외상후 스트레스장애를 28.0% 설명하였다. 6) 자아존중감에 가장 큰 영향을 준 요인은 사회적지지였다. 사회적지지(β=.482, t=4.924)가 높을수록 자아존중감정도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. 이 변수들은 자아존중감을 25.9% 설명하였다. 본 모형에서 외상후 스트레스장애와 성폭력 대처방식, 성폭력 귀인은 부적으로 성폭력 피해 생존자의 심리적 적응에 매우 의미있는 직접효과가 있었으며, 자아존중감은 성폭력 피해 생존자의 심리적 적응에 부적으로 직접효과가, 정적으로 간접효과가 있었고, 사회적지지는 정적으로 생폭력 피해 생존자의 심리적 적응에 간접효과가 있는 것으로 규명되었다. 결과적으로 성폭력 피해 생존자의 개인회복력 요인은 성폭력 피해 생존자의 심리적 적응에 직?간접적인 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났고, 가족회복력 요인은 성폭력 피해 생존자의 심리적 적응에 간접적 영향을 주는 것으로 나타나, 본 모형은 회복력 요인을 중심으로 한 성폭력 피해 생존자의 심리적 적응을 설명할 수 있는 간명하고 적절한 모형이라고 할 수 있다. 또한 외상후 스트레스장애와 자아존중감, 성폭력 귀인, 성폭력 대처방식은 성폭력 피해 생존자의 심리적 적응에 직접적인 영향을 미치는 중요한 요임임과 동시에 자아존중감은 성폭력 피해 생존자의 심리적 적응에 간접적으로도 영향을 미치는 중요한 요인임을 알 수 있었으며, 사회적지지는 성폭력 피해 생존자의 심리적 적응에 간접적으로 영향을 미치는 중요한 요인임을 알 수 있었다. 본 연구에서 검정된 변수들은 간호중재를 통하여 위기상황에 놓인 가족과 성폭력 피해 생존자의 회복력 요인이 됨을 확인할 수 있었다. 따라서 본 연구의 결과는 가족전환이나 다양한 위기상황에 놓인 대상자 가족의 심리적 적응 및 정신건강 증진을 위한 간호중재 및 교육 프로그램 개발 시 성폭력 피해 생존자와 가족의 회복력 요인으로 활용할 수 있다고 본다. The changes of values and life styles related to the rapid information era cause the sex problems to be socially disclosed these days. The sexual violence has become a big social issue since 1990s. Especially the sexual violence, which is the worst case that affects the notion of sex badly, brings the survived victims of sexual violence to suffer with psychological, emotional, and interpersonal problems so they can hardly lead a normal life. After getting marriage, they can have possible family problems because of that. However, these negative standpoints on it foster a biased view against them. The recent researches on them also show that sexual violence can be handled well with counsels and treatments. These things indicate that the new approach focusing on a resiliency factor, which helps them to recover form the crisis situation such as sexual violence, is necessary. With this background, this study was aimed to develop a model based on resiliency factor in order to predict and explain the psycho-adaptation of the survived victims of sexual violence. The hypothetical mode on the basis of former studies and review of literatures, which merged a personal resiliency factor with the family resiliency model of McCubbin & McCubbin (1993), was constructed, and its fitness was verified with collected data. Exogenous variables in this model were family function and social support. Endogenous variables of it was consisted of eight theoretical factors and measurement factors such as self-esteem, post-traumatic stress disorder, sexual violence coping strategies, sexual violence attribution, hope, and psycho-adaptation of the survived victims of sexual violence. The instrument was employed after checking out its validity and reliability. Empirical data for testing the hypothetical model were collected using self-report questionnaire at 11 sexual assault counseling centers and shelters in Seoul, Gyeonggi, Incheon, Gyeongnam, and Jeonbuk, and 4 high schools from August 2007 to October 2007. Questionnaires of 84 subjects who experience sexual violence were selected from 1500 collected questionnaires. The collected data were analyzed by SPSS WIN 14.0 program and the structural equation model of AMOS(Analysis of Moment Structure). The results of this study were summarized as follows. 1. The fitness analysis of the hypothetical model. 1) In the test of hypothetical model to the empirical data, the overall fitness indices were shown to have a good fit to the empirical data(χ²=3.592(p>.05), χ²/df=1, GFI=.989, CFI=.985, NFI=.982, NNFI=.589, RMSEA=.179). However, the hypothetical model needed to be modified. 2) The modified model was constructed by deleting two paths in accordance with the statistical and theoretical criteria. Compared to the hypothetical model, the revised one had better fit to the data(χ²=2.161(p>.05), χ²/df=2, GFI=.993, CFI=.999, NFI=.989, NNFI=.987, RMSEA=.032). 