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      • 水生植物을 利用한 水質淨化system 開發에 관한 硏究

        왕승호 조선대학교 환경보건대학원 1998 국내석사

        RANK : 247647

        This studies on the removal rate of COD, SS, T-N, T-P in batch type reactor and reactor in series by using parsley and reeds. And it also investigate how much Nitrogen and phosphorus are Contended in the tissues of parsley and reeds. Conclusions are as follow ; 1. Parcely has achieved 42% COD removal rate, 55% SS, 10% T-P and 41% T-N were removed, for retention time 48 hours. Residual concentration of COD case 6.1mg/ℓ, SS 11mg/ℓ, T-P 1,112mg/ℓ and T-N 4.9mg/ℓ. So, removed ratio of COD : T-N : T-P can be shown as 4.93 : 3.53 : 0.17. 2. Removal rate of COD is 29% in batch reactor taking reeds in case of SRT 2days. And SS 62%, T-P 7%, T-N 36%, were found, which means, all of them but SS are less removed than in the reactor taking parcely. 3. Nitrogen and phosporuos content in the tissues of parcely are 40.4 % and 9.2 % respectively in batch reactors taking parcely, with 2 days SRT. When considering the Nitrogen content of sample, 2.8% and P content 0.19% were increased to N 37.6%, P 9%, with 2 days SRT, N.P contents of sample, 2.1%, 0.14 N content was rised 0.7% and the case of P has 0.07% increased. 4. Reactors of parsley in series has achieved 42% COD removal late, 62% SS, 10% T-N, and 46% T-P, Effluent water COD has 5.8mg/I, 8.13mg/I SS, 0.84mg/ℓ T-P and 4.09mg/ℓ T-N were achieved. Their concentration ratio is 4.23 : 3.43 : 0.08(mg/I) 5. Batch reactors of reeds having SRT 2days has achieved 19% COD removal hate, 67% SS, 7% T-P and 32% T-N, not as high as purcely's overally.

      • 폐수 처리용 인라인 순간 혼화기의 혼화 및 응집특성

        왕승호 全南大學校 2007 국내박사

        RANK : 247631

        폐수 처리용 인라인 순간 혼화기의 혼화 및 응집특성 왕 승 호 전남대학교 대학원 건설∙환경공학과 (지도교수 : 문형부) (국문초록) 기술혁신과 신기술에 의한 PI(Process Intensification) 개념의 적용은 모든 산업분야에서 강조되고 있는 세계적인 추세이다. PI 개념은 제작 및 공정의 획기적인 진보, 설비의 소형화 및 고 효율화를 통해 신뢰성과 가격 경쟁력을 높일 수 있는 새로운 장치 및 기술을 개발하는 것이다. 본 연구는 수처리 공정의 응집약품 혼화시스템에 적용할 수 있는 새로운 설계조건의 인라인 믹서 엘리먼트를 개발하고, 인라인 정적 혼화기술을 응용한 응집약품 혼화시스템의 혼화 및 응집특성 규명을 목적으로 한다. 본 연구에서는 먼저 Sulzer SMX형에 비해 압력손실을 줄이기 위해 용접부를 최소화한 끼워 맞춤 구조의 YHC-05형 엘리먼트를 개발하였으며, 개발된 엘리먼트의 성능실험을 위해 압력손실 및 혼합율 측정시스템을 제작하고 압력손실 및 혼합율 특성에 대해 실험적으로 규명하였다. 물을 실험유체로 사용한 특성실험에서는 평균적으로 Sulzer SMX형에 비해서 YHC-05형의 압력손실이 약 2.7% 정도, 마찰손실은 약 3.2%정도 낮게 나타났다. 헤어스타일링 젤을 사용한 혼합율 특성실험에서는 Sulzer SMX형이 YHC-05형에 비해 약 2% 정도 혼합율이 높게 나타났다. 또한 고 점성의 글리세린과 상대적으로 저 점성인 물에 대해 Sulzer SMX형과 YHC-05형의 마찰계수 대한 실험식을 제시하였다. 다음으로는 처리원수 저장조, 혼화 및 응집부, 응집제 및 응집보조제 주입부, 컨트롤 패널 그리고 응집침전조로 구성된 수 처리용 3단 인라인 약품 혼화시스템을 개발하였으며, 혼화 및 응집부에 개발된 YHC-05형 엘리먼트를 장착하고 터널공사 현장의 폐수를 대상으로 급속혼화 및 응집특성에 대해 실험적으로 규명하였다. pH는 8.5, 탁도가 1000NTU인 처리원수에 대해 응집보조제인 폴리머의 주입량을 0.36mL/L로 일정하게 유지하고 응집제인 PAC의 주입량을 변화시킴에 따라 약 6∼4% 정도의 응집율을 나타내었다. 또한 4가지 속도경사 조건에서 각각 응집제와 응집보조제의 주입량을 동일하게 변화시킨 조건에서 응집제의 증가에 따른 탁도 제거효율은 약 6.5∼8% 정도 증가한 반면에, 응집보조제의 증가에 따른 탁도 제거효율은 약 20∼21.5% 정도로 3배정도 증가하였다. 처리수의 경과시간에 따른 탁도 변화는 샘플링 후 1분경과 시에 처리원수 탁도의 약 10% 정도로 감소하며, 약 5분경과 후에는 처리원수 탁도의 약 5%정도까지 감소하였다.

