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      • 大加耶圈 石室墓 硏究

        오재진 경상대학교 대학원 2016 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        An archaeological study on the Daegaya region together with the Geumgwan Gaya region in Gimhae is a critical part of the archaeological research into the Gaya region. Studies have been conducted with focus on a large variety relics excavated from stone lined tombs and their surrounding remains. On the contrary, there have been relatively few studies on stone chamber tombs that well reflect the fast-changing society at the time as part of the radical changes in funeral and burial customs introduced and settled in around the 6th century. Notwithstanding it, several studies were conducted but left something to be desired due to the lack of examination into a number of topics, including the concrete background of introduction of Baekje style stone chamber tombs and their dissipation, localities and local differences between Goryeong and Hapcheon regions that served as a heartland to Daegaya, introduction of stone chamber tombs with horizontal entrance and their evolvement, introduction of Silla-style stone chamber tombs after the collapse of Gaya, preservation of local tradition seen during the process of gaining popularity and the introduction of new building techniques. Against this backdrop, this study has made new attempts of classification and stage settings for stone chamber tombs in the Daegaya region as part of the effort to properly address the issues described above, based on which I have sought to revive the overall development of stone chamber tombs identified in the Daegaya region and their historical significance in consideration of relevant historical implications. A variety of stone chamber tombs in Goryeong and Hapcheon regions that served as a heartland to Daegaya have been classified into a number of categories with walk-in stone chamber tombs and horizontally-prepared stone chamber tombs classified into 12 and 13 categories, respectively, which in turn were set to different stages, depending on several different factors, including the form and stage of construction as well as structural characteristics such as temporal and spatial variation, different styles and shapes of entrance, and the shape of plane surface of the burial chamber to examine the architectural and historical implications in each stage. First of all, the period of building walk-in and the horizontally-prepared stone chamber tombs can be classified into four different stages: the second quarter of the 6th century, third quarter of the 6th century, fourth quarter of the 6th century and the 7th century and afterwards, which are also named the period of introduction, expansion, prevalence and decline. The period of introduction, or Stage 1, saw a distinct difference in structure of tombs between Goryeong and Hapcheon although the both belong to the same Daegaya. That is, Goryeong adopted horizontally-prepared stone chamber tombs under the influence of Baekje while Hapcheon chose Silla style walk-in stone chamber tombs. This noticeable difference in the form of tombs is assumed to reflect historical backgrounds at the time characterized by close kinships between Daegaya’s ruling class and Baekje that resulted in building horizontally-prepared stone chamber tombs in Goryeong and the matrimonial alliance between Daraguk as a part of Daegaya Confederation and Silla that explains the Silla style walk-in stone chamber tombs and relics found in Hapcheon. The period of expansion, or Stage 2, features expansion of Baekje style horizontally-prepared stone chamber tombs that originated from the Goryeong region to the Hapcheon region and adoption of Baekje style walk-in stone chamber tombs even among general public. These Baekje style walk-in stone chamber tombs used coffins, which indicates sustained affinity toward the Baekje region and contained the Okjeon style iron-plate ritual utensil with bird decorations that demonstrates the preservation of regional tradition. This is also the period when stone chamber tombs with a variety of forms were built by accepting changes from the previous periods over time and adopting new factors attained from the outside while preserving the tradition of stone chamber tombs in previous periods. However, this period also saw huge historical changes in and around the Gaya region, which were incorporated into building stone chamber tombs. That is, in the third quarter of the 6th century, or the beginning part of this period, Daegaya and Gaya in the western Gyeongnam region were destroyed by Silla marching west. The period of prevalence, or Stage 3, saw the demise of Baekje style stone chamber tombs that were found in the period of introduction in the Daegaya region and a sharp rise of Silla stone chamber tombs even among general public, and in the fourth quarter of the 6th century with a little bit of influence of Daegaya left, Silla enforced its local system with focus on Daeyaju established in 565 in the Goryeong region where Daegaya collapsed but this was a chaotic period marred by severe conflicts and clashes between Silla and Baekje as indicated by the Daeyaseong battle that occurred in 642. Under these circumstances, stone chamber tombs built in the Daegaya region were mostly influenced by Silla. The period of decline is characterized by a noticeable decrease in the number of stone chamber tombs and their size also shrunk, resulting in the prevalence of small stone chamber tombs. And the existing graveyard sites gave way to new graveyard sites. These disruptive changes that included the establishment of new graveyard along with the standardization and reduction of stone chamber tombs in terms of structure and scale are presumably due to the regulations by Silla’s ruling class on burial customs upon establishment of control over major regions throughout the country. During the period of introduction through prevalence, most traditional items typically found in burial chambers in Okjeon graveyard sites, including wooden cover, iron-plate ritual utensil with bird decorations, coffin nails, coffin hooks, metal fittings for coffins, and other tomb related structure went out of sight, presumably walking on the path to demise, and stone chamber tombs started to get unified and standardized under the influence of Silla.