2. The results of testing hypothesis were followed; The results of testing hypothesis revealed that 14 hypotheses out of 27 ones could be supported, and the results of each endogenic variables were followed. 1) The post-traumatic stress disorder had the greatest effect on the psycho-adaptation of the survived victims of sexual violence. The lower post-traumatic stress disorder(β=-.672, t=-7.073), self-esteem(?? =-.224, t=-2.270), sexual attribution(?? =-.192, t=-2.495), and the more positive sexual violence coping strategies(β=.168, t=1.969) they had, the higher extend of psycho-adaptation they showed. These variables explained the psycho-adaptation of the survived victims of sexual violence about 56.3%. 2) The self-esteem had a significant effect on the hope. The higher selfesteem( ?? =.333, t=3.178), social support(?? =.294, t=3.085), and dysfunction of sexual violence coping strategies(β=.279, t=3.125) they showed, the higher extend of hope they had. These variables explained the hope about 47.4%. 3) The family function had the greatest effect on the sexual violence attribution. The lower family function(?? =-.260, t=-2.477) they had, the higher attribution they showed. These variables explained the sexual violence attribution about 16.5%. 4) The post-traumatic stress disorder had the greatest effect on sexual violence coping strategies. The higher post-traumatic stress disorder(?? =.461, t=3.844), self-esteem(β=.269, t=2.093) they showed, the more dysfunctional in sexual violence coping strategies they were. These variables explained the sexual violence coping strategies about 16.0%. 5) The self-esteem had a significant effect on the post-traumatic stress disorder. The lower self-esteem(?? =-.417, t=-3.807) and social support(?? =-.201, t=-.340) they had, the higher extend of post-traumatic stress disorder they had. These variables explained the hope about 28.0%. 6) The social support had the greatest effect on the self-esteem. The higher social support(?? =.482, t=4.924) they had, the higher self-esteem they showed. These variables explained the self-esteem about 25.9%. Results of this model indicated that post-traumatic stress disorder, sexual violence coping strategies, and sexual violence attribution had direct influence on the psycho-adaptation of the survived victims of sexual violence. The self-esteem had direct influence on the psycho-adaptation of the survived victims of sexual violence, and the social support had indirect influence on it. Thus, the personal resiliency factor had a significant direct and indirect effect on the psycho-adaptation of the survived victims of sexual violence. The family resiliency factor had a significant indirect effect on it. These things suggested that the model in this study was a simple and clear model based on the a resiliency factor that could explain the psycho-adaptation of the survived victims of sexual violence. Furthermore, the post-traumatic stress disorder, sexual violence attribution, self-esteem, and sexual violence coping strategies were significant factors that affected the psycho-adaptation of the survived victims of sexual violence directly. At the same time, the self-esteem was a significant factor that affected it indirectly. The social support was also an important factor having an indirect influence on it. With the help of nursing intervention, the verified variables in this study were confirmed as a resiliency factor of families in a crisis situation and survived victims of sexual violence. In short, results of this study could be utilized as a resiliency factor of survived victims of sexual violence, when it was needed to develop a nursing intervention and a training program to promote the mental health of families in the various situation of crisis and family transition.