      • 高麗後期 浮屠의 風水地理的 特性硏究 : 普照國師, 圓眞國師, 眞覺國師 浮屠 中心으로

        왕승호 동국대학교 2018 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        On the Korean peninsula, where mankind has settled down since the Paleolithic era, burial was the main way of funerary service when a person died. For many generations, the fengshui has been used as a key factor in the selection of the burial place, just as it has been for the selection of the dwelling place. Cremation was performed with the introduction of Buddhism, but it did not completely replace the practice of burial. At the end of the Silla period, as Buddhism was suppressed in the Tang Dynasty, Zennists returned to Silla and learned the fengshui to find a good place for the Zen. Thereby, the theoretical foundation of the native Fengshui was established by the Zennists. Not being able to settle in the capital of Silla, the Zennists scattered to the provincial areas and Fengshui naturally spread to all over the country by them. Due to the frequent conflicts over the succession of the throne, the central royal power wasn’t strong enough to fully control the whole country. Powerful local families called themselves generals or kings and formed their own forces. In addition, low class noble intellectuals who were dissatisfied with the strict caste system of the time and the high class nobles who lost their power to the king and returned to their hometown supported the monks of Zen Buddhism. In this way, their complementary relationship was formed. As the royal family also sponsored the local Buddhist temples to check these local forces, nine large Buddhist temples were made nationwide. Instead of relying on the scriptures, Zen Buddhism, which focuses on individual asceticism, regards the teachings of the Master as absolute and considers the pass into Nirvana of the Master to be as important as the pass into Nirvana of the Buddha. In order to honor the achievement of the master, and to show the status of the temple, a large and splendid Stone Stupa was erected. Unlike other sculptures in temples, Stone Stupas were erected after the construction of the buildings and also served as a grave. Fengshui was an essential factor in choosing the burial ground at that time. Therefore, in spite of the fact that a Stone Stupa, which is an object of worship and pilgrimage, should not be built so far from the temple, its location was selected after considering Fengshui as much as possible. In the early days, only the Zennists built Stone Stupas. In the Goryeo dynasty, however, the monks of non-Zen Buddhism also built Stone Stupas. For a while, Stone Stupas were no longer made because of Uicheon’s movement. But Stone stupas were constructed again by Jinul, who got support from the late Goryeo dynasty. Jinul reestablished the Korean Buddhism by undergoing a complete change of the temples and its services and teaching numerous people to participate in Jeonghyegyeolsa movement. Since then, Songgwang-sa has become the center of the Korean Buddhism. Hyesim, who became the second national master after Jinul, is thought to have played a leading role in the Jeonghyegyeolsa, not merely a successor of Jinul. In Zen, it is essential that a disciple follows the practices of his master. However, Hyesim's Stone Stupa does not follow the style of his master, Jinul, but follows the form of Seunghyeong’s Stone Stupa, which is also geographically far apart. The Stone Stupa of Jinul is located inside the temple and therefore, its role as a grave was excluded. on the other hand, it seems that the location of the Stone Stupa of Seunghyeong and Hyesim were chosen with fengshui theory in mind. According to the records, Seunghyeong met Jinul in Chogye Mountain and asked for the Buddhist teachings and then left for Odae Mountain. After Seunghyeong died, Hyesim visited Bogyeong Temple and preached Buddhist doctrine to the monks there. It seems that Seunghyeong and Hyesim had a very close relationship. Seunghyeong was sponsored and supported by Choi Chung-heon, the ruler of the Military regime, and Hyesim got the support from the son of Choi Chung-heon. It cannot be denied that the commonalities of supporters played a decisive role in their way of building the Stone Stupa. In this paper, I will examine the fengshui and its application found in the Stone Stupa of Jinul, Hyesim and Seunghyeon.

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