      • CRM을 통한 금융기관의 경영성과 향상 방안에 관한 사례분석

        오재진 중앙대학교 산업.창업경영대학원 2009 국내석사

        RANK : 247631

        본 연구는 CRM을 통한 금융기관의 경영성과 향상 방안을 분석해 보았다. 디지털 혁명시대에 금융기관의 경영 방식도 많은 패러다임의 변화를 일으키고 있다. 끊임없는 고객과의 소통 속에서 고객의 이해와 욕구, 전반적인 Needs 등을 그때그때 반영하지 못하면 고객과의 관계를 유지할 수 없을 뿐만 아니라 새로운 고객 창출도 어려울 것이다. ◁표 삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) 고객의 성장을 통해 금융기관도 성장할 수 있음을 시사해 준다. 다양한 고객의 Needs에 부응하기위해 CRM 이라는 개념이 부각되었고 이 또한 점차로 발전해 나갈 것이고 지금도 발전을 거듭하고 있다. 본 연구에 대한 연구 모형과 가설에 대한 요약은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 조직적 요인이 많이 작용할수록 고객만족이 높아지는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 최고 경영진의 적극적인 참여 및 지원 그리고 의견수렴이 가장 큰 영향을 보이는데 이것은 곧 최고 경영진은 진정한 고객 Needs에 만족시키려면 적극적인 참여와 이에 따른 지원이 필요시 되고 최일선의 실무자 의견을 수렴하고 권한이 위임될 때 고객만족은 이루어진다고 보여 진다. 둘째, 전략적 요인에 있어서는 고객만족에 있어 그다지 영향을 미치지 않을 것으로 나타났다. 각 실무자들이 그들이 가지고 있는 정보를 전략적으로 공유하고 그에 따른 CRM 전략을 수립하는 데는 타당성은 있으나 만족에 있어서의 평가는 그리 높지 않았다. 하지만 각 금융기관들은 우수 고객들에 대한 차별화된 마케팅은 갈수록 치열해져가는 금융환경 속에서 가장 성공적인 이유임은 분명해 진다고 보여 진다. 셋째, 기술적 요인은 고객데이터 통합관리 상태가 좋을수록 고객만족도는 높아진다고 나타났다. 고객데이터 통합관리는 고객 Needs에 부응하는 최접점의 관리로써 CRM 활용에 있어 가장 근본임을 나타낸다. 이에 각 금융기관들은 CRM 전략부서를 별도로 구축 운영하고 있으며 각종 고객데이터의 통합관리에 총력을 기울이고 있다. 하지만 전략부서의 지원은 두말 할 필요 없지만 이에 상응하는 중요한 일은 각 일선의 실무자들로 하여금 바로 바로 고객과의 교류를 통한 정보를 업데이트 하는 일도 중요한 역할이고 필수사항 일 것이다. 넷째, 성과가 고객만족에 미치는 요인으로는 성과가 클수록 고객만족은 높아지는 것으로 나타났다. 조직적 요인, 전략적 요인, 기술적 요인을 중심으로 통합, 운영, 관리함으로써 성과의 효율성이 높아지고 나아가서 수익성을 높일 수 있는 CRM의 성공적인 프로세스라 정의할 수 있다. 이러한 연구를 종합해 보면 최일선의 실무자들이 CRM 시스템을 정말 이해하면서 체계적이고 정확한 정보의 통합관리를 함으로써 경영의 효율성과 고객을 통한 장기적이고 안정적인수익구조를 실현할 수 있는 최선의 방법이라 할 수 있을 것이다. CRM은 조직 내 구성원과 최고 경영자의 경영철학, 고객 중심의 경영환경 조성이 선행되어야 한다는 점을 강조한다. 계속 업그레이드 된 CRM 구축, 고객 분석, 발 빠른 시장 대응을 통해 금융기관의 장기적인 수익구조를 아니 이익창출을 실현할 수 있기를 기대한다. This study tries to find ways to improve managerial performance in financial institutions through CRM(Customer Relationship Management). In this digital era, the paradigm of management in financial area is also changing much. If they could not reflect customers' perceptions, wishes, and general needs, they would not only lose relationships with existing customers, but also become hard to create the pools of new customers. It is easy to see that, through the growth in the number of customers, financial institutions can also grow. To meet customers' various needs, the concept of CRM has surfaced, is developing now, and will continue to develop. The outline of the model and hypothesis of this study is shown below. ◁표 삽입▷(원문을 참조하세요) First, it was found that, when organizational factors are in function, customer satisfaction increase too. And, here, it was discovered that CEOs' active participation, their support, and the consideration on many opinions were most influential, so it looks that, to meet customers' needs well, CEOs' vibrant involvement and supporting according to it are needed. And it was also found that collecting the opinions of managers on spot and the transferring of authority in decision-makings are also needed to gain customers' satisfaction. Second, it was found that strategical factors are not much influential on customer satisfaction. Although it would look reasonable that managers on spot are sharing information strategically and establishing CRM strategies, the result in customer satisfaction was not that satisfactory. But it seems that the differentiated marketing skills for VIP customers are some of the reasons for successes in this ever-increasingly competitive financial market. Third, in technical factors, it was found that, when the progress of collaborative management of customer data are more smooth and sound, the more customer satisfaction was satisfied. The collaborative management of customer data, as one of the best ways to meet customers' needs, can be perceived as the root in utilizing CRM. So each financial institutions are running independent offices made solely for CRM and trying their best in managing customer data effectively. The importance of supporting these offices is needless to say, and one more important and crucial thing to do would be that the managers on spot are interacting with customers and updating information. Forth, it was found that, when performance is higher, customer satisfaction subsequently increase. It would be possible to conclude that, by integrating and controlling organizational, strategical, and technical factors, we could bring about high performance and efficiency, and, eventually, raise revenue. In conclusion, if managers on spot understand CRM system well and handle information systematically and accurately, it would be one of the best ways in realizing sustainable revenue structure that could last long, through the efficiency in management and attaining customers. CRM empathizes that the mind of members and CEOs in organizations and the environment for customer-centered management should be prepared first. I hope that, through the establishment of updated CRM, the analyses of customers, and quick and fast response to markets, the lasting revenue structure in financial institutions and the creation of gains would be realized.

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