      • 선천성 고혈압쥐에 있어서의 Na+, k+- ATPase 활성도에 관한 연구

        원경희 이화여자대학교 대학원 1988 국내박사

        RANK : 248639

        고혈압의 발생기전에 관해서는 현재까지도 밝혀지지 않고 있으나 순환계 조직 세포막을 통한 비정상 이온 이동이 상당히 중요한 역할을 할 것으로 생각되고 있다. 세포막에 있는 Na^+, K^+ - ATPase는 세포막을 통한 Na^+과 K^+의 능동수송에 관여하는 막 효소로써 이 효소의 억제는 세포내 Na^+ 농도를 증가시키고, 세포내 Na^+ 농도의 증가는 세포막 내외의 Na 농도차를 줄여 Na^+ 유입과 Ca^2+ 유출기전 (Na^+ - Ca^2+ exchange mechanism) 을 억제하여 세포내 Ca^2+ 농도를 증가시키고 결국 세포내 유리 Ca^2+ 농도의 증가로 심근의 수축력 또는 혈관의 긴장도를 증가시킬 것으로 추정된다. 지난 수년 동안 몇몇 연구가들이 사람의 선천적 고혈압의 기전을 밝히려는 수단으로 선천성고혈압쥐 (Spontaneously hypertensive rat, SHR)를 모델로 하여 많은 실험을 한 결과, 선천성고혈압쥐의 심장이나 혈관에서 분리한 Na^+, K^+ - ATPase의 활성도가 정상혈압쥐 (Spraque-Dawley, SD)에 비하여 감소되어 있음을 보고한 적이 있다. 그러나 Na^+, K^+ - ATPase 활성도가 감소한 것인지는 알 수가 없다. 본 실험은 이를 규명하기 위한 실험으로 선천성고혈압쥐(SHR)와 정상혈압쥐(SD)를 사육하면서 생후 1주부터 격주로 각 동물을 희생시켜 심근에서 sarcolemma를 분리하고 Na^+, K^+ - ATPase 활성도의 변화를 측정하여 비교하였다. 또한 Garay와 Meyer(1979)에 의하여 사람에서 선천성고혈압을 진단하기 위한 수단으로 제안된 적혈구와 혈장의 양이온(Na^+, K^+) 농도를 측정하는 법을 평가하기 위하여, 각 동물을 희생시킬 때에 심장천자로 혈액을 채취하여 선천성고혈압쥐와 정상혈압쥐의 성장도중 적혈구와 혈장의 Na^+과 K^+ 농도 변화를 측정 비교하여 얻은 실험결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 선천성고혈압쥐(SHR)는 정상혈압쥐(SD)에 비하여 성장도중 심장무게가 더 증가하였고 생후 15주~17주면 전형적인 고혈압 증세를 보였으며 심근에서 분리한 sarcolemma의 Na^+, K^+ - ATPase 활성도는 성장하면서 점점 감소하였다. 2. 선천성고혈압쥐(SHR)는 정상혈압쥐(SD)에 비하여 서앙하면서 적혈구내 Na^+ 농도가 증가하고, 혈장내 Na^+ 농도는 감소하였으며 반대로 적혈구내 K^+ 농도가 감소하고 혈장내 K^+ 농도는 증가하였다. 3. 한편 다른 세포막단백질인 Ca^2+ - ATPase의 활성도를 측정 비교한 결과 선천성고혈압쥐(SHR)와 정상혈압쥐(SD) 간에 의의있는 차이를 볼 수 없었다. 이상의 실험결과로 보아 선천성 고혈압쥐는 성장도중 순환계 조직 세포막의 Na^+, K^+ - ATPase 활성도가 점점 감소함으로 세포막을 통한 Na^+ - Ca^2+ 교환펌프를 억제하여 세포내 Ca^2+ 농도 증가로 심근의 수축력 또는 혈관의 긴장도가 증가하여 고혈압이 유발된 것으로 생각된다. 또한 세포막의 Na^+, K^+ - ATPase 활성도의 억제는 세포막내외의 Na^+과 K^+의 분포 이상을 초래하여 세포내 Na^+ 농도의 증가와 K^+ 농도의 감소를 가져오며 이러한 변화는 적혈구와 혈장에서도 볼 수 있었고 Garay와 Meyer 등이 적혈구와 혈청내 Na^+, K^+ 농도와 이동속도 측정으로 선천성고혈압을 실험실에서 진단할 수 있도록 추천한 그들의 새로운 방법이 의의있는 것으로 평가되었다. 그러나 이 실험의 결과로는 Na^+, K^+ - ATPase 활성도의 변화가 먼저인지 혈압의 변화가 먼저인지는 아직도 확실히 알 수 있다. Although the mechanism of the development of hypertension has not been fully elucidated, abnormal ion transport across the cardiovascular mscle membrane may play some role in this mechanism. The elevation of intracellular sodium by inhibition of the Na^+, K^+ - ATPase diminishes the sodium gradient for calcium extrusion and/or increase Na^+/Ca^++ exchange across the cell membrane. In any event, contractility and vascular tone of cardiovascular system can be increased as result of an increase of intracellular calcium. Recently it is reported that the defects of Na^+, K^+ - ATPase occur in spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) hearts, compared to control normotensive Splague Dawley (SD) rat hearts. However, one missing, unresolved question arose in the previous reports is whether the reduced Na^+ - pump activity in the heart of SHR is associated with the development of hypertension itself in these animals or is a consequence of inherited pathological features that later result in a reduced pump activity. In order to clearify this question it is attempted to measure the changes of the Na^+, K^+ - ATPase activities in cardiac sarcolemma purified from both the normotensive SD rats and SHR rats during growth; Simultaneously the changes of cation concentration in both intracellular space (RBC) and extracelluar space (ECF) are measured to assess the erythrocyte test (Garay and Meyer) applied to the clinical investigation of essential hypertension. The results obtained are summarized as follows: 1. The systolic blood pressure of 7 week old SHR was 120-130 mmHg, which was not significantly different from that of 19 week old SHR. On the other hand, SHR, in which hypertension was well established had pronounced cardiac hypertrophy. 2. The Na^+, K^+ - ATPase activities in cardiac sarcolemma of the SHR rats were decreased gradually as hypertension established. The decrease of Na^+, K^+ - ATPase was well associated with the increase of intracellular potassium concentration. By contrast, the Na^+, K^+ - ATPase activities and cation transports of the normotensive SD rats were not significantly changedduring growth. 3. The changes of Na^+, K^+ - ATPase activities in SHR were specific because the activities of Ca^++ - ATPase which is one of the membrane bound enzyme were nt changed during growth. From the above results, alteration of Na^+, K^+ - ATPase in cardiovascular muscle during growth appeared to be a major factor which generated hypertension in SHR rats. However, question on how the-Na^+, K^+ - ATPase activities are decreased and which event is initiative between reduction of Na^+, K^+ - ATPase and development of hypertension are still remained unclear. Recent literature suggests that there might be a genetic factor, so-called Na^+ - pump inhibitor, involved in this meachanism.

      • 영어 외래어의 음운·형태·의미변화에 관한 연구

        원경희 금오공과대학교 교육대학원 2006 국내석사

        RANK : 248639

        A language borrows a lot of words from other languages, when there are cultural contacts. The Korean language has borrowed many words from other languages, among which English tops the list. Loan words are borrowed mainly in the noun form, and less frequently in verb and adjective forms. These loan words change in their phonology, morphology and meaning from the source language to the target language. This thesis refers only to English loan words used in the Korean language. The thesis aims to help English learners to reduce the errors they might make when they communicate in English, by analyzing the differences between the correct English words and English loan words in three aspects: Phonology, Morphology, and Semantics. English loan words introduced into the Korean language generally show features in the three aspects as follows: First, in a phonological aspect, they change to fit into the Korean phonological structure of words. This change is caused since no exactly corresponding sounds exist in Korean. Spelling pronunciation also causes changes, making the situation a lot worse. One reason is that formerly English loan words came indirectly from Japanese. Nowadays, this problem of spelling pronunciation is decreasing, because many young people learn English directly from native speakers of English either directly or experience the culture through direct or indirect contact. Another problem is that the stress patterns of the English loan words are radically different from those of the original English nouns, which causes a lot of difficulties in communicating in English. Second, morphological forms of English loan words frequently show differently from the English words. These words are results of several word-formation methods such as compounding, derivation, blending, clipping, and acronymization. It is the general trend that English loan words are used predominantly by the younger generation, the entertainment world, TV, fashion industry and so on. I examined and classified some English loan words according to their word-formation methods. Thirdly, English loan words experience semantic extension or narrowing, as well as semantic pejoration or amelioration when they are accepted as a part of Korean. Loan words change in semantic field and/or in semantic value. The change in semantic field includes the extension, specialization, and transfer of meaning. The change of semantic value includes pejoration and amelioration of meaning. We learn English to communicate in English. Therefore, to become a good communicator of English, it is very important that the recognition of the differences between correct English and English loan words. If we ignore this, we have serious difficulties when communicating in English. Fortunately, today's Korean students come into contact with correct English, which makes it easier for them to use it. In conclusion and as a suggestion, the teacher should make a constant effort to consult the dictionary each time they meet English loan words and encourage students use the correct English corresponding to them.